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hammondc 11-25-2012 01:29 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1754479)
The SEC looked good yesterday, boys! :banger

..... they hadn't played anybody over there in the ACC ("Almost Collegiate Conference")
And the one and only time I'll ever root for Lane Kiffin he can't come through, dammit.

Yep. My Clemson friends are very quiet today after getting punched in the mouth in their house against a weakened SC playing with a backup quarterback on his 2nd start of the season and 3rd string RBs. Lowest points they have put up all season and the first loss in 16 games at home (I think it was 16). GET SOME!

It was like this last year. Clemson jibber jabbering about dominating the A She She and then getting their bummies gaped open at SC. So...a 'mediocre' SEC gets the trabajo done on the best that the ACC has to offer. :sl:sl:sl

Powers 11-25-2012 01:50 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Agree with the quality of the ACC. You will probably recoil in horror but I went to Clemson for my Masters so I have to reluctantly root for them against your Comecocks. Yet as a Florida guy I'm never sad when Spurrier wins :tu

Powers 11-25-2012 01:52 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Was at the Battle of the Boot this year and in typical rivalry fashion you never know what to expect. Arkansas didn't back down and played probably their best game of the season, which ain't saying much though. Thought LSU was in real danger until Arkansas made Arkansas mistakes.

They cannot get rid of John L. Smith fast enough here in Hog Country

hammondc 11-25-2012 02:06 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1754517)
You will probably recoil in horror but I went to Clemson for my Masters.....

Not at all. I have lots of CU Almumni friends. Someone has to grow the taters and make the cheese. They make a HELLUVA good blue cheese there. :D

hammondc 11-25-2012 02:12 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by oooo35980 (Post 1754223)

Chizik might be out but I think he'll get another year, he is the only coach to win a NC at Auburn for 60 years, I don't think they'll fire him so easily.


Chizik is out. Shocker.

Powers 11-25-2012 02:43 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Thought he'd get canned.

One of the ESPN guys made a good point that Auburn-Bama constantly have the other in mind. Chizik haven such a horrible year while Bama is possibly going to its 3rd national title game in 4 years means he's gotta go. Can't let the gap b/w themselves and Bama grow is how they see it :2

icehog3 11-25-2012 03:16 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1754479)
But seriously guys - imagine if Ohio State wasn't on probation and we were to have an OSU-ND national title? I'd rather sponge-bath my Grandma than watch that :pu

I would have to root for the earthquake. ;)

Powers 11-26-2012 11:32 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Still sweet :D

Smokin Gator 11-27-2012 04:14 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
That one was a pop Mike. One of many in that game. Love every second of that 4th quarter. The replay on Breakfast with the Gators didn't have Mick Huber announcing. It was Casey Weldon and Nat Moore. Really interesting to hear the comments Casey Weldon had about Driscoll. He was raving about him!!

OLS 11-29-2012 04:30 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Awwww, I wanted him to be a lifetime sex offender......

Too bad. I can't even make tea anymore after this creep.

Bleez 11-30-2012 07:07 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1756981)
Awwww, I wanted him to be a lifetime sex offender......

Too bad. I can't even make tea anymore after this creep.

He and Al from Dadeville need to hang out on a deserted island. I hate idiot fans...actually, I hate idiots.

OLS 12-01-2012 03:25 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Looks like another game where conditioning is going to be the determining factor.
Right now UGA has the edge, but it will be who can stop the run in the 4th.
I can't believe I am watching this game.
Come on dawgs.

What I am waiting on is the contest at halftime where a lady throwing footballs
through a hole like Jerry West shooting free throws can beat a guy who thinks
he's peyton manning.

icehog3 12-01-2012 04:38 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Georgia is seizing the day so far in this won. Blocked FG for a TD return has them up 21-10 with 6:31 left in the 3rd. Wow.

hammondc 12-01-2012 05:07 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by ols (Post 1757976)
looks like another game where conditioning is going to be the determining factor.
Right now uga has the edge, but it will be who can stop the run in the 4th.


icehog3 12-01-2012 05:10 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1758004)

Don't count those chickens yet....

(Disclaimer...I am a Gators fan).

Gophernut 12-01-2012 05:10 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
What a game! Both teams taking punches and punching back. Great football.

Bleez 12-01-2012 05:12 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Punch. Counter punch. Repeat.

Roll Tide!

longknocker 12-01-2012 06:04 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Roll, Tide! Great Game By Both Teams, But I'm A Nervous Wreck!:D:banger:tu

oooo35980 12-01-2012 06:04 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Roll Tide! What a game, I'm speechless. A blocked FG for a touchdown, new record for rushing yards, came down all the way to the wire, it just doesn't get any better.

Gophernut 12-01-2012 06:14 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
One of the best games of the year, if not the best. But if I'm Notre Dame, I didn't see a team that they can't compete with. Should be a great game in Jan.

icehog3 12-01-2012 06:15 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
What a game!

Congrats to 'Bama and their fans, let's bring home a 7th consecutive SEC National Championship. Next game, I'm a Tide fan.

Congrats to Georgia and their fans for a great season, and their QB for a gutsy performance.

Bleez 12-01-2012 06:41 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Roll Tide!!! What a game! Second best I've ever witnessed...maybe 1B, behind Texas/USC NC game...

Makes it a lot easier to live in Athens for the next year for sure.

Bleez 12-01-2012 06:43 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Queue then"Fire Richt's" and "Bama won that game bc of the refs"... My FB feed is full of it already.

cmitch 12-01-2012 07:11 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
I'm celebrating with a T52. Can't wait to see Bama put the whoopass on some Irish.

hotreds 12-01-2012 07:18 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Great game!

icehog3 12-01-2012 07:37 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Bleez (Post 1758048)
Queue then"Fire Richt's" and "Bama won that game bc of the refs"... My FB feed is full of it already.

Always gotta blame it on someone besides their team. They played a great game against a team that was just a little bit better.

SvilleKid 12-01-2012 09:47 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Finally getting to watch game. First Saturday of December always family reunion in Mississippi for my mother's side of family. Mom is 84, oldest brother living (4 passed away already) is 90, and the baby of family (whose home the reunion is held) is 78.

Left there about game start time, but didn't listen to game, rather talk with mom. I got back home in time for the final Bama defensive stand! Only part I saw live. But it does make it easier to watch, knowing the final outcome!

Listening to those two jackass announcers (Vern and Gary) on that last drive, I got the impression that Georgia dominated the game, and Bama managed to squeak a win. At the end of the 3rd qtr (where I'm at now on dvr), I see a game that looks like both teams are playing hard, and it looks at this point that last team with ball could be the winner.

I sure hope there are better announcers calling the NC game. I cannot stand Vern and Gary. fast-forwarding thru most of the dead time between actual plays. That much LESS time to listen to them.

So far, I'm glad to see that Bama has stuck to running the ball!

icehog3 12-01-2012 10:07 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1757976)
Right now UGA has the edge, but it will be who can stop the run in the 4th.

Good call, Brad. :tu

Bruins Fan 12-02-2012 06:30 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
I don't watch much collage,but that was a great game:tu

OLS 12-02-2012 08:15 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Man, I was so sad to see that poor kid throw that ball where he threw it.
Even sadder that the wide receiver didn't intentionally drop it, I guess in the moment, he thought
he was awesome enough to make it into the endzone. So it comes down to poor old Matthew Stafford or
whatever his name is. You gotta throw it away and live to surf another day. They had bama RIGHT THERE for
the taking. At least a SEC team is heading for the Nat Champ. Shame it's the galactic empire. Come on Notre Dame. :r

Be careful what you wish for bama fans, Saban WILL bolt if you win another.

longknocker 12-02-2012 08:34 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1758278)
Man, I was so sad to see that poor kid throw that ball where he threw it.
Even sadder that the wide receiver didn't intentionally drop it, I guess in the moment, he thought
he was awesome enough to make it into the endzone. So it comes down to poor old Matthew Stafford or
whatever his name is. You gotta throw it away and live to surf another day. They had bama RIGHT THERE for
the taking. At least a SEC team is heading for the Nat Champ. Shame it's the galactic empire. Come on Notre Dame. :r

Be careful what you wish for bama fans, Saban WILL bolt if you win another.

I Like That, Brad, "The Galactic Empire"!:wnr:banger

longknocker 12-02-2012 08:37 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Be careful what you wish for bama fans, Saban WILL bolt if you win another.[/quote]

We Shall See, Brother, But I Say He Stays Until He Retires!:banger:tu

Powers 12-02-2012 12:18 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Now that was a great game! Fake field goals, blocked kicks, big hits, cant ask for much more. I was not expecting Georgia to be able to match the overall physicality of Alabama but to their credit they did and then some.

I will also echo the sentiments against Vern and Gary. They are god awful, especially Vern. He makes tons of mistakes a game and his only insight on a big play is "my goodness". I believe the national title game will be on FOX so we'll have Joe Buck callng but more importantly Erin Andrews back on the sideline :dr

Although I gotta disagree with ya Brad that Saban will leave if he wins another title. Where would he go? Don't see him going back to the NFL and he sure wouldn't leave for another college job. I think he'll be at Bama till he retires, so we'll have to get used to it :D

longknocker 12-02-2012 12:57 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1758331)
Now that was a great game! Fake field goals, blocked kicks, big hits, cant ask for much more. I was not expecting Georgia to be able to match the overall physicality of Alabama but to their credit they did and then some.

I will also echo the sentiments against Vern and Gary. They are god awful, especially Vern. He makes tons of mistakes a game and his only insight on a big play is "my goodness". I believe the national title game will be on FOX so we'll have Joe Buck callng but more importantly Erin Andrews back on the sideline :dr

Although I gotta disagree with ya Brad that Saban will leave if he wins another title. Where would he go? Don't see him going back to the NFL and he sure wouldn't leave for another college job. I think he'll be at Bama till he retires, so we'll have to get used to it :D

Thank You, Michael; I Definitely Agree!:) May The Best Team Win In The National Championship!:tu

icehog3 12-02-2012 03:15 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 1758345)
May The Best Team Win In The National Championship!:tu

You mean Alabama, right? :)

Bleez 12-02-2012 05:28 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Speculation is fun. So if Bama wins #15 and Saban bolts for another college gig where'd he go?

Only 3 open spots in the SEC (I think), Auburn, Tennessee and Arkansas. If he left the conference where would he go? ACC? Big 12? Big Ten? You'd think he'd wanna rebuild a team that plays in a "prestigious" conference. Or, for sharts and giggles we could say he's going to go to his Alma Mater (Kent State) and continue their growth.

Long month before the NC...too much time to think, haha...

longknocker 12-02-2012 05:45 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1758388)
You mean Alabama, right? :)

"Caught Me"!:D Yes, Sir!:banger

OLS 12-02-2012 05:53 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
What's that line from BoB?? "hey Gonorhea, Don't get hit in the face when Jerry throws in the sponge", lol.
There are a lot of places ol' Nicky could go where he would not have the intense pressure-cooker environment
that there is at the Capstone. He could go HOME, he could go away, he could die of an intensity-based heart attack.
I think he should go spend time with his family. Good luck in a month, that's one I won't watch. You guys enjoy it.

BHalbrooks 12-03-2012 01:12 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1758069)
Always gotta blame it on someone besides their team. They played a great game against a team that was just a little bit better.

As a Detroit Fan you should be used to seeing that. I have to avoid most of my friends/facebook when the Lions, Tigers, Wings, Wolverines, Spartans lose...

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1758278)
Be careful what you wish for bama fans, Saban WILL bolt if you win another.


Originally Posted by Bleez (Post 1758431)
Speculation is fun. So if Bama wins #15 and Saban bolts for another college gig where'd he go?

Only 3 open spots in the SEC (I think), Auburn, Tennessee and Arkansas. If he left the conference where would he go? ACC? Big 12? Big Ten? You'd think he'd wanna rebuild a team that plays in a "prestigious" conference. Or, for sharts and giggles we could say he's going to go to his Alma Mater (Kent State) and continue their growth.

Long month before the NC...too much time to think, haha...

I think he was meaning he'd leave for the NFL. I could be wrong. If Nick Saban leaves 'Bama for another College team, he's a ****ing moron. He's the Coach of the "Best" team in College football. I don't think they're the best, just like I don't think ND is worthy of the #1 spot either.

Not looking forward to the BCS Title game... I was hoping for Kansas State and Oregon. Oh well.

longknocker 12-03-2012 03:25 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
So If BAMA & ND Aren't The "Best" 2 Teams, Who Are? BAMA Was Rated #1 In All The Computer Polls & Rankings All Year Until They Slipped Up One Game & Lost To A&M. They Just Won The SEC Championship, Arguably The Most Difficult Conference In College Football. So Which College Team Is Better Than These 2?:confused:

emopunker2004 12-03-2012 03:37 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 1758612)
So If BAMA & ND Aren't The "Best" 2 Teams, Who Are? BAMA Was Rated #1 In All The Computer Polls & Rankings All Year Until They Slipped Up One Game & Lost To A&M. They Just Won The SEC Championship, Arguably The Most Difficult Conference In College Football. So Which College Team Is Better Than These 2?:confused:

Look at his avatar. Clearly Michigan is best :r

longknocker 12-03-2012 03:39 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1758615)
Look at his avatar. Clearly Michigan is best :r

Didn't BAMA Beat Them Earlier This Year?;):D

Ubiquitous 12-03-2012 04:20 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Hey, the SEC championship and Stanford vs. Oregon game were the best two games all season!

longknocker 12-03-2012 04:21 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Mrtoadzwildride (Post 1758624)
Hey, the SEC championship and Stanford vs. Oregon game were the best two games all season!


OLS 12-03-2012 06:21 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Gotta give them credit, though, at least the Tide won their division and their championship game in 2012.
More than we can say for last year, the hanging chads championship, when they won neither.

icehog3 12-03-2012 08:39 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1758594)
As a Detroit Fan you should be used to seeing that. I have to avoid most of my friends/facebook when the Lions, Tigers, Wings, Wolverines, Spartans lose...

Good thing I am just a Tigers fan then. ;)

But I know what you mean about those University of Michigan fans, they are obnoxious. ;)

oooo35980 12-03-2012 09:03 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1758653)
Gotta give them credit, though, at least the Tide won their division and their championship game in 2012.
More than we can say for last year, the hanging chads championship, when they won neither.

They beat the SEC champions like red headed step children in the only shutout BCS title game in history. You can argue that they shouldn't have gotten the chance to prove they were the best, but you can't argue that they weren't the best.

Powers 12-03-2012 09:49 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 1758612)
They Just Won The SEC Championship, Arguably The Most Difficult Conference In College Football.

Arguably?? :D

BHalbrooks 12-03-2012 02:43 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 1758612)
So If BAMA & ND Aren't The "Best" 2 Teams, Who Are? BAMA Was Rated #1 In All The Computer Polls & Rankings All Year Until They Slipped Up One Game & Lost To A&M. They Just Won The SEC Championship, Arguably The Most Difficult Conference In College Football. So Which College Team Is Better Than These 2?:confused:

ND Schedule:
They beat
Navy (Suck)
Purdue (Suck, won by 3)
MSU (Suck)
Miami (Suck)
Michigan (Won by 7)
BYU (Suck, won by 3)
Pitt (Suck, Won by 3 in 3OT)
Stanford (Won by 3)
Boston College (Suck)
Wake Forest (Suck)
USC (Won by 7 I think against a Freshman QB making his 1st start)

Michigan (Blowout, Weak Opponent)
West. Kentucky (Weak Opponent)
Arkansas (Weak Opponent)
Florida Athletic (Weak Opponent)
Ole Miss (Weak Opponent)
Missouri (Weak Opponent)
Tennessee (Weak Opponent)
3 LSU (Won by 3) First properly ranked Opponent, and they almost lost
19 A&M (Lost by 5) Second properly ranked Opponent, embarrassing loss
Western Carolina (Weak Opponent)
Auburn (Weak Opponent)
SEC Championship 3 Georgia (Won by 4) Properly ranked Opponent.

Bama and Notre Dame spent all season for the most part beating up on Weaker teams, especially Bama. I know they have their Schedules made out way in advance, but that doesn't mean they're undefeated or near to it record puts them at the top.

Just my opinion.


Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1758615)
Look at his avatar. Clearly Michigan is best :r

We could've easily won 3 more games if we put Denard at RB the entire game, and had Gardner take the helm.


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1758700)
Good thing I am just a Tigers fan then. ;)

But I know what you mean about those University of Michigan fans, they are obnoxious. ;)

I will kill you.

icehog3 12-03-2012 03:31 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1758851)
I will kill you.

Bring it. :D

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