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emopunker2004 01-11-2013 06:15 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
So no 100-rd beta mags in ur Ar the lol

Digs 01-11-2013 07:26 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1779501)
Yep! Or there's a link over in arfcom for a $300 lifetime membership

Justin I upgraded my my membership using a sponsor on arfcom, $300 :noon

Worked like a charm - This is a great deal $700 savings!!

emopunker2004 01-11-2013 08:16 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Good to hear Dennis. Regular membership for me and the wife right now

spectrrr 01-11-2013 08:23 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1779635)
So no 100-rd beta mags in ur Ar the lol

Nope! And no 48rd mags if I start doing 3gun next year.... at least not at in-state matches.

forgop 01-11-2013 09:43 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I know one of the things that will be touched on in a new law will be the requirement of a background check for all private sales. Anyone have an issue with it?

Personally, I'm for it. Would you want to know people that are denied via a dealer/background check can just resort to buying off a private sale with no such consideration? The only downfall will involve a bureaucratic process of P2P sales that will obviously encounter increased time and expense to make said transaction.

macon 01-11-2013 09:45 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1779592)
Welcome to the forums Macon! Stop by the New Inmate Processing area and introduce yourself :)

The last few weeks when I went to a show, I showed up around noon, and by then the line had died down to about 20 minutes...
But really, stocks are so low, there's better stuff online these days. ONLY thing I've seen worthwhile at at the shows is the private sales... there's still a few decent deals to be had in that arena.

Did - thanks.

emopunker2004 01-11-2013 09:49 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Duane, only if they open nics up to everyone. If u have to go to a dealer to do private sales then they can FOAD

Digs 01-11-2013 10:09 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1779735)
I know one of the things that will be touched on in a new law will be the requirement of a background check for all private sales. Anyone have an issue with it?

Personally, I'm for it. Would you want to know people that are denied via a dealer/background check can just resort to buying off a private sale with no such consideration? The only downfall will involve a bureaucratic process of P2P sales that will obviously encounter increased time and expense to make said transaction.

I would rather not speculate at all how we maybe getting f--ked buy doing this we are already conceding that there going to get something thru! Even if he goes the EO route its still subject to congressional review (he is not a king and cant invalidate the senate and congress)I don’t think there are many Republicans that are going to vote against gun owners, even slick Willy mentioned numerous times that the 94 AWB cost him the house and Senate. I DONT have a problem with stopping papered nuts and non US citizens from buying firearms. (WTF?)

Here in Pa you cant legally sell long guns to another individual that you know is able to pass a back ground check, if you sell it to someone you know couldn’t legally obtain it you are in trouble its considered a straw purchase. As far as handguns go in Pa with the exception of immediate family you need to go to the gun shop and have them perform the back ground check.

I am still preparing for the worst and hoping for the best :tu

elderboy02 01-11-2013 10:23 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1779735)
I know one of the things that will be touched on in a new law will be the requirement of a background check for all private sales. Anyone have an issue with it?

Personally, I'm for it. Would you want to know people that are denied via a dealer/background check can just resort to buying off a private sale with no such consideration? The only downfall will involve a bureaucratic process of P2P sales that will obviously encounter increased time and expense to make said transaction.

I am not for it at all. It will cost you more when you go to sell a firearm. I am sure FFL dealers will want to charge you to do a background check.

Also, the wording of the Second Amendment says "...shall not be infringed."

No compromise.

emopunker2004 01-11-2013 10:35 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1779749)
I am not for it at all. It will cost you more when you go to sell a firearm. I am sure FFL dealers will want to charge you to do a background check.

Also, the wording of the Second Amendment says "...shall not be infringed."

No compromise.

There's always opening NICS to everyone so u can do your own checks. But I would rather nothing.

Digs 01-11-2013 10:40 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1779749)
I am not for it at all. It will cost you more when you go to sell a firearm. I am sure FFL dealers will want to charge you to do a background check.

Also, the wording of the Second Amendment says "...shall not be infringed."

No compromise.

I already have local dealers that "rape and pillage the village"
On P2P back ground checks / $50 !!!

MurphysLaw 01-11-2013 10:45 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1779501)
Yep! Or there's a link over in arfcom for a $300 lifetime membership

Thanks for this info, going to check with a family member that's a lifetime member to see if I can get in on this :tu

bonjing 01-11-2013 10:57 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
In California we already do that. All PPT's must go through a dealer, $35 for transfers and 10 day waiting period.

elderboy02 01-11-2013 11:02 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 1779759)
In California we already do that. All PPT's must go through a dealer, $35 for transfers and 10 day waiting period.

There you go forgop. :tu

I'll pass on all that BS

forgop 01-11-2013 11:14 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1779749)
I am not for it at all. It will cost you more when you go to sell a firearm. I am sure FFL dealers will want to charge you to do a background check.

Also, the wording of the Second Amendment says "...shall not be infringed."

No compromise.

Well, in some ways that right has already been infringed upon based upon the background check through dealer purchases. I'm just of the opinion that felons shouldn't have easier access buying from me than a dealer. It's obviously up to our discretion on who we sell to, but I'm not confident in the average citizen's judgment on who they sell to as long as they get the money.

Digs 01-11-2013 11:22 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1779769)
Well, in some ways that right has already been infringed upon based upon the background check through dealer purchases. I'm just of the opinion that felons shouldn't have easier access buying from me than a dealer. It's obviously up to our discretion on who we sell to, but I'm not confident in the average citizen's judgment on who they sell to as long as they get the money.

If John Q public sells a gun to "felon" then he himself is a "felon"
Felons don’t go down to the local gun shop and perform a back ground check on a firearm that is probably stolen!??

Once again this only effects to hard working, law abiding, tax paying citizens

elderboy02 01-11-2013 11:28 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
+1. Most criminals don't go to gun shows to buy guns from private individuals. Most criminals get their guns from burglaries, and the black market.

spectrrr 01-11-2013 11:37 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1779735)
I know one of the things that will be touched on in a new law will be the requirement of a background check for all private sales. Anyone have an issue with it?

Personally, I'm for it. Would you want to know people that are denied via a dealer/background check can just resort to buying off a private sale with no such consideration? The only downfall will involve a bureaucratic process of P2P sales that will obviously encounter increased time and expense to make said transaction.

On the surface, it sounds good... except the details of any implementation fall apart, and make every owner trackable.

Lets explore it:
New law - "private sales must be done at a dealer and have a background check."

But, here's the rub. If me and Justin are pals and live in the same town, I want to sell a gun to him. He's not going to turn me in, so we sell it privately. how would you know we sold it privately? Only one way - guns & serial numbers have to be linked to their owners and tracked, and if the correct owner doesn't have it, big doo doo for that owner. Which means they know what each owner has.

Right now for example, I purchased a Glock 17 last week. That was last week. There is a paper trail that leads from the Manufacturer, to the dealer, and then to me. But that's where the chain gets broken. You have NO IDEA if I still have it today. I could have just as easily sold it yesterday. Sorry officer, I don't have that anymore.

Right now there is no central database (ATF has to do it by hand, call the dealer, etc), however the creation of one is being strongly considered by the prez, and honestly, it wouldn't take much, I'd say it's a high likelihood.

So assuming we have a central database of sales, BLAM, who needs "registration?". One computer search will show exactly what I have - keyword, HAVE, present tense, not "HAD" as in past tense. Someone shows up at my door and asks to see my Glock 17 that I purchased last week, then I damned well better have it or the paper trail to prove I don't. :td I can't say I needed money and sold it at a gun show yesterday, they're going to need to see that paper trail. But maybe I don't want people to know I have it ;)

And if that paper trail requirement doesn't exist, then what is the point? People are lazy, they will continue to sell without a BG check to anyone that doesn't look like a BATF agent, why go through the hassle if you don't have to?

Finally, bear in mind that most felon's have been trained by the U.S. Prison system to get what they want in a complete lock down environment. If they can find a way to get drugs, booze, weapons etc while in the slammer, something tells me that adding another layer of background checks will be largely ineffective, they'll just go through other routes!

(And the felons that haven't received that training are usually felons because of softer crimes, like I stole $15k, the kinds of guys we really don't need to worry about too much.)

Now, with all of that said (because I couldn't resist, and I should have), I think we're dancing with the political devil here topic wise, and probably, err no, NEED to be more careful ;)

jluck 01-11-2013 11:39 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
In Oregon, there is a "Blue form"(I don't know the form number) that gun show promoters have to supply for private sales, You need a cell and a credit card for the 10 dollar fee, you can call in your own background checks if you want.

Other states might do the same or similar....

elderboy02 01-11-2013 12:22 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
AIM Surplus had some 7.62x39 in stock last night, but of course it all sold out quickly.

Blueface 01-11-2013 12:24 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1779798)
deleted at request of elderboy02

Man, come to think of it, small landscape rocks also.
Just imagine how many in a bag and how many folks can lose their lives as result of an irresponsible homeowner or landscaper.
Background checks for ALL/everything!!!!:r

elderboy02 01-11-2013 02:03 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Hurry! Cabela's has 5.56 in stock:

spectrrr 01-11-2013 02:44 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
good ammo too... tempting...

forgop 01-11-2013 03:00 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Too late now.

forgop 01-11-2013 03:02 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I'm not thrilled with them making it all that much difficult to buy guns, but in today's environment, I'd take the increased regulations on P2P transactions than I would with them banning weapons/mags.

I'm certain one or the other will be coming, but to what extent, I don't know.

Digs 01-11-2013 03:31 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1779904)
I'm not thrilled with them making it all that much difficult to buy guns, but in today's environment, I'd take the increased regulations on P2P transactions than I would with them banning weapons/mags.

I'm certain one or the other will be coming, but to what extent, I don't know.

I am certain there won't be - haha;)

On the Today show this morning, NRA President David Keene predicted to show host Matt Lauer that Congress would not successfully pass an assault weapons ban in 2013.

“I do not think that there is going to be a ban on so-called assault weapons passed by the Congress,” Keene declared, after Lauer asked him if the NRA was powerful enough to block the legislation.

Lauer questioned Keene about whether the power of the NRA was “eroded” after the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

This Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners – honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans. It is unfortunate that this Administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation’s most pressing problems. We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen. Instead, we will now take our commitment and meaningful contributions to members of congress of both parties who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works – and what does not.

forgop 01-11-2013 04:47 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
It's not congress that really worries me. As far as those who will listen, it's quite clear the NRA is indicating there will be lots of $100 handshakes.

jluck 01-11-2013 07:11 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1779957)
It's not congress that really worries me. As far as those who will listen, it's quite clear the NRA is indicating there will be lots of $100 handshakes.

I think I missed that part of the story.

In other news....

The gun shop that jacked up the price on the I-tac I ordered has resorted to buying out our local fredmeyer store of certain guns and selling them on gunbroker.

kaisersozei 01-12-2013 07:24 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
In the past few weeks, I've had the chance to fire a pretty good selection of handguns and we're looking to make our first purchase soon after the wife completes a class. Are there websites out there that can do a side-by-side comparison on a variety of weapon features, including things like cost?

Looking at sticking with a 9mm, and this would not be for cc. So far, we've prioritized these:

Springfield XDM
HK P30
Sig 226
Glock 19

My preference was for the Sig, but the wife was very comfortable & accurate with the XDM. We also fired, but are not interested in buying:

M&P Shield
Kahr PM9
Ruger LC9

I've searched through this thread and picked up a lot of good info, so thanks for that already! Any extra thoughts or suggestions on our top list would be appreciated

bonjing 01-12-2013 09:47 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1780186)

My preference was for the Sig, but the wife was very comfortable & accurate with the XDM. We also fired, but are not interested in buying:

Get both! Seriously, if its within budget go for it. Get what felt good to you/wife. For me the only downside I explain to people about a SA/DA gun like the Sig is, you need to learn and practice with the both trigger pulls. The striker fired guns are simply one trigger pull to learn.

Blueface 01-12-2013 09:53 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Went to gun show in Ft. Lauderdale this morning with my son.
Paid for parking and after seeing there was little chance of getting in due to mob that was there, went home.
It was like nothing I have ever seen.
I thought I was going to the BCS championship game or Super Bowl.

Col. Kurtz 01-12-2013 10:48 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1779874)

What was the price when it was available Dan?

Blueface 01-12-2013 11:15 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 1780254)
What was the price when it was available Dan?

$194 for a 500 can.

emopunker2004 01-12-2013 12:42 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Hopefully I have 6mags in my mailbox when I go check

Brian D. 01-12-2013 01:22 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1780235)
Went to gun show in Ft. Lauderdale this morning with my son.
Paid for parking and after seeing there was little chance of getting in due to mob that was there, went home.
It was like nothing I have ever seen.
I thought I was going to the BCS championship game or Super Bowl.

That's going on all over the country. Was reading about one in northeastern Ohio this weekend that had the "bonus" of parking on just-thawed-out grass. The tow truck operators were maybe making easier money than the show dealers!

Brian D. 01-12-2013 02:53 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
My latest acquisition was a Browning Hi Power Mark III (black epoxy finish) chambered in 40 S&W caliber. Best I can tell Browning/FN stopped importing the .40 version some time ago, not sure they're even still in production. This one was made in 1993 but in virtually unfired condition. Well, until it fell into my clutches, that is. -(P

Have tried out several .40 S&W handguns thru the years, the BHP is among the best imo. When they made them they didn't just shoehorn a .40 barrel into a nine millimeter platform. The slide was widened, extra locking lug added to the barrel and slide, heavier recoil spring added. Those changes make it as pleasant to shoot as the 9 mm version.

The epoxy based finish used on the BHP may not be pretty, but past experience has shown it to be very resilient, even with frequent carry. If you're in the market for a modern era BHP to tote and use a bunch I highly recommend this finish over the blued.

As to the still available new 9mm Browning Hi Powers...

For what it's worth the "silver chrome" (Browning's name for hardchrome) model BHP is also very durable, but dang those can be hard to locate, they haven't done that finish in several years now. The Practical Model is epoxy black over silver chrome, think those are still imported, or at least some remain in the new supply pipeline.

Oh, one more variant surfaced a few years ago and may still be out there new: A digital camo finish. Again, not much to look at, but I believe that finish is again epoxy based, and should be tough.

Col. Kurtz 01-12-2013 02:56 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1780265)
$194 for a 500 can.

That's not bad if it's true M855 and 500 rounds. Most I have seen packaged like that are 420 rounds and a bit cheaper.

emopunker2004 01-12-2013 03:21 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 1780318)
That's not bad if it's true M855 and 500 rounds. Most I have seen packaged like that are 420 rounds and a bit cheaper.

Not lately u haven't. Have priced ammo lately? cTD had m855 for a dollar a round lately

Blueface 01-12-2013 03:40 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 1780318)
That's not bad if it's true M855 and 500 rounds. Most I have seen packaged like that are 420 rounds and a bit cheaper.

Sorry, meant 420.

emopunker2004 01-12-2013 03:49 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
No mags today :td

MurphysLaw 01-12-2013 04:17 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1780235)
Went to gun show in Ft. Lauderdale this morning with my son.
Paid for parking and after seeing there was little chance of getting in due to mob that was there, went home.
It was like nothing I have ever seen.
I thought I was going to the BCS championship game or Super Bowl.

Damn, sorry to hear that, maybe I'll pass on making the trip down tomorrow.

Blueface 01-12-2013 04:44 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by MurphysLaw (Post 1780341)
Damn, sorry to hear that, maybe I'll pass on making the trip down tomorrow.

Brian, can't possibly imagine any stock tomorrow unless prices where out of this planet.

Digs 01-12-2013 07:32 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1780235)
Went to gun show in Ft. Lauderdale this morning with my son.
Paid for parking and after seeing there was little chance of getting in due to mob that was there, went home.
It was like nothing I have ever seen.
I thought I was going to the BCS championship game or Super Bowl.

I went to a local show today in Lebanon Pa. One of of about 6-8 shows that are local within 45 minutes max. (York-Harrisburg-Lebanon-Reading-Lessport-Mt Pocono)Between Sept. thru May I could go to a show every weekend. Turnout was huge had to wait 20 minutes or so to get in.

Prices were high, didn't see a crappy WASR AK under $1500 (wtf these were $169 at one time) most AR mags are $25-$35, cheapest AR was a colt 6920 for $1800, I am telling you the idiots are now primarily out of the market now, I was there for 6 hours and only saw one crappy DPMS sold! The same dealer i saw last weeks show with X6 6920 still had 6 today....

Anyway scored a FN M16 bolt carrier group for $200 a BCM/ Vltor upper for $200 and a nice Condor double rifle case in FDE for $80 and..... 4 gen 3 p mags for $25 each. Didn't need them but what the hell:tu

Steelerfanatic 01-12-2013 07:37 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I just wish I could find some 223/556 brass cases ammo for less than a damn dollar a round! This is crazy.

emopunker2004 01-12-2013 08:12 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Steelerfanatic (Post 1780426)
I just wish I could find some 223/556 brass cases ammo for less than a damn dollar a round! This is crazy.

U can. Just gotta check everywhere everyday. I got 200rds of m193 for 90 on dec 27

forgop 01-13-2013 12:47 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Biggest gun show in the state is coming up next weekend. I reckon I can get better offers than $300 for stripped lowers than I've received on armslist. Some tools offered me $100-$135.

That's where I'll be come Friday morning with my spare Shield as well.

emopunker2004 01-13-2013 01:11 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Put them on gunbroker

spectrrr 01-13-2013 02:36 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1780547)
Put them on gunbroker


bigswol2 01-13-2013 06:57 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1780442)
U can. Just gotta check everywhere everyday. I got 200rds of m193 for 90 on dec 27

I have about 1000 rounds of m193 tracer. I put it on armslist.

jluck 01-13-2013 11:36 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1780545)
Biggest gun show in the state is coming up next weekend. I reckon I can get better offers than $300 for stripped lowers than I've received on armslist. Some tools offered me $100-$135.

That's where I'll be come Friday morning with my spare Shield as well.

You might want to hurry if your looking to ride the fear monger wagon with the sale and huge profits of these lowers. It looks like the stupid frenzy is slowing down. Stripped lowers are still getting a couple hundred bucks on average it looks like to me. :2

And I agree with you using Gunbroker,It's the last refuge of suckers.

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