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Pat1075 05-01-2011 11:15 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie
I bought a box that day @ the event but was just getting over a cold so I ended up going with a white label candela for the evening. Haven't had one yet.

elderboy02 05-02-2011 04:51 AM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1251581)
I thought these were available for purchase at the release party :sh

Yeah. That is true. I wonder why they haven't shipped them yet to online orders.

Wanger 05-03-2011 12:33 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1251347)
Where's the reviews?

Didn't nab any for myself, or I'd have done one by now. Sorry.

Wanger 05-03-2011 12:35 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1251581)
I thought these were available for purchase at the release party :sh

They were. At Tobacco Grove, they would sell up to a box to you, but at Burn, evidently most of them were pre-sold, so you were limited to 1-2 sticks per person. I thought that's what James said, but I could be wrong. As for what's taking so long...:sh:sh

kickerb 05-03-2011 12:35 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1251347)
Where's the reviews?

danreeve 05-03-2011 01:07 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie
smoked one last weekend. It was nice and strong in body, but lacked some in the flavor dept. I still enjoyed it, and it was not bad, but not up to par with some of the other viaje limiteds IMO.


Brooks W 05-03-2011 01:12 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by danreeve (Post 1252941)
smoked one last weekend. It was nice and strong in body, but lacked some in the flavor dept. I still enjoyed it, and it was not bad, but not up to par with some of the other viaje limiteds IMO.



What sticks do you like better then it? I prefer the Exclusivo Blend (esp the Tower 45th) and the OR S&B, but that is just me...


danreeve 05-03-2011 01:19 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by Brooks W (Post 1252948)

What sticks do you like better then it? I prefer the Exclusivo Blend (esp the Tower 45th) and the OR S&B, but that is just me...


took the words out of my mouth.

For me the Exclusivo (DES) and the OR skull and bones are the top of the heap for Viaje overall.

I like the holiday blend quite a bit also (call me weird)

If we're talking LE, for me I would put this below those sticks mentioned above, but higher than summerfest which didn't do much for me.

(btw, my cigar was very nicely provided by your website partner Steve :noon)

Wanger 05-03-2011 02:07 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by danreeve (Post 1252941)
smoked one last weekend. It was nice and strong in body, but lacked some in the flavor dept. I still enjoyed it, and it was not bad, but not up to par with some of the other viaje limiteds IMO.


I was also told by Joel at TG that they needed about a month of rest time before they were more ready to be smoked, as well.

danreeve 05-03-2011 02:09 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1253007)
I was also told by Joel at TG that they needed about a month of rest time before they were more ready to be smoked, as well.

always a good point to make.

Brooks W 05-03-2011 02:58 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by danreeve (Post 1253010)
always a good point to make.

EVERY Viaje needs time, they ALL seem to be shipped wet (other then the Tower 45th, which sat for 6 months before being sold)...


thecatch83 05-03-2011 07:05 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by kickerb (Post 1252899)

Read the smoking stogie review the day of the release......I was referring to "additional" reviews! These sold out in ten seconds yet there is only one review (Brooks)?

Wanger 05-04-2011 09:48 AM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1253244)
Read the smoking stogie review the day of the release......I was referring to "additional" reviews! These sold out in ten seconds yet there is only one review (Brooks)?

Like I said, I got a box, but it was for Smokey and I sent it to him sealed (which he received today :D). I didn't buy any for myself, simply because one box was the limit, not a box plus a stick. :( Not sure that there are any other local members who went to either store and grabbed one and smoked them, though.

Brooks W 05-04-2011 12:40 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by danreeve (Post 1252955)
took the words out of my mouth.

For me the Exclusivo (DES) and the OR skull and bones are the top of the heap for Viaje overall.

I like the holiday blend quite a bit also (call me weird)

If we're talking LE, for me I would put this below those sticks mentioned above, but higher than summerfest which didn't do much for me.

(btw, my cigar was very nicely provided by your website partner Steve :noon)

You going to post a review on your site?


danreeve 05-04-2011 01:10 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by Brooks W (Post 1253828)
You going to post a review on your site?


No we're not. I got these from Steve to smoke with one of my friends because we were both interested in the stick. I didn't take notes or photos because it wasn't for review, just more for checking it out and enjoying a new cigar.

If I find another one I may do a review of it.


Brooks W 05-04-2011 01:24 PM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by danreeve (Post 1253850)
No we're not. I got these from Steve to smoke with one of my friends because we were both interested in the stick. I didn't take notes or photos because it wasn't for review, just more for checking it out and enjoying a new cigar.

If I find another one I may do a review of it.


If you want to do a review at some point, I can ship one to you :)


mariogolbee 06-15-2011 07:22 AM

Re: Viaje Zombie
Did anyone ever even receive these?

Apoco 06-15-2011 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1297841)
Did anyone ever even receive these?

I've seen a few pictures of them in the latest NC purchase thread.
Posted via Mobile Device

mariogolbee 06-15-2011 08:32 AM

Re: Viaje Zombie

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1297881)
I've seen a few pictures of them in the latest NC purchase thread.
Posted via Mobile Device

Interesting. I never received any word from TG. I contacted them and they said they were having some trouble with their system or something. I had placed another order and that got crewed up too. The guy I spoke with in regards to the Zombies said tat my chances were good and that I should have received some notice and that they'd get back to me. I never heard anything. Oh well...

jsnake 06-15-2011 08:38 AM

Re: Viaje Zombie
I got my Zombies

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