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jjmitchem 09-16-2012 03:36 PM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1716810)
If you're looking for a quick sell, some guys on here are looking for either 4 or 4s. Some have money to trade, some have cigars. :2


I can just hear it now- "you traded my iPhone for what???"

Ender 09-16-2012 08:49 PM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 1716067)
Well, with the LTE capabilities on the new iPhone5, I should be updating my Facebook status at light speed, and I will have a 5th row of apps on the home screen, so I can fit all my Angry Birds neatly.

That alone was worth the wait.

:r I wish there wasn't an element of truth in there for me. I pre ordered mine.

Ender 09-16-2012 09:08 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Ok, I just checked and my email says it should "arrive as soon as Sept 21". Man, I hope that's true.

longknocker 09-17-2012 04:02 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Justinphilly (Post 1717291)
I actually set my alarm for 2:00am (12:00am Cupertino time) to pre-order. For it done, delivery the 21st, went back to bed. I'm the Apple junkie they love. Even if the iPhone 5 was pitched as slower, bigger, worse, I'd HAVE to have it.

My Boss At Work Did The Same Thing!:D

"I" Wouldn't Even Do That, But You'll Both Be First To Get Them!:banger:D

aich75013 09-17-2012 07:34 AM

Re: iPhone 5
I didn't order until late Saturday.
Online it says:
Available to ship: 2 - 3 Weeks
Delivers Oct 10 - Oct 16 via Standard Shipping
Oh well. Still better than waiting in some long line.

King James 09-17-2012 08:16 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by aich75013 (Post 1717643)
I didn't order until late Saturday.
Online it says:
Available to ship: 2 - 3 Weeks
Delivers Oct 10 - Oct 16 via Standard Shipping
Oh well. Still better than waiting in some long line.

Any idea if availability in the stores will be back before that time? There will obviously be some time after the launch date where the phone won't be in stock, but maybe before Oct. 10? Although, it also isn't far fetched that Apple knocks down that shipping time. I know they like to project the date to be longer and then sometimes will change the delivery date to an earlier one.

CigarNut 09-17-2012 09:22 AM

Re: iPhone 5
I would bet that the Apple and Carrier stores will have stock for walk-ins. That is how I got my 4 in 2010 and my wife's 4S last year -- I walked into an AT&T store the day after the release and they had plenty of stock, with more coming in each day. There were lines, but if you want to get one from a store on Friday (9/21) you should be able to do so.

floydpink 09-17-2012 09:49 AM

Re: iPhone 5
I have to wait until Nov 1st for early upgrade which won't kill me, so I didn't preorder.

On a side note, I was curious to know why Apple hadn't officially made a bumper for the 5 and read an article which explained a few interesting things;

The unibody design and flush glass make it unlikely that it will crack like the previous models. Maybe not impossible, but apparantly much harder.

The bumper won't be fixing "death grip issues" with the antennae problem from the first models of 4 with the new 2 antennae design.

The aluminum body and "gorilla glass" on the 5s supposedly make it very durable.

Gorilla glass is made by Corning and is already found on some droid phones, which will undoubtedly invite plenty of "ho-hum" comments from the droid camp.

The camera lense is sapphire crystal, like you see on the face of a Rolex and gorilla glass is apparantly extrememely hard to crack or scratch.

I have always kept my iPhones in Otterbox cases and been able to sell them every couple years looking new, but am seriously considering going caseless on this one.

King James 09-17-2012 10:06 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 1717697)
I have to wait until Nov 1st for early upgrade which won't kill me, so I didn't preorder.

On a side note, I was curious to know why Apple hadn't officially made a bumper for the 5 and read an article which explained a few interesting things;

The unibody design and flush glass make it unlikely that it will crack like the previous models. Maybe not impossible, but apparantly much harder.

The bumper won't be fixing "death grip issues" with the antennae problem from the first models of 4 with the new 2 antennae design.

The aluminum body and "gorilla glass" on the 5s supposedly make it very durable.

Gorilla glass is made by Corning and is already found on some droid phones, which will undoubtedly invite plenty of "ho-hum" comments from the droid camp.

The camera lense is sapphire crystal, like you see on the face of a Rolex and gorilla glass is apparantly extrememely hard to crack or scratch.

I have always kept my iPhones in Otterbox cases and been able to sell them every couple years looking new, but am seriously considering going caseless on this one.

I've always been against using cases. Dropped my iphone 4 once and cracked the back plate (thankfully it landed on its back and not front. Difference is a $30 fix or $200+ for a new phone if the screen cracked) and decided to use the bumper. I think I will also try to go caseless with the 5

edit: I should clarify that "drop" in this case means flew out of my hand while I was talking on it and landed on a concrete street.

Blak Smyth 09-17-2012 10:10 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by King James (Post 1717704)
I've always been against using cases. Dropped my iphone 4 once and cracked the back plate (thankfully it landed on its back and not front. Difference is a $30 fix or $200+ for a new phone if the screen cracked) and decided to use the bumper. I think I will also try to go caseless with the 5

edit: I should clarify that "drop" in this case means flew out of my hand while I was talking on it and landed on a concrete street.

I have always hated cases, I buy a phone partially because of the way it looks and feels. With a case it no longer looks or feels the way I liked it.
I do use cases now though since I cracked and chipped my iPhone 4 up so many times.

CigarNut 09-17-2012 10:21 AM

Re: iPhone 5
I hate cases because they usually make it more difficult for the phone to slide in and out of my pocket. However, after having dropped my iPhone 3GS once (several years ago) and having the glass shatter I have been using a case, most recently the bumper.

The one advantage to the cases is that they preserve the resale value of the phone. I have not decided if I will use a case with the iPhone 5 -- I will certainly start out caseless and see how it goes..

Blak Smyth 09-17-2012 10:25 AM

Re: iPhone 5
Oh and my camera lense got all scratched up while not using a case and now takes worse pics.

floydpink 09-17-2012 10:26 AM

Re: iPhone 5
I'll never forget sitting on my hotel balcony on Clearwater Beach smoking a cigar before bed and flipping though CNN on my iPhone.

Out of nowhere, a large dragonfly landed on my shoulder.

I was so startled, I jumped up and my phone flew out of my hand and 5 floors down to the pool deck and bounced into the bushes.

I was sure it was toast, but it didn't even have a scratch thanks to the Otterbox.

That kind of makes me reluctant to go caseless.

Blak Smyth 09-17-2012 11:17 AM

Re: iPhone 5
I gotta admit, I am leaning away from the iPhone again. Did any of you see the new phablets?

CigarNut 09-17-2012 11:21 AM

Re: iPhone 5
For me those are too big to use as a phone without a headset. The iPhone is about as large as I want to get for something that I have to hold up to my ear...

aich75013 09-17-2012 11:24 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1717766)
For me those are too big to use as a phone without a headset. The iPhone is about as large as I want to get for something that I have to hold up to my ear...

I had a student during the summer who had a Galaxy Note (I think). It was almost as big as her head when she talked on it. Looked kinda silly to me. It reminded me of those pics once upon a time when iPad came out of people holding it like a phone.

MurphysLaw 09-17-2012 11:43 AM

Re: iPhone 5
I found a site that is doing a promo for iPhone 4/4s/5 cases. I bought my wife and I cases for our current phones there, and pre-ordered for my iPhone 5. If you use the coupon code it knocks the price of the case down to a penny plus S&H. The code works for up to two cases at a time. I have ZERO affiliation with the site, I'm just a happy customer.

King James 09-17-2012 11:44 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1717762)
I gotta admit, I am leaning away from the iPhone again. Did any of you see the new phablets?

I could imagine that thing being difficult to fit comfortable in some pants pockets, especially jeans. Some people like bigger screens, but for a phone that is with me at all times, I want something that can easily be carried.

Chainsaw13 09-17-2012 12:23 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Ditto for me Jim. I never carry a phone expect in my pocket.

Ender 09-17-2012 07:32 PM

Re: iPhone 5
I agree with pretty much all of Jim, Michael and Shane's comments so far. I'm not one who enjoys carrying a tablet in my pocket much less trying to talk on it. I thought the old size was good enough for what I needed it to do. However, I'm ok with it being a tad longer if it's thinner and lighter. I'm curious how much I'll even notice those differences though. Also, I agree that 10 years is sufficient time to allow for a change in format to allow for slimmer/better technology but my question is why didn't they just go to a mini usb? I'm not a techie so sorry if that's a dumb question.
On another note, my wife says her friend received an updated delivery notice stating it will be in October. So far I have not got any such notice...fingers crossed.

Edit: Oh, and I hate having a case too but alas, I so benefit from one. It makes it so much bulkier in my pocket.

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