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KidRock 07-11-2010 02:56 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Greetings Mets Lovers,

I will be attending the Mets vs Cardinals game on Tuesday July 27th. Are there any fun/must do at Citifield or near the stadium?



Ogre 07-11-2010 03:00 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Go RAYS, just figured I would stir up both the NY teams threads!!!!!!

The Poet 07-12-2010 02:36 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 913149)
Are there any fun/must do at Citifield or near the stadium?



I've not been there yet, but it is my understanding that Citi itself is pretty much a baseball museum alone, so unless you have more that a few hours to kill you need not leave the premises. Plus, there are plenty of restaurants and higher-end concessions for you to get your nosh on. Otherwise, the USTA Tennis Center and the old World's Fair grounds are nearby (or what little the alien from Men In Black left standing :D), but Astoria ain't really Manhattan, brother.

KidRock 07-12-2010 07:16 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 914292)
I've not been there yet, but it is my understanding that Citi itself is pretty much a baseball museum alone, so unless you have more that a few hours to kill you need not leave the premises. Plus, there are plenty of restaurants and higher-end concessions for you to get your nosh on. Otherwise, the USTA Tennis Center and the old World's Fair grounds are nearby (or what little the alien from Men In Black left standing :D), but Astoria ain't really Manhattan, brother.

:banger thanks brother bumped ya to! thanks for the great advice

kelmac07 07-16-2010 11:31 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Dropped a tough one last night to Lincecum and the Giants. Dickey pitched a great game...with ZERO run support. Seems to be a repetitive theme. :td

jonumberone 07-16-2010 01:23 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 913149)
Greetings Mets Lovers,

Are there any fun/must do at Citifield or near the stadium?

There are no must do things near the stadium. As the poet said, the USTC is nearby, but will be a complete waste of time. You would be better served looking at it from the concourse of Citi Field. There is also Flushing Meadows Corona Park. It's a nice park, but after you've seen one squirrel you've seen them all. Belmont Park is nearby, but may be dark on Tuesday's.

Some nearby attractions are the
Queens Zoo

N.Y. Hall Of Science

& The Queens Museum

If you Don't have kids the museum is your best bet for something to do. With kids the hall of science is great.

Another option is Tailgating. This is never a problem when we go, Though the cops have been extra hard on us with the beer this year (cutting down on my heckling abilities). Put Beer in some red Solo Cups and keep the cans or bottles out of sight in the trunk and you'll be fine.

Do you plan on driving or taking the train?
#7 takes you to the stadium.

PM me if you need more help with directions or other places around Queens

Darrell 07-16-2010 01:23 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

jonumberone 07-16-2010 01:24 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Buying stolen hubcaps across the street is a great way to pass the time while waiting for the gates to open.

Coach Deg 07-16-2010 01:27 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Beltran was a big help in his big return!!!!

kelmac07 07-16-2010 01:32 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by RPmark (Post 918628)
Beltran was a big help in his big return!!!!

:td :td

Darrell 07-16-2010 10:58 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter



MedicCook 07-17-2010 12:42 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Go New York


kelmac07 07-17-2010 02:20 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Two consecutive games and not one freakin run???? I mean they are professional ball players right? Another pitching gem (this one from Niese) BLOWN by the Mets.

:td :td :td

Coach Deg 07-17-2010 06:56 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Being a Mets and Rays fan it's a good thing I'm married or I'd never score!!

kelmac07 07-17-2010 11:50 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by RPmark (Post 919307)
Being a Mets and Rays fan it's a good thing I'm married or I'd never score!!

:r :r :r

The Poet 07-17-2010 12:10 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Saw a great t-shirt on a guy yesterday, Mac, and I'm gonna try to find you one. Following that old public service ad, it read "This is your brain", and had a Yankee logo. Then it read "This is your brain on drugs", with a Mets logo.

Classic. :tu

kelmac07 07-17-2010 12:13 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 919488)
Saw a great t-shirt on a guy yesterday, Mac, and I'm gonna try to find you one. Following that old public service ad, it read "This is your brain", and had a Yankee logo. Then it read "This is your brain on drugs", with a Mets logo.

Classic. :tu

Nothing with a Yankees logo is allowed in my home. My youngest son has friends over all the time and they must "check" their Yankees hat at the door. :D

The Poet 07-17-2010 12:35 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 919492)
Nothing with a Yankees logo is allowed in my home. My youngest son has friends over all the time and they must "check" their Yankees hat at the door. :D

Hell. I even own a Mets cap myself, and wear it every time they do something truly positive.

As you might guess, it's still pretty new. :r

yachties23 07-17-2010 01:04 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
I can't believe I've never seen this thread.

The 0 runs since the allstar break, and the return of carlos has me a bit worried.

Pitching obviously been stellar.

The Poet 07-17-2010 01:09 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by yachties23 (Post 919512)
I can't believe I've never seen this thread.

You still drunk, Chris? :D

yachties23 07-17-2010 01:10 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 919516)
You still drunk, Chris? :D

What are you implying Tom? lol

jonumberone 07-17-2010 01:15 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 919492)
Nothing with a Yankees logo is allowed in my home.

Had I seen this earlier, Package contents might have been a little different.;)

kelmac07 07-17-2010 01:17 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 919519)
Had I seen this earlier, Package contents might have been a little different.;)

Dom...might have had to open the package outside. :r :r :r

jonumberone 07-17-2010 01:21 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
You're safe with this one. Though random acts of..... Kindness;) may start showing up.:tu

one question how did the Kenny Lofton poster survive his tenure in NY?

kelmac07 07-17-2010 01:23 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 919527)
You're safe with this one. Though random acts of..... Kindness;) may start showing up.:tu

one question how did the Kenny Lofton poster survive his tenure in NY?

It was ROUGH!!! I have always been a HUGE Kenny Lofton fan...should see my collection. I rooted for Kenny to do well...but not the Yanks. :D

The Poet 07-17-2010 01:38 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by yachties23 (Post 919518)
What are you implying Tom? lol

I ain't implying jack, Chris . . . I'm just asking. ;)

Oh, and I checked on Lofton with the Yanks, and he didn't do much for us. He only played in 83 games, with 18 RBIs. So, no big gain, and no big loss either. :r

jonumberone 07-17-2010 01:42 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 919529)
I have always been a HUGE Kenny Lofton fan

Guess that makes you and his mom.:r:r

Darrell 07-17-2010 10:59 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Just dropping in....


BigAsh 07-18-2010 06:58 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 919507)
Hell. I even own a Mets cap myself, and wear it every time they do something truly positive.

As you might guess, it's still pretty new. :r


ha! :r

Mac....fallen to third.....

yachties23 07-18-2010 08:01 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
We should block Yankee, Phillie and Braves fans from here.

MedicCook 07-18-2010 09:40 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
It was good to see the Mets avoid a 3rd straight shutout.

jonumberone 07-18-2010 10:36 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Looks like the league has caught up with Takahashi. 21 earned runs over his last 19 1/3 innings. Call it a hunch, but R.A. Dickey won't keep his pace up either.

Good news though Ollie Perez pitched 6+ STRONG innings yesterday.......For the Buffalo Bisons:td
He should be back in the rotation before you know it.:r:r

kelmac07 07-18-2010 11:24 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

kelmac07 07-18-2010 06:37 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
K-Rod tried to give it away! At least it wasn't a series sweep. :D

Tied for second the moment. :tu

jonumberone 07-18-2010 09:28 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
You know your team is going places when the best thing you can say about them is "at least we weren't swept" a 4 game series.:td:r:r

kelmac07 07-18-2010 09:33 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
And we have SOLE POSSESSION of second place (that was for you Keith)!!! :tu

jonumberone 07-18-2010 09:44 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Just heard on the news Ollie set to join team in AZ! :tu

kelmac07 07-18-2010 09:45 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 920649)
Just heard on the news Ollie set to join team in AZ! :tu

BOOOOOOO :td :td But snce we are paying him $12 million a year...he can't stay at Buffalo forever.

MedicCook 07-18-2010 10:03 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Mets finally win a game. :tu

jonumberone 07-19-2010 05:18 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Would you make this trade?
Ollie for the Cubs Zambrano?
Cubs eat Ollie's contract, Mets eat Zambrano's. Even swap.

kelmac07 07-19-2010 06:23 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 920809)
Would you make this trade?
Ollie for the Cubs Zambrano?
Cubs eat Ollie's contract, Mets eat Zambrano's. Even swap.

No...we don't need another aging veteran past his prime in NY.

jonumberone 07-19-2010 06:41 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Zambrano June 1, 1981
Ollie August 15, 1981

kelmac07 07-19-2010 06:43 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
And your point is what Dom? Both have seen their best years go by already. Ollie has never "panned" out and Z is a damn "head case".

jonumberone 07-19-2010 07:03 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Sometimes a change of scenery works wonders. I agree you are swapping total headcases.
However Fausto Carmona went from 19-8 in 2007 to 5-12 in 2009, He has come back this year to 9-7 with a 3.63 era on a horrible Cleavland team
Same can be said of Francisco Liriano 12-3 2006 5-13 2009. He is 7-7 This year though his era is only 3.76. Not bad for th A.L. Both of these pitchers are only 1.5 younger then Ollie and zambrano. Guess I Just don't think either is done yet.

BigAsh 07-19-2010 08:10 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 920646)
And we have SOLE POSSESSION of second place (that was for you Keith)!!! :tu

Yea....I spoke way too soon!!

kelmac07 07-20-2010 01:28 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
How the hell do we get "smoked" by the Diamondbacks...13-2??? Are you kidding me?? First time Beltran & Reyes have been in the lineup together since 20 May 09 and we score 2 runs??? WTF!! :td :td

Only positive note is that the Phillies lost too. :D

jonumberone 07-20-2010 06:23 AM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 921858)
Only positive note is that the Phillies lost too. :D

Don't overlook Castillo! 2-4 in his return. The Mets are well on their way!:rolleyes:

jonumberone 07-22-2010 04:49 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Braves win!!!
Phils Win!!!
Mets??? First pitch 10:10 EST

kelmac07 07-22-2010 06:56 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter
Not sure if we can take the pressure...especially after getting swept by lowly Arizona. :td

Sure glad I stayed up til 2AM watching us get swept last night.

jonumberone 07-22-2010 07:29 PM

Re: New York Mets 2010 Banter

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 925047)
Not sure if we can take the pressure...especially after getting swept by lowly Arizona. :td

Sure glad I stayed up til 2AM watching us get swept last night.

At least you got to see highlights of Billy Wagner spitting the bit. Made me feel warm and fuzzy when I watched it.

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