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racer3 10-18-2008 05:39 PM

Re: What do you do for work?
Well I actually work in a prison watching inmates.. So does this count as the same thing?? :confused:

rck70 10-18-2008 05:55 PM

Re: What do you do for work?
I sell Food....yummy.....get to meet with chefs all day....:D

skyhigh340 10-18-2008 06:41 PM

Re: What do you do for work?
I'm a pilot for a airline in the midwest.

Chiefs~Wifey 10-18-2008 07:05 PM

Re: What do you do for work?

Originally Posted by Waynegro1 (Post 18934)
I wear many Hats.
I'm a FF/Paramedic, I teach EMS (EMT/Paramedic program) at a local college and finaly, My brother and I own a private security firm. Busy, busy.

I used to be a firefighter!! I miss it like crazy. Never got into the medical part of it all though.

floydpink 10-18-2008 07:23 PM

Re: What do you do for work?
sales and marketing selling timeshare. Constantly trying to figure out how to seperate people from the majority of their disposible income through high pressure tactics and preying on unsuspecting tourists visiting from the frozen North while constantly reminding myself, "you da man".

MajorCaptSilly 10-18-2008 08:04 PM

Re: What do you do for work?

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 19187)
sales and marketing selling timeshare. Constantly trying to figure out how to seperate people from the majority of their disposible income through high pressure tactics and preying on unsuspecting tourists visiting from the frozen North while constantly reminding myself, "you da man".

Coffee's for closers!!!


Always Be CLOSING!!!

ca21455 10-19-2008 02:27 AM

Re: What do you do for work?
I supervise the training for engineers, chemists, radiation protection and emergency response personnel at the Callaway Nuclear Plant in Missouri.

My real job is obtaining cigars and finding places to put them. :)

Rookie139 10-19-2008 03:17 AM

Re: What do you do for work?
I'm a police officer for a medium sized suburb north of Chicago...Been there for eleven years (not a rookie anymore...have used this screen name for a lonnng time since the early days of Cigarbid..Too lazy to change it)...Also a field training officer (just got my newest trainee into cigars..LOL), a firearms instructor and armorer for Beretta (Mod 92s and 96), Remington 870s, and all Glocks, all training paid for by my dept

TripleF 10-19-2008 06:40 AM

Re: What do you do for work?
Sales -
Custom Printed Promotional Merchandise
aka Advertising Specialties
aka Premiums

Basically, anything with a logo :D

Mark C 10-19-2008 06:43 AM

Re: What do you do for work?

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 16827)
I hate USAJobs, they make it so confusing sometimes. The problem I have found is they want you to have experience at a GS 5 level. The problem is that I only have 3 months at a GS 5 from when I was a seasonal park ranger at Gettysburg.

A college degree will typically get you a GS-7 if your grades were good, GS-5 should be easy. Are you still near the Gettysburg area? There may not be much up that way, but if you're willing to move east a bit there are always hundreds of postings for Ft Dietrick, Aberdeen Proving Grounds (my home), and the DC metro area.

Job fairs are great places to make contacts. Check out the nearby schools and see if the government is recruiting there, you usually don't need to be a student. I graduated from VT, but I ultimately got hired from a contact I met at UMD. Those sorts of personal contacts will mean more than a random resume online.

CBI_2 10-19-2008 06:47 AM

Re: What do you do for work?
Currently work in the electronic repair deptartment for Nielsen Media Research.
Have many years experience in computers and electronics, but willing to do anything that pays more than I currently make as long as it is legal and ethical.

AriesOpusX 10-19-2008 07:17 AM

Re: What do you do for work?

Originally Posted by racer3 (Post 19050)
Well I actually work in a prison watching inmates.. So does this count as the same thing?? :confused:

So you're basically a professional sleeper? :sleep:

:D A couple buddies of mine are CO's and I hear some really funny stories.

Linus 10-19-2008 07:20 AM

Re: What do you do for work?
As little as possible. :D But since the company insists I do something, I'm an IT corporate instructor for a large virtualization company. :ss

racer3 10-19-2008 10:18 AM

Re: What do you do for work?

Originally Posted by AriesOpusX (Post 20061)
So you're basically a professional sleeper? :sleep:

:D A couple buddies of mine are CO's and I hear some really funny stories.

I'm sure you hear some good ones.....We all have the funny stories at work.

stitch 10-19-2008 11:20 AM

Re: What do you do for work?
I make stuff out of dead cows

Mark C 10-19-2008 11:21 AM

Re: What do you do for work?
That needs to be a separate thread I think!

FriskyDingo 10-19-2008 12:29 PM

Re: What do you do for work?
Network Support Specialist / Hardware Support Specialist

Basically I help keep the network and computers for a branch of my metro government up and running.

JD11 10-19-2008 01:53 PM

Re: What do you do for work?
I splice the thin glass stuff that replacing all the telephone wires. For a telephone company that wants to be a cable company!!!!!


Rockestone 10-19-2008 02:15 PM

Re: What do you do for work?
I'm the GM of a vending company. You know, those machines that provide you with candy and soda for lunch while your at work. Please don't beat on the machine, it's probably your fault it didn't work properly:ss.

Teufel 10-19-2008 03:44 PM

Re: What do you do for work?
I'm a US Marine! Semper Fi!

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