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icehog3 12-06-2010 09:43 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by GTS21 (Post 1083783)
I'm wondering what that scientist dude whispered in Rick's ear??

"If you stay behind, there's a quick HJ for you in it".

massphatness 12-06-2010 11:51 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD
very quick ...
Posted via Mobile Device

GTS21 12-06-2010 12:22 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1083854)
"If you stay behind, there's a quick HJ for you in it".

..that wasn't Rick's year....;s

Chingas 12-06-2010 05:06 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD
After Dom tore the finale a new asshole, I needed a minute to reflect.

I liked it but that speech had waaaa written all over it. Is what it is.

When is season 2?

s15driftking 12-06-2010 07:48 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD
i was out of town last night, just watched the finale tonight. it was so-so. I was hoping for more than the basic explanation that was given as well as an exploding building that was supposed to be "one step below a nuke"... a little weak.

I will still be paitiently awaiting season two though! still excited.

Jbailey 12-06-2010 08:10 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 1084288)
When is season 2?

Halloween 2011 from what I heard but it could be sooner.

Wanger 12-07-2010 07:22 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by s15driftking (Post 1084553)
i was out of town last night, just watched the finale tonight. it was so-so. I was hoping for more than the basic explanation that was given as well as an exploding building that was supposed to be "one step below a nuke"... a little weak.

I will still be paitiently awaiting season two though! still excited.

If that was one step below a nuke, then they would have been incinerated, being that close to the building. And setting the air on fire? Nope...can't really happen. Plus, if it could, with that crashed out window, it would have extended further beyond the building than it did. OK, enough with the technicalities. LOL

Just wish it wasn't going to be a year until the next season starts. Still gotta watch the first few episodes. Will have to check when the reruns will be on, or maybe see if it's on Apple TV.

cricky101 12-07-2010 08:59 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I enjoyed the final episode, and am looking forward to season 2, but some of the grandiose speeches seemed out-of-place, along with the weak explosion.

There were some sequences in the final episode that reminded me of some of the made-for-tv Stephen King movies with mediocre acting and lame effects.

Even some of the earlier episodes seemed better to me, like the final one was rushed or something.

Hopefully there's enough excitement and money behind it to bump up the production values for the next season.

QUAZY50 12-07-2010 11:16 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1083751)
I am losing interest in this show fast.
Ricks "all we want is a chance" speech made me gag.
Why didn't the writers just have him say "pretty please open the door"? :rolleyes:
It was awful and his character is quickly degenerating into the stereotypical crybaby /torn hero.
This show needs a Sarah Connor type character. Someone who is willing to do anything to survive without remorse and isn't viewed negatively for it.
Anyone who wants to use violence to survive is portrayed as a dumb hillbilly (Merle and Daryl) or self destructive (Shayne).
I found it funny that Dale didn't make the same offer to stay behind to save the Black girl, Jacqui.
I also found the most real moment to be when Ricks wife, after living on the side of a mountain for two months,
spends one night in the CDC, and complains that the air conditioning turned off.
Did they bring my wife in to consult on the script?

One thing... I think she was noting that the air turned off as a weird thing happening.. not complaining.


Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1083777)
I heard they dumped the writing staff and season 2 will have a completely new one.

My theory.. she is pregnant with Shanes kid... doc found out from the blood test.. Idk.

Cattani 12-07-2010 12:01 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD
You, sir, are probably correct on that one.

GTS21 12-07-2010 02:18 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by QUAZY50 (Post 1085252)
My theory.. she is pregnant with Shanes kid... doc found out from the blood test.. Idk.

Wow. Very interesting if true...

SmokeyJoe 12-07-2010 02:44 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1084969)
If that was one step below a nuke, then they would have been incinerated, being that close to the building. And setting the air on fire? Nope...can't really happen. Plus, if it could, with that crashed out window, it would have extended further beyond the building than it did. OK, enough with the technicalities. LOL

Just wish it wasn't going to be a year until the next season starts. Still gotta watch the first few episodes. Will have to check when the reruns will be on, or maybe see if it's on Apple TV.

Ahhh... but had you listened more closely as Jenner explained the purpose of the bomb, as far as the destructive properties, it was designed to burn extraordinarily hot, but in a limited area. He made mention of it having minimal damage to the surrounding area. ;)

Anyway... it was entertaining for me. I also think that the theory above about the pregnancy may be correct. :tu

Chingas 12-07-2010 06:44 PM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by QUAZY50 (Post 1085252)

My theory.. she is pregnant with Shanes kid... doc found out from the blood test.. Idk.

Well, at least she mourned for a day or two!:r

Wanger 12-08-2010 09:48 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 1085498)
Ahhh... but had you listened more closely as Jenner explained the purpose of the bomb, as far as the destructive properties, it was designed to burn extraordinarily hot, but in a limited area. He made mention of it having minimal damage to the surrounding area. ;)

Anyway... it was entertaining for me. I also think that the theory above about the pregnancy may be correct. :tu

Forgot about that. But having the broken window still SHOULD have extended some of the blast, if it was fueled by the air. Unless maybe they had a nitrogen stream in front of it. Technicality, though. :p

icehog3 12-08-2010 10:25 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD
Suspend your disbelief for the sake of entertainment and enjoyment.

I mean, if we really want to get technical.....there are no such thing as Zombies. ;)

hscmit 12-08-2010 10:26 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1086428)
Suspend your disbelief for the sake of entertainment and enjoyment.

I mean, if we really want to get technical.....there are no such thing as Zombies. ;)

not yet....

cricky101 12-08-2010 10:27 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1086428)
I mean, if we really want to get technical.....there are no such thing as Zombies. ;)

That's exactly what they WANT you to think!

icehog3 12-08-2010 10:39 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by cricky101 (Post 1086430)
That's exactly what they WANT you to think!


Wanger 12-09-2010 09:14 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1086428)
Suspend your disbelief for the sake of entertainment and enjoyment.

I mean, if we really want to get technical.....there are no such thing as Zombies. ;)

One may argue that a few of our presidents/vice presidents might have qualified. :p

massphatness 12-09-2010 09:33 AM

Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1086428)
I mean, if we really want to get technical.....there are no such thing as Zombies. ;)

I suppose there's no black helicopters, either? :tf

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