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rack04 05-13-2010 01:12 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Quickly becoming addicted to Words With Friends. -(P

St. Lou Stu 05-13-2010 01:33 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by rack04 (Post 857820)
Quickly becoming addicted to Words With Friends. -(P

orlly? Looks like I should re-install! ;)

shilala 05-14-2010 06:30 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I recently played with uHear. It words really well to test your hearing. It's a quickie throw-away app.
World Series of Poker Free is a well done Texas Hold-em app.
I installed's Dictionary app. I use it constantly. I'm really happy with that one.
GoodReader is 99 cents. Best .pdf reader app I've found. I use it for reading all my ebooks.
The coolest app yet is Dragon Dictation. The uses for it never end. I'll use it more on my iPad later. I've thought of lots of ways I can use it, and I plan to write a few books soon. That'll make that a breeze.
I may have mentioned Goby. It's a "find stuff to do" app. Best one of seen yet, it actually doesn't suck like all the other ones I've checked out. They really got it right. It's worth a lokksee just for the cool factor.
SoundHound sucks. Digital Pinball sucks.Siri sucks. I've found a bunch more that are just plain worthless for lots of reasons.
I think the top five on my phone that I use all the time are:
12 Step Companion
Olive Tree NKJV Bible Reader
IMDb at bat 2010
I could probably live without any of the other 100 things on my phone. :D

AD720 05-14-2010 07:47 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 766941)
I've been playing Angry Birds. It's a physics based game, it's totally addictive, and it's funny. It's the first iPhone game I can't put down.
I also picked up Project 72, and it looks like it'll be a lot of fun once I get past Angry Birds.

Damn you Scott. :bh I CAN"T STOP!

BigAsh 05-14-2010 08:26 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I'm likin' Qik Video...Kindle app....ShopShop (I keep a home depot list so I don't forget the little things when I walk out)....

shilala 05-14-2010 10:38 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 858647)
Damn you Scott. :bh I CAN"T STOP!

I made it to 18 or 20 on the second level and now its like a chore. :D

tenbaseg 05-14-2010 10:44 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Check out "High Noon". It's kinda fun and getting addicting.

forgop 05-14-2010 10:49 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by Sawyer (Post 475488)
Currency - Quickly convert those pesky Euros to dollars.

When exactly would this come in handy? :D

68TriShield 05-14-2010 11:48 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Sushipedia :)

shilala 06-06-2010 08:13 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 858985)
Sushipedia :)

I grabbed that one to show Lisa, she loves Sushi. I don't.
It's a super cool app, I can see where it'd be lots of fun.

I recently downloaded Aroundme. Say you're away from home and need a donut. You just open it up, either choose a category or type "donut" in the search, and bang. Donuts.
I know there's tons of ways to get this done, but vie been traveling a lot, and it makes it quick and easy to find whatever I need wherever I am. It's nice and clean and simile, too. No crap.
Then I can click on George's Donuts and there's directions in google maps. I wish it'd kick up the destination in Navigon, but I can get by.

Diesel Kinevel 06-06-2010 08:24 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Scanner911 and Outta My Way are my two favorites. That is because I am a squirrel :D. As for a legitimate game, I would have to say AC-130.


DonnieW 06-06-2010 09:02 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
iSnipe for us precision rifle shooters. Spend less time calculating and more time smoking a cigar between shots. If I didn't smoke cigars, I'd likely just calculate it manually to keep my brain working.

Diesel Kinevel 06-06-2010 09:22 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by DonnieW (Post 878854)
iSnipe for us precision rifle shooters. Spend less time calculating and more time smoking a cigar between shots. If I didn't smoke cigars, I'd likely just calculate it manually to keep my brain working.

I looked at that app. Isn't it $29 bucks?


DonnieW 06-06-2010 10:04 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by Diesel Kinevel (Post 878867)
I looked at that app. Isn't it $29 bucks?


Nooooo... only 6 bucks. :tu

Diesel Kinevel 06-06-2010 10:30 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by DonnieW (Post 878901)
Nooooo... only 6 bucks. :tu

How do you like it? Is it accurate with the come ups/click values it gives you?


DonnieW 06-06-2010 10:58 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by Diesel Kinevel (Post 878925)
How do you like it? Is it accurate with the come ups/click values it gives you?


I really like it and you'll see why at the end of my response. The same work can be done by hand but this is just plain faster. As far as accuracy, its more accurate than I can shoot put it that way. The processing power of the iphone/itouch lets this thing crank out crazy accurate numbers. I tend to do a lot of mixed-distance 'gong' shooting to practice hunting. I'll use the laser range finder to get a distance of say 335 yards, then plug all the info into iSnipe and adjust clicks as indicated. Never missed a gong shot since. As for doing it by manual calculation, well lets just say I've had to take up reloading due to the amount of ammo I was going through :)

Diesel Kinevel 06-06-2010 11:07 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by DonnieW (Post 878947)
I really like it and you'll see why at the end of my response. The same work can be done by hand but this is just plain faster. As far as accuracy, its more accurate than I can shoot put it that way. The processing power of the iphone/itouch lets this thing crank out crazy accurate numbers. I tend to do a lot of mixed-distance 'gong' shooting to practice hunting. I'll use the laser range finder to get a distance of say 335 yards, then plug all the info into iSnipe and adjust clicks as indicated. Never missed a gong shot since. As for doing it by manual calculation, well lets just say I've had to take up reloading due to the amount of ammo I was going through :)

Sounds good! thanks for the info. I think this might be just what I need for shooting 500< with my .223 bolt gun.



kaisersozei 06-06-2010 08:57 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Haven't had my iPhone for long, but for those of you into homebrewing, I picked up:

Brew Pal

Great app that helps in recipe formulation, mashing, expected efficiency calculations, and can even categorize your recipe to the proper BJCP style if you're considering competition for your brew. Great app!

Chris. 06-06-2010 09:07 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
My favorite apps are:

Bump-easily share contact info between iphones
Photobucket-photo hosting
ESPN scorecenter
flixter-movie times
Photoshop mobile
engadget-high tech news
Remote-control iTunes from the phone
Units -quick unit conversion app
What's On?- TV channel listings. Can program your favorite shows and set up alerts to remind you of when they air.
Dragon Dictation-Speech to text software, and it works REALLY well as long as there isnt a lot of background noise. Unfortunately it doesnt recognize a pause as the end of a sentence, so you have to say period or exclamation point etc., but the app is great for texting while driving or if you cant text with both hands for whatever reason.

As for game:
Tower Madness
Cartoon Wars
Stick wars
I Dig It
Zynga live poker
Beer Pong
Toobz free
and my current addiction: ANGRY BIRDS

Chris. 06-06-2010 09:11 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 858892)
I made it to 18 or 20 on the second level and now its like a chore. :D

Wait until the Third Book. they start getting insane. I'm on 17 of book three.:=:

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