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themoneycollector 10-15-2014 10:23 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by jsnake (Post 1992648)
Is it just me or does the 3 minutes of show followed by 10 minutes of commercials drive anyone else crazy? Great episode. They do the same thing with Hell on Wheels. Too many commercials and not enough content. Never seen any other channel do it like this.

I hate commercials too

*cough* torrent *cough* :banger

bonjing 10-27-2014 04:45 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Great last couple of episodes!

mosesbotbol 10-28-2014 01:19 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Best season yet so far!

longknocker 10-28-2014 01:37 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Excellent So Far!:tu

Victor808 10-29-2014 06:09 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
It's been pretty awesome. From the last few episodes of Season 3 it's been non-stop action.

For those who followed the comics, did you notices last weekend's episode pretty much mirrored the comic book, with a couple characters swapped out?

irratebass 10-30-2014 09:32 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by Victor808 (Post 1995420)
It's been pretty awesome. From the last few episodes of Season 3 it's been non-stop action.

For those who followed the comics, did you notices last weekend's episode pretty much mirrored the comic book, with a couple characters swapped out?

Per Talking Dead, they said this season they are going to follow the comic a little more, not entirely, but very close to it.

Victor808 10-30-2014 10:46 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1995560)
Per Talking Dead, they said this season they are going to follow the comic a little more, not entirely, but very close to it.

That'll be interesting. I stopped with the comic when things got a little weird with a dude with pet tigers... but up to that point it was good.
The thing I think they're gonna run into problems with though is that the comic is very fast paced... while I thought the dragging of season 2 was ridiculous and boring, I think tracking the comic this closely, they're going to burn through all the comic threads too quickly.
I mean, the last two episodes essentially burned through the equivalent of volume 11 of the comics (with some changes for dead people/different characters).

Victor808 11-03-2014 11:21 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Fist somewhat disappointing episode of the season.

Felt like a bit of a filler episode.

kelmac07 11-03-2014 02:59 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Beth episode was EXTREMELY slow!!!

irratebass 11-05-2014 07:55 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by Victor808 (Post 1995603)
That'll be interesting. I stopped with the comic when things got a little weird with a dude with pet tigers... but up to that point it was good.
The thing I think they're gonna run into problems with though is that the comic is very fast paced... while I thought the dragging of season 2 was ridiculous and boring, I think tracking the comic this closely, they're going to burn through all the comic threads too quickly.
I mean, the last two episodes essentially burned through the equivalent of volume 11 of the comics (with some changes for dead people/different characters).

I gave up reading the comics when the show started, too hard to follow and not get confused with the show.


Originally Posted by Victor808 (Post 1996507)
Fist somewhat disappointing episode of the season.

Felt like a bit of a filler episode.


Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1996546)
Beth episode was EXTREMELY slow!!!

Both of you.....right here :fu2

Victor808 11-05-2014 10:40 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1996907)

Both of you.....right here :fu2

Don't try to tell us you thought it was a wild ride of an episode. It Draaaagggggeeeeeddddd.

OLS 11-05-2014 11:48 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

I thought the Beth episode was a mistake, I was burning it to a DVD and I could SEE that it seemed like the whole
episode was Beth. I thought, wait, is this show even OUT yet? Maybe this is a hoax. But I watched it and it made
sense, but in a lot of ways, I forgave the pace of it for the REALLY intense microcosm of a world they have yet to see,
but is certainly happening in one weird form or another in a lot of places across the country now locked in the undead
apocalypse. It also REALLY juxtaposed her way of thinking with theirs...She thinks "How can they STAY here?"
It was clear they thought "How could ANYONE go out THERE?" Beth has been living and surviving and had a lot of moments
where she had just accepted the new normal of sleeping with one eye open as the price of what she now knows was freedom.
I mean it has been written into two episodes now, the fact that the group feels they are bad-a55 enough to deal with
any random zombie that should happen by, gone out of their way to SHOW IT a few times.....Beth KNOWS that all you
really have to do is stay clear of herds, keep reasonably quiet and always alert. But the people in that hospital, man,
they are much more freaked out by it all it seems.

And now on top of that, you get Carol wheeled in, and now you KNOW that Beth wants out as soon as she can conspire
with Carol. But man, how to hide the connection to keep it safe? And is Carol now a kind of swing vote or something?
I could see her getting out of the rat race for some quiet, purpose-driven time at the hospital. You do have to consider
that in the previous episode, she was just TIRED. Everything had changed, she was not even sure she wanted to re-connect
with Darryl, or so it seemed to me. I think she still carries a grudge and realizes if she stays with them she is going to
have to come to terms with them judging her for something that she felt was perfectly correct to do. Who knows now.

But what the episode was was just another set piece to drag everything back down to the farm speed. But the angles
of this new wrinkle are about as wide open as can be. Can it be that the team will now be just another conqueror?
I mean in the sense of being "the Governor"s? Come in, assess the crazy level, kill the right 3-4 people and ALL settle
down to be the new face of civilization in the ATL?
Boggles the mind.

Victor808 11-05-2014 02:41 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

The only saving grace to that episode was seeing Carol wheeled in. Speculation is that she's faking it, that she and Darryl some how scouted the place and got info that Beth was in there.... That means only one thing: Carol's now gonna kick some hospital people @ss... I'm guessing that since this is just a side-plot, there's just going to be one more episode to close it out (not the next episode apparently, as they're running concurrent?)... but two episodes from now, or whenever, there is going to be a lot of dead people in the hospital...

kugie 11-06-2014 05:26 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
What a good episode it is good that it has nothing else to compare it to nothing in the comic and the they all thought Atlanta was abandoned in the first season.
Except for the "Vatos"

This opens the series up to a whole new area :2

Beth's slight smile at the the end when "Chris Rock" made it through the gate was excellent.

And Carol Love that part :banger

Can't wait for more

OLS 11-06-2014 06:08 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
OH I KNOW what else I had to say about that! I had forgotten and tried to weave one more Carol-related/Beth
deal....that was not it. It was the fact that The shogun asked Darryl at the edge of the woods, "Is Carol With you?"
and Darryl said "Come on out" to some person in the woods. But at the very last second, we find OUT that the
person is NOT Carol. THAT was what stuck in my mind......WHO the hell? I thought back over the seasons trying
to figure out who is just missing, not eaten. I didn't come up with much.

irratebass 11-06-2014 07:53 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by Victor808 (Post 1996943)
Don't try to tell us you thought it was a wild ride of an episode. It Draaaagggggeeeeeddddd.

It was a weird episode, but there was a lot going on and it was very interesting to me


Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1997103)
OH I KNOW what else I had to say about that! I had forgotten and tried to weave one more Carol-related/Beth
deal....that was not it. It was the fact that The shogun asked Darryl at the edge of the woods, "Is Carol With you?"
and Darryl said "Come on out" to some person in the woods. But at the very last second, we find OUT that the
person is NOT Carol. THAT was what stuck in my mind......WHO the hell? I thought back over the seasons trying
to figure out who is just missing, not eaten. I didn't come up with much.

I think when Darryl says "Come on out" I think that is a a flashback or a Quentin Tarantino type skip around, I think somehow Darryl & Carol hear the gunshots from Beth & "Chris Rock" they meet up with "Chris" and they set up a plan to have Carol get into the Hosp to save Beth, then all hell breaks loose.

Someone mentioned to me that the next episode will all be about the other group (Mullet, Glen, Maggie & the Commando guy) I tend to believe that. we shall see this Sunday, but I don't think we are going to get a conclusion to the "Beth situation" just yet......stay tuned true believers.

Victor808 11-06-2014 10:55 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Also remember Morgan from the very first episode is kicking around the forest near the church as well. Darryl could have met up with him.

Victor808 11-17-2014 05:14 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Ok... caught up on the last two...

Don't know anyone else's take on these, but they were both a bit slow.

(spoilers! don't read if you're behind)

The splinter group episode with Abraham was... ok. I liked the way they really portray him as almost desperately clinging on to the cure (later found out to be a bold faced lie)... and they do a decent job of showing why it's so important to him. I thought they missed a bit on showing what happened to his family... I was able to put it together, but they left it a bit more ambiguous than I'd like (in the comics if I remember correctly it was men from his own group who raped his wife and daughter, who he then had to kill with his bare hands. In this episode it seemed like it was just random guys....)

Last night's episode played out pretty much as expected, no real surprises there. It was a really quiet, subdued episode but I think it worked because it was mainly focusing on two characters who are best when they're quiet. Carol and Daryl are both so workman-like about dispatching zombies, no screaming, no crying... they're like a machine.

1 - good to see that Beth's friend found Carol/Daryl... too bad he was a d$ck about it
2 - now we know how the hospital "recruits" people who they save and keep on to work to pay off their debt... they make their own customers with a swift collision
3 - I'm excited for some terminus-level justice to be exacted on the hospital... next week I guess.

So, I know how things resolve themselves between Abraham and Eugene-the-science guy in the comics... I wonder how they're planning on playing it out in the series. Anyone have any bets? Couple good hits and they're square? A kick in the nuts? Carol style exile for Eugene? Is Rosita going to have to intervene to keep him alive?

kelmac07 11-17-2014 06:05 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Another slow episode. Only two more weeks and other than the first episode, this season has been extremely SLOW.

Victor808 11-17-2014 06:36 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
The 3rd episode where they dispatched Gareth's group was a reasonably paced episode...

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