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ahc4353 05-19-2011 06:01 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
At 11 or 12 or whatever they are bigger, stronger, faster. They have watched the older boys and pro's and can't wait to start checking. The problem is they don't know the first thing about giving a check or more importantly how to take, absorb or avoid one. For years they play with no knowledge of what checking is like then one day Johnny comes across the blue line with his head down and gets plastered by some big kid going 100 miles an hour just looking to clean his clock because he's waited years to do it. If they are taught early it wouldn't be such a "big deal" it would be just part of the game that they have learned like skating and stick handling.

Now, I'll open an even bigger can of worms, fighting. I think fighting should be taught as well, not so much the hitting but how to protect yourself. Kids that are talented can play at the Jr. level at sixteen playing against guys that are 20-21. Your kid is gonna fight if he wants to or not, it's going to happen. A sixteen year old getting his helmet ripped off and hammered by a 20 year old is not a pretty site. I had the boys work with a close friend that played for Boston College and played semi-pro on how to keep their balance, where to grab, how to clutch, how to fall, what to look for as far as what hand is going to be thrown etc. All in an effort to protect them from getting their a$$ handed to them. Mitch's first real fight was against a 20 year old and he was sixteen. He held his own, got in a couple and I would have called it a draw (I'm his dad :D). The point is he didn't get killed because he knew the basics of how to protect himself. He turned into a solid fighter that fought when he needed to protect himself or a team mate. I'm not saying I liked it, I'm just saying that I'm glad he learned the basics early.

If checking and fighting are "part of the game" they need to be taught, early.

Ahbroody 05-20-2011 01:05 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Good points Al. Good video links EJ.

I know Micahs age is likely affecting my view on checking. I dont know why I worry when he seems to enjoy the physical side of the game. I know they have checking clinics locally and they will let younger kids in on a case by case basis, but I think 7 turning 8 if very good and big enough was the earliest they will let them in. I know of one 7 year old who participated atleast in part of one. Not sure if any of the clubs work on it as well pretty sure his mite club wont.

Its funny the videos drive home the point and Al said this also, but kids skate with their head down too much. They also mentioned turning into the boards (like Sedin did the other night), as well as racing to the boards for the puck seemingly not worried about the forechecker or Dman whos coming right behind. My wife and I have been preaching to him about always keeping his head up. Practicing with the older kids these past months, and getting flattened a couple of times seems to have been huge for his understanding the importance. Oddly its when hes off the puck he has traditionaly had an issue. When he has it he seems to keep his head up looking for space. He works with the ball in the garage and its helped him to have pretty good puck control so hes not looking down. Today at the Stars practice the coach mentioned hes doing really well finding space with and without the puck by keeping his head up. He got one of his teams three goals in the scrim. So I am hoping all dads talks and getting nailed a couple of times by not looking around has helped. Will have to see if he develoos the other to habits so far he doesnt

Given hes already playing up and at the travel level I know there is a fair chance if he keeps the passion that he could play at some point where he may need to be able to fight. I know that will be tough for me. I actually thought about starting to work with him on balance while grappling on rollerblades in the garage. Never had a fight on the ice though only some grappling because only ever played beer league and wouldnt want to teach him something wrong. Wonder what age to start that at.

E.J. 05-20-2011 02:06 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
@ the bottom of the page here you can take a survey about the proposed checking rules and then give any thoughts at the end...if you so choose.

E.J. 05-20-2011 09:40 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Few from tonights game(3-1) loss. He was pretty disappointed that he missed this...

E.J. 05-21-2011 09:18 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Going through the photos for the team and popped these off.

...and one more of a teammate... Looks good, but is went left...:td

Ahbroody 05-21-2011 03:29 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
No ice today took micah to roller. They want him to move up and play with the mite level kids. Today I was disappointed with how he played. He did the one man show thing going end to end over and over and just hogging the puck skating around waiting for an opening. He scored enough but it made for bad viewing and it was embarrassing watching him have no sense of team. Other times he would just barely skate not getting back. The guy who coached him for the tourney was there and said he needs to move up because hes doing it because hes bored. He knows hes better and can just move through everybody. Next week we are supposed to try the older group.

Right now T-ball. Tomorrow Hawks practice.

Ahbroody 05-22-2011 02:29 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
He battled on the boards and broke up some clears.
Bodying a bigger kid

He got two goals today in the 30 minute scrim.

E.J. 05-22-2011 04:14 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1271106)
He battled on the boards and broke up some clears.
Bodying a bigger kid

He got two goals today in the 30 minute scrim.

NICE Mike! Good stuff!

Ahbroody 05-22-2011 10:44 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Crap I need to figure out how to take some decent photos.
The culture here is you dont want to break out a camera at a practice people would look at me funny and likely catch little heat.

Maybe I will try to bring one to the practice Tuesday, but I dont have a good glass for the wifes Nikon. May have to buy some. :td
In speaking with some guys he really has no chance of making the Hawks. They dont take kids under age. In order for them to take you underage you have to be in the top 5 players of the age group. Its funny as he knows whats up and that its the best club and wants to try out. I am trying to explain to him they wont take him because hes not old enough and he will need to play Cougars this year. Banging head against wall. He wont quit. Trying to explain if he plays for the Cougars this year he could likely make it with ease isnt working so well either.

Going to order his skates this week.

So far he likes his Messier helmet. No complaiants about fit. I was smacking his helmet to see when he said it hurt. I stopped before he did. I see a few kids in the photos with the helmet EJ. $hit is birth control and kind of heavy.

E.J. 05-25-2011 11:40 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
This is neat stuff.... Hosting the 2012 US High School Hockey Championships. I look forward to watching!

E.J. 05-27-2011 07:11 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
So about a month ago I sent an email to the guy that runs the rink closest to us('bout 5 minutes) and thus runs all hockey programs based there, asking if I could sign my daughter up for the 3-3 Summer Hockey. She will be a first year mite this October(first year she is able to play here) and I figured it couldn't hurt. I also wanted her attending organized ice time this Summer(so much easier than S&P or drop in).

He responded that she has not even completed a season of mite play and described 3-3 as being for "the advanced kids" or something of that nature. He said she was not done with Start Smart(all kids here are supposed to finish Start Smart before entering any league play) and he generally does not encourage Start Smart kids to play in the 3-3 because it is too fast paced. He also said that there was another session of Start Smart(I was not aware of this) and that would keep her on the ice in the Summer.

I am not new to the Summer 3-3 here, the Little Man did it for years....and his response sounded about right, but I admit that I was a little disappointed. I told him that I appreciated his candor and was just pleased that there was more Start Smart that would keep her on the ice bla..bla..bla...

Anyway, he sent out a request for goalies for the 3-3, apparently they need 2 for the Mites. Abby has been asking me about some time between the pipes and I thought, why not ask... I sent a quick note stating that I knew that he did not feel a 6 year old Start Smart kid was ready for the 3-3, but if he was really in need of a goalie, she'd be happy to fill in there in lieu of the shooter tutor that they'd end up using. This is a copy and past of his response. It should be noted that he is currently teaching Abby's "gap session", which is just a month between the last Start Smart and the next one.... It is the first time he has seen her on the ice.

"Abby is a pretty good Start Smart kid. I think she would be ok in the Mite division. She’s a competitor. Does she want to be a goalie in the League? We need goalies so if she wants to play as a goalie that would be fine. I would let he be a skater also but our biggest needs are goaltenders.

Let me know."

Put a huge smile on my face. Know what, no words describe her better.... "She’s a competitor."

Classic, as I am typing this, know what she just yelled at me....:r "Dad, can you get my bag down..... I need to get the goalie stuff on so I can practice."

E.J. 05-28-2011 01:08 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Went to drop in today.... Had a good time, did okay for the first time in net. The loaner stuff is junk.....

She did make the stop in #4....

Ahbroody 05-28-2011 05:23 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
So freaking cool brother. If she likes it go with it. Micah doesnt like being a hamster. He likes the pads but gets bored quickly. What size pads are those. I would recommend the vaughn 7100 pads depending on size she needs. Multiple kids who play mite goalie locally like them and have them. Great flex, light weight, real buckle straps not those snap pads, you can grab them from totalhockey for 139. There are some other pads that are a little better, but cost $70 to $100 more. Bang for buck Vaughn is great for the little ones. Micah wants a street pair for the garage. Ugggggggh

Today he played the older roller division 7-8. I still have not signed him up for ice games Saturday because hes practicing with the three mite clubs during the rest of the week. Roller are not set teams they just split them down the middle. The split was a fail today. His team lost 6-15. I am glad I moved him up though. He showed me something today and I was very proud. He scored one of the 6 goals and drew a penalty shot by skating hard, but didnt convert. Beauty of a deek on the shot to. They had a $hit goalie also. What I was more proud of and Al should dig this. He recognized his team was getting shelled and he changed from playing forward to staying back and playing an umbrella style D stopping a ton of the other teams rushes and dumping the puck deep for his team which resulted in 3 of his teams other goals. Once from his stomach. :tu. They only scored once on his goalie on his shifts after he started playing D.

After the game I asked him if the coach had asked him to play D. He said no. I asked why he started playing D. "Nobody was playing defense and our goalie was bad. I had to stop them from scoring." That got a kiss on the head and some praise from dad. Practicing with the travel clubs has improved so much more then his backwards skating, transitions and stick handling. So damn proud of that kid. Recognized the issue and put team ahead of self never being asked. For a kid who loves to score and his age it was a moment for me. I love the lessons this game teaches kids. Whats crazy is last Sunday at the Hawks club Ice practice the other team had two kids who did this to his team on a few of his shifts and kept them pinned in their zone. He took that and learned from it.

E.J. 06-01-2011 09:25 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Nailed it.... Not quite, it is soft, but pretty close for a dad just shooting in the stands. The C putting the tying goal in the back of the net mid way through the 3rd. Ended 2-2.

Haven't even gone through the rest of the pics, but knew this was good when I shot it. He'll be pleased....

The Little Man had his best game of the Summer & was solid on both ends. Played both F and D. Stepped up his physical game, which was much needed against this team. That said, he got CRUSHED twice and his jaw is bugging him and he has a big headache.... Still awaiting his first point of the Summer...

E.J. 06-02-2011 07:54 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
2 of the LM

Ahbroody 06-02-2011 11:02 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Awesome pics as always. Tell that kid in the two color socks my son says thats dusty. :r

Finally went and dug out a few pics.
Last night Cougars practice. Was a boring practice not much to photo.

This was that U7 tourney they did. Penalty shot.

This was one of the last games of the year. thought it was cool because he is breaking for the puck of the faceoff and almost everyone has not even started to move yet.

Hes got blackstars tonight. Even though we said it was not forseable that he would play for them this year they asked him to play for them in a scrimmage against a team from out of area. I am going to let him play. I think its cool hes getting recognized. This year is going to be awesome for him.

E.J. 06-02-2011 12:11 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Nice, always love the pics Mike! Micah needs to continue with the lime green laces, it makes it easy as can be to pick him out of a crowd!

E.J. 06-03-2011 06:24 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
DROID X2... I'm going to be a posting fool...

Ahbroody 06-04-2011 02:06 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Well you got the fool part right. :r is selling these posted it in the nhl thread also.

I think I will throw one on his helmet to test it out and see if he triggers it easily. I am pretty sure he would have set it off atleast 2 times last year. Would be interesting to see.

357 06-06-2011 07:59 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1284748)
Well you got the fool part right. :r is selling these posted it in the nhl thread also.

I think I will throw one on his helmet to test it out and see if he triggers it easily. I am pretty sure he would have set it off atleast 2 times last year. Would be interesting to see.

Good stuff Mike. I've seen similar devices used in crash tests, Mythbusters, etc. It only makes sense to use these on kids helmets, although it might be better if the sensor was on the inside with some kind of external indicator. Might cut down on "false positives".

It wouldn't surprise me if the NFL, NHL, and even MLB (for batters) adopt something similar in the future. I'm sure each respective Player's Assosciation would jump at the idea. It would take some of the "letting the team down" out of getting checked out. If the G-force alarm goes off, automatic testing kind of idea would kinda let them of the hook so to speak; even if that's not what they necessarily want at the moment.

Ahbroody 06-06-2011 10:23 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I hear you. I am grabbing one on my next order. He is growing again and the shinguards I bought him are a little small and its getting worse. When I order them it will go in the cart. He had a impact against a kid last summer that was violent. He poped back up, but it made a lot of people do the ohhhhhhhh. The other boy stayed down for a little, but I think both would have triggered it. Also he did an airborn horizontal 180 this season and was upset at the time crying for a minute or two. I think that was more from a shock perspective. He stayed down a good 15-20 seconds which is abnormal for him. It seemed longer for dad. I skated over and he got up. I didnt let him take another shift after, but he did appear to have a headache, but no other indicators. Hes the im fine kid. He will get hurt and pop back always saying "im fine" then seconds later he will admit hes hurt.

Anyone play with the Shockdoctor gravity 2 mouth guard? I have trained him to always wear one, but he hates not being able to talk as much and it affects breathing. Lower mouth guards in soorts where people wear cages are becoming more popular as there is no risk of tooth injury or concussion as long as you have a guard in either the bottom or top. May go to his dentist to get one made as I think they are covered or will run us like $20.

Ahbroody 06-08-2011 10:40 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Kind of a cool idea on a mouth guard.
Im ordering one for the kid to see how it goes as while his is always in his mouth it seems to just be floating around. This one seems to work close to a custom.

Interesting video associated with it regarding getting sick from mouth guards. Its kind of a plug, but still interesting results.

should mention gravity 2 didnt work out any different then a regular mouthguard. Dont bother.

E.J. 06-08-2011 05:03 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Tonight makes third night in a row...three different rinks... Tomorrow back to the first rink. LM played his best game of the summer last night... Hoping to build on that in 30 minutes

E.J. 06-08-2011 08:31 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I'm no photoshop wiz, pretty much just auto correct and the like, but merged this shot, because it was pretty cool. Kid is going to be a freshman and is playing a regular line varsity this Summer. The Little Man has played with/against him since they were mites... Notice, doesn't even have his "M" jersey yet...

Kind of hard to tell by the photo really anyway, but think he deked and was going to go 4 hole, lost the puck(looked like it bounced on his a bit) and ended up spinning and backhanding it.... It was beautiful.

Even the Little One has her "M" Jersey already.... I know many will be jealous of her full stick tape job...

E.J. 06-09-2011 08:06 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
2 of the LM last night.... First he is recieving a pass, as he slides in from the point. Missed high left, but it was his best chance of the night. I don't think he played great, but was solid. Played D exclusively. Told me he was very nervous when he heard that(has yet to be locked into a 2 line rotation on Varsity D), that was odd to hear from him. 7-1 win playing shorthanded, easily their top 4 out. 2 away with travel, 2 still injured. That said, their opponent would most likely lose to our JV team...

Hopefully they also were shorthanded, missing most of their stars....because if not, it is going to be a LONG season for them in the Fall.

The Little One will take the ice tonight in net. It will actually be the first time she plays in a "real game". I don't mind saying that I am anxious/nervous....

Wanger 06-09-2011 08:13 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Reading about all your different rnks and practices and games all year kind of makes me glad my kids don't play. I admire you all, and their dedication to the game! And secretly, I wish I had played when I was a kid (I know, strange for a native Minnesotan to have never played organized hockey).

Ahbroody 06-11-2011 07:03 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Uggggggh had to order skates today. $130 for the skates shipped for a little kid. :td

$600 for 2 weeks of hockey camp 4 hours at the rink each day.
Debating a 4 day skating clinic by Robbie Glantz for $270 that we got a discount code for because hes skating with a club. 2 hours a day for 4 days. Dont know if he will get enough out of it as its designed for older kids.

Mike as Al, EJ, Scott and others will say its funny but while some mornings its a pain once you see your kid on the ice smiling and going for it everything seems well worth it. The game to most is the ultimate team sport and you see it from an early age. My son played his first season of Tball this year. What a friggin disaster compared to hockey. Kids not listening, crap behavior, no sense of teamwork. Basically Same age group kids in hockey are passing to each other, giving centering feeds, diving to block shots (laugh my arse off at that), communicating to each other and generally way better behaved.

Ahbroody 06-11-2011 07:22 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

This was not unexpected and I am wondering how long it will last, but USA Hockey approves checking change.

Eleven 06-11-2011 07:50 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1292604)

This was not unexpected and I am wondering how long it will last, but USA Hockey approves checking change.

I think this will hurt USA player development significantly. Most of Canada, except Quebec will now be checking 2 years before any USA youth hockey player.

Although I don't have a dog in this fight any longer (my kid plays Bantam Minor this come year), I am saddened by the decision. I doubt USA Hockey will reverse this change any time soon, the only hope for parity is to convince the rest of Canada to make the same change.

On a side note, does anyone have experience with Selects Hockey? We screwed around this year waiting on another family to confirm their kid as a roommate for my son at Kent State's hockey camp and we submitted the app too late. My son is on a waiting list, but I didn't want to leave that to chance.

I was talking with another parent about camps and he told me about Selects Hockey's Elite Camp. I contacted them and they had a spot and approved my son, so we're happy he has a place to go, but I was hoping to get some feedback on them.

Ahbroody 06-11-2011 08:05 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I doubt Canada will change its mind. :r
I had always heard the Quebec Peewee tourney was the best of its kind?

Are most EU teams checking at Peewee?

E.J. 06-13-2011 07:52 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
A few photos from tonight.... Photos 3 & 4 are sequence of her breaking out with the puck. They look almost exactly the same, but think they are like 2 strides apart? Anyway, she was able to get a little separation, angle at what would be the end faceoff circle(they were playing cross ice), shoot and score.

She then got crushed as she celebrated(not looking where she was going) and a kid on her team skated without looking where he was going....

E.J. 06-13-2011 08:01 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Boom! Notice, celebration doesn't end when she hits the ice, she's holding that stick out, just like she was when she ran into that kid...:rolleyes:

Ahbroody 06-14-2011 10:57 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
That black and white photo came out very cool.
14 thought she had some candy thats all. :r

Hawks skate

apparently this went off his stick and in but no one noticed till in the net

Cougars today wife and girls came and mom worked the camera
Chicks dig the flow.

Ahbroody 06-14-2011 11:01 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
his cheer team

Him in this kid in the orange had a little thing going today.

trying to keep him outside

Friday he will play in a mite scrimage between the blackstars and tri valley. This will be his first competitve travel scrim against mite kids he doesnt practice with. He will be playing for the Stars I did some schedule swapping and dad will be there to cheer him on. will take some photos and maybe a video clip if he doesnt stink up the joint. 5.5 years old so expectations are low.

E.J. 06-15-2011 07:26 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Look at that flow.... Serious hockey hair going on there! Pic of the girls(Micah's cheer team) is great...

Seeing the Cascade M11 reminded me that we have a kid, possibly the best kid on the team, who was out for the remainder of our playoffs last year with a concussion. He then got dinged again first game of Summer and has not played since. Anyway, I noticed that his little brother was wearing a new Messier helmet yesterday at the JV game. I would be interested to hear if his old helmet(CCM) was just "old" and needed to be replaced, or if the decision was made due to the stated protection difference. I would guess when the older brother starts playing again, he will have one on as well(he wears some form of Bauer).

E.J. 06-15-2011 08:02 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The Little Man played really well last night, but the JV team was CRUSHED again. They play in the Adult Summer League & were competitive last year, but have been moved up to Division III. The majority of these 14-17 year old kids just are not there physically. Even the ones that can skate, they are generally so much smaller, it takes 2 strides to one when they are trying to get anywhere. I shouldn't even say the majority, all these kids are not there physically.

That doesn't mention the higher level players(D2 guys) on each team, that just smoke the kids.

I can tell Jackson is getting pissed off and was involved in a minimum of 4-5 dust-ups last night and was also involved in a matching 5M roughing major, trying to protect his goaltender. He was getting the chit beat out of him and kept it up all night long.

Admittedly, I was heated inside, knowing that it was a bunch of grown men beating on a 14 year old kid(not during play, but after the whistle stuff). But he was giving as much as he was getting, he just doesn't have grown man strength.....or weight.... I know that he cannot dish out, without getting back....even if it is man against boy, that is the game. Still doesn't mean I don't get a little bent inside, being he was usually the one on the ice a few seconds after the whistle.

All the work paid off in the locker room, when he was rewarded with some praise from the coach who stated something to the effect of "Good job, Jackson. I know I have one guy who will take care of Devin(the goalie)."

Didn't even take the camera, shooting through the net at the Olympic Oval is worthless... I may shoot through the glass a few games...but it is not as fun and results are spotty.

P.S. I should not exaggerate, he'll be 15 tomorrow...

Ahbroody 06-15-2011 09:30 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Thats weird they are allowing that. Around here that would not fly. Maybe in roller leagues, but ice I just cant see them allowing it. Beer league guy can go Game7 guy at any time. You can get full blown brawls and some very dangerous hits.

As to the concussion thing there are so many arguments both ways on the helmets and the checking age. Some argue as Al start them early when they cant hurt each other. The argument to that is kids lack self control at that age and you could see a ton of boarding and blindside hits as kids at that age dont care. This also raises the cumulative hits argument on the brain and increasing susceptibility as the years grow. Much like a boxer.

What I have found interesting is many people who kids play around here who are from Canada and grew up playing have no issue with it. A few reference childhood incidences where kids got destroyed the first year checking was introduced. Many left hockey some never wanted to play again or it took years to want to.

I am starting to think the model may work with increasing body contact starting in mites. The thing many have missed is that in majority of European countries hitting is not allowed until the 13 age also. With that they are like the US is hoping to do force kids to use their feet and skate to out play the other player. Europen players if nothing else are often the best skaters. I dont know if eithet is right, but I am now willing to see how this works out and do see some serious upside if it works. It will keep more house kids playing longer as well. Where it will be interesting is in the travel enviornment and when kids head to Canada for tourneys. I think it could be horrible and may result in a stopping of travel north of the boarder till Bantam. Then you got to wonder because many argue they are the ones turning into the boards. When I think of a lot of the crushing hits of recent time it was not a euro getting smoked but a canadian or american.

Ahbroody 06-15-2011 05:30 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1292565)
Uggggggh had to order skates today. $130 for the skates shipped for a little kid. :td

Fak so I call Brunos hockey and ask if the skates have shipped. Nope he doesnt have them. I ask if he can get them. He will let me know. I call in the afternoon. He acts like hes getting them but upon further questioning I find out its the 301 not the 370. I had to repeatedly say no and I just wanted a refund.

Had to order westside skate in NY cost me 20 more and a weeks delay. I have talked to bruno before and he seems like a great guy, but this is two times I have had this happen. Apparently Graf youth skates ship once a yeat from china in august and once they are gone they are gone.

E.J. 06-15-2011 07:20 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
FRUSTRATING Mike... Did the same thing with Jackson's last skates.... IMO no reason with todays tech anyone shouldn't have up to date invo online....or at least 24 hour update the buyer.

Wanger 06-16-2011 06:44 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1295699)



Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1297539)

...and I dig the jersey. :D

Hope you guys don't mind that I comment and follow what you go through with your kids and hockey, even though mine don't play. It's a religion here in MN, and I guess I'm raising heathens. :p At least when we took them all to the WCHA Final Five title game, they loved it.

E.J. 06-16-2011 08:07 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1299166)

...and I dig the jersey. :D

Hope you guys don't mind that I comment and follow what you go through with your kids and hockey, even though mine don't play. It's a religion here in MN, and I guess I'm raising heathens. :p At least when we took them all to the WCHA Final Five title game, they loved it.

I appreciate the comments Mike...:tu

Ahbroody 06-20-2011 12:28 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
This weekend went from low to high.
Fridays development scrim was a joke. Without getting into particulars I will just say the teams were supposed to be b squad b goalie, a squad a goalie. This didnt happen. The boy was very frustrated at the end of the game. I think playing against a boy possibly 2 who will be squirt in the fall when your playing mite b squad in a dwvelopment game will do that.

Today was awesome though. The skated on line 1 during sprints and kept up with qnd beat some kids. Scored a nice hustle goal in the scrim driving the net. Dad got a fat had when one of the coaches thought he was a late 04 and was suprised to find out he was a late 05. The coach was talking about Micahs drive and lack of fear and hustle. He let him double shift multiple times stating it was more important that he wanted to do it and was trying then the fact he was running out of gas at the end of the shift.

The high point for dad came in the locker room after the practice when the head coach was talking to some parents about issues with some boys maturity and acting like 5 year olds. I dont know whatvboys he was referencing or if it was just boys in general. He then stops himself and address Micah infront of everyone and says how its actually not fair to say 5 year olds because there are 5 year olds like Micah who play like responsible 8 year olds. He said "Micahs all business out there on the ice." Its nice when your kid gets noticed for the right reasons and just a touch sweeter when it happens on fathers day.

While he wont make the Hawks in the fall its nice that they have clearly been very positive about him and it seems when hes mite age level next year he should have a good chance of making the club. Fridays game really jelped me decide he should play for the Cougars mite club this year and not the Stars based on talent of the kids. He should have a more positive experience.

E.J. 06-20-2011 08:47 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1304002)
The high point for dad came in the locker room after the practice when the head coach was talking to some parents about issues with some boys maturity and acting like 5 year olds. I dont know whatvboys he was referencing or if it was just boys in general. He then stops himself and address Micah infront of everyone and says how its actually not fair to say 5 year olds because there are 5 year olds like Micah who play like responsible 8 year olds. He said "Micahs all business out there on the ice." Its nice when your kid gets noticed for the right reasons and just a touch sweeter when it happens on fathers day.

THAT IS AWESOME! Good stuff and it is not only a positive reflection for Micah, but telling of how you have raised him, Mike.

Ahbroody 06-22-2011 03:18 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Well we have been in a bit of a mouthguard exploration period. Trying a couple of different mouth guards. I have wanted to try one of these. based on a review by hockeyus on youtube. Anyway today found a working 10% off coupon and bought a double pack. Coupon code is JRDERBY. Will report back how it goes. He was playing with the brainpad and really liked the feel, the issue was and is drinking and speaking is impossible with it. Everytime he wanted a drink hes pulling off the cage and its a pain.

J0eybb 06-22-2011 03:27 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1307084)
Well we have been in a bit of a mouthguard exploration period. Trying a couple of different mouth guards. I have wanted to try one of these. based on a review by hockeyus on youtube. Anyway today found a working 10% off coupon and bought a double pack. Coupon code is JRDERBY. Will report back how it goes. He was playing with the brainpad and really liked the feel, the issue was and is drinking and speaking is impossible with it. Everytime he wanted a drink hes pulling off the cage and its a pain.

I stopped using my mouth guard. I am to vocal. Let me know how it goes.

E.J. 06-22-2011 03:58 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I'll have to watch the video at home, no go at work....

Ahbroody 06-22-2011 04:32 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Uh you have a droid just watch it on the youtube app. Friggin newb.

Joe there are multiple on line vendors you can get a custom built from for around 100. I cant do a custom for him as his jaw is growing and hes losing teeth it would be replaced at least once a year. Apparently this product has really taken off in the rollerderby ( yeah apparently thats popular again). What im interested in is the fact you can reshape it and see if we can get it to fit tight enough where it will lock in like its supposed to.

Ahbroody 06-23-2011 05:12 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Got his new skates today after I had to track down the UPS driver eating his lunch as he couldnt find my house. Focking UPS sucks or atleast our drivers. I have had them deliver packages to the wrong address and multiple times not be able to find the house but deliver to the house next door.
Going to take him to pubskate tonight. I guess he fell pretty good today in the summer school program my wife has him in to get him ready for school next year. Nice shin bone bruise so I am not taking him to the Stars practice.

I said it before, the youth Graf skates are the toughest skates made. Those boots took a beating for a year and still are structurally good. They look hamered for little kids skates close up. He is hard on his skates though.

E.J. 06-24-2011 07:11 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Get those green laces switched over.....

ahc4353 06-24-2011 07:26 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
What did those run you Mike?

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