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dunng 04-05-2009 07:49 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Feed ME! :tt


Mugen910 04-05-2009 08:00 PM

Re: LOST Notes
LOST 5 - Episode 11 "Whatever Happened Happened"
1. Ellie Hawking and Charles Widmore are in charge of the Others at this time, but Richard does not answer to them. What exactly is the leadership structure of the Others?

2. The helicopter whisper question was resolved. Take care of Clementine, Sawyer apparently told Kate, referring to the daughter that he had with his former partner in crime, Cassidy. Cassidy refresher: Kate had once shared an adventure with Cassidy - they went on a road trip together; Cassidy helped misdirect the FBI so Kate could have a conversation with her mother. Back in season 3, we got a flashback episode where Sawyer became a jailhouse snitch and in return got a bundle of cash which he passed on anonymously to Clementine which explains Cassidy and Clementine's nice life in the suburbs.

3. In Season 2 "Maternity Leave" Claire is the medical Dharma Station, delirious. Ethan injects her with something, then brings her to a nursery filled with toys and pictures. Above a crib is a mobile with airplanes that plays "Catch a Falling Star." Kate was singing this song to Aaron in this week's episode. Also, when Claire met with the couple who were going to adopter her baby she asked them if they knew that song. That was right before 3 pens wouldn't work and she changed her mind about giving him up.

4. Kate went back to the island for Claire, not Sawyer. Sawyer helped save Ben for Juliet, not Kate. Let's hope that means the soap opera love quadrangle is in the past. :)

5. Roger Lines "My son stole my keys so he could bust that animal out of jail. Because of me. I thought I was going to be the greatest father ever. I guess it didn't work out that way. I tried to do what she wanted me to do. But I guess a boy just needs his mother.'' We don't know anything about the Ben-Roger relationship from this point until the Purge, which is about 15 years into the future. It would be a tragic irony if we were to learn that Roger had changed as a result of this crisis, that he wanted to be a better father and redeem himself in Ben's eyes, but Ben couldn't or wouldn't allow that to happen because he had been made into cold, hard, and innocence-challenged during his recuperation in Richard's Temple.

6. This is kinda silly, but when Kate went to see Claire's mom (Mrs. Littleton) the hotel room was K10. According to Kate, Kate's room was ''two doors down'' from Mrs. Littleton's room. Therefore, K10 - 2 = K8 (Kate). :)

7. Miles and Hurley (so funny!) Their banter culminated on a point that LOST seemed to want us to keep thinking about: Why didn't Ben acknowledge knowing Sayid when Sayid was torturing him in season 2 during The Hatch/Henry Gale period? Perhaps we know why now... Richard said that if he helped Ben, Ben would not remember any of this. What ever that means... Sayid shooting him? Going to the Temple? We shall see!

8. Speaking of that... Remember the list from season 2? The list of Losties that Ben wanted Michael to bring to the dock? That list was Hurley, Kate, Jack, and Sawyer. The same people that young Ben would have remembered from his childhood in Dharmaville. Maybe he saw their names on the 815 flight manifest and went "OMG I remember those names! They crashed here?!?! Bring them to me." Crazy stuff! See attached for list...

9. Kate and Jack's conversation... Kate: ''You know I don't like the new you. I liked the old you. The one who didn't sit around and wait for things to happen.'' Jack: ''You didn't like the old me, Kate.'' Hilarious!

10. Juliet and Jack: Juliet "Why did you come back?" Jack: ''I came back because I was supposed to.'' Juliet: ''Supposed to do what?'' Jack: ''I don't know yet.'' Juliet: ''Well, you better figure it out.'' Watching and listening to Jack talk about Island destiny was a little bit like watching and listening to... John Locke. *gasp*

11. What will happen to Ben after the Island "heals" him? In the Bible, the fall from innocence was a result of eating from a tree that gave Adam and Eve forbidden knowledge. Is that what Ben's going to get? Knowledge of his future? Regardless, once again, the castaways are being made to understand that their participation in past events is shaping the future that they have already experienced. They have themselves to blame for the thing that is Benjamin Lines. Remember when Karl was getting brainwashed in Room 23? The presentation read We are the causes of our own suffering.

12. A recent Podcast with the show's creators revealed where they said they named Christian Shephard because they wanted him to "show the way." They also said that when people ask if Claire is dead, what people should be asking is "What is dead?" I swear, these guys are just messing with us half the time. :)

13. If Locke is the new Christian (traveled back to the island in a coffin, wearing white tennis shoes) then maybe Christian was murdered too? We have been lead to believe that he drank himself to death...

14. Don't ever trust Kate with a secret!
15. When Jin turns young Ben over, the bullet hole in his hoodie is now on the exact opposite side of his chest - on the other side of the zipper. It's not even close, it's a complete mirror image of the spot where Sayid drilled him precisely through the heart. Continuity error? Not on LOST, and we're seeing exactly what the island wants us to see, through Jin's eyes. But through the eyes of Sayid the bullet went right through the kid's heart. See attached photos regarding Ben's wound...

17. Ben used to tell us that he was born on the island... Whatever he remembers, I think after the temple Ben is given the standard issue island re-birthing package. Desmond got one after he turned the failsafe key. Christian got one, Locke certainly got one.

Mugen910 04-05-2009 08:03 PM

Re: LOST Notes
18. This is an excerpt from a LOST blog that I like and take a lot of my stuff from. I loved it and thought you might like it too... that is, if you want to spend the time reading it, but I think it's totally worth the 5 minutes!

"Perception, Illusion, and Bruce Willis
In all the movies and shows I've ever watched, my biggest holy crap moment came at the end of the Sixth Sense. I was lucky enough to see that movie without knowing the ending, and I'll never forget the shivers that shot down my spine during the big reveal. Even cooler, they spent the next minute or so going back to show me just how many clues I'd missed along the way - clues that seemed so obvious at the end, but not so obvious as the story was told.

LOST's ending is going to be exactly this way. There's going to be one big huge crazy no-way reveal, and when it comes it's going to make time travel look like a secondary sub-plot. Half the viewers will act cataclysmically pissed off, but to the other half I think it will be the most ingenious thing they've ever seen.

As I watch LOST, I look for these clues. I think back to my seat in the movie theater during the Sixth Sense, and I'm trying not to get fooled again. The producers and writers have strewn clues everywhere... all over the show. But they pepper these clues with red herrings, songs, book titles, and comedic anagrams to the point where we just chuckle and start to disregard them. Kind of like the word "Illusion" on the back of the boat at the dock scene this episode (and last episode). We've seen this dock scene three times already, and each time with suddenly different dialogue, just as the wound on Ben's chest suddenly has a different position, just as the picture frames changed in Miles' flashback and a whole host of other stuff.

Humor me for a minute, and watch Kate and Aaron in the supermarket. She asks where the juice boxes are, gets distracted by Jack's call, and then loses Aaron. Watch the look the stock boy gives her when she tells him she lost her son: as he says "excuse me" his facial expressions register confusion, not concern for someone who just walked by with a little blonde boy in tow. Rewind to when Kate first asks the question, and the stock boy never even looks at Aaron. In fact, no one looks at Aaron in the supermarket at all, except for Kate. As she frantically runs through the aisles the next scene is shown, not surprisingly, in the store's giant mirror.

Suddenly Kate sees Aaron again, this time seemingly being led away by Claire. We know Claire is supposed to raise Aaron, and the island is showing Kate this. It's slapping her in the face with the fact that she's living a lie. It leads Kate back to Cassidy's house, where Clementine answers the door. "Hi Auntie Kate!", she says. She doesn't say hi to Aaron. She doesn't even look at Aaron. Strange too, because Aaron apparently rang the bell.

Later on, Kate gives Carole a picture of Aaron on a tire swing. Immediately she asks "Where is he?" Kate answers her question with "two doors down", but Carole continues to stare at the photo. Where is he indeed.

Okay, let me back up a minute. Am I saying that I believe Aaron's nothing more than a figment of Kate's imagination, and that he never existed at all? Nope. Aaron is as real as reality gets - on LOST, anyway. There are lots of people who see and interact with Aaron - Cassidy for one. But I am saying this: Cassidy's words this episode were all about how Kate needed Aaron, instead of the other way around. The minute Kate began wondering if Aaron wouldn't be better off without her, he suddenly and instantaneously disappeared.

Yes, I know they used the whole curly blonde woman scene as a vehicle to influence Kate's decision to leave Aaron with grandma. The scene where she said goodbye to Aaron was also very touching. But what if perception plays more of a part in every single character's story than most of us are really, truly looking into? What if every time we're seeing something, we're only seeing it from the perspective of the person or people involved in that scene at the time?

Season 2 Episode 1 - Swan Hatch. Desmond's record player, the lamps, the shelves - it all looks one particular way. An episode later Desmond storms off into the jungle and the 815er's inhabit the Swan... and suddenly all these things have a subtly different look to them. What if these things never changed at all, but the way people saw them did? Sayid saw a bullet hole in the left side of Ben's chest. Jin saw it in the right side. And when Sawyer and Kate take Ben out of the van together, the wound is now lower down, much closer to his abdomen. Is this their own vision of where the wound is? Or am I crazy? "

Mugen910 04-05-2009 08:04 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Sorry sorry...totally spaced out on this. Thanks for the reminder.

G G 04-05-2009 08:06 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Too much thinkin involved for me.

ucla695 04-07-2009 08:12 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Thanks for posting this Bao! Now I just have to digest it.

Cigargal 04-07-2009 11:19 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Huh? How come I miss all this $h!t? I didn't notice the gunshot wound moving around at all. I think Roger is sweet on Kate-maybe they hook up in the 70's.

Where is Daniel? What's he been doing the last three years?

Waynegro1 04-08-2009 12:11 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Thanks for my weekly fix, Bao. :tu

Mugen910 04-08-2009 07:41 AM

Re: LOST Notes
It was a little time you guys should remind me :D

Mugen910 04-09-2009 07:18 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Subject: LOST Podcast news
My friend got the chance to listen to the last few Podcasts and took some notes...

1. This week the episode will address:
John Locke - how he is alive
Picking up the Penny story - how did Ben get beaten up
Why Ben killed Locke

2. Later this season we will learn:
Why did Miles request $3.2M to help Ben back when Ben was being held captive by the Losties in Dharmaville? This will be answered with specificity by Miles before the end of the season!
We will see enough of the 4-toed statue to decipher what it is.
We will see Ethan again ... and not as a baby.

3. One question that a viewer asked addressed the dream that Walt had where he saw Locke, in a suit, surrounded by people who wanted to hurt him... the show's producers said that we should consider the 2 times Locke's been in a suit... in the coffin and when he returns to the island. Which group of people wanted to hurt him or ended up hurting him? Jack and Ben or the Ajira 316 survivors?

4. The producers said that the concrete wall in Swan Hatch does have an energy source behind it and that pushing the button dispelled some of that built up energy.

5. The following will be addressed before the show ends (which probably means we won't see them until next season):
The Magic Box will be back... remember how Ben made Locke's con-man dad appear on the island?
Pallet drops... why did they stop, did they stop, who sent them?
Cindy and the kids (Zack and Emma)...
Cave skeletons...

That's all for now.

Waynegro1 04-09-2009 07:55 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Thanks for the info, Bao.
Last nights episode was a wild one, I found myself thinking about it as I was trying to fall asleep last night. While it's starting to come together, I find myself still LOST. Looking forward to the weekly notes. :tu

Cigargal 04-11-2009 12:34 PM

Re: LOST Notes
What's with survivors on the small island? Where did they get all that crap about the 4-toed statue? And like, Lapidis is suppose to know anything about it? He got there when they did.

Mugen910 04-13-2009 08:27 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Subject: LOST 5 - Episode 12 "Dead is Dead"
1. Anubis - Anubis (the jackal-headed Egyptian god) is seen etched with Smokey in Smokey's chamber (see attached "Smokey's chamber"). Anubis was the guide of the dead on their path through the underworld. The Ancient Egyptians believed that when you died, you traveled to the Hall of the Dead. There Anubis weighed your heart against the feather of Ma'at. Ma'at, the goddess of justice sits on top of the scales to make sure that the weighing is carried out properly. You can see Anubis steadying the scales to make the weighing fair (see attached "anubis"). If your heart was lighter than the feather, you lived forever. If your heart was heavier than the feather then it was eaten by the demon Ammit, the Destroyer.

2. Ilana's riddle: What lies in the shadow of the statue? Looks like somebody came to the Island prepared for a hostile takeover, if not a war - perhaps the very same war Widmore spoke to Locke about. Ilana gave Lapidus a sphinx-like riddle test that made her sound as if she was intimately acquainted with the Island's ancient mythology. A related story is about the Great Sphinx at Giza... The story is that the Sphinx was nearly buried in sand and a man slept in the shadow of his head and had a dream that the sphinx told him that he was dying from the sand suffocating him, and that if the man unburied him from the sand, he would become pharaoh over Egypt. So the man saved the sphinx by digging it out of the sand and eventually killed his own brother, the pharaoh, and became pharaoh himself.
(Kinda reminds me of the riddle from seasons 1 and 2... "what did one snowman say to the other".)
I think that Ilana works for Widmore... either that or she and her friends are infected like Rousseau's crew, however I don't think we've ever seen Smokey on that little Hydra Island so I'm going to assume she works for Widmore. Maybe Widmore himself is inside that metal crate??? Lol. ;)

3. Widmore - Widmore previously told Locke that he was tricked off the island by Ben but last night's episode seemed to tell us otherwise. Widmore fathered a child (Penelope) with an ''outsider," spent too much time off the Island, and exploited the Island for selfish gain. Doesn't really seem like he was tricked...

4. More Widmore - Widmore was pissed that Richard brought Young Ben to the Temple (Jacob wanted Ben brought to the Temple). Widmore probably felt threatened. It's been suggested that Jacob likes to play favorites, so Widmore probably realized right away that Ben represented a rival/ threat.

5. Doubting Thomas - St. Thomas professed his faith in Jesus (post crucifixion) only after being offered the opportunity to touch Jesus' wounds - according to the author of the Gospel of John. We saw the Doubting Thomas painting, which portrays this, in the Lamppost Station (Ms. Hawking's church - see attached "Thomas painting" and "Saint_Thomas" photos).
Ben told Locke that he knew his Island magic would bring Locke back, however the surprise on Ben's face certainly suggested otherwise. Much like Jack, Ben had to see it to believe it. So many religion themes in this show.

6. Smokey's "telephone" - what is the significance of having water as the barrier that prevents Smokey from getting out? I'm going to look into this...

7. Ben's house - Weird, but Ben's Dharmaville house was originally a Dharma Initiative house, right?... so why did it come with a moving bookshelf and access tunnel to Smokey??? Interesting...

8. Smokey's judgement - As we saw with the death of Mr. Eko, passing judgment is all about repentance, and not so much about the sins committed. Ben to Locke: "You know, you were right... I did kill Alex". This type of repentance is exactly what the smoke monster is looking for. Had he not gained this important insight, Ben would've been destroyed just like Eko. This is pretty similar to Mr. Eko's judgment in The Cost of Living. The monster, appearing as Yemi, reminds Eko of all the terrible things he's done. But Eko feels differently - he feels that these things were all forced upon him and he refuses to repent. He denounces the monster's judgment, and it destroys him for it. Ben's penance, as he tells Locke: "It let me live..." - Ben must forever live with the guilt of having his daughter's death on his hands.

9. Alex's death - She was supposed to die as an infant, but didn't. Many years later, Alex's death happens anyway... and this brings about a really important question that Widmore would mention at his exile: was she supposed to die all along? Once Ben's chain of command had broken down, did the island use Keamy as a tool to course correct? Or was Alex's death on Widmore's orders, thinking that by correcting this mistake it would somehow help him back into the island's favor? This is why Ben so adamantly asked Keamy if Widmore had instructed him to kill Alex.

10. Desmond survives! - Apparently, Mythbusters had an episode that showed a bullet can be stopped by only a few inches of water (or milk). Ben should've watched that episode.

11. See the attached photos "Qabalah & Anubis," "Kabbalah Tree of Life diagram," and "Tree of Life 2." These are very reminiscent of the Blast Door Map and hatch diagrams. The Tree of Life is mentioned in many different religions. Per Wikipedia: A tree of life is variously, a) a mystical concept alluding to the interconnectedness of all life on our planet, b) a metaphor for common descent in the evolutionary sense, and c) a motif in various world theologies, mythologies and philosophies.

Mugen910 04-13-2009 08:29 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Cigargal 04-13-2009 10:11 AM

Re: LOST Notes
I think that Ilana works for Widmore... either that or she and her friends are infected like Rousseau's crew, however I don't think we've ever seen Smokey on that little Hydra Island so I'm going to assume she works for Widmore. Maybe Widmore himself is inside that metal crate??? Lol.

I think so too. She doesn't seem too upset at having lost her prisoner. I think she has another agenda. I hope we find out the answer to her riddle this season or it will bug the heck out of me...

Mugen910 04-17-2009 09:44 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Subject: LOST 5 - Ep. 13 "Some Like It Hoth"

1. Episode title is a play on "Some Like It Hot," a movie about two guys on the run from the mob, but also refers to a planet from Star Wars called Hoth (covered in ice and snow). But Hoth is also a god in Norse mythology: a blind god; misled by Loki (god of mischief), Thoth kills his brother Balder by throwing a shaft of mistletoe. Balder is the god of light.

Or, you could read the episode title as Some Like I THOTH. In Egyptian mythology Thoth was the god of wisdom, time, writing, the moon, and had the head of an ibis (bird). Thoth invented hieroglyphs. He was the measurer of the earth and the counter of the stars, the keeper and recorder of all knowledge. The Book of Thoth had two spells in it. If you read the first spell aloud, you would be able to understand every beast and bird, and summon the fishes in the sea. If you read the second spell, you could bring the dead to life. Displaying his role as arbitrator, Thoth had overseen the three epic battles between good and evil.

2. Naomi and the dead guy, Felix: In the episode ''Meet Kevin Johnson,'' Mr. Friendly/ Tom showed Michael all sorts of stuff - including photos of an exhumed cemetery - that he claimed was proof that Charles Widmore was behind the hoax plane crash in the ocean. So, did Tom kill Felix and swipe his stuff? Or is it possible that Charles Widmore wasn't behind the fake Oceanic 815 crash at all, that it was actually Ben who was behind it, and that Felix was killed to prevent him from reporting the scheme to Widmore?

3. Bram: The guy from the van who kidnaped Miles. Interesting that Bram and his people needed Miles to not want to get on the freighter. They could've just kept him for a week or two, causing him to miss the boat... but instead they tried to convince him not to go. Also, regarding Bram, he is the guy that was/will be with Ilana on the beach. When they were unpacking the guns on the beach, Bram and Ilana asked the code question to Frank (what lies in the shadow of the statue). See attached for a refresher photo. Who are Bram and Ilana working for? They must represent the 3rd party, that Widmore mentioned to Locke, in the war that's about to be waged.

A side note about the name Bram: Bram Stoker is the author of Dracula, the most famous "undead" person in literature. Stoker also wrote The Lair of the White Worm and The Jewel of Seven Stars. The first is about an ancient serpent living under an English manor, leading its inhabitants to the occult. The latter is about an attempt to reanimate an Egyptian mummy.
4.The theory is floating around that DHARMA is re-upping to take back "their" island. Is it possible that Widmore actually was involved in starting the Dharma Initiative... remember that the second protocol that Keamy took out of the safe from the freighter had a Dharma symbol on it (see attached)! What lies in the shadow of the statue - I wouldn't be surprised to see Dharma in 1977 using this same line in an upcoming episode. I think that people with different "clearance levels" in Dharma have different passwords. Kelvin wasn't high enough up to have the "statue" password, just the "snowman" one (remember the riddle from seasons 1,2 "what did one snowman say to the other?"). That would mean Ilana and Bram are also in Dharma's "Circle of Trust."

5. Miles and the money: Miles asked for double the money Widmore was going to pay, that's where the $3.2mil figure came from. It's possible that Miles demanded that from Ben because he thinks the guys in the van work for Ben, since they don't work for Widmore. Miles claimed his mission on the Island was to capture Benjamin Linus, but later offered to tell his employer (Widmore) that Ben was dead in exchange for $3.2 million.
6. Creepy line from Miles when Hurley asked him how he knew Chang was his father: ''Third day I was here, I was in line in the cafeteria and my mother got in line behind me. That was my first clue.'' Awesome.

7. Juliet - "here we go..." is what she said when the news started to spread about Ben missing from the infirmary. Why is she always so calm and collected? When she said "here we go" I thought it seemed like she knew what to expect or what was coming. Does she know more than she's letting on or is she really just that cool about everything???

8. Rain: Remember all those scenes in the jungle when it would rain/ downpour suddenly? We don't see that these days... at all. You could argue that it's because the Losties are in Dharmaville and not in the jungle but the island isn't SO big that it would never rain in Dharmaville! Usually we see the rain foreshadowing doom and gloom. But ever since everyone arrived at 70's Dharma, I can't think of a single time it rained. Weird.

9. Jack the janitor: There was lots of writing on the chalkboard behind Jack, all having to do with Egyptian mythology. More interesting though was the way Jack erased the boards... maybe we are looking too much into all this Egyptian stuff and in the end it will be as meaningless as seeing the Ajira flight number on the microwave. Maybe all this Egyptian mythology is a red herring???

10. Chang: Remember the Orchid Hatch orientation film that showed Chang and the two rabbits. Chang said "get them away from each other!" or something like that. I bet that Chang ends up finding out that Miles is really his son. Couple this with the fact that the Swan hatch is currently being built - which means that the incident can't be far off - and all kinds of crazy discoveries are about to happen with the Orchid... I bet that Chang sent his family off-island because he simply wanted to protect them. The crazy thing to ponder is that if Adult Miles is the one who spills the beans to his father, then he is the cause of his own unhappy life (daddy issues). Remember the brainwashing video "We are the cause of our own suffering!" *gasp!* :O
Also, Chang mentioned the other "ridiculous" experiments on the island. I bet that all the other experiments (zoology, Pearl Hatch monitoring station - remember the blank notebooks that dumped out to nowhere, etc) was really just a cover for what was going on at the Orchid and Swan Hatches.
11. Just as Hurley knows the Rebel base on Hoth will be overrun by AT-AT's he also knows that Dharma will be overrun by the Others (the Purge). He knows ahead of time that everyone's going to die. Miles, Dan... both of these people have told Hurley that this is inevitable - it can't be stopped no matter what they do. But here we have Hurley trying anyway, writing a new script for "Empire", attempting to change certain things. Hurley's silly belief that he can change this upcoming Star Wars movie is a reflection that he believes change can occur at all. Again, maybe Faraday was wrong when he said "whatever happened, happened..."

12. Faraday: The last time we saw Faraday he was a gibbering mess. The guy who steps out of the sub looks newly confident and ready to rock. Whatever he did in Ann Arbor (where the DeGroots founded the Dharma Initiative), it probably involved some rats and some mazes and some insane mathematics. I'll bet he came back to save his friends. Notice that he comes back to the island wearing a new black Dharma jumpsuit like the ones that are worn by the Swan Hatch builders.

13. Remember when I told you about the Dharma Wants You online game this past Autumn? We took quizzes and in the end were classified into different Dharma jobs (janitor, kitchen crew, mathematician, etc). Well, in the game if you were revealed to be on the Black Swan team it meant that you used cheats during the quizzes. Does this relate to the new black Dharma jumpsuits we are seeing??? Is this an allusion to the book The Black Swan: The Impact of The Highly Improbable? In his book, Nassim Nicholas Taleb speaks of ''black swan events'' - catastrophes and occurrences that invalidate widely held assumptions (he calls them "black swan events" because a black swan was discovered in Australia after everyone assumed that all swans are white). Remember what the Swan Hatch orientation film told us... how ''an incident'' shortly after the Swan's construction radically transformed its function. ''The Incident'' = ''Black Swan Event.'' I love this show!!!!

14. Remember the Dharma body in the grave who had the bullet hole in his head??? Guess it was actually a tooth filling and not a bullet hole.

15. Attached are some fun photos of the cast celebrating the 100th episode. The cake is really impressive! It's funny to see them smiling...

Mugen910 04-21-2009 01:53 PM

Re: LOST Notes
April 22nd, 2009 : 9:00-10:02
Special: "LOST: The Story of the Oceanic 6"
"ABC once again invites new and avid "Lost" viewers to take another look at one of the most talked about and critically acclaimed shows. "Lost: The Story of the Oceanic 6" will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating -- in discovering what happened to the Oceanic 6 and the remaining island survivors during the three years after Ben moved the island."

Just wanted to share this... Remember the ring of ash that surrounded Jacob's cabin?
According to commentary for "The Man Behind the Curtain" (season 3 episode) on the Season 3 DVD by the producers, the circle of ash is "a bit of a kind of protection or magic or kind of containment. Ben is afraid to touch it. In a certain way, part of the idea here is that Ben has some powers over Jacob, and Jacob has some powers over Ben, and there is a bit of a stasis."

Found this on Wikipedia and wanted to send it out as it looks like The Frozen Wheel:

The Dharmacakra or Dhammacakka, "Wheel of Dharma" is a symbol representing dharma, the Buddha's teaching of the path to enlightenment. It is also sometimes translated as wheel of doctrine or wheel of law.

History: The Dharmacakra symbol is represented as a chariot wheel with eight or more spokes. It is one of the oldest known Buddhist symbols found in Indian art, appearing with the first surviving post-Harappan Indian iconography in the time of the Buddhist king Asoka. The Dharmacakra has been used by all Buddhist nations as a symbol ever since. In its simplest form, the Dharmacakra is recognized globally as a symbol for Buddhism.

A simplified version of the Dharmacakra

The eight spokes represent the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism. Other symbolism in the eight-spoked Dharmacakra in Buddhism:

* Its overall shape is that of a circle, representing the perfection of the dharma teaching
* The hub stands for discipline, which is the essential core of meditation practice
* The rim, which holds the spokes, refers to mindfulness which holds everything together

Skywalker 04-23-2009 05:01 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Last nights show was a nice little update of the Oceanic Six!!!

I enjoyed the show without flashbacks for a change!!!

Cigargal 04-23-2009 06:17 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Was there any new content?

kaisersozei 04-24-2009 06:18 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Cigargal (Post 352684)
Was there any new content?

Heck no :bh! All it did was put this past season in somewhat of a chronological order. Most fans had probably already figured everything out that they showed.

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