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Ahbroody 11-05-2010 03:43 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Met Brad Stuarts wife today. She lives out here in Los Gatos with Brads two little boys and a girl. Ones 4 and ones 2. Met her at a local pizza place while our kids were playing inside. Tried to get her to get her son in minimites will see what happens.

Nice lady, good kids.

bscottskangum 11-05-2010 04:55 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Just looked at the games on tonight's slate....not too many off them are very intriguing to me. Probably end up watching Bruins v Caps

Ahbroody 11-06-2010 05:11 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I am wondering if this trend will continue.

After Ericson jumped Brule you kind of expected a return jump.

Tom Jumbo got 2 games for the hit
Ouch 77k thats gotta hurt.

Carcillo hit. LOL at announcers cause Carcillo isnt know for cheap shots. :r
I liked the Ranger response.

Just an awesome hits video

sikk50 11-06-2010 06:56 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
In the first video, looks like the ref to a nice shot to the cheek

icehog3 11-06-2010 08:23 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1051960)
Carcillo hit. LOL at announcers cause Carcillo isnt know for cheap shots. :r

icehog3 11-06-2010 08:24 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 1052030)
In the first video, looks like the ref to a nice shot to the cheek

Actually took one right in the mouth...that's what happens when you jump in to early w/o your partner, and put one fighter at a disadvantage. :2

Ahbroody 11-06-2010 08:44 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Some interesting discussion on the hot stove and on Sharks feed about Thorton.
David Perron said basically: I dont know what he's supposed to do there not hit me and let me skate past? Thats not right.

Alex Pietrangelo admitted it was a buddy fock pass and said it was partly his fault. He also was not sure how Thorton could have played it any different.

Everyone is in agreement that the hit was not malicious. Even Perron said the hit was not malicious and Joe had to make the hit or he would have been on a break out.

Many experts are arguing this was not a violation of the rules and feel Joe is being punished because hes 6'4". When the league was asked what Thorton should have done as to let him skate by or hit him or what. They did not have an answer. Seriously? You suspend a player and you have no advice on what the player should have done instead? WTF! He didnt drive into him he just braced for him to run into him.

There is also the issue that everyone is discussing that the Perron took a dive and clearly embelished it. Joe even said the guy took a dive calling him out publicly. Nice fuggin mess the league has created. Tall guys cant check little guys now.

icehog3 11-06-2010 08:47 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Another two games and it will all be forgotten, Mike. As long as the Sharks keep Niemi on the bench, they will be fine. ;)

Ahbroody 11-06-2010 09:00 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
As to what I posted earlier. Its getting stupid this was just a good clean hockey hit. I think they may need to start giving people a day off for this kind of shiz.

and again

icehog3 11-06-2010 09:08 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Your point is well taken, Mike. Last night in the Wings game, both the guys who "responded" to a hit on one of their teammates got 2 for instigating, 5 for fighting and a 10 minute misconduct. Maybe 17 minutes per incident would slow it down.

icehog3 11-06-2010 09:09 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1052097)
Actually took one right in the mouth...that's what happens when you jump in to early w/o your partner, and put one fighter at a disadvantage. :2

And he is doing the Wings - Canucks game tonight and sporting a fat lip.

E.J. 11-06-2010 09:43 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Great game by the Avs tonight...

Budaj has been very good filling in for Anderson...

icehog3 11-06-2010 09:46 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1052168)
Great game by the Avs tonight...

Budaj has been very good filling in for Anderson...

I can't root for the Avs when Craig is out of the line-up. :r

E.J. 11-06-2010 09:55 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1052170)
I can't root for the Avs when Craig is out of the line-up. :r

Come on Tom, these young guys are all kinds of exciting...:D

icehog3 11-06-2010 10:00 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1052182)
Come on Tom, these young guys are all kinds of exciting...:D

And direct competitors to my boys, E.J.....I give Craig a pass because he's a friend. ;)

E.J. 11-06-2010 10:03 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1052188)
And direct competitors to my boys, E.J.....I give Craig a pass because he's a friend. ;)

....guess you can extend that to the Avs a pass, because they are teammates of a friend...:tu


icehog3 11-06-2010 10:07 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1052192)
....guess you can extend that to the Avs a pass, because they are teammates of a friend...:tu


E.J. 11-06-2010 10:09 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

icehog3 11-06-2010 10:57 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Damn, why ain't I rich? :r

sikk50 11-07-2010 12:22 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread


Ahbroody 11-07-2010 09:40 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

You know there is just something different about a hockey player being interviewed from other sports.

for all you wings fans

jaypulay 11-07-2010 09:51 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
That Thornton suspension is a joke... When he asked the NHL what he could of done differently, they couldn't even answer!! Typical Bettman!!

Ahbroody 11-07-2010 08:13 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Zach Stortini stay the hell away from John Scott. :r

ChicagoWhiteSox 11-07-2010 09:13 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Not a good game for the Hawks tonight...
I did enjoy watching the Caps and Flyers game on NHL network though.

ChicagoWhiteSox 11-07-2010 09:17 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1053427)
Zach Stortini stay the hell away from John Scott. :r

This is going to be a good year for John Scott. He is as tough as anyone in the NHL and he can play. Watch out for Big John.

icehog3 11-07-2010 09:41 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1053427)
Zach Stortini stay the hell away from John Scott. :r

I liked it. :r

IBQTEE1 11-07-2010 09:59 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1053479)
Not a good game for the Hawks tonight...
I did enjoy watching the Caps and Flyers game on NHL network though.

I went to the game tonight and it looked worse live. They played strong in the 1st period we were looking for that in the 3rd.

Ahbroody 11-07-2010 10:18 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1053508)
I liked it. :r

Crap I just saw the part where his glove was already off before Stortitites got to him. I sw their first fight from last year he was definetly pissed at him and wanted another shot.

icehog3 11-07-2010 10:46 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1053530)
Crap I just saw the part where his glove was already off before Stortitites got to him. I sw their first fight from last year he was definetly pissed at him and wanted another shot.

Sortini came on the ice earlier in the game and bumped him. Scott caught him with a nice left in the mush before the linemen jumped in....Scott couldn't wait to get a hold of him.

ChicagoWhiteSox 11-08-2010 03:20 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by IBQTEE1 (Post 1053523)
I went to the game tonight and it looked worse live. They played strong in the 1st period we were looking for that in the 3rd.

Pisani had a nice goal 1st period, but other than that the Hawks seemed out of place again.

sikk50 11-09-2010 06:35 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1053530)
Crap I just saw the part where his glove was already off before Stortitites got to him. I sw their first fight from last year he was definetly pissed at him and wanted another shot.


bscottskangum 11-09-2010 06:48 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 1056207)

Looks like somebody is trying to smuggle some cantaloupes :r

E.J. 11-09-2010 09:02 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 1056207)

Good God....covering herself with Ducks paraphernalia, bet her parents are proud....;)


E.J. 11-09-2010 09:59 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Ahbroody 11-09-2010 10:05 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1056409)

Im with you brother. The Sharks have apparently decided to be an average team this year. Seeing a hell of a lot of no effort out there from some big name players:sh

Well some nights atleast. Then some nights they decide they will play.

sikk50 11-09-2010 11:11 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Tonight was a good night

icehog3 11-10-2010 12:56 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Heading to the Hawks game tomorrow.

DPD6030 11-10-2010 06:04 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1056508)
Heading to the Hawks game tomorrow.

Enjoy the game Admiral. Maybe I'll watch for you on t.v. :D

bscottskangum 11-10-2010 06:45 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Jackets wipping up on the's a shame I just got home from bowling and forgot to tivo it :td

bscottskangum 11-10-2010 07:38 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Jackets win 8-1. Maybe that will stop a little of the Blues momentum

ChicagoWhiteSox 11-10-2010 09:06 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
The Hawks just couldn't get the puck to the net tonight. Toews had a great chance late 3rd period but missed wide.

Ahbroody 11-11-2010 01:25 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Kovalchuk epic shoutout fail. He is not having a good season after signing that big contract.

icehog3 11-11-2010 01:32 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Hawks looks rotten tonight, but the beers were cold.

kugie 11-11-2010 05:12 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
The B's Win 7-4. 5 Goals in the third period. It's good to see they did not play well in this game the first two periods.
To see them come out and just kill the Pens was nice.
They look good this year, I know it's early but They are playing with a little more fire this year than they showed all of last year.:2

jmsremax 11-11-2010 06:21 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1058069)
The B's Win 7-4. 5 Goals in the third period. It's good to see they did not play well in this game the first two periods.
To see them come out and just kill the Pens was nice.
They look good this year, I know it's early but They are playing with a little more fire this year than they showed all of last year.:2

I'm concerned with their lack of scoring early in the game. This is the 3rd game that they can't find their groove until the third. Their passes have been sloopy, still have to dump and chase.....

Don't get me wrong I am glad they won, but this style of play won't work all time.

kugie 11-11-2010 06:28 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 1058110)
I'm concerned with their lack of scoring early in the game. This is the 3rd game that they can't find their groove until the third. Their passes have been sloopy, still have to dump and chase.....

Don't get me wrong I am glad they won, but this style of play won't work all time.

These next couple of games should really be a tough test of who this team really is. 3 games in 4 nights

jmsremax 11-11-2010 06:31 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1058116)
These next couple of games should really be a tough test of who this team really is. 3 games in 4 nights

Ya can't wait for tonight! :noon

There's never a dull moment at the Garden when the Habs are in town.

357 11-11-2010 06:42 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1058023)
Kovalchuk epic shoutout fail. He is not having a good season after signing that big contract.

That was an EPIC FAIL. :D

IBQTEE1 11-11-2010 08:12 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1057856)
The Hawks just couldn't get the puck to the net tonight. Toews had a great chance late 3rd period but missed wide.

They played the same way they did on Sunday. Argh!! I can't believe all the wide open shots that they missed.

SmokeyJoe 11-11-2010 10:37 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Heading to the 'Canes game tonight... Flyers in town - former 'Canes Coach Laviolette back in Raleigh.

Hoping for a good game.

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