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Robulous78 11-17-2014 09:54 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1999645)
Another slow episode. Only two more weeks and other than the first episode, this season has been extremely SLOW.

My thought exactly Mac. They blew their wad early with Termius and now we are just coasting to a christmas break...

irratebass 11-18-2014 10:16 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1997122)
It was a weird episode, but there was a lot going on and it was very interesting to me

I think when Darryl says "Come on out" I think that is a a flashback or a Quentin Tarantino type skip around, I think somehow Darryl & Carol hear the gunshots from Beth & "Chris Rock" they meet up with "Chris" and they set up a plan to have Carol get into the Hosp to save Beth, then all hell breaks loose.

Someone mentioned to me that the next episode will all be about the other group (Mullet, Glen, Maggie & the Commando guy) I tend to believe that. we shall see this Sunday, but I don't think we are going to get a conclusion to the "Beth situation" just yet......stay tuned true believers.

Well damn, I was WAY about that Ambulance scene tho eh? :tu


kugie 11-19-2014 08:58 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I think this season is excellent.

I thought that It was going to be a setup and Carol was going to be a plant into the hospital to work it from the inside out.
Getting hit by the car is great and she has to go in there. Does she revert back to the weak Carol that her ex-husband used to smack around or does she come out even stronger. What was with the book I thought she was putting that behind her.
This will be a great battle in the mid-season finale.

Can't wait.:tu

irratebass 11-19-2014 12:23 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 2000009)
I think this season is excellent.

I thought that It was going to be a setup and Carol was going to be a plant into the hospital to work it from the inside out.
Getting hit by the car is great and she has to go in there. Does she revert back to the weak Carol that her ex-husband used to smack around or does she come out even stronger. What was with the book I thought she was putting that behind her.
This will be a great battle in the mid-season finale.

Can't wait.:tu

I don't think she is going back to her old self, I believe she is just fatigued, this rest in the hosp may be what she needs.

About the book, according to Talking Dead Darryl was taking the book, because of his past with Merle & his father, so not sure where that's going to take us.

Victor808 11-19-2014 03:48 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Yeah, that scene confused me at first as well. I thought the book fell out of carol's backpack, but i guess it was supposed to be darryl's pack and it just fell out when she was handing it to him or something. I hope it's just Darryl coping with his past. Hopefully it doesn't turn him into some sort of sensitive sally... can't lose the most efficient zombie-killing machine around.

I also had a secret hope Carol was just bluffing when she got wheeled in, and she was going to get up and start killing people right and left. But I guess I was wrong. We have to wait for Rick to show up for the real violence to begin.

OLS 11-21-2014 06:39 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 2000009)
Does she revert back to the weak Carol that her ex-husband used to smack around or does she come out even stronger.

I have not watched 5 & 6 yet, I am waiting until my computer stops being tied up with another project.
Then I'll burn em to a disc and watch em. But I had to comment on this nevertheless. You can
toss away all the thoughts you might have that Carol will EVER go back to being a wallflower. If she takes
a smack of ANY KIND, it will be during the day previous to the night where she cuts the person's throat.
She is never going back to that.

Victor808 11-24-2014 04:00 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
That was a.... juicy... episode.

A bit of a filler, setting everything up for next week's season break. But still had some fun action in it.

Definitely award winning "best use of a zombie in a fight" moves by Darryl.

irratebass 11-25-2014 08:36 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I thought Darryl was a goner, and then bam Mcgyver style lol

Ok, so where is Gabriel going? Remember the group found him outside.......if he is as scared as he seems wouldn't he just stay in the church??? Idk about that dude.....mayeb he'll meet up with Morgan.

Victor808 11-25-2014 12:32 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I think gabriel is more running away from the people he thinks are homicidal maniacs (rick's group... and in all fairness if you hadn't seen anyone for all that time and the first people you meet execute some other people right in front of you, you might be a little apprehensive too)..... I suspect he'll come around. Or they'll just kill him off. He was looking for food when they met him the first time.

irratebass 12-01-2014 08:30 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Holy Crap!!!!! Poor Maggie.........What is up with Morgan? Is he sane yet?

bonjing 12-01-2014 10:37 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 2002550)
Holy Crap!!!!! Poor Maggie.........What is up with Morgan? Is he sane yet?

I think he is. The whole time I thought he knew whom he was following, but until he saw the map I don't think he knew.

Can someone explain to my little mind what exactly did Beth mean when she said "I get it now" to the crazy officer lady.

Victor808 12-01-2014 02:50 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 2002586)
I think he is. The whole time I thought he knew whom he was following, but until he saw the map I don't think he knew.

Can someone explain to my little mind what exactly did Beth mean when she said "I get it now" to the crazy officer lady.

I've been trying to figure that out as well.

My best guess is that it somehow ties into her talk with Dawn about how Dawn always gets someone else to do her dirty work or something....

Either beth "gets it" by realizing she can get someone else to do the work of killing Dawn for her... or Beth "gets it" by realizing that Dawn isn't changing at all, that she's still willing to do cruel things to maintain the appearance of power.

kelmac07 12-01-2014 04:14 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Didn't see the whole Beth thing coming...wasted all season working up to save and her and then this?? All in all, was a decent episode though.

mosesbotbol 12-01-2014 11:07 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
The tension around Beth had been growing. Pretty episode. I had missed a week or two, but on Fox Asia, it's on regular Fox, not FX. The are played the episode last night. What night of the week is it in USA? Fox Asia says say day coverage, so that'd mean it airs in Asia first...

irratebass 12-02-2014 06:22 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 2002703)
The tension around Beth had been growing. Pretty episode. I had missed a week or two, but on Fox Asia, it's on regular Fox, not FX. The are played the episode last night. What night of the week is it in USA? Fox Asia says say day coverage, so that'd mean it airs in Asia first...

It shows on Sundays on AMC in the U.S.

mosesbotbol 12-02-2014 06:27 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 2002735)
It shows on Sundays on AMC in the U.S.

Ok, so it was first in USA but within 24 hours in Asia.

Victor808 12-02-2014 11:44 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I really wish this midseason had ended stronger. I kind of felt like they really didn't accomplish much after that butt-kicking start.

I mean.... the first 3 episodes were strong finishes to the terminus theme ... between carol's rambo moves in episode 1 to Rick's executioner style in episode 3 there was a lot of action and tension.

But then... we had to fiddle around with beth's situation in episode 4, Eugene's big lie in episode 5, Carol and Darryl's big adventure in episode 6 (ok, that one was really good anyway...) and then episode 7 to bring them to a common point so episode 8 could be executed.

With all the buildup to bring it together, I just was hoping for a bit more. Maybe the problem was they never really fleshed out the hospital group much. There weren't enough identifiable characters, no reason to hope for any particular outcome. I didn't wish dawn dead or alive...

irratebass 12-03-2014 09:08 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by Victor808 (Post 2002809)
I really wish this midseason had ended stronger. I kind of felt like they really didn't accomplish much after that butt-kicking start.

I mean.... the first 3 episodes were strong finishes to the terminus theme ... between carol's rambo moves in episode 1 to Rick's executioner style in episode 3 there was a lot of action and tension.

But then... we had to fiddle around with beth's situation in episode 4, Eugene's big lie in episode 5, Carol and Darryl's big adventure in episode 6 (ok, that one was really good anyway...) and then episode 7 to bring them to a common point so episode 8 could be executed.

With all the buildup to bring it together, I just was hoping for a bit more. Maybe the problem was they never really fleshed out the hospital group much. There weren't enough identifiable characters, no reason to hope for any particular outcome. I didn't wish dawn dead or alive...

I kinda liked Dawn and thought she could have been swayed to be a better person with Rick's group.

According to Kirkman, some big changes are coming this next season (not sure if he meant the rest of this season or next), but he kind of hinted about Maggie and how she will deal with this, and there is supposedly another foe coming that is supposed to be worse than the governor....he also hinted that they will be out of the Atlanta region soon.

I personally thought it was a good season & I enjoyed the mid-season finale.

Victor808 12-03-2014 10:21 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
It was good... I don't mean to be a negative nancy. It's still the best thing on tv. I just felt like it started the half-season way stronger than it ended.

If they're gonna follow the comic books then there is going to be a new baddie who is WAAAYYY worse than the gov. We'll see.

irratebass 12-04-2014 07:25 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by Victor808 (Post 2002985)
It was good... I don't mean to be a negative nancy. It's still the best thing on tv. I just felt like it started the half-season way stronger than it ended.

If they're gonna follow the comic books then there is going to be a new baddie who is WAAAYYY worse than the gov. We'll see.

I need to re-read the comics, since they weren't following them as much I became uninterested

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