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OLS 03-18-2010 09:52 AM

Re: LOST Notes
:r But did I mention I will watch every episode? Nut-cupping does not imply
not-watching, although they are spelled similarly.

weak_link 03-18-2010 10:12 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Frank Lupitas called, he said the plan is to load everyone up in the plane on Hydra Island, climb 30,000 feet and then nose dive back down into the island and kill everyone. The End.

OLS 03-18-2010 10:34 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 798205)
Frank Lupitas called, he said the plan is to load everyone up in the plane on Hydra Island, climb 30,000 feet and then nose dive back down into the island and kill everyone. The End.

Was I nuts or did I hear a reference to getting that airliner started and trying to leave the island on it last night??? Provided you could "fix" the jet, how could you take off?

weak_link 03-18-2010 10:47 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 798226)
Was I nuts or did I hear a reference to getting that airliner started and trying to leave the island on it last night??? Provided you could "fix" the jet, how could you take off?

I was wondering the same thing although this is Lost! and there might be a 300 yard runway just past the tree line the losties missed for the past 7 seasons.

OLS 03-18-2010 11:57 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 798239)
I was wondering the same thing although this is Lost! and there might be a 300 yard runway just past the tree line the losties missed for the past 7 seasons.

Hahah, true for sure. OK, so I DID hear that woman mention something like that.
I don't Tivo, and sometimes I am web surfing and peering over my glasses at the TV, so I never really know. I think I am going to watch the last three online tonight after Survivor.

My friend in Mississippi always says it's gonna turn out the Vincent is behind EVERYTHING.
That's the dog by the way, lol.

kaisersozei 03-18-2010 01:10 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 798239)
I was wondering the same thing although this is Lost! and there might be a 300 yard runway just past the tree line the losties missed for the past 7 seasons.

Actually, there is a runway. It's what the Aljira flight landed on last season, that Sawyer/Kate were building while imprisoned in an earlier season.

Getting the plane to use it would be another matter, but there is a runway. ;)

weak_link 03-18-2010 01:18 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 798380)
Actually, there is a runway. It's what the Aljira flight landed on last season, that Sawyer/Kate were building while imprisoned in an earlier season.

Getting the plane to use it would be another matter, but there is a runway. ;)

I forgot all about that, good point!

OLS 03-19-2010 08:47 AM

Re: LOST Notes
I KNEW I had missed a show. I remember the labor camp deal, but landing al jazeera must have slipped by. I think I casually blew LOST off last year. I missed alot.

OLS 03-19-2010 11:58 AM

Re: LOST Notes
I think what I like best about THIS "lost" forum is that everyone basically
is already vetted for ignorance, i.e. we all smoke cigars. There is really no guessing
at the gene pool at some of those websites. Even with me posting, it just seems safer
in here, lol.

Mugen910 03-19-2010 01:34 PM

Re: LOST Notes
LOST season 6, ep #7 "Recon"

1) Sawyer's flash-sideways
Liam Pace, Charlie's brother, was at the police station.When Miles served coffee at the police station, he took the black mug while giving Sawyer the white mug.

A big difference between island Sawyer and flash-sideways Sawyer: Detective James Ford was a terrible liar. Everyone could spot his tells. Everyone could see through his Steve McQueen cool: The grifter chick in the motel, Charlotte Lewis, his partner Miles.

It first appeared that Sawyer's flash-sideways wouldn't have a redemptive ending like the other Losties, but he ended up telling Miles the truth about Anthony Cooper because he knew Miles would try to talk him out of it. Whew!
Regardless of which world Sawyer is in he is destined to be law enforcement partners with Miles and pin Kate up against bars.
Charlotte: archeologist. What do archaeologists do? Dig up ruins of the past (Sawyer's family photo).

Kate's hoodie was conspicuous. In the episode ''The Long Con,'' the big twist was that Charlie had assisted Sawyer in his fake-crisis, fear-cultivating, gun-grabbing power coup. Charlie, wearing a hoodie, revealed that the only reason why he partnered with Sawyer was to humiliate Locke, who had humiliated him episodes earlier. Fittingly, ''Recon'' re-teamed redeemed Sawyer and Kate (now playing the Charlie role) in a bid to subvert Flocke.
Miles on island doesn't care about anyone else, Miles in flash-sideways cares, has a father, even has a girlfriend.
We got the impression that Anthony Cooper was a beloved father in Locke's flash-sideways, but still the bad guy in Sawyer's... what's up with that?
The books in Sawyer's room (incidentally, all three of the books were already introduced on LOST in previous episodes):

Watership Down - The novel is by Richard Adams (1972) and is a spoof of humans searching for a new home using a society of rabbits as characters. The rabbits find what they think is utopia - but discover that it is a farm with traps and snares and they have to live together or die alone while establishing new rules to live. On the island when Sawyer asked Kate what's for dinner she said "Rabbit, I think." A Wrinkle in Time - A sci-fi children's novel by Madeleine L'Engle (1962.) The story follows Meg Merry - a teenager who travels in time and space with her younger brother Charles Wallace and friend Calvin O'Keefe to rescue their father - who is a scientist being held prisoner by an evil force.
Lancelot - A novel by Walker Percy (1977). This is the story of Lancelot Lamar - an attorney who finds out he is not the father of his youngest daughter, then he kills his wife by blowing up their house. He ends up in a mental institution with his memories.... and reality and the past tend to get blurred for him.

Little House on the Prairie on Sawyer's TV - Pa Ingalls said "That's what life's all about - laughing and loving each other - and knowing that people aren't really gone when they die. We have all the good memories to sustain us until we see them again." HUGE hints here???So, can we assume that Sawyer never wrote that the letter to Anthony Cooper? That might mean that Jacob never existed in this reality or never gave young Sawyer that pen. It was, after all, Jacob who pushed him to finish the letter after his uncle warned him not to. Jacob nudged Sawyer down the path of obsessive vengeance, of becoming a con man rather than a law man. Are we seeing a world without Jacob? A world where our characters are free to live their own lives without this meddlesome entity and his damned island?

2) Flocke
Flocke told Claire that the Others took Aaron. It gave her a purpose.... having hate is better than having nothing. Perhaps it was the same thing that kept Smokey going when he was a prisoner for years... his hatred for Jacob. This theme was also echoed in Sawyer's anger/ enemy/ hatred toward Anthony Cooper.Was Flocke just channeling John Locke when he told Kate about his crazy mother? What were the ''growing pains'' he referred to? Maybe his mother had the sickness when Smokey was a boy or when she was pregnant with him, resulting in what happened to him.

3) Flocke's assignment for Sawyer

Why didn't Flocke just "smokey" over to Hydra Island to do the recon himself, instead of Sawyer. Maybe this has to do with him crossing the water. During the ep "Dead is Dead", Flocke took his shoes off during the canoe ride over to the main island, and put them back on when he reached the dock. Also, Ben released a drain plug to call Smokey. So, if Flocke can't touch water somehow, why did we see a resurrected John Locke standing ankle-deep in the ocean right after the crash of Ajira 316? I'm not sure what the deal is with him and water, but something definitely seems fishy."Do whatever you can to gain their trust, find out what you can about them, and then get back here." Now where have we heard that before? Ben said it to Goodwin when 815 crashed. I love how this show reuses dialogue lines.Last week Flocke told Ben to head to Hydra Island. This week he told his group that they might not leave their present camp for a couple days, whereas he told Ben to ditch (and kill) Ilana and head for Hydra Island. If Ben had killed Ilana and made his way to Hydra Island, he would have fallen right into Widmore's clutches. Was Flocke setting Ben up to be captured by Widmore or to be killed when Flocke/ Smokey killed the remaining Ajira passengers.If Flock continues channeling his subconscious John Locke ("Don't tell me what I can't do!" and "I had a crazy mother") that sub is going to get blown up.

4) Widmore
Does Widmore really want to kill Flocke (as Sawyer assumed)? Why, then, was he helping Locke return to the island when Locke turned the frozen wheel?
Sawyer was escorted to see Widmore on the sub and noticed a locked door. Remembered how Anthony Cooper had been brought to the Island via sub by the Others - and how John Locke had tricked Sawyer into killing him. FUN FACT! A ''locked room mystery'' is perhaps the oldest identified genre of mystery fiction. The oldest ''locked room mystery'' on record: ''Bel and the Dragon,'' an apocryphal Biblical text, in which a famous prophet debunked a false god by... sprinkling a perimeter of ash around a room. The name of this prophet? Daniel.

5) Claire
Her behavior is very child-like. Maybe the sickness is that you get mentally "reset" to when you were a kid. Examples, she's had quick bouts of anger, then shows remorse later (hugging Kate and crying), holds Kate's hand when Flocke gives his speech, playing with a doll, essentially. Is this what the sickness reduces you to? Sayid just watched while Claire tried to kill Kate... freaky.

6) What's next
Remember when Jack told Kate he had taken piloting lessons? I wonder if those are going to come in handy with the Ajira plane???Remember the mysterious "other Others" who shot at Sawyer, Locke, Juliet, Miles, Daniel and Charlotte during their canoe trip to the Orchid? They returned some shots, but flashed away before they could figure out who was shooting at them. I bet we are going to see the other side of that scene soon!Next week we FINALLY get Richard's story.

FUN THEORY FROM DOC JENSEN AT ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: The legend of the Fisher King - the guardian of the Holy Grail, or enchanted spring - holds that there are two custodians at any one time. There is a king, and there is a knight. Sometimes they are father and son. For some reason, the natural order of things requires the Fisher King to have an infirmity that makes him incapable of moving. He has an injury to his leg, foot, or groin. The job of the Grail Knight is to heal the Fisher King. But alas, Grail Knights are known to get distracted by selfishness or missions of vengeance and neglect their duty to the Fisher King. When this happens, the kingdom becomes infertile. No flowers; no babies. Oh, and the abode where the king and knight live pops in and out of reality, at different times and places. One more thing? The Fisher King is called the Fisher King because he fishes (like Jacob?). A lot. Mostly to pass the boring time guarding the grail. THEORY! Jacob was the Fisher King. Smokey was his knight. Smokey became disenchanted, neglected his duties, wanted out, conspired to kill the Fisher King to earn that freedom.

Mugen910 03-22-2010 06:42 AM

Re: LOST Notes
LOST: Charles Widmore refresher and other things

Facts to remember about Charles Widmore:
  • He was an Other, even in a position of authority at one time.
  • We saw him as a teenager (age 17) when Richard Alpert was in charge. This was when Locke time traveled back to 1954 and talked with Richard at the Other's camp (Episode: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham).
  • He sent the freighter to the Island, was the one who gave Keamy and crew their orders (find Ben Linus, kill everyone else), and therefore is partially responsible for Alex's death.
  • He tried to get Sun to kill Ben.
  • He purchased the Black Rock journal at an auction (Tovard Hanso owned the journal at one point, the journal was discovered in 1852 among the artifacts of pirates on an island off the coast of Madagascar, the Black Rock was a 19th century British vessel).
  • He encouraged Locke to get everyone to go back to the Island (We know that Smokey promises people what they want most. Widmore seems to want control of the Island, and in fact believes he is the rightful leader of the Others. Perhaps Smokey promised Widmore that he could control the island if he helps Smokey get off the island???)
  • He's the father of Penny Widmore (mother unknown) and Daniel Faraday (mother Eloise Hawking).
Some lingering questions:
  • Why did Widmore purchase the Black Rock journal at the auction? To help him find the island?
  • Now that we know what we know, we could infer that Widmore was working with Smokey and therefore knew the plan to take over Locke's body, which is why he sent Locke back ... or at least knew that all of Jacob's candidates were needed back on the Island in order for Smokey to be able to 1) kill Jacob, 2) kill all of his possible replacements, and then 3) do whatever it is he intends to do -- leave, blow up the place, etc.
  • Why has Widmore been searching for the Island? To exploit its magical properties?
  • Why did Widmore assemble a fake crash of Oceanic 815 on the ocean floor? So the search would end, thereby preventing someone else from finding the island?
  • What are "the rules?" Ben wanted to kill Widmore but couldn't because of the "rules." We've heard reference to those rules again and again and they seem related to who can/can't or should/ shouldn't be killed.
  • Why was Widmore determined to bring the Oceanic 6 back to the island? Did it help him find it? Does he need those people there to be part of the war?
LOST fun: :)

A message board is having a guessing game about what's behind the locked door in Widmore's sub. Some of the guesses have been:
  • Shannon's ghost
  • The missing hairbrushes from Oceanic 815 (Season 1 - remember how the girls couldn't find hairbrushes in the luggage?)
  • More blue tarps (since people have thought it was weird how many blue tarps
  • the Losties found for the beach camp!)
  • Mr. Friendly in sequined spandex tights
  • The statues' 5th toe
  • Jimmy Hoffa
  • Widmore's MacCutcheon whiskey, locked up to keep Desmond away from it
  • Jack's tears

white_s2k 03-30-2010 10:07 PM

Re: LOST Notes

weak_link 03-30-2010 11:34 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Too much filler, not enough meat.

kugie 03-31-2010 05:30 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Last Nights not so good. But I am liking the lead up to the final Battle.

??? Who will take Jacobs Place.
My Guess is Jack

dannysguitar 03-31-2010 11:36 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Yeah, they sure seem to be making Jack seem like the new Jacob, but I think it will be someone a little less expected.

I really liked last night's episode. There is a huge war on the horizon...

weak_link 03-31-2010 11:42 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Hurley is going to be the new Jacob.

mosesbotbol 03-31-2010 12:05 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 812040)
Hurley is going to be the new Jacob.

I have heard a few others say the same thing. Who knows? As soons as I think I have grip on what's going, a new angle hits me.

white_s2k 03-31-2010 09:07 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Any new notes on the last 2 episodes? Interested to see what the internets has to say about the Richard episode!

Mugen910 03-31-2010 09:46 PM

Re: LOST Notes
very sorry guys..I will try to post something up tomorrow.

weak_link 03-31-2010 10:26 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I only picked Hurley because of who, on the surface, appears least likely to assume the role of Jacob. The 'new' Hurley seems a lot more self assured and he seems to be the only one that can see everyone on the island.
Also, if the man in black can appear as dead people and turn into a bad ass smoke monster thing, what can Jacob do? He said he doesn't like to directly intervene so does that mean you don't get any smokey-type superpowers? But then he gave Richard the 'gift' of eternal life. Will the candidate inherit potential superpowers or do they already have whatever they are going to get? Maybe they have them, they just don't know how to use them yet? Maybe you get some cool stuff, like prizes. Congrats, you win a lighthouse with cool mirrors you can spy on people with...oh wait scratch the lighthouse. You do get some, to be disclosed at a later time and place, cool stuff. I feel like a cat chasing my tail.

Still think there needs to be more of a distilled story at this point in the series. Sidebars and human interest pieces are great but just as they advertised, I want answers. In the five or six episodes that are left it would be nice if they began to tie all together but something tells me they are just going to string things along until the last episode and try and cover as much ground as possible in a two hour special and hope for the best. Pretty present with a bow on top or soggy cardboard box with old spaghetti and meat sauce inside? Guess we'll know in a couple weeks.

Mugen910 04-01-2010 09:39 AM

Re: LOST Notes
3 Attachment(s)
LOST season 6, ep #8 "Ab Aeterno"

1. Richard's pre-island story
The doctor tells Richard that his wife's cross is worthless, a not so subtle jab at the idea of religion being ultimately worthwhile for Richard, and another case of man of science vs man of faith.

Richard hails from the Canary Islands. Over the course of the Canary Islands' history, people claimed to have seen a vanishing and reappearing eighth island. So there you go, the number 8, and a mysterious island. And the Canary Islands were the location of a famous plane crash in 1977, the year of the Incident in the LOST universe.
Richard and Isabella lived on the largest Canary Islands, Tenerife. (Tenerife is known for its ancient pyramids believed by some to be a link between Egyptian and Mayan cultures).
The passage Richard was reading in jail from the Gospel of Luke concerns Jesus rejecting the Devil's temptations, which is obviously relevant to the episode.
Notice how the doctor and priest wore black, while Richard wore white.

2. The Black Rock
What we were previously told - The Black Rock set sail from Portsmouth, England on March 22, 1845 on a trading mission to the kingdom of Siam, when she was tragically lost at sea. The only known artifact of this journey is a journal, which was discovered among the artifacts of pirates on the Ile Sante-Marie off the coast of Madagascar seven years later (1852). This constitutes a discrepancy because in Richard's flashback we were shown the date of 1867.

Another note about the date error is that we know there was dynamite on the ship. Alfred didn't invent dynamite until 1864 and didn't patent it until 1867. Maybe this is simply a writers' error to try to fix a past dating error?

It's possible that the owner/captain of the Black Rock wanted it to appear that the ship had been lost at sea in 1845, so that it could carry on possible illegal/secret voyages. It would have been simple enough to leave a journal on some far-flung island where it wouldn't be found for years.
After officer Jonas Whitfield killed the other slaves, was killed by Smokey, and Smokey killed everyone else, Richard was the only one from the Black Rock left. So how did the journal get off the island and make it's way into Hanso's hands, and eventually Charles Widmore's?
Hanso was never actually seen on screen. He died when the ship crashed, and he was (presumably) buried near the wreckage by the remaining officers before Smokey killed them all, just like it says on the blast door map at the Swan Hatch (see attached map, bottom right corner).

Richard said he wanted to go to the New World. America wasn't exactly a New World in the 1860s. However, Australia is very much still a "new world" in the 1860s. Gold had been discovered in the 50s, and certain Australian colonies were experiencing gold rushes. It seems plausible that Hanso was headed to Australia to get rich working his slaves in the mines. This would of course also explain how the Black Rock crashed on an island we know to be in the middle of the Pacific (if you sailed from the Canary Islands to America, you wouldn't cross the Pacific, but you would if your destination was Australia).

According to the texts of LOST, Magnus Hanso was an ancestor of Alvar Hanso, the financier behind The Dharma Initiative.
Upon arriving at the island, Richard saw the statue Taweret: the Egyptian goddess of pregnancy and childbirth, a former bad girl goddess who redeemed herself and helped keep the god of evil Set in check.

3. Richard's on-island story
Smokey told Richard the island is Hell and Jacob is the Devil. It seems that he used language from that era which Richard understood, from a time when people were devoted to religion and believed in absolutes.

Richard essentially creates his own job by telling Jacob that if Jacob doesn't interfere, Smokey will. In that respect, Richard becomes "the cause of his own suffering." (just like we were told by the brainwashing in Room 23!)

4. Smokey
Smokey's past manifestations: those not buried on the island: Harper (Goodwin's wife), Dave (Hurley's friend), Isabella, Walt, Eko's drug dealers, Locke. Those buried on the island: Christian, Yemi, Alex.

During the season 3 episode "The Cost of Living", Smokey appeared as ghosts of the drug dealers Eko killed with his machete. Perhaps he acquired images of those ghosts from Eko's past after scanning him, much like he was able to take the form of Isabella after scanning Richard (and taking Isabella's cross). So, that being said... what's all this business about hiding bodies, and Richard asking young Ben whether his dead mother he saw died on the Island?
Why does it seem like Smokey is incapable of drinking or eating? Is it because Jacob "took his body?" Smokey didn't eat boar along with Richard. He didn't drink along with Jacob. He didn't eat the fish with Jacob in the season 5 finale, either. Why did Jacob even ask Smokey if he wanted to eat fish? Is Jacob some sorta smart-ass???

Smokey presents Richard with a knife and instructs him to go to the statue and kill Jacob without letting him speak. These were the exact same instructions that Dogen gave Sayid in "Sundown". It is also the same knife. (see attached photos)

From Smokey's perspective, the island is Hell. It's his eternal prison. And Jacob, his prison keeper, is the Devil, a devil that has robbed Smokey of his humanity and identity. This plays right into the Biblical story of brothers Esau and Jacob, as Esau stole Jacob's birth right and inheritance by tricking him with a bowl of soup. "He can be very persuasive," Smokey warned Richard. That's may be coming from someone who was once fooled by Jacob, and now regrets it.
"Do you ever want to see your wife again?'' Smokey asks Richard. His utilitarian logic is located in the broad, contentious body of thought known as ''Consequentialism.'' A weakness of ''Consequentialism'' is its shaky, nebulous definition of justice. A major philosopher in the field of consequentialism? Jeremy Bentham (also the name Charles Widmore gave John Locke before his death).

Richard gave Smokey a gift from Jacob: a white stone, which may be nothing more than an inside joke, an ironic declaration of victory (I won Richard's soul! Nah-nah-nah! Again, Jacob the smartass?) punning off of Black Rock. (Get it? Black Rock the ship and an actual black rock)

5. Hurley
Hurley seems to be the new Richard... messenger of Jacob

6. Jacob
Why won't Jacob touch Ilana (wears gloves during visit)? The gloves are an obvious precaution against him touching her, even by accident.
Jacob seems to have a lot of faith that both Jack and Richard will discover what it is they need to do on their own.

Jacob makes it seem like the island is Pandora's box: although it contained a whole host of evil, it also contained hope.

Jacob doesn't promise Richard his wife back, telling him simply "I can't do that". This seems out of place; according to Dogen, Jacob promised to restore Dogen's son's life in return for service on the island. Jacob seems inconsistent.

Jacob said he gives everyone a clean slate when they come to the island. Meanwhile, it has been made clear that Smokey judges people on their past.

In relation to the Man of Science vs Man of Faith theme, if Jacob is Man of Faith then this may shed light on why he said to Ben "What about you?" before Ben stabbed him. Ben hails from the Dharma Initiative (Man of Science).

After Jacob beat the crap out of Richard, he somewhat "baptized" Richard (in the ocean) into Team Jacob.

Richard asked a crucial question: Why doesn't Jacob take a more active role in shepherding his spiritual reclamation projects? ''Because I want them to help themselves. To be able to tell the difference between right and wrong without me having to tell them, it's all meaningless if I have to force them to do anything! Why should I have to step in?'' Richard's reply: ''If you don't, he will.''

Mugen910 04-01-2010 01:08 PM

Re: LOST Notes
LOST season 6, ep #9 "The Package"

1. Sun/ Jin flash-sideways
Title "The Package" could reference the watch Jin was delivering, Sun's bun in the oven, or Desmond on the sub.

At the hotel, before Sun answered the knock on the door, she checked her face in the mirror, making her the latest flash-sideways character to do so.
Flash-sideways/ island time affecting each other theory: On-island Sun is knocked out cold, and off-island Sun is just waking up. We've seen this happen many times, including when Jack gets put under anesthesia for his on-island appendectomy and immediately wakes up in the Oceanic Six time-line. Unconsciousness has been associated with enlightenment. It's worked as a transition between scenes and storylines... but what if it also acts as a transition between worlds? Remember sleeping Claire waking up in her flashback car crash during the episode "Par Avion?" Remember Desmond hitting his head on the freighter and waking up in one of his flashes? Also, if you believe Jin's infertility was healed by the island, this could be even more evidence of the time-lines affecting each other. Flash-sideways Jin has never been to the island, yet somehow he's able to father a child. This could be chalked up as one of the things that are simply 'different' in the sideways time-line, or you could take it to mean there was island influence.

2. Sun loses her ability to communicate
There has been one other instance on LOST in which a character mysteriously lost the ability to communicate verbally. The episode was ''Further Instructions,'' and the victim was Locke himself. The Island had taken away his speech in the aftermath of the Hatch explosion as a kind of punishment for his big season 2 sin: Straying from his Island mission and becoming obsessed with pushing the Button. Perhaps Sun was stripped of her English for similar reasons. After all, in the island time-line she learned the language in order to run away from Jin. Moreover, she learned it from a man that became her lover. Sun's English had once saved her husband from the false charge of setting fire to the raft. It helped her build bridges with the castaways. Regardless, she doesn't need it anymore. Her future is in Korea, with her husband, with her daughter, and with a mother and father that need her forgiveness. So maybe losing her English was a movement of the Island to reminder her of who she is - and what she needs redemption for.
Perhaps Flocke was able to force Sun to channel herself in the other reality, where she doesn't know English. If Flocke has that power, we might have seen a glimpse of how the flash-sideways could ultimately factor in to the island time-line. Flocke might be the link between these two realities. This theory is based on the assumption/ guess that the two time lines are bleeding into each other.

Perhaps it's because Sun declined Flocke's offer to join his team and he knew she'd try to talk her friends out the plan - which she did try to do. Either that, or Flocke wasn't thinking short term at all by taking away Sun's English, but rather was planting a seed designed that will bare him fruit down the road when Team Richard executes its plan. In other words: maybe Sun's loss of English will prove costly at a pivotal point down the road.

3. Flocke
Flocke demonstrates once again that he has access to the real John Locke's memories by quoting Widmore's speech to the real John Locke: "a war is coming."

If water is an obstacle to Flocke, keeping him contained, what does that mean for the flash-sideways where we see the entire island underwater?

4. Keamy and his goons
When Keamy needed a translator he said to call ''Danny's friend'' (sideways version of Danny Pickette the dead Other?)... enter Mikhail Bakunin. We used to call him Patchy. :) Mikhail Bakunin is named after the historical Mikhail Bakunin, a philosopher and anarchist who believed in non-violent revolution and the abolishment of all government and religion. Remember when Jin and Mikhail fought on the island? It seems that Jin's always destined to get the best of Mikhail, and Mikhail is always fated to lose an eye.

The walk-in fridge, where Omar bangs Jin's head on the way in. "C'mon Omar, you gotta be more careful than that..." For a guy about to 'pop' someone, didn't Keamy seem overly concerned about what happened here? Was he just looking to keep things neat and tidy, or was Keamy concerned that Jin might go unconscious on them? On LOST unconsciousness = enlightenment. People pass out, get knocked out, or go to sleep, then we get a flash (sideway, back, or forward) where they experience something revealing or enlightening.
There is a hot debate over what Keamy said to Jin as he was tying Jin's hands. Some people think they heard Keamy say "Just in case you figure out what's about to happen ON THE ISLAND... can't have you freaking out". I think he just stumbled saying the word "I" after I re-watched the scene... "Just in case you figure out what's about to happen to ya, I-I can't have you freaking out" but the debate continues!

Keamy, speaking calmly in English - Jin had no idea that Keamy was telling him he was going to kill him. In other words, Keamy's brainwashing cooler in Los Angeles = the Room 23 brainwashing room on Hydra Island, which we visited during Island Jin's storyline. Note here that the only other time we saw Room 23 in use was when Karl was being punished by Ben for... dating his daughter Alex. Therefore, sideways Jin + Sun = Island Karl + Alex (both of whom were shot and killed by... Island Keamy and Omar).
When Keamy is locking Jin in the walk-in fridge he makes reference to the heart ("the heart wants what it wants"), a reference that parallels his own connection to the heart-monitor bomb he hooked himself up to.

5. Sayid
Sayid's motivation for joining Flocke: he wanted to see Nadia again. This was back when he had feelings, however. Without such emotions, will he still remain loyal to Flocke?

In the flash-sideways Sayid refused to cut Jin free, but still provided him with a means to do so. This repeats the "Moth" motif (the episode when Locke enabled Charlie to refuse heroin, but didn't directly help him) we've seen, allowing a character to experience personal struggle along the way to freedom or enlightenment. Also, remember Locke gave Boone the knife to cut himself free during the episode "Hearts and Minds."
Why doesn't Sayid feel anything? No pain, emotion, anger, etc?

6. Bridget's AWESOME theory
We already know that Desmond's consciousness has bounced around in time. Desmond is currently drugged. Sayid is numb, can't feel anything...wait for it... Desmond is currently consciousness traveling within Sayid! That's why Sayid can't feel anything, he's been drugged! That's why they looked at each other so strangely on the dock... they are seeing themselves! I love it! Thanks Bridget!!!!

7. Charles Widmore
Widmore's plan mimics his Season Four plan - bring scientists to the island to investigate strange properties - no mercenaries this time. We know where 2 of the electromagnetic pockets are: At the Swan Hatch and the Orchid Station.

8. Desmond
As Daniel Faraday pointed out in season 5, Desmond is "uniquely special". The [time travel] rules don't apply to him.
Previews for next week - background music: Amazing Grace - Written by John Newton, published in 1779, has a message of forgiveness and redemption, Newton wrote the words from personal experience. He grew up without any particular religious conviction but his life's path was formed by a variety of twists and coincidences that were often put into motion by his recalcitrant insubordination. He was pressed into the Royal Navy and became a sailor, eventually participating in the slave trade. One night a terrible storm battered his ship so severely that he became frightened enough to call out to God for mercy, a moment that marked the beginning of his spiritual conversion. His career in slave trading lasted a few years more until he quit going to sea altogether and began studying theology.

9. Damon Lindelof's (show's exec producer) Twitter post
Yesterday, Damon posted this on his twitter page: "In one week the conversation is going to change." Intriguing, no?

10. Theory
Everyone is going to end up at the hospital in LA: Jin will take Sun there (gun shot wound), Claire (getting baby checked out), Jack works there, Sawyer and Miles have to investigate a possible gun shot victim (and they still have Kate with them). It feels like this scenario is being set up, but for what purpose?

dannysguitar 04-08-2010 11:23 AM

Re: LOST Notes

weak_link 04-08-2010 11:58 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Was Des on the list? Why didn't he fry?

Mugen910 04-08-2010 12:00 PM

Re: LOST Notes
LOST: Eloise Hawking refresher

1954: Eloise Hawking is on the Island, known as Ellie, and seems to have some sort of standing in the Others' community. She leads Daniel to Jughead, where he tells her how to bury the bomb to prevent its leaks from destroying a good chunk of the Island.

1977: Twenty-three years later, she's still on the Island, and in enough of a power position that a member of the Others actively questions Richard's decision to take Ben to the temple without her knowledge. When Daniel Faraday comes looking for her to find the location of Jughead's burial site, she shoots him in the back without seeing his face. As the man fell, he realized that he had been shot by Eloise, and whispered to her that she had "known it the whole time." Confused, she asked him who he was, and he revealed that he was her son leaving her standing over him, shocked. Eloise then helped Daniel's friends by trying to detonate a hydrogen bomb, in an effort to change the future.

Between 1977 and 1996: At a later date (likely 1978 as Daniel has a birth certificate), Eloise left the Island and moved to Essex, Massachusetts, where she delivered and raised her son Daniel Faraday, fully aware that he would die at her hands after traveling back to the 1970s. Off the Island, she stunts Daniel's musical gifts in favor of his mathematical prowess. She ensures that his mind is singularly focused on academia, pushing aside all other distractions. She's surprised to learn upon Daniel's graduation from Oxford that Charles Widmore has given Daniel a $1.5 million grant for his research, and gives him a journal as a graduation present.

1996: Eloise worked at the store where Desmond went to buy an engagement ring for Penny during his first time shift after he turned the failsafe key. When Eloise showed him a ring and Desmond told her he would take it, she seemed upset and responded by telling him he would not. After Desmond refused to give the ring back she explained to Desmond that she knows his name, he will break Penny's heart, he will not marry Penny, instead entering the sailing race to prove Penny’s father wrong, and he will go to the island and press the button for three years until forced to turn the failsafe key. She said that if he "doesn't do those things," that "every single one of us is dead." She explains that pushing the button in the Swan Hatch is the only great thing Desmond will ever do. She teaches him about the concept of course correction before Desmond's mind returns to the Island after the Swan's implosion. During this meeting with Desmond, Eloise was wearing a pin, an ouroboros, a circular serpent with its tail in its mouth, a symbol in alchemy representing life as a cycle. But this particular one wasn't eating its tail.

2004: After Daniel's visit from Widmore, she visits her son and convinces him to go on the Kahana, the freighter taking mercenaries, scientists and Michael to the island.

2008: From within the Lamp Post, she determines the location of the Island for a brief window of time. She uses Ben Linus to help gather the Oceanic 6 to board Ajira Airways 316 to recreate the conditions of the Oceanic 815 crash. When Desmond refuses to go along, she warns him that the Island is not done with him. Later, after Ben shoots Desmond at the marina, Eloise visits Penny at the hospital to apologize for her son's involvement in this event. Outside the hospital, she and Charles Widmore talk of sacrifice and their son. When Charles calls Daniel his son, Eloise slaps him and leaves in a cab.

Mugen910 04-08-2010 12:01 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 821770)
Was Des on the list? Why didn't he fry?

He's just special Eric...Not short bus special but that out of body sideways flash special.

mosesbotbol 04-08-2010 01:38 PM

Re: LOST Notes
My girlfriend in enamoured (as probably all our better half's) with Sayid & Sawyer. Have to admit they are handsome, but so are all the women on the show.

OLS 04-08-2010 02:56 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Even with all the BS you've been through on this wrap-up season, you still watch LOST? I thought I
was a glutton for punishment. :D

Skywalker 04-08-2010 09:34 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I only have one deep thing to say, "We are everybody!!!"

Mugen910 04-09-2010 10:59 AM

Re: LOST Notes
4 Attachment(s)
LOST season 6, ep #10 "Happily Ever After"


This week’s episode (sorry this is so long, but there is so much fun information/ speculation/ theorizing that I love to consider and share!!!):

Fun fact to remember

* Desmond used to work at a monastery. Remember what his job was? Corking wine bottles.

George, the limo driver

· He's George Minkowski, the radio operator from the freighter who died after having the same experiences as Desmond in season 4… time travel flashes/ consciousness moving around in time. It was Minkowski who helped Desmond and Sayid get to the communication room so Desmond could call Penny. He died in Desmond's arms, a victim of time travel sickness; his mind had come unstuck in time and yo-yo'd between periods until his brain became mush.

* Suspiciously, can seem to get Desmond whatever Desmond wants (women, alcohol, flight manifests)

Seamus (the scientist) who spoke to Angstrom (the bunny)

* Did you recognize Seamus from the 80s sitcom “Kate and Allie?” I didn’t either, until it was pointed out to me, but he played the son Chip. See attached photos…

Charlie Pace

* Charlie still evades death for the time being (choked on heroin bag in airplane, walking across a busy street, drowning in a car).

· Charles and Desmond share drink and conversation in a bar called Jax, an Australian-themed pub.

· Charlie revealed that contrary to what we may have thought, he did not try to commit suicide by overdosing on the plane. He wanted to hide the drugs from the Marshall on the plane and choked while trying to swallow them. A theory! The rapturous blonde beauty he saw himself with, loving forever, was not Claire, but his season 2 Island temptress: the heroin-stuffed Virgin Mary statues. The painted hair? Blonde. The robes? Sky blue.

· Desmond wasn't buying it all the “love” talk that Charlie gave. ''That's poetry,'' Desmond cracked about Charlie's story. ''You should write a song about it.'' Actually, in another life, Charlie did write a song about redeeming love: ''Saved,'' the song Island Charlie wrote in his last-gasp bid to save Drive Shaft from disintegration. The season 2 Charlie-centric episode ''Fire + Water'' — memorable for its surreal, religiously-charged dream sequence (Hurley as Jesus; Claire as the Virgin Mary) and the ''You All Every Butties'' diaper commercial — gave us this bit of lyrics: ''All alone, I try to be invincible/Together now, we can be saved.''

· Desmond tries to save Charlie from drowning just like in the season 3 episode at the Looking Glass underwater station. NOT PENNY’S BOAT. Yikes.

· Both Charlie and Desmond had flashes of their island-life time line during near-death experiences.

· Remember when Charlie was down in the looking glass section, he was told that the code was programmed by a musician? We assumed it was Charlie from the past who programmed it, but could that musician be Faraday?

Desmond in flash-sideways

· Oceanic Airlines logo behind the glass of a video screen showing arrivals and departures of inbound and outbound consciousness — err, I mean flights. We saw Desmond's reflection in the glass (another flash-sideways’ character’s reflection).

· Desmond, to Claire, said he'd want to know the baby’s gender if he was pregnant. He said, ''I don't like surprises” … which is what Flocke told Sawyer last week, explaining his decision to send Sayid to do recon at Widmore’s camp.

· Desmond’s license plate was the same as Jack’s and Nadia’s in their flash-sideways.

· Desmond's wedding ring (see attached photo). Desmond had a wedding ring on his finger when Jack saw him on the plane… in this week’s episode he clearly wasn’t married. Is the island reality leaking into the flash-sideways reality

· Nurse Tyra that Desmond asked to give him Charlie's room number is the same woman that played nurse Susie at Santa Rosa in the original timeline. She gave Hurley his pills. See attached photos.

Daniel (Faraday) Widmore

· EEEEE!!! Daniel has his own LOST theory! J His theory: he and Desmond (and many others) are not living the lives they're supposed to be living — a consequence, he believed, of creating a new reality by detonating a nuclear bomb. ''I don't want to set off a nuclear bomb, Mr. Hume,'' Daniel said. ''I think I already did.''

· Penny is still Daniel’s half-sister in the flash-sideways, but this time his parents are married to each other.

· Daniel says he took the physics equation he wrote to a friend who was a math wiz at Cal Tech. In the online game The Lost Experience, it was reveled that Thomas Mittelwerk, a chief of technology for the Hanso Foundation who overthrew Alvar Hanso to take over the group that helped create the Dharma Initiative, went to Cal Tech.

Charles Widmore

* Did you notice the picture in Widmore's office - balanced scale with the white / black stones (see attached photo)

Eloise (Widmore) Hawking

* Eloise said to Desmond… “You got what you wanted” (a better relationship with Charles Widmore). It wasn't time for him to start questioning about Penny yet. Daniel was a musician, what he had really wanted. Others may have what they wanted also. For example, Kate may actually be innocent it this "reality"; Jack has a son; Dogan is with his son; Hurly is "lucky"; Locke is comfortable with his life and has Helen; Charlie is a rock star again; Nadia is alive; Claire is with her baby. It is as though they have their lives back and still have the potential to be with the ones they love. See theory at the end of the email for more on this…
* Eloise: ''Someone has clearly affected the way you see things. This is a serious problem. It is, in fact, a violation.'' Eloise definitely seemed to understand the origin, purpose, and more importantly the rules of the sideways world. She also seemed to have knowledge or vision for what should be happening and when, and Desmond's search for Penny threatened the implicit order she scolded him for wanting more than what he always wanted: Charles Widmore's approval. This landed like a newsflash for Desmond. ''How do you know what I want?'' he demanded. ''I just bloody do!'' See theory at the end of the email for more on this…


* In the flash-sideways, her last name is Milton (a shout-out to Paradise Lost author-poet John Milton?)

Desmond’s change in attitude/ stopping Flocke from leaving

· Have the candidates been nothing more than a distraction? Is Desmond the true threat to Flocke - The Constant - Jacob's heir apparent? Is Desmond both the Constant and the Variable, a wild card - something Flocke wasn't expecting? Afterall, Widmore said that Desmond will have to make a sacrifice.

· Desmond faints when he touches Penny’s hand and his mind transitions unconsciously into the island timeline. We’ve seen him do this before. He’s the only one who the rules don’t apply to. Maybe it's his exposure to electromagnetic radiation - in both timelines (hatch implosion and the MRI) - that allows this to happen?

· Desmond wants the Oceanic 815 flight manifest. Why? Is he going to "course correct?” He came out of the last consciousness flash as a man-on-a-mission. This may explain why he was so willing to go with Sayid. Desmond has already seen the end so he just goes along with everything. Because whatever happens, happens.


· If you’ve read Watchmen or seen the movie, here is a correlation between Dr. Manhattan/ Flocke and Dr. Manhattan/ Desmond that is interesting: “My comic book-soaked brained recalled Watchmen and the story of Jon Osterman, a physicist who was accidentally locked in a room and bombarded with energy that removed the ''intrinsic field'' that held his being together and became unglued... only to reconstruct himself through sheer force of disembodied will into an omniscient, omnipotent Nietzschean Ubermench capable of experiencing past, present and future all at one. He became a superman. Codename: Dr. Manhattan. The problem? He found himself stripped of his humanity, neither needing nor wanting companionship or love. The story of Dr. Manhattan should remind you of the Man In Black, who told us in ''Ab Aeterno'' that his humanity had also been stripped from him, hence his smoky physique. But it should also remind you of Desmond's Sideways story in ''Happily Ever After,'' for it told us the tale of a man considered something of a super-stud by the culture, but suffering from a malaise of emotional detachment.

Theory that Eloise is working with Flocke

Did Eloise help Flocke create the loophole? Go back and re-watch the scene in "The Variable" in which she stops Daniel from playing the piano. She emerges from her kitchen, almost as if she's just had a conversation with someone. Re-watch every action of adult Eloise and reconfigure it as a way to get her son back in her arms, EVEN IT MEANS UNDOING REALITY TO DO SO, and things make a lot of sense. Did she make a deal with Flocke? Help him as long as she can have her son back? By pushing Faraday harder than ever to conceive of the Jughead plan, she in turn created the possibility for Flocke's escape, which in turn offered her the chance to be with Daniel again. We've seen Flocke promise people what they want, over and over again, only to see the cracks in his promises show in the flash-sideways. Think of this sideways timeline like "The Matrix": sure as hell feels real, but it's simply a smokescreen (pun intended), a false world that masks the real one.

Theory summary: The sideways world is one dreamed up by Flocke with Eloise's help, unwittingly executed by Widmore, with Sideways Desmond now the wild card about to show some of his Oceanic 815 buddies a thing or two about what it feels like to be truly alive, to truly live in the real reality.

Eloise seems keen to keep the timelines totally separate, as evidenced by her brooch of the parallel lines and the twin stars… the lines do not intersect. See attached photo.

Another theory re: what Eloise and Widmore want/ are trying to facilitate:

Look at the way Widmore speaks to Desmond in his office. He talks about being blessed to "have him in his employ" and speaks about how "indispensable" Desmond is. He even goes normal praise, making sure to reinforce how happy Desmond should be to be free from commitments and attachments.

Widmore is pulling the wool over flash-sideways Desmond's eyes. He needs him to not question things, and to not dig too deeply into any emotions that might remind him of his prior life with Penny. This gets reiterated by Eloise later during her own conversation with Desmond. Flash-sideways Widmore and Hawking remain on the team that wants to keep things status quo.

Like Widmore, Eloise is doing everything to keep Desmond from remembering things. Eloise continues with something even more revealing: that Desmond should be happy because he has a "perfect life" and the one thing he always wanted: her husband's approval. The idea that she would know this seems to span both time lines, because it's within the island-based universe that Desmond sought Widmore's blessing. It also shows a serious error in judgment in thinking this was the one thing Desmond wanted most of all. Naturally, that honor would go to Penny.

Charlie stepped beyond the scope of the rules to show Desmond. He didn't allow Desmond the choice to see things for himself, he flat out took control of the situation and gave him the answer. There is another life they are supposed to be living. This overt display by Charlie was the violation that Eloise spoke of.

Does this verify that people outside of the 'game' - people who've died or gone over to the other side - are somehow in the know about things (Christian Shepherd, Richard’s wife Isabella)? Up until now, we've only seen these people permitted to push or nudge things in the right direction. Here however, Charlie wipes his ass with the rulebook. He shows Desmond his hand, sits back in his seat, satisfied that he conveyed his message, expecting to die as he knows he's supposed to. And for one last time, Desmond saves him.

So let's deconstruct this for a moment. The fact that Desmond's pre- flash-sideways needs have been taken into consideration seems to indicate we're seeing a manufactured reality. Someone or something has constructed the flash-sideways universe based upon what it thought Desmond - and possibly every other character - would want.

Just take a look at Daniel, now a musician. Certainly his mother would remember her young son's only desire was to play the piano, and now we see him placated by having grown into a talented pianist. The only problem is that Daniel is not happy or placated, because running into Charlotte has reminded him of his past life. This causes him to go physics-happy all over a perfectly good notebook, prompting an investigation of his own.

So who created this new universe? We've assumed Juliet facilitated it, setting off Jughead with that rock. Yet someone has definitely stacked the deck here. Someone with intimate knowledge (or scanning?) of our main characters has tried, in a very Matrix-like way, to create the perfect utopia for each and every one of our heroes.

In a careful, calculated manner, someone has been trying to give our flash-sideways characters exactly what it thinks they want, but at the same time, keep them completely in the dark about what happened in their previous, island-based lives. They're using happiness to suppress past memories, but love is the one thing that wasn't counted on.

Mugen910 04-09-2010 11:00 AM

Re: LOST Notes
3 Attachment(s)
pics continued.

OLS 04-12-2010 07:19 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 822983)
A theory! The rapturous blonde beauty he saw himself with, loving forever, was not Claire, but his season 2 Island temptress: the heroin-stuffed Virgin Mary statues. The painted hair? Blonde. The robes? Sky blue..

That's what I was thinking as it was coming out of Charlie's mouth. Great minds think alike.

dannysguitar 04-15-2010 02:25 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Everybody loves Hugo... Including me!

mosesbotbol 04-15-2010 06:21 PM

Re: LOST Notes
When that chick blew up, that was freaky! Should we trust Hugo? Not sure. This is getting awesome!

Mugen910 04-15-2010 06:35 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Well Jacob never actually touched Ilana so she wasn't saved I guess :(

weak_link 04-15-2010 08:06 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Why did she blow up again?

kugie 04-16-2010 04:14 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 829520)
Why did she blow up again?

To Quote JJ from Good Times

kugie 04-16-2010 04:19 AM

Re: LOST Notes
I agreet his is getting good.
Some one posted about everyone at the Hospital what will happen when they all get there?
I still think Jack has a big part in taking over Jacobs spot. The fact that he is just giving people little pushes but not truely interfering. The "do you trust me", comment he made to someone not to long ago..
Of course I am most likely completely wrong and the show will do something that will throw everyone off.

I don't know if this was posted but I guess the final Sceene has not even been shot yet. So the cast doesn't know what is going to happen yet.

Mugen910 04-16-2010 10:47 AM

Re: LOST Notes
5 Attachment(s)
LOST season 6, ep# 11 "Everybody Loves Hugo"

1) The local movie theatre Chunky’s in Nashua,NH and Pelham,NH will be showing the finale for free! You might want to check your local small theatre for the same.

2) Ilana: Guess the island was done with her. The book that Hurley found in her belongings was Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground: considered to be the first existentialist novel. The author's philosophy of the mind: tortured and tumultuous, torn between action and passivity, a collection of conflicted voices that has been likened to schizophrenia. The protagonist reflects on an event and comes to conclusions about himself and his relationship to society, art and any number of things. An important theme is the attempt to take control of one's life, to manufacture experience into identity, birth consciousness out of suffering, and then live to fail and learn anew.

3) Michael: The whispers - "we're the ones who can't move on." Can they not move on because the flash-sideways world was created or is it because they have done something bad/ wrong/ immoral? So, is it Purgatory? The show's creators have said that the island is not Purgatory... did they lie to throw us off? Maybe the LOSTIES are not in purgatory, but people who died on the island are? However, what Michael said doesn’t really jive with the Catholic belief of what Purgatory is.

4) Hurley:

* It seems that the ones who can trigger the island memories in the flash-sideways world are the ones who have died on the Island. First Charlie, then Daniel, then Libby.
* Never lingered on his own reflection like the other flash-sideways characters.
* Remember the reason Hurley was in the mental institution? He had come to believe that his weight was responsible for a deck collapse at a party that killed two people. He blew up the Black Rock to prevent people from getting themselves killed (as Michael warned would happen). Hurley has guilt issues, to say the least.
* Found the bag of Jacob’s ashes in Ilana’s belongings.
* Hurley didn't remember anything until he was placed into a situation familiar to the island timeline. Once he had the picnic, once he kissed Libby, that's when he remembered. This is exactly what happened to Desmond last episode. His memory was triggered by an event that occurred in both timelines: seeing Charlie through a pane of glass, underwater. It's also what happened to jog Charlie's memory: doing drugs in the bathroom of Flight 815 was the connection for him, because it's something that happened in both the flash-sideways and island worlds.

5) Libby:

* So why hasn't Libby visited Hurley, as a ghost, on the island? Because she had been allowed to move on? Was she allowed to move on because she didn't meet the criteria to be an Island-bound whisperer: she lacked a burden of guilt, had nothing to atone for?
* In the flash-sideways, she tells Hurley she was watching a Mr. Cluck commercial when the rush of emotion struck her. This screams back to the first time we saw Daniel Faraday off-island, sobbing as he watched footage of the crash of Flight 815. Daniel cried back then without even understanding where those emotions were coming from - just as Libby did here.

6) Desmond:

1. Flocke offered his hand to Desmond to help him up...Desmond accepted it, which Sun and Kate both refused to do in earlier episodes. What does it mean?
2. The cut on the right side of his flash-sideways forehead is the same as the one he has in the flash-sideways. See attached photos (kinda hard to see b/c the island is dark or shaded in most photos).
3. When Ben asked Desmond his son’s name there was no hesitation when he answered “Charlie.” Flash-sideways Desmond of course has no son. It seems that Desmond is fully aware of his other life and that has a lot to do with his lack of fear towards Flocke.
4. The license plate on Desmond's car changes from one scene to the next. When he drives away after watching Libby and Hurley on the beach the plate on the car was 4PCI264. When he drove through the parking lot to mow Locke down, the plate read 2FAN321. Was it a shout-out to a fan or something more perplexing? (Both of these plate numbers are different than Desmond’s plate last week, which was the same as Jack’s and Nadia’s in previous weeks).
5. Why did Desmond run over flash-sideways Locke? One possibility is that Desmond tried to kill Sideways Locke to prevent Smokey from migrating into Sideways Locke's body… although it may be cruel that Desmond would basically murder an innocent man just to prevent his future corruption… just like how Sayid shot young Ben.
6. Have we been being shown two sideways worlds?

· At Mr. Clucks, Hurley doesn't recognize Desmond. At the airport Hurley very clearly recognized Desmond from the plane. However, at Mr. Clucks even after Desmond mentions flight 815, Hurley shows no recognition at all.

· Then there are the two different license plates on Desmond’s car…

· Hurley tells Desmond in the airport that flight 815 luggage is at baggage claim 4, but then Desmond and Claire get their bags at baggage claim 2.

· On the plane with Jack, Desmond is wearing a wedding ring, but in the car with George Minkowski, he's not married (Minkowski even points out “I see you’re not wearing a ring” before offering to get Desmond a “lady”).

· "The butterfly effect is a common trope in fiction when presenting scenarios involving time travel and with "what if" scenarios where one storyline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes."
Note: The butterflies in the drawing on the wall behind Libby at Santa Rosa, the butterfly on the Black Rock with Richard, "For want of a nail" is actually a poem describing the chaos theory which was also referenced by that same scene.

7) Jungle boy: Clearly aggravates Flocke. The boy's smirk before he ran off had to mean something, like he was pleased. Why does he have blond hair sometimes and brown hair at other times? See attached photos…

8) Flocke: John Locke's mannerisms have been shining through Smokey lately... same expressions, phrases, stick carving. Maybe he can't suppress certain aspects of John's persona from exhibiting themselves and that will help lead to his downfall?

9) Previews: Next week's previews were played with the Willie Wonka Rowing Song in the background (very creepy)... here are the lyrics:

There's no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing
Is it raining? Is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a-blowing?
Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of Hell a-glowing?
Is the grisly reaper mowing?
Yes! The danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they're certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing!!!

Remember that, like Jacob, Willie Wonka was looking for a replacement too.

10) Seinfeld shout-out: Hurley and his mother were going to another award ceremony for Hurley's contribution to the Human Fund. The Human Fund was a charity George Costanza made up so he could give a gift to his boss & others without spending money.

11) Bruce Springsteen shout-out: Spanish Johnny is the restaurant where Hurley was supposed to meet his blind date. It's also a character in the Springsteen song ''Incident at 57th Street,'' in which the young romantic is described as being ''dressed just like dynamite.'' You can find the song on the same album that includes the song that shares its title with the name of the woman Hurley was supposed to meet at the restaurant: Rosalita.

12) Work theme: Fugitive Kate runs. Pregnant Claire carries a life. Locke lost his job, felt emasculated, scrambled to get one back. Jack, Sayid, Ben, Sawyer, Jin, Desmond: career-absorbed men. We often see that the sideways characters are largely defined by what they do — by their business/ work. The cost of all this struggling and striving has been a diminished ability and interest for introspection. The characters that have had mirror/ reflection moments have detected something worth thinking about, but don't. One of the concerns of existentialist literature — especially Dostoyevsky — was how both Communist and Capitalist cultures left their citizens too fatigued for the work of personal enrichment, i.e. enlightenment. The psychologist Erich Fromm saw an even more profound problem: he believed a culture of work was crippling our capacity for love. It's interesting that the sideways character that has come the closest to having a self-generated moment of clarity while looking in a mirror was its only unabashed romantic, who was not defined by her work: Sun.

Enter Sideways Hurley, who both subverted and affirmed the theme. We met him as he was being celebrated for his work as... a giver. Hurley didn't get a conventional mirror moment. Instead, he got a short film praising his extraordinary and extensive philanthropy.

13) Saint Sebastian hospital:
The hospital where Jack works, where Claire is getting her baby checked out, where Jin is taking Sun (gunshot wound), where Charlie is getting treated (car accident), where Locke is, probably, on his way to.... The story of Saint Sebastian has many LOST links. If you are interested in reading about him go here:

14) The Well: There seems to be some confusion about which well this is. I believe this was NOT the well that Locke traveled down to turn the wheel. That well is under the Orchid Station, in the jungle. This well, was in a clearing, no Orchid Station.

There is a Chinese folk tale called ''The Man Who Was Thrown Down a Well'' that tells the story of an unredeemed soul who gets unjustly thrown into a well where he encounters spirits who are trapped and yearn to move on into the afterlife. They help do his penance and become a better person, and then after three years (the same amount of time Desmond spent in The Hatch) the man returns to the surface world, forgives the man who threw him into the well and fulfills his promise to help free the lost, trapped souls.

15) Angstrom the bunny: Angstrom the rabbit from last week was, most likely, a reference to the comic book villain Angstrom Levy from the Invincible series. He is a character who has the ability to travel between different realities.

dannysguitar 04-16-2010 11:40 AM

Re: LOST Notes
WOW! Thanks for the recap. I'm subscribing to the theory that we are seeing an alternate to the alternate universe.... :-)

Brutus2600 04-17-2010 10:03 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Found this thread and I've gotta agree...this season with how they're wrapping things up is pretty amazing. I can't wait to go back and watch the entire series to see it with the full understanding of what everything is all about.

Eleven 04-18-2010 12:49 AM

Re: LOST Notes
3. When Ben asked Desmond his son’s name there was no hesitation when he answered “Charlie.” Flash-sideways Desmond of course has no son. It seems that Desmond is fully aware of his other life and that has a lot to do with his lack of fear towards Flocke.

Flash Sideways Desmond had dealt with Charlie before the encounter with Ben. Told by Charles to go get Charlie, Charlie driving the car into the water, the hospital scenes, etc etc. My thoughts were that he just said Charlie real fast because of his recent dealings with Flash Sideways Charlie, not real son Charlie that he and Penny had.

Either could work I suppose.

kugie 04-18-2010 04:42 AM

Re: LOST Notes
In th pics of the Boy is it just me or does he look like he is getting older?

OLS 04-19-2010 07:00 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Next week he will fully become Matt Damon and we will realize that ALL this is actually just
a script idea that he and Ben Affleck had in high school. See the connection?? BEN?
The losties are HUNTING for GOOD WILL?

Mugen910 04-20-2010 07:30 AM

Re: LOST Notes
A great theory from a LOST website. The writer goes into detail regarding how the seasons are mirroring each other:

“I can't help but think that the vast majority of viewers (including here) are missing an amazing aspect of how the story of Lost is told. I see a lot of people complaining about how Ilana died, this week. In and of itself, Ilana's death was contrived and lame.

But her death was not a stand-alone thing. It is part of a huge story that has been carefully crafted and woven together since Season 1. They say history repeats itself, but on this island, this is true to the Nth degree. We are seeing the same situations and scenarios play out, over and over again. It mostly follows a patter of Season 6 mirroring Season 1..... and 5 mirroring 2 .... and 4 mirroring 3. So it is kind of like an A-B-C-C-B-A pattern. Mirror image. (Hence the mirror references in the final season, to draw attention to the idea of mirror-imaging.) The show has always been about duality -- black & white, free will & destiny, the Losties and vs Others, Locke vs Ben, the beach vs the jungle/cave, Jacob vs the MIB, and on and on and on. Duality is at the heart of the design of the whole show, and the mirror-image structure of the storytelling is a major tool to demonstrate this in both obvious and subtle ways.

I could go on for pages and pages of examples of this phenomenon, and this is actually my single favorite aspect of the storytelling on the show! And Ilana's death is YET another example of this pattern. Her death replicates the death of Arzt in Season 1, and this is intentional, part of an intentional, grander and more intricate pattern. Here are a few other, quick examples:

Remember how Sayid was tied down on a table, electrical wires attached to him to shock him, in order to aquire information about him, in a dwelling place that is hidden within the jungle. This was carried out by someone who lost their child and doesn't know if they'll ever see their child again. This happened in Season 1 . . . and Season 6!

SEASON 1 - While searching for answers to the island's mysteries, Jack is led by a mysterious man to find a cave, next to water. Inside is a black stone and a white stone, and various personal belongings, including a baseball bat. Alongside the cave is Charlie's guitar. Christian's body appears to have been removed. Jack almost fell off a cliff while searching for his father, and this led him to the cave. But, Locke reached out and took his hand and saved him.

- While searching for answers to the island's mysteries, Sawyer is led by a mysterious man (FLocke) to a cave next to water. Inside is a black stone and a white stone, and various personal belongings, including a baseball glove. Just inside the cave is a lute (an ancient guitar). The name of Locke (who took Christian's place on Ajira 816) is removed, crossed out. Sawyer almost falls of a cliff while being taken to this cave, but FLocke reaches out and takes his hand and saves him.

SEASON 1 - Sun, an Asian character who hides many secrets, shows her skill at healing with herbal remedies.

- Dogen, an Asian character who hides many secrets, shows his skill in the use of herbal medicines.

- Sun can speak English, while Jin can't.

- Jin can speak English, while Sun can't.

SEASON 1 - Sayid is a man who is ashamed of his violent past, and of how certain authority figures pressed him into service to them, to hurt innocent people for his boss's gain. Sayid's leg is injured in the process of being caught in a trap. He is caught by the person who set the trap, Rousseau. He passes out, and she takes him to her hidden home, where she interrogates him about her child, which she says was kidnapped by the Others.

SEASON 6 - Jin is a man who is ashamed of his violent past, and of how certain authority figures pressed him into service to them, to hurt innocent people for his boss's gain. Jin's leg is injured when he is caught in a trap. He is caught by the person who set the trap, Claire. He passes out, and she takes him to her hidden home, where she interrogates someone else she captured along with Jin, asking him about her child, which she says was kidnapped by the Others.

SEASON 1 - Hurley decides that everyone needs to know who each other is, so he starts a census, which leads him to getting the ship manifest with the list of all the survivors on it. Many of the names are crossed off, having been "eliminated" (by death) in the crash or immediately afterward. By going over the list, Hurley figures out that one of the survivors is not a survivor, but is really an outsider pretending to be one of them... someone who had already been on the island for a long time!

SEASON 6 - Hurley is used by Jacob to take Jack to the Lighthouse, where they find the mirrors and the giant dial with the names of all of the candidates written on it. Many of the names are crossed out, having been eliminated. Meanwhile, FLocke takes Sawyer (who in Season 1 had the manifest) to the cave by the sea, and also shows him the names of candidates. Many are crossed off. It is around this time that Sawyer also learns that Locke is not really Locke, at all. He is an outsider pretending to be a survivor... but is really someone who had already been on the island for a long time!

SEASON 2 - Desmond is waiting for his replacement, and uses a riddle as a password to determine whether a person is there to help with his mission. (What did one snowman say to the other snowman? "Smells like carrots.") Note: this riddle also appeared in Season 1, briefly, before Desmond ever appeared.

SEASON 5 - Ilana is searching for Jacob's replacement, and uses a riddle as a password to determine whether someone is involved in her mission. (What lies in the shadow of the statue? "He who will save us all.") Note: this riddle also appears in Season 6, thus mirroring Season 1, while 2 mirrors 5.

SEASON 2 - Jin appears to have been completely lost at sea, possibly dead, after the raft he's on is destroyed by an explosive. There is no sign of him. However, later, he is found on the island, having washed ashore there.

SEASON 5 - Jin appears to have been completely lost at sea, possibly dead, after the ship he's on is destroyed by an explosive. There is no sign of him. However, later, he is found on the island, having washed ashore there.

SEASON 2 - Sawyer tells Jin his arm is going to fall off.

SEASON 5 - Jin sees the French science team member's arm ripped off.

SEASON 2: The survivors explored a lot of the various hatches and locations of Dharma. Several of the survivors are taken prisoner by the Others and stay with them for a while in one of the Dharma locations. They are gone from the survivors camp for nearly 3 weeks.

SEASON 5: Some of the survivors went to the Dharma village, where they lived for 3 years among the Dharma people, going around to a lot of the Dharma hatches and locations.

SEASON 2: Sawyer gets possession of all of the guns and declares himself "sheriff"

SEASON 5: Sawyer is put in charge of the guns as he becomes the Dharma sheriff

SEASON 2: Ben (aka Henry Gale) is tortured by Sayid and held captive by Jack and other survivors, but one of the survivors betrays the rest by risking everything to rescue Ben, even though he knows Ben is the leader of the Others and is responsible for many terrible things.

SEASON 5: A young Ben is shot by Sayid. Jack and others stand by and refuse to help Ben, but another survivor takes it upon herself to risk everything to rescue young Ben, even knowing he will be the leader of the Others and will be responsible for many terrible things.

SEASON 2: They found their way to the hatch. They argued over whether to do something (push the button) in the hatch. The season ended with a lot of arguing over whether to push the button, and finally they don't push the button, and BOOM!

SEASON 5: They found their way to (what would be) the hatch, where they argued over whether to use some modern technology (bomb) to counteract the island's dangerous "energy." And then "pushed the button" and blew it up (or more accurately, it imploded, just like the hatch did in Season 2).

(Note: "Pushing the button" is an old euphemism from the Cold War days that referred to dropping a nuclear weapon.)

SEASON 3 - Introduces mystery of the people from the Kahana

SEASON 4 - Reveals the truth about the people from the Kahana

SEASON 3 - Juliet tries to conspire to kill Ben when he is helpless, but Jack refuses and saves him. Ben lives.

SEASON 4 - Sayid conspires to kill Ben when he is helpless (a child), Jack refuses to save him. Ben lives.

- Ben shoots Locke and leaves him for dead in the mass grave. Locke tries to commit suicide, but fails.

SEASON 4 - Locke tries to commit suicide, but fails. Then, Ben kills Locke. (Reverse order from what happened in Season 3)

SEASON 3 - Hatch catastrophically implodes, causing Desmond to bounce around in time

- Donkey Wheel breaks, catastrophically effecting the island and causing survivors to bounce around in time
. . . . . [note: in Season 2, Locke lowers Kate down into the hatch flume, but something interrupts it and she disappears,
and then in Season 5, Locke is lowered into the well above the Donkey Wheel, but is interrupted and he falls and disappears]

- Ben turns donkey wheel, goes to outside world and recruits Sayid

SEASON 5 - Locke turns donkey wheel, goes to outside world to recruit other survivors

SEASON 4 - Desmond starts out without Penny, ends up with her

SEASON 5 - Desmond starts with Penny, ends up shot and thus taken away from her

. . .
One of my favorite (although more minor) examples is the "return" of Charlie's peanut butter, a couple episodes ago in Season 6. Remember Charlie's (imaginary) peanut butter, which he offered to Claire to try to lift her spirits in Season 1? Just recently, in the Smoking Club's camp, Sawyer came up next to Kate and offered her some "hot cocoa" to try to make her feel better. She asked where she found some hot cocoa on the island...? "I didn't," he said. "Just pretend."

There are other examples I could cite. This is just a few, because the list is too long to post here, completely. But these show a clear and definite pattern. And Ilana's death is a part of that very intentional pattern. Yes, it's contrived... for a reason. Season 1 was giving us numerous pictures of what we would see in the final season! And Season 2 showed us many things we could expect to see in the next-to-last season, and so on! And I, for one, think it's awesome! On this island, history repeats itself... to the extreme. And no matter how much free will you try to exercise... this "curse" will catch up with you and make you a part of its mirror-image storytelling.”

Brutus2600 04-20-2010 08:40 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 833272)
A great theory from a LOST website. The writer goes into detail regarding how the seasons are mirroring each other:

<cut text>

That's pretty amazing...I've watched from season 1 and never saw that. I really like this writeup!

Jack Straw 04-20-2010 09:06 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Great Episode!

Also, check out this interview:

Interesting read!

OLS 04-21-2010 07:30 AM

Re: LOST Notes
It would be really great though, if a show was as clever as this show is made out to be,
but instead of alienating half of it's viewers over 5-6 years, kept them gripped for
three years and accomplished the same thing in the end. I am going to watch the show finale
and all the crap I have to put up with to get there, but I quit liking this show a LLOoonng time ago.

weak_link 04-21-2010 07:37 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Last night seemed like more fluff and not enough meat & potatoes. Time is running out and I don't feel like we're making enough progress. Then I'll be sad when it ends and I can't complain about the fluff. :r

Mugen910 04-21-2010 07:39 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 834257)
Last night seemed like more fluff and not enough meat & potatoes. Time is running out and I don't feel like we're making enough progress. Then I'll be sad when it ends and I can't complain about the fluff. :r

You're from'll always have fluff to complain about big boy :r

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