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weak_link 08-04-2010 09:18 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 941608)

I can't stand drunk drivers.

+1 That's just horrible. :|

scottfish 08-06-2010 06:37 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
As of five pm yesterday I am a motorcycle owner again. Picked up a 1972 CB350. Can't wait for the inspection so I can ride.

floydpink 08-06-2010 07:00 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by scottfish (Post 944339)
As of five pm yesterday I am a motorcycle owner again. Picked up a 1972 CB350. Can't wait for the inspection so I can ride.

Congrats. Classic ride.

weak_link 08-06-2010 07:16 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
Great bike, congrats!

Careful with those brakes, all the 350's I've ridden feel like they have oak blocks for brake pads. :p

GolfNut 08-06-2010 07:18 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
While we are currently bikeless right now, I have full support from Sweetie for a Honda VTX1300 whenever we can coincide a good deal with available funds!

I'm ready for a cruiser at this stage of life. My last Bike was a 1995 Ducati 916 I bought from my FIL's estate. Sweet bike for sure, but way too uncomfortable. I got to where I would just rather drive a car. Cramped hips, sore back, etc. We bought my wife a Honda Rebel to ride along with, and she enjoyed it for a while but she's lost vision in her left eye and was just not comfortable on the bike anymore.

One day, the planets will align and I'll pick up a cruiser. Hopefully by next years' Sturgis!

scottfish 08-06-2010 08:16 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 944364)
Great bike, congrats!

Careful with those brakes, all the 350's I've ridden feel like they have oak blocks for brake pads. :p

Thanks for the heads up. I just got insurance today and the line at Secretary of State to register it was outlandish, so I won't be legit until Monday. Aside from testing it out in low gears around my subdivision tomorrow, I will not be doing any riding until I take the 4 mile trek to the Honda Dealership for a full inspection.

I bought her w/ full expectations of having to do some work and replace some worn parts. Since I decided to buy a vintage bike, the CB350 was my target (albeit not red). This one kind of fell in my lap and the price was right. It is pretty darn near original though, so I am happy.

weak_link 08-07-2010 01:45 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
Sounds like you have the perfect mindset for that fine moto. Enjoy brother.

markem 08-07-2010 01:42 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
One's ability to ride in the rain may vary :jd

HK3- 08-16-2010 12:21 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 899125)
Rolled Spiff out for a bath today. Thought I'd post a few pics to keep this thread alive.

My favorite... people always ask "What's wrong with your bike?" Gotta love the chatter of a dry slipper. :)

Waiting for the late evening so I can go out for a ride. Too hot to ride in the middle of the day. :td

Only had this bike a few months and just put it up for sale today. Short lived, I know. Time to move on to something newer.

Volt 08-16-2010 12:27 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
No scoot :( In the shop getting a rear tire, the front slammed, and handlebars with more pull back. I NEED a second motorcycle.

GreekGodX 08-16-2010 12:55 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 955155)
Only had this bike a few months and just put it up for sale today. Short lived, I know. Time to move on to something newer.

Any discounts for the Michiganders? :r I got $500 and lots of cigars. Plus a water damaged Ipod Touch :D

HK3- 08-16-2010 01:02 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 955203)
Any discounts for the Michiganders? :r I got $500 and lots of cigars. Plus a water damaged Ipod Touch :D

:r:r I think you may be just a little short. ;) Maybe you can work something out with the Honda up a little higher in the thread. Plus, he's closer to you.

GreekGodX 08-16-2010 01:39 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 955213)
:r:r I think you may be just a little short. ;) Maybe you can work something out with the Honda up a little higher in the thread. Plus, he's closer to you.

Agreed plus your bike would lead to my immediate death :td

lawman 08-16-2010 02:07 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
If I wasn't so old and fat I'd love to try out of the crotch rockets pictured on this thread. They look absolutely awesome and, from what I read in the mags, run like scalded dogs. However, I'll stick to my '07 UltraClassic. It seems that, no matter where I go, I never seem to have enough room in my saddlebags to bring along my troubles and worries.

Virginia_Ghost 08-16-2010 02:59 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by Volt (Post 955167)
No scoot :( In the shop getting a rear tire, the front slammed, and handlebars with more pull back. I NEED a second motorcycle.

If the urge gets too bad, come by and take your pick of any of mine, Volt.

Volt 08-16-2010 04:31 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
Thanks Brother, but:

1. One too tall
2. The other too fast


Originally Posted by Virginia_Ghost (Post 955354)
If the urge gets too bad, come by and take your pick of any of mine, Volt.

scottfish 08-18-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 955213)
:r:r I think you may be just a little short. ;) Maybe you can work something out with the Honda up a little higher in the thread. Plus, he's closer to you.

You are in the right price range. Although once I see my first mechanic bill, I fear I'll have double that into her.

HK3- 08-20-2010 04:11 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
Going shopping today. Hope I'm not tempted by the beauty. ;)

weak_link 08-20-2010 07:29 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 960093)
Going shopping today. Hope I'm not tempted by the beauty. ;)

Oh look, something shiny!! I'll take it!!!! :D

Good luck, what are you looking for again?

HK3- 08-20-2010 06:20 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
Success! I took the old Duker in for a trader and got what I wanted for it. :banger

This new one is crazy nuts with gobs of torque and hp. My wife new it right away when I picked her up from work and she said I had a glow. :D

I will take some pictures tomorrow.

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