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hotreds 08-26-2014 06:35 PM

Re: Photography Thread

hotreds 08-26-2014 06:42 PM

Re: Photography Thread

357 08-27-2014 07:57 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Hugh, the Grand Canyon is not a tool used for ridding yourself of your better half. :r

hotreds 08-27-2014 07:59 AM

Re: Photography Thread
She managed to climb back up!

357 08-27-2014 08:05 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1982738)
She managed to climb back up!

That's good news. I hope you haven't filed the insurance claim already. :D

Great pictures BTW.

hotreds 08-27-2014 08:17 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Actually, I'm lucky she managed to get back up!

OLS 08-27-2014 11:00 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Picking up my jaw off the floor. AMAZING work, Hugh, much more advanced than your usual output.
New camera maybe??


Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1982664)

OLS 08-27-2014 11:02 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Man these are great shots out west, Hugh and Mama. Glad to see you guys are out relaxatin'.

HEY kids, down to my last for sale DSLR, a D70s with a 50mm f/1.8D on the front.
See my WTS thread on Nikon Cameras. I'd love to get this old but capable camera into someone's hands.

CigarGuy88 08-27-2014 06:04 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Some of my favorite shots from a couple months ago at one of the oldest races in the country.
This girl was on absolute fire all weekend winning all 3 of the women's pro races.

CigarGuy88 08-27-2014 06:12 PM

Re: Photography Thread
The winning break of 2 riders at the pro race in my hometown. On the last lap the guy on the front attacked up the small climb and distanced the rider behind who was a far better sprinter. He has continued on to have by far the best season of his career.

These two pictures are probably my favorite of the thousands and thousands of pictures I took over the weekend. I may be a little bias being the rider in this picture is on my team but everything seemed to come together especially for the last picture. This was a hundred feet or so after the final sprint where he finished comfortably in the top 10 after losing 15 places in the last half lap due to some questionable riding by one rider from another team

OLS 08-27-2014 06:31 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I like this one best because of the wicked color shift in the background on that railing or fence or whatever it is.
It gives the picture even more of a '3D effect' in a loose it might be designed to be viewed in 3D.

What kind of camera, lens setup did you end up going with?


Originally Posted by CigarGuy88 (Post 1982892)
These two pictures are probably my favorite of the thousands and thousands of pictures I took over the weekend.

CigarGuy88 08-27-2014 08:12 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Used a D7000 with a 50mm 1.8 lens.I was playing around with settings the night before shooting f/11 at a 1/60th shutter speed and it seemed to work out. That's what I ended up doing here basically panning the camera at the same speed as the riders which gave a nice even blur effect to the background while freezing the subject. Timing was a b*tch tho

hotreds 08-27-2014 08:54 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Gotta love blur!

OLS 08-28-2014 11:25 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by CigarGuy88 (Post 1982912)
Used a D7000 with a 50mm 1.8 lens.I was playing around with settings
the night before shooting f/11 at a 1/60th shutter speed and it seemed to work out. That's what I ended
up doing here basically panning the camera at the same speed as the riders which gave a nice even blur
effect to the background while freezing the subject. Timing was a b*tch tho

Timing ought to be less of a ***** if you get that shutter speed up around 250.
You still have to pan, but you get a different shot. But at 60, if that's the only
spot you get that wicked color band, ehh, trade-offs abound. Plus I like that thin
line between the non-moving part of your subject being in focus, and the legs are
shown in a blur....nice combo.
I am glad you got a D7000. A D90 is a great camera, but for your usage plan,
the D7000 is better all around, and only about $150 more used.

OLS 08-28-2014 11:35 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I think I out-thunk myself, which ain't hard given my capacity. I bought my nephew a 75 dollar Olympus E-330 a few years back,
not the least bit capable for the kind of shooting that I DO, but for him, it suits his needs and his college kid need to be different.
Or hip, or to go against the grain. But the lenses for it are fairly slow, and so I bought a Nippon Kogaku 50mm f/1.4 Nikkor S lens.
I then picked up an adapter ring for it to mount to his Olympus. But in the end, I might have been thinking a little too Nikon.

The Olympus DSLRs are created to a "Four Thirds" system spec, a small sensor even compared to a APS-C sensor.
So while on a Nikon, it would throw a massive circle of light onto the sensor in Full frame, and a little spillover on a crop
sensor, on a 4/3 spec sensor, there is going to be fully half of that big glass light hitting interior parts and NOT the sensor.
I imagine it will perform better in low light than the 4/3 system lenses, and NEVER, EVER vignette, lol, but I don't think I turned
him into a cavern shooter in one fell swoop or anything. But he will enjoy the precision, the bokeh, the reduced DOF zone,
and whatever other benefits he gets. And it was free to him, so if he complains, I'll smack him.

OLS 08-28-2014 04:14 PM

Re: Photography Thread
The more I think about it, though, the sweetest spot on the lens is going to be feeding that sensor photons,
so it won't be bad at all. Wish the RINGS had come with the cameras, but the rings were new, the cameras used.

shark 08-30-2014 05:58 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Another festival with some live music this weekend, but the hot weather and large crowds made it a PITA to be there. I did see Night Ranger last night, but they were strict about the no professional type camera policy. Too bad, because I was right in front of the stage... In any case, these youngsters did put on a great show:

shark 08-30-2014 06:07 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 08-30-2014 06:08 PM

Re: Photography Thread

OLS 08-30-2014 06:59 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Got to meet a nice gentleman this morning, Roy Harper, who was playing old Jimmie Rodgers type tunes.
And he was a true singing brakeman, besides. Wonderfully smooth and talented. 50 years in music and railroading.
Honey-smooth voice of a gracious, Tennessee gentleman. Couldn't have been more pleased by the 15 minutes
I spent listening to him. Shot a few in tough light, but it came out OK, enough to please me. He IS yodeling here
for a typical Jimmie Rodgers chorus, by the way. He is not kissing at someone.

OLS 08-30-2014 07:03 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 08-31-2014 10:44 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Hats Off to Roy Harper! Wasn't that a Led Zeppelin song? :banger

shark 08-31-2014 10:46 AM

Re: Photography Thread
And since were blurring things:

OLS 09-01-2014 11:30 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I am a Nikon person, but I have been known to buy almost anything that makes an image electronically
and I can buy for a low enough price. I bought my nephew an Olympus E-330 which is a pretty old,
low-spec'ed model from the early 2000s. I wanted to upgrade him to something at least twice as capable
in low light. I picked up a cheap Olympus E-510, which niftily includes in-body image stabilization as an
even larger upgrade to his lower light capabilities. And you'd be pleasantly surprised at the image quality
out of ANY Olympus digital SLR. They create a very pleasing image. blablabla.

Out of the corner of my mind crept a thought. I spotted a Nikkor P 50mm f/1.4 lens for $33 that was pre-AI and
I can't use it on any of my good bodies. Although I do have a D40 that it will not damage in mounting.
But I picked up an adapter ring to mount any Nikkor F-mount lens to a Olympus Four Thirds body. Not Micro,
but the original 4/3 spec. This combination of upgraded model, in body IS, and this blazing fast lens is
really an upgrade! I got carried away in my morning walk in pushing the depth of field to ridiculous limits, but
it was still a little overcast and I got away with f/1.4. Its dreamy there, but the separation is good and
for portraits I am sure it is dazzling. I did not try to stop it down much on this trip because there were
flowers about, but I am sure it is biting. Anyway, blablabla, here will be a series of pics from that walk.

pegger 09-02-2014 04:49 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Taken a couple of weeks ago in Chicago..... I usually use a Nikon D600, picked up a little Sony a5000 for this trip......

pegger 09-02-2014 04:50 AM

Re: Photography Thread

OLS 09-02-2014 04:50 AM

Re: Photography Thread

OLS 09-03-2014 08:43 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Sorry to mess up the vibe of the page with my glaring "this image no longer exists...."
I Uploaded two folders, on hi-res and one low, and deleted the wrong
one, I guess. Ehh who cares, tomorrow it will be a new page to look at.

Here I am testing out that self-same mix and match Camerastein, this time a little different.
I bought the nephew a Olympus E-510 and myself a E-420. I don't GET stuff for people unless
I also get something for me. Like I NEED anything, sheesh. But I really don't OWN any
cameras, I am just using them all prior to sale, haha. Half-funny, half-true. I just mean that
sooner or later, that Olympus is gonna get sold. Maybe.

But I put the adapter on it and snapped on a Series E Nikon 50mm f/1.8. And it worked
REALLY well, owing to the small size of the camera. Its a lethal combination of small and heavy.
(I think the adapter is what makes it feel heavy, neither the camera or lens really ARE.
The adapter is solid stainless steel. And the lil 5hi+ is so fast. Its such a peppy little camera,
and its not too bad an imager.

You can see how small the thing is, that chapstick ain't no size queen.
Its TOO small to hold comfortably for ME, a strap is what I need, but a person with
small hands would love this model. The E-510 is much more normally sized and shaped.
Both are great little cameras. I was surprised when my nephew basically ignored a free
Nikon D50 and a couple of lenses in order to keep on using his Olympus. And his E-330s
are NOT great models at all for the way kids shoot today. blabla.

shark 09-06-2014 03:27 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Back in the saddle again! I like those really old cars:

shark 09-06-2014 03:33 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Stanley Steamer. A steam powered car, being driven no less. How cool is that?

shark 09-06-2014 03:38 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Even people dressed for the time period:

shark 09-06-2014 03:40 PM

Re: Photography Thread
How many people still know the old hand/arm signals for right turn, left turn, and slow down/stop? He does!

shark 09-06-2014 03:42 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 09-06-2014 03:45 PM

Re: Photography Thread
One of my favorites. I really like Auburns, they had unique styling unlike any others from the time, especially the boat-tailed speedsters:

shark 09-06-2014 03:55 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Now this looks like fun! Some old Ford hot rod:

shark 09-06-2014 04:05 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Another of my favorites. A LaSalle, which was made by Cadillac. They were a lower priced car than the flagship Caddies:

cricky101 09-06-2014 07:49 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Some storms last week rolling in over Lake Michigan

OLS 09-07-2014 10:52 AM

Re: Photography Thread
WOW, you guys are on FIY-AH!

This is Jimbo Mathus last night at The Hi-Tone in Memphis, TN.
If you ever liked the Squirrel Nut Zippers, this is the man that formed them.
He was lead guitar and vocals at times. Now there is a distinctively more
catfishy bent to his music, and man can he play. You might have a chance
to see him soon, in fact I know he is in Birmingham next weekend. Good guy,
take the time to talk with him if you can.

shark 09-07-2014 05:26 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 09-07-2014 05:27 PM

Re: Photography Thread

hotreds 09-07-2014 05:38 PM

Re: Photography Thread
The best!

shark 09-07-2014 05:44 PM

Re: Photography Thread

nutcracker 09-07-2014 06:28 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by shark (Post 1985122)

A little scary to see that sod that close. (Even at an airshow)

OLS 09-08-2014 01:40 PM

Re: Photography Thread
COOL MIG shot, Ron!

Here is another one from the Jimbo Mathus show this past weekend, this time after one of his two special guests
came up. I understand there are very few of you who know or care much about the current state of Delta Blues
and Mississippi Music in general, that's Cody Dickinson of the North Mississippi AllStars playing with Jimbo, his brother
Luther was supposed to come by as well but his wife stepped in and put an end to his Saturday Night of music. NMAs
had just played a free show at the Band Shell in town, and I guess she had plans for his a55 that did not involve another
late night playing. I know it's soft, but it was a throwaway shot that I felt like not throwing away.

OLS 09-08-2014 01:42 PM

Re: Photography Thread
And one more with just Jimbo Mathus.......

jeepster 09-09-2014 02:11 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I mostly photograph my personal vehicle, and vehicles of my friends.

My friends E36 325i

My personal vehicle:

stearns 09-09-2014 07:15 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by jeepster (Post 1985368)

Love this one :tu

OLS 09-10-2014 08:04 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Had to FAKE this one, I am sorry to do this to you guys, the SHOT is real, but I got kicked off this spot
SECONDS before the moon rose. I got here a good 45 minutes before moonrise, shot a lot of waiting
around shots, then I could sense that the moon was hiding behind some atmospheric 'noise' on the horizon.
Then some buttwipes came up and asked me if I had permission from the landowner to be there, and I told
them plainly "nope". I had been packing up before they got there, but dragging a55 a little waiting for the moon.
Once they came down, I moved a little faster and was packed fully before they got to me. I walked up the bank
to my car, NO MOON visible, and I 5hit you not, as I am driving AWAY, I see the moon in my rearview mirror.
This is exactly how it looked, I had to fake (badly) the reflections on the river. I was going to turn around and
shoot it, but the buttwipes had told me that they had texted the landowner to say there was a strange vehicle
behind the wire in his field. So I thought "F it, I can fake that easy enough." But the reflections were VERY
difficult to do BADLY. I can't imagine how hard it would be to do it RIGHT. I just did not need the drama of
an Arkansas farmer with an attractive nuisance property to deal with, lecturing me or shooting me.

OLS 09-11-2014 05:48 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I went to my other spot last night to do a little photography coaching
for the guy that bought my last Nikon D200. So I will share those in
th days to come, but here are a few more from the previous night, when
the moon was still gloriously full.

The next shot is a bit of a pre-cursor to last night's shooting, something of a deja vu
for me, but the night I got this shot, I was strictly getting the heck out of dodge for
the evening, and I only stopped here because it was mostly on the way.

shark 09-11-2014 10:27 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Next time that happens, take some photos of the guys in question. THAT'LL teach 'em!!!

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