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OLS 12-09-2014 02:21 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Sorry these are so low res, none of em are over 60kb, skranked them off of FB since I had to format my flash drive.

Up and comer, Marcella Simien, daughter of the Zydeco great Terrance, living in Memphis and earning a living playing
music. As wonderful a young lady as you could ask for, pretty unique as a performer, and right now, I think a little
conflicted as to whether or not its even POSSIBLE to make a living at music. I hope she stays with it. Enjoy Marcella
and Her Lovers.

And missed the focus on this one, the place is SO much darker than it appears.

0002S 12-09-2014 02:22 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by GWN (Post 2003763)
Work finally upgraded me to a newish 5s yesterday and the camera is certainly better that my old 4s. Curious which apps, settings, etc. work best. ]

Try this app, you enjoy your results with the 5s

Dave128 12-09-2014 02:31 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by 0002S (Post 2004485)
Go ahead and ask me what the settings were on this shot. I shot this hand held with a S90 in M mode.

:dr :)

GWN 12-09-2014 05:29 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 2004490)
I re-read my comments on this photo and was a bit mortified....I did not intend to say that I did not like
this pic, or that I thought it was bad. In fact as a phone pic I rather like it. I have a partner that I work
local shows with; he books the acts and I do my best to cover them. And he always asks me what I
thought about this shot or that from his phone, and I always want to say "If I thought they were good,
I wouldn't be here." And by that I simply mean that if it was good enough to promote his show with,
he certainly wouldn't need ME to shoot DSLR photos. I LOVE staying at home nights.

So I tell him that I like the framing, composition, perspective, timing of the capture...things I DO Like
about the shot. Its not supposed to compare head to head, but it can still be a great shot. I am already
a big enough jerk not to come off as one accidentally, lol. This place is about photography, not DSLRs.
And from that perspective, the shots rather wicked. (You know what I DO HATE, though? These freaking
LED stage lights.)

No sweat, conversation was always about quality. Thanks for the comments on composition — I kinda dig it too. And I especially hate the red LEDs. They always seem to make the sensor take a crap.

GWN 12-09-2014 05:30 PM

Re: Photography Thread
P.S. you guys have posted some really nice frames in here in the past 24 hours. Great to see the thread come alive again.

OLS 12-09-2014 07:03 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by GWN (Post 2004532)
P.S. you guys have posted some really nice frames in here in the past 24 hours. Great to see the thread come alive again.

Hear, hear...

0002S 12-09-2014 07:20 PM

Re: Photography Thread

0002S 12-09-2014 07:24 PM

Re: Photography Thread

pattersong 12-09-2014 08:24 PM

Re: Photography Thread
A photo I took sometime after midnight downtown Toronto during Nuit Blanche. I call it "Urban Forest"

OLS 12-10-2014 12:33 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I spotted the forest!
Nice shot, very appealing.

0002S 12-11-2014 08:22 AM

Re: Photography Thread

OLS 12-12-2014 10:15 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I got to town late in the day one spring weekend in NOLA, and arrived at the river just in time to see a sunset cruise
take off down the river. I have shot a LOT of NOLA, but this hour was a first for me, and I scrambled like an ant trying
to make 15 locations happen at once, but eventually the light faded and I got back to doing what I always seem to do there.

shark 12-13-2014 08:54 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Night time fun on an antique carousel.

shark 12-13-2014 08:57 AM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 12-13-2014 08:59 AM

Re: Photography Thread

dijit 12-13-2014 09:19 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Are those pics at Greenfield village? Looks like it and thanks brings back some good memories.

0002S 12-15-2014 07:21 AM

Re: Photography Thread

OLS 12-16-2014 10:19 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I HOPE I did not post this before, for some reason it is in the "Bucket" where I store the inserts for the Asylum
but I don't recall why its there.

OLS 12-16-2014 10:39 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Who Dat say dey wanna scratch my belly??

0002S 12-17-2014 01:30 PM

Re: Photography Thread

OLS 12-19-2014 02:09 PM

Re: Photography Thread
A new

shark 12-19-2014 03:13 PM

Re: Photography Thread
You have got a sickness, Brad! Seek help! :sl ;)

shark 12-19-2014 03:27 PM

Re: Photography Thread
This is probably a repost. It was from last year[/url]

shark 12-19-2014 03:28 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 12-20-2014 09:28 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Fireworks display at the Holiday Nights event at Greenfield Village:

shark 12-20-2014 09:33 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 12-20-2014 09:37 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Camera on tripod (obviously!), bulb shutter speed, f10, ISO100, Nikkor 50mm f1.8 lens. And focus was manually set at or near infinity.

OLS 12-21-2014 05:45 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by shark (Post 2006749)
You have got a sickness, Brad! Seek help! :sl ;)

I was just sharing it in case someone needed one. That's as cheap as I have ever seen one.
But alas, when I consider the specs of this camera I have wanted for two years, it is clear I no longer need one.
I have two D700s and a D600, a D7000, a Canon 5D and various and sundry trunk cameras of ancient pedigree.
But I am sure there is someone here that could use it's weather sealing, rip-roaring frame rate, decent ISO range
for an old model, and all around quasi-pro features.

shark 01-04-2015 07:07 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Sunset on New Years Eve. Captiva Island, FL

shark 01-04-2015 07:08 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 01-04-2015 07:10 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 01-05-2015 05:13 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Paddle boarding with Flipper!

shark 01-05-2015 05:15 PM

Re: Photography Thread

MarkinAZ 01-07-2015 06:49 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Beautiful photographs above Ron:tu

My wife traveled out to Ventura, CA this morning to meet a girlfriend for lunch, and later shot this with her little Kodak:

Looking West out from the Ventura jetty towards the Channel Islands. That's possibly Anacapa Island in the distance...

Dave128 01-08-2015 10:25 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Beautiful pic, Mark.

OLS 01-12-2015 08:01 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Looks like a lot of happiness out west.

shark 01-19-2015 02:46 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Auto Show this past weekend. The new Ford GT:

shark 01-19-2015 02:48 PM

Re: Photography Thread
It was simply too crowded to get a pic of the whole car. But, here is a pic of the Mopar Hellcat engine:

Dave128 01-20-2015 08:14 AM

Re: Photography Thread
That new Ford GT is gorgeous. Thanks for the pic.

GWN 01-22-2015 05:52 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by shark (Post 2010141)

Nice frame Ron!

Eleven 01-27-2015 09:39 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Does anyone have experience with converting old black and white negatives and slides over to digital? I plan on using my old Canon XS. I have an older X-ray veiwer to back-light the negatives and I'm getting extension tubes in leiu of a macro lens. I'm hoping to just get decent shots of the negatives and process them in GIMP after. Most of these negatives and glass slides are from the 40's and 50's. My Granfather, his brothers and their father were all into photography, so I have thousands of individual pics to do.

My main concern is getting the right settings when taking pics of the negatives. Would it be better to shoot in monocrome, or color? What light balance would be best? I'm shooting in RAW for sure but starting out with the optimal settings would save me tons of time in the long run.

I've tried a few sample shots without the extension tubes so I'm sure I can get a better, closer shot the negatives later when they show up in the mail. My first tries were at f8, 1/125, 100ISO and auto white balance.

Here's a sample of my first try:

And after inverting the color and auto-balance in GIMP:

OLS 02-06-2015 08:45 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I used a pacific Image "scanner" to take care of my slides and negatives, not the best idea available, but I was not
spending what they wanted for a good one, not by a long shot. I can't really "recommend" one, but they are the
cheaper alternative and they DO work.

OLS 02-06-2015 08:47 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Young JEEZY-us, did you SEE what Canon stuffed into a DSLR this week?
50MP into a full frame sensor. I am just smacked in the a55.
Glad I don't mess with Canon. SOMEONE needs this camera, just not me.

Subvet642 02-06-2015 10:43 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 2014745)
Does anyone have experience with converting old black and white negatives and slides over to digital? I plan on using my old Canon XS. I have an older X-ray veiwer to back-light the negatives and I'm getting extension tubes in leiu of a macro lens. I'm hoping to just get decent shots of the negatives and process them in GIMP after. Most of these negatives and glass slides are from the 40's and 50's. My Granfather, his brothers and their father were all into photography, so I have thousands of individual pics to do.

My main concern is getting the right settings when taking pics of the negatives. Would it be better to shoot in monocrome, or color? What light balance would be best? I'm shooting in RAW for sure but starting out with the optimal settings would save me tons of time in the long run.

I've tried a few sample shots without the extension tubes so I'm sure I can get a better, closer shot the negatives later when they show up in the mail. My first tries were at f8, 1/125, 100ISO and auto white balance.

Here's a sample of my first try:

And after inverting the color and auto-balance in GIMP:

I did a lot of this with film, once upon a time: Copy stand, light box (your X-Ray viewer), monochrome (In case it's not daylight balanced), be viciously clean to avoid specks and be aware that those old emulsions were pretty thick; meter it out. Baring that, a lot of labs provide negative scanning services.

shark 02-06-2015 04:18 PM

Re: Photography Thread
It's too bad that equipment and chemicals for B&W printing have become pretty scarce. I could have a small cottage industry. B&W was actually pretty easy to do..

Subvet642 02-07-2015 04:19 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by shark (Post 2016615)
It's too bad that equipment and chemicals for B&W printing have become pretty scarce. I could have a small cottage industry. B&W was actually pretty easy to do..

Here ya go!

OLS 02-26-2015 12:14 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I have given Photo-bukkit up, they are just awful now...of course they only did waht Flickr did and everyone else WILL do,
change to be someone other than who they are.

Got one window to bolt down to NOLA on a WEEK'S vacation where I wanted to shoot long days
in NOLA and long days in The Smokies. Got 6 days worth of my HOUSE. Everywhere there were
photos was icy and cold. Waste of vacation. Behind the Mask by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr

pattersong 02-26-2015 05:28 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I setup a classy cigar selfie last night in my dining room. For the photography geeks, I have a 3' softbox with strobe camera left 45 deg, 1/200, f/8 ISO 200. Remote shutter...

Not bad considering I was guessing the focus spot. :)

shark 02-27-2015 05:30 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Great job!

OLS 03-04-2015 02:49 PM

Re: Photography Thread
at f/8 you can guess...

Another NOLA shot...why oh why did I not see the photo in the photo?
I would have loved to have a higher res shot of just the window with
the street sign shadow. Framing by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr

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