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LasciviousXXX 02-08-2012 10:08 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Sweet! Good to know :tu

I used my first prestige coin from Black Ops to unlock the custom title and emblem. First prestige coin I unlocked the ACR for use and the 2nd prestige I used for the Claymore. Third time around I'll unlock the RSASS. Unsure after that. Probably Assassin.

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 10:14 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1553121)
Sweet! Good to know :tu

I used my first prestige coin from Black Ops to unlock the custom title and emblem. First prestige coin I unlocked the ACR for use and the 2nd prestige I used for the Claymore. Third time around I'll unlock the RSASS. Unsure after that. Probably Assassin.

I unlocked MK14, PP90 & Assasin so far.
I will prolly unlock the Portable Radar next.

LasciviousXXX 02-08-2012 10:16 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I just can't get used to the portable radar. I tried using it for a bit but never really got the feel of it. Maybe I'm using it wrong LOL.

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 10:18 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1553133)
I just can't get used to the portable radar. I tried using it for a bit but never really got the feel of it. Maybe I'm using it wrong LOL.

The nice thing about it is if your whole team uses them and spreads them out correct you can cover most of the map. Yours works for everybody not just you. I also really like the trophy system when I am on defense but the portable radar isn't unlocked until level 77 so it is worth unlocking I think.

357 02-08-2012 11:15 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1553063)
The one in Italy is the one I'm most looking forward to so far because of the multiple levels of the map. Having a 3-4 tiered map is something I really haven't experienced since I started playing COD when MW2 came out. I'm on my 2nd prestige in the 20's right now so hopefully I'll have unlocked my RSASS by the time the maps come out on PS3 :tu

This is something I often wondered about. Why are all maps either 1 or two stories high? I mean the buildings often are taller but you can't actually access areas above the second floor. I think more of that third dimension would improve gameplay. It would be ad advantage for snipers, but not if there were other perchs that could help keep them in check.

357 02-08-2012 11:23 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
BTW, I too was on last night. I made a discovery not long ago that my TV settings were causing input lag. Meaning all my movements would be delayed by about 200 ms. They happened in realtime but weren't reflected on my TV until 200 ms later. I was also seeing enemy movements 200 ms after they happend. I know it sounds like no big deal but it's often the difference between killing or getting killed. Anyway, last night was my first time back on since I've corrected it. What a huge difference. I had multiple positive KDRs last night. I know that doesn't mean much for many of you, but it's a huge thing for me. Of course my parade got rained on when my internet connection crapped out.

JohnnyKay5 02-08-2012 11:37 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Just hopped on MW3. I dont have the patience to play with people i dont know, especially since theres no team work. Just started playing with a guy from my unit and his buddies since my friend list is 11 and 9/10 of them are never on (people got kids and dont play or are deployed.)

Got my K/D around 1 right now. half the time I'm at 17-20 kills with 8-10 deaths, others i'm 9/15.

Not a big hardcore fan but anything else is good if i'm playing with people that actually talk.

When our party gets too big for TDM we usually fire up an infected game.

Survivors have a 1887 shotty and a magnum. Infected will usually start with a shot gun or SMG. After the first kill infected only have throwing and tactical knives. It a good format. We always play on Dome.

Anyone looking to play on Xbox - GT: JohnnyKay5

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 11:41 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Failure! Sorry.

ucubed 02-08-2012 12:20 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1553136)
The nice thing about it is if your whole team uses them and spreads them out correct you can cover most of the map. Yours works for everybody not just you. I also really like the trophy system when I am on defense but the portable radar isn't unlocked until level 77 so it is worth unlocking I think.

When I play with my team you'll have a guarantee of at least 3 portable radars up in choke spots. Portable radar is pretty decent if most of the players don't use assassin on the other team. You just need the radar on your far end and defend the area in front of you. You can also use a bouncing betty or claymore around another entrance of where you are so you have time to react. Using these in conjunction with portable radar is fantastic!. I used my tokens to unlock ACR, Portable Radar, Assassin, and Claymore. I need to unlock Scavenger next because not dying means I don't have any ammo =P

Starscream 02-08-2012 02:46 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1553056)
My sig from a COD forum, thought I would share. I am never on there anymore though:

Which forum is that?
I frequent a lot, but most of the recent posts are just bickering and whining about akimbos, quickscoping, op, nerfed, boosting, and hackers.

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 03:00 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1553390)
Which forum is that?
I frequent a lot, but most of the recent posts are just bickering and whining about akimbos, quickscoping, op, nerfed, boosting, and hackers.

IPC (My Clan Tag) Iplaycod dot com, best site I found for COD:tu

They may still be recruiting IPC clan members too.

Starscream 02-08-2012 03:53 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1553395)
IPC (My Clan Tag) Iplaycod dot com, best site I found for COD:tu

They may still be recruiting IPC clan members too.

Thanks. I'll give it a look.:tu

ucubed 02-08-2012 10:30 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I don't know, but call me master of the care package. 3 Juggernauts and 1 Osprey Gunner within 7 games

chippewastud79 02-09-2012 08:09 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1553718)
I don't know, but call me master of the care package. 3 Juggernauts and 1 Osprey Gunner within 7 games

Buddy of mine has been getting care packages like that lately, Osprey Gunners or Jugernauts or Reapers. I always get UAV, IMS or Sentry Guns. At least this game doesn't give you Ammo crates :bh

hammondc 02-17-2012 03:54 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
anyone want to play some horde mode? mw3

Blak Smyth 02-21-2012 12:22 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I had my best game of S&D Sunday, tough without good headphones.
This second game of TDM is exactly why I hate playing with randoms, 32-7 and we still lost by 1000.

chippewastud79 02-21-2012 12:34 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1566989)
This second game of TDM is exactly why I hate playing with randoms, 32-7 and we still lost.

Randoms drive me insane sometimes. Most of the time, the couple of guys I have with me can make up for (really) bad players. We lost a game last night with three of us, and three randoms 7-19, 8-20 and 12-23, by one kill. Yes, thats 52 of 75 deaths by 3 players. :bh

Blak Smyth 02-21-2012 12:35 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1567007)
Randoms drive me insane sometimes. Most of the time, the couple of guys I have with me can make up for (really) bad players. We lost a game last night with three of us, and three randoms 7-19, 8-20 and 12-23, by one kill. Yes, thats 52 of 75 deaths by 3 players. :bh

Yah it sucks. I am gonna look up the worst guys on the team during that game now.

Okay the bottom 3 on our team went 6/43!!!
6 kills and 43 deaths!

Oh I wish these guys where on the other team:

chippewastud79 02-21-2012 12:39 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1567008)
Yah it sucks. I am gonna look up the worst guys on the team during that game now.

We can regularly make up for people who are negative 10 or more, but three on the same team with over 19 deaths is tough to recover from. <0.7 K/D players usually end up on our team because of our higher K/D ratios but if you can't convince them to stop running into bullets, it is exponentially tougher. :td

chippewastud79 02-21-2012 12:40 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1567008)
Yah it sucks. I am gonna look up the worst guys on the team during that game now.

Okay the bottom 3 on our team went 6/43!!!
6 kills and 43 deaths!

Oh I wish these guys where on the other team:

:jd We had a game when we had 4 guys where some split screeners went 4-34 (1-12 and 3-22), but we made up for them. :rolleyes:

Reaver2145 02-22-2012 08:00 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Mw2.5 = (for xbox and pc) a whole load of children,quickscopers and insufferable whiners that cant accept they died so they rage at you with every expletive under the sun and bad shotguns that have 5mm range to boot.

Looking back now i cant believe i wasted my money on it after the disaster mw2 was but hay at least i re kindled my love for cod2 thats where its at.

Blak Smyth 02-22-2012 08:19 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Just played the new map. It's not bad. I had fun on it so far.

macsauce13 02-22-2012 08:35 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1568726)
Mw2.5 = (for xbox and pc) a whole load of children,quickscopers and insufferable whiners that cant accept they died so they rage at you with every expletive under the sun and bad shotguns that have 5mm range to boot.

Looking back now i cant believe i wasted my money on it after the disaster mw2 was but hay at least i re kindled my love for cod2 thats where its at.

Jesus are you serious? Do you have anything positive to say, EVER?

Reaver2145 02-23-2012 04:05 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by macsauce13 (Post 1568760)
Jesus are you serious? Do you have anything positive to say, EVER?

Not normally no defiantly not with cod2.5

Blak Smyth 02-23-2012 04:52 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1568726)
Mw2.5 = (for xbox and pc) a whole load of children,quickscopers and insufferable whiners that cant accept they died so they rage at you with every expletive under the sun and bad shotguns that have 5mm range to boot.

Looking back now i cant believe i wasted my money on it after the disaster mw2 was but hay at least i re kindled my love for cod2 thats where its at.

I agree about some shotgun setups having way too much range but QSrs don't bother me. QSing takes skill, blind shotgun blasting doesn't. At the end of the day they all die anyway. I like the game, alot. I play on Xobox though so maybe it is better?!?

Reaver2145 02-23-2012 05:44 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1569095)
I agree about some shotgun setups having way too much range but QSrs don't bother me. QSing takes skill, blind shotgun blasting doesn't. At the end of the day they all die anyway. I like the game, alot. I play on Xobox though so maybe it is better?!?

Maybe though i find the xbox controller to be a pain the community is slightly less whiny and arrogant than the pc lot but only slightly.

And at the end of the day its a game though i would love to see all the QSers come onto cod 2 and try playing there style without stopping power or slide of hand pro then we can see if its "skill" or just the perks.

Blak Smyth 02-23-2012 05:47 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1569129)
Maybe though i find the xbox controller to be a pain the community is slightly less whiny and arrogant than the pc lot but only slightly.

And at the end of the day its a game though i would love to see all the QSers come onto cod 2 and try playing there style without stopping power or slide of hand pro then we can see if its "skill" or just the perks.

It is a skill, not everybody can do it well. I can't do it well so I respect it. As far as whining goes, on the xbox you can set it so you can't hear random people. That's how I run, I can only hear my friends. This setting has made me enjoy my online experience sooo much more. And random people use to always send me messages complaining about me cheating or using a modded controller (Which I don't) but now they can't send me anything, all forms of contact are blocked other than a friend request.

Reaver2145 02-23-2012 06:22 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Really because i only mute them in game i didnt know you could outright block everybody except friends as the constant messages and voice mails get real annoying after a while.

As for qsing im still going to debate skill on that maybe it is maybe it isnt my real problem is most of them ive had the pleasure of talking to have had such a god complex its untrue of course these people are so superior at the game i might as well not be alive that kind of bull gets real annoying real fast for me.

Blak Smyth 02-23-2012 06:26 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1569165)
Really because i only mute them in game i didnt know you could outright block everybody except friends as the constant messages and voice mails get real annoying after a while.

As for qsing im still going to debate skill on that maybe it is maybe it isnt my real problem is most of them ive had the pleasure of talking to have had such a god complex its untrue of course these people are so superior at the game i might as well not be alive that kind of bull gets real annoying real fast for me.

Yah but I don't have to listen to their god complex so it's all good. Haha.
I almost never lose a match to QSrs so it doesn't bother me. If you try to QS for like a week I think you might see it as a skill. I would rather it not be possible to QS in the game but it's better than noob tubes and shotguns IMO.

Yah trust me, having all blocked except friends is heaven!

Reaver2145 02-23-2012 06:40 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Oh no noobtubes and shotguns are far better and more fun IMO

As people seem to hate them so much i use them alot after a few kills they begin to rage and come for "revenge" kills which means they are easy to shoot in the face or knife in the back and then they get even madder making them easy pray.

ucubed 02-23-2012 07:14 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1569187)
Oh no noobtubes and shotguns are far better and more fun IMO

As people seem to hate them so much i use them alot after a few kills they begin to rage and come for "revenge" kills which means they are easy to shoot in the face or knife in the back and then they get even madder making them easy pray.

I enjoy the grenade launchers a bit better, only because there is no Danger Close and the damage is much more reasonable, especially when they are not direct hits. I don't have a problem with run and gun shotguns, but the striker is just unfair compared to the other shotguns.

As for the "whiners", you still have plenty on the PS3. I save all my direct messages from players saying anywhere "Why do you use portable radar you noob" to "Why are you hacking bro" to get a good laugh. In any community you'll always have them. Even when your team decides to play them in a private match and still win... can't get away =/

LasciviousXXX 02-27-2012 12:19 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Just went 16-0 on HC TDM. No camping, only style :D

Blak Smyth 02-27-2012 12:22 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1573572)
Just went 16-0 on HC TDM. No camping, only style :D


I had a good week of MW3. Saturday I had a ton of great games of TDM.

ucubed 02-27-2012 12:32 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
tomorrow us PS3 players finally get the two maps you xbox players got ...finally

Blak Smyth 02-27-2012 12:35 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I had a bunch of good games this weekend, nothing amazing but a bunch of good ones, I won 24 games straight until I jumped into a game yesterday right at the end and got a loss (I see the first game pictured we only won by one). I took the silencer off my MK14 and can now use it again:


Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1573586)
tomorrow us PS3 players finally get the two maps you xbox players got ...finally

We already got a third one, haha. ;s

ucubed 02-27-2012 01:18 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1573590)
We already got a third one, haha. ;s

It's ok, at least there will be a steady flow of DLC now.

Blak Smyth 02-27-2012 01:35 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1573630)
It's ok, at least there will be a steady flow of DLC now.

So every month now?

macsauce13 02-27-2012 02:41 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I haven't seen any new maps. Is it all "pay extra" type stuff?

Blak Smyth 02-27-2012 02:44 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by macsauce13 (Post 1573756)
I haven't seen any new maps. Is it all "pay extra" type stuff?

Yah, you have to subscribe to COD Elite I believe.

ucubed 02-27-2012 03:57 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by macsauce13 (Post 1573756)
I haven't seen any new maps. Is it all "pay extra" type stuff?

If your an elite member you'll get it for free tomorrow if you're on PS3 and PC...if you have XBOX you should already have it. If you're not an elite member you'll have to pay for the map pack. Also, there is indeed suppose to be something new every month after the first map pack

Reaver2145 02-27-2012 04:01 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I actually fired up my xbox for the first time in a age and tried to play some mw3 after 5ish mins i was wondering why nothing was happening so i glanced down to see the red ring again.

3rd xbox down and i dont think ill buy another one.

357 02-28-2012 07:32 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1573847)
I actually fired up my xbox for the first time in a age and tried to play some mw3 after 5ish mins i was wondering why nothing was happening so i glanced down to see the red ring again.

3rd xbox down and i dont think ill buy another one.

Ship it to me. I fixed my sister's RROD and have been using it for 6 months. I can send you a link or two on how to fix it. Depends on how technical you are, but it's not too tough.

Blak Smyth 02-28-2012 07:44 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Looking forward to competing in clan ops! Our clan will rank up a good amount after this weekend.

LasciviousXXX 02-28-2012 02:00 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I'm really enjoying the new maps for PS3. Liberation is just my style. And Piazza is a BEAST!

ucubed 02-28-2012 03:36 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I've been busy this morning, but I'm about to try them right now! I'm quite eager to play them after watching studying the layout =D

King James 02-29-2012 07:55 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I've been sending tweets for three months to @callofduty asking if hardcore headquarters will be coming back as its own game type with no response. Started a petition today on just to see if I could get a decent amount of signatures. Even if you don't play it, please consider signing your name for those of us that do :)

King James 02-29-2012 10:58 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by King James (Post 1576705)
I've been sending tweets for three months to @callofduty asking if hardcore headquarters will be coming back as its own game type with no response. Started a petition today on just to see if I could get a decent amount of signatures. Even if you don't play it, please consider signing your name for those of us that do :)

just saw tonight it is back. I'm not sure if it came back today or in the past couple, but what great timing

ucla695 03-01-2012 07:10 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3 Turtle Beach headset broke last night. Kinda strange playing without it. Gotta like Amazon though...the new one will be here tomorrow. :)

I think I'll download the new maps tonight.

LasciviousXXX 03-01-2012 09:22 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Couldn't live without my Turtle Beach Headset. I'm surprised what a difference it makes. Its almost not fair :tu

I'm still really digging the new maps although every game I've played seems to be made of players who are MUCH better than me. I'm lucky keeping a 1-1.5 ratio on some of these games.

ucla695 03-01-2012 09:57 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1577216)
Couldn't live without my Turtle Beach Headset. I'm surprised what a difference it makes. Its almost not fair :tu

I'm still really digging the new maps although every game I've played seems to be made of players who are MUCH better than me. I'm lucky keeping a 1-1.5 ratio on some of these games.

No kidding!

Yeah, it takes a little bit to get the feel of them.

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