![]() |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Sweet! Good to know :tu
I used my first prestige coin from Black Ops to unlock the custom title and emblem. First prestige coin I unlocked the ACR for use and the 2nd prestige I used for the Claymore. Third time around I'll unlock the RSASS. Unsure after that. Probably Assassin. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I will prolly unlock the Portable Radar next. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I just can't get used to the portable radar. I tried using it for a bit but never really got the feel of it. Maybe I'm using it wrong LOL.
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
BTW, I too was on last night. I made a discovery not long ago that my TV settings were causing input lag. Meaning all my movements would be delayed by about 200 ms. They happened in realtime but weren't reflected on my TV until 200 ms later. I was also seeing enemy movements 200 ms after they happend. I know it sounds like no big deal but it's often the difference between killing or getting killed. Anyway, last night was my first time back on since I've corrected it. What a huge difference. I had multiple positive KDRs last night. I know that doesn't mean much for many of you, but it's a huge thing for me. Of course my parade got rained on when my internet connection crapped out.
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Just hopped on MW3. I dont have the patience to play with people i dont know, especially since theres no team work. Just started playing with a guy from my unit and his buddies since my friend list is 11 and 9/10 of them are never on (people got kids and dont play or are deployed.)
Got my K/D around 1 right now. half the time I'm at 17-20 kills with 8-10 deaths, others i'm 9/15. Not a big hardcore fan but anything else is good if i'm playing with people that actually talk. When our party gets too big for TDM we usually fire up an infected game. Survivors have a 1887 shotty and a magnum. Infected will usually start with a shot gun or SMG. After the first kill infected only have throwing and tactical knives. It a good format. We always play on Dome. Anyone looking to play on Xbox - GT: JohnnyKay5 |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I frequent mw3forum.com a lot, but most of the recent posts are just bickering and whining about akimbos, quickscoping, op, nerfed, boosting, and hackers. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
They may still be recruiting IPC clan members too. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I don't know, but call me master of the care package. 3 Juggernauts and 1 Osprey Gunner within 7 games
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
anyone want to play some horde mode? mw3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I had my best game of S&D Sunday, tough without good headphones.
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7052/6...baa43904c4.jpg This second game of TDM is exactly why I hate playing with randoms, 32-7 and we still lost by 1000. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Edit: Okay the bottom 3 on our team went 6/43!!! 6 kills and 43 deaths! Oh I wish these guys where on the other team: 4-16 2-16 0-11 |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Mw2.5 = (for xbox and pc) a whole load of children,quickscopers and insufferable whiners that cant accept they died so they rage at you with every expletive under the sun and bad shotguns that have 5mm range to boot.
Looking back now i cant believe i wasted my money on it after the disaster mw2 was but hay at least i re kindled my love for cod2 thats where its at. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Just played the new map. It's not bad. I had fun on it so far.
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
And at the end of the day its a game though i would love to see all the QSers come onto cod 2 and try playing there style without stopping power or slide of hand pro then we can see if its "skill" or just the perks. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Really because i only mute them in game i didnt know you could outright block everybody except friends as the constant messages and voice mails get real annoying after a while.
As for qsing im still going to debate skill on that maybe it is maybe it isnt my real problem is most of them ive had the pleasure of talking to have had such a god complex its untrue of course these people are so superior at the game i might as well not be alive that kind of bull gets real annoying real fast for me. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I almost never lose a match to QSrs so it doesn't bother me. If you try to QS for like a week I think you might see it as a skill. I would rather it not be possible to QS in the game but it's better than noob tubes and shotguns IMO. Yah trust me, having all blocked except friends is heaven! |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Oh no noobtubes and shotguns are far better and more fun IMO
As people seem to hate them so much i use them alot after a few kills they begin to rage and come for "revenge" kills which means they are easy to shoot in the face or knife in the back and then they get even madder making them easy pray. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
As for the "whiners", you still have plenty on the PS3. I save all my direct messages from players saying anywhere "Why do you use portable radar you noob" to "Why are you hacking bro" to get a good laugh. In any community you'll always have them. Even when your team decides to play them in a private match and still win... can't get away =/ |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Just went 16-0 on HC TDM. No camping, only style :D
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I had a good week of MW3. Saturday I had a ton of great games of TDM. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
tomorrow us PS3 players finally get the two maps you xbox players got ...finally
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I had a bunch of good games this weekend, nothing amazing but a bunch of good ones, I won 24 games straight until I jumped into a game yesterday right at the end and got a loss (I see the first game pictured we only won by one). I took the silencer off my MK14 and can now use it again:
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7050/6...bbc1b566_b.jpg Quote:
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I haven't seen any new maps. Is it all "pay extra" type stuff?
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I actually fired up my xbox for the first time in a age and tried to play some mw3 after 5ish mins i was wondering why nothing was happening so i glanced down to see the red ring again.
3rd xbox down and i dont think ill buy another one. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Looking forward to competing in clan ops! Our clan will rank up a good amount after this weekend.
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I'm really enjoying the new maps for PS3. Liberation is just my style. And Piazza is a BEAST!
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I've been busy this morning, but I'm about to try them right now! I'm quite eager to play them after watching studying the layout =D
Re: Modern Warfare 3
I've been sending tweets for three months to @callofduty asking if hardcore headquarters will be coming back as its own game type with no response. Started a petition today on change.org just to see if I could get a decent amount of signatures. Even if you don't play it, please consider signing your name for those of us that do :)
http://www.change.org/petitions/infi...ayer-game-type |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Ugh...my Turtle Beach headset broke last night. Kinda strange playing without it. Gotta like Amazon though...the new one will be here tomorrow. :)
I think I'll download the new maps tonight. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Couldn't live without my Turtle Beach Headset. I'm surprised what a difference it makes. Its almost not fair :tu
I'm still really digging the new maps although every game I've played seems to be made of players who are MUCH better than me. I'm lucky keeping a 1-1.5 ratio on some of these games. |
Re: Modern Warfare 3
Yeah, it takes a little bit to get the feel of them. |
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