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tupacboy 06-11-2013 10:03 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
nice bge! i have el tin can version... she's great so far... i'll use her till she dies and get a ceramic.. unless i come across a sale i can't pass up

RHNewfie 06-12-2013 11:43 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1845123)
Jeff - avoid YT videos. As you have seen, the "authors" have no clue. Trust information from those you know (here) and from sites like this one:
AmazingRibs is a huge source of information, recipes, tips, and most important, the science behind bbq.

That link is making me need glasses... Can't stop reading...

kydsid 06-12-2013 01:59 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Just put some ribs down to smoke. :dance:

Drphilwv 06-12-2013 02:15 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
This weekend it will be pork butts and perhaps some ribs. I plan to throw some meat on the UDS for the staff here at the hospital for Saturday.
The Klose smoker - all hardwood smoke

Jefft72 06-12-2013 02:26 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Phil, that is an awesome setup there.

I need to research the UDS a bit more. Seems I am missing out on something here.

Last Friday I smoked a brisket that came out pretty dog-on good. It hit 180 internal and I pulled it. The meat was tender and pulled apart so nicely. Unfortunately, there are no pics. :( I need to work on tweaking my standard rub recipes. I want to shoot for something with a little more spice pop to it. Hopefully brisket will go on sale again soon.

Drphilwv 06-12-2013 02:34 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
The UDS is pretty easy. People get pretty crazy and spend a lot on the plumbing for the air mixture. I used kitchen magnets. Most of the hardware came from my garage and the charcoal/wood basket is made from some cheap expanded metal. I am less than $100 on mine. I can load it with charcoal/wood and fix the inlet holes 1.5 open and outlet 1.5 open and run 275 for 14 hours on one load of charcoal. I did a small brisket a few weeks ago and it rocked. I went simple on the rub - salt, cracked bp, granulated garlic, cumin, dark chili powder. thats all.
Since the photo the Klose has another few feet on the front end. We mount the turkey fryer or pig roaster up there.

Jefft72 06-12-2013 02:36 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1845967)
One suggestion...I did this with my patio offest ( New Breaufuls). Pick up a section og water heater flue pipe (I found mine at a big box home improvement store, i./e. Home Depot/Lowes) and add it to the stack. This will help the airflow thru the smoker. For me, two drew too fast, but with one, it did pretty good. It is the ventura effect. I also do not use the flue damper. I control my heat directly with the firebox intake dampers. If you try to chock back on the flue damper, it slows down the draw and the smoke can cool off and condense. This created creasote that can drip onto your food and give it a bitter taste. Just my :2, YMMV :)

Steve, do you have a picture of what you are describing here? Are you extending the stack?


OLS 06-13-2013 05:56 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1846338)
Yes I'm aware I need to get the power washer out and work on my concrete. Definite drawback to living in a swamp.

You know what works well on that, Kyd, get a small container of pool chlorine and mix equal parts
of that and TSP (Tri-Sodium Phosphate) and keep it laying around in a dry mix. When you need to use it,
mix it with water and let it sit on that grunge for a while and then just hose it off. If its really tough,
use a push broom to scrub it after wetting it down again. Really handles that Green mildew we get down
in the swamp, too. That crap that gets all over exterior walls and fencing.

RHNewfie 06-13-2013 06:30 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1068705)


Originally Posted by Jefft72 (Post 1847691)
Steve, do you have a picture of what you are describing here? Are you extending the stack?


Here is a pic of Steve's chimney extension, that's pretty high!

Jefft72 06-13-2013 07:20 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by RHNewfie (Post 1848018)
Here is a pic of Steve's chimney extension, that's pretty high!

Roger that! I did some reading on pertaining to mods to a COS. I am thinking that I have some work to do on my setup. I love a plan that involves having to cook meat to determine the effectiveness of it.

Steve 06-13-2013 08:43 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Jefft72 (Post 1847691)
Steve, do you have a picture of what you are describing here? Are you extending the stack?


Yes, I extended the stack by one lengeth, and I also used a bit of flashing rolled up and inserted into the other end to extend the stack down to grate level inside the smoker.

I will look around for a picture, or take one later this evening after I get home from work.

Steve 06-13-2013 08:44 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by RHNewfie (Post 1848018)
Here is a pic of Steve's chimney extension, that's pretty high!

That's the pic...Thanks!

Yes, It looks pretty high, but it works pretty well.

BigAsh 06-14-2013 08:25 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Last Sunday...ribs and a bacon-wrapped fatty...umm ummm good!!

Bacon-y goodness!

Made a nice "brunch" sandwich...

Ribs...its whats for dinner!

pnoon 06-14-2013 08:28 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by BigAsh (Post 1848592)

Looks delicious.

Where are the pics of the mandatory accompanying martinis?

Jefft72 06-14-2013 08:34 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1848089)
Yes, I extended the stack by one lengeth, and I also used a bit of flashing rolled up and inserted into the other end to extend the stack down to grate level inside the smoker.

I will look around for a picture, or take one later this evening after I get home from work.

Thanks Steve. Those mods definitely make sense.

pnoon 06-14-2013 08:35 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
What is the purpose/advantage of the extended chimney?

Steve 06-14-2013 08:44 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
It helps with the draw thru the smoker. Ventura effect I'm told.

BigAsh 06-14-2013 08:50 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1848598)
What is the purpose/advantage of the extended chimney?


Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1848604)
It helps with the draw thru the smoker. Ventura effect I'm told.

Hmmm...Freud sez otherwise..wishful thinking perhaps? :sh


T.G 06-14-2013 08:52 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1848604)
It helps with the draw thru the smoker. Ventura effect I'm told.

Ventura effect? There is no such thing. Do you mean Venturi?

In which case, unless you have a nozzle in there, it's not a venturi, it's just a long pipe.

Steve 06-14-2013 08:55 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1848604)
It helps with the draw thru the smoker. Ventura effect I'm told.


Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1848611)
Ventura effect? There is no such thing. Do you mean Venturi?

In which case, unless you have a nozzle in there, it's not a venturi, it's just a long pipe.

Picky Picky..:D

By extending the stack down to grate level, the heat does not just travel along the top of the smoker (above your food) and escape out the stack.

By extending the stack higher, the air/heat travels a bit faster thereby drawing more air into the firebox and helping get a better burn. I had to tweek it a bit to find the balance of too fast vs. too slow.

Here are some other interesting mod's for this style pit.

Nice thing for me is, now that I use my Lang most of the time I don't have issues with draw or heat retention.

T.G 06-14-2013 09:16 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1848614)
By extending the stack higher, the air/heat travels a bit faster thereby drawing more air into the firebox and helping get a better burn. I had to tweek it a bit to find the balance of too fast vs. too slow.

Right, taller chimney = greater draft. It's a temperature & pressure equation, lower density & pressure inside the chimney due to the heat, higher pressure outside, this causes a natural flow from the firebox and pushes the gas out. I forget the name of the equation offhand though (it's been 20 years since I needed it).
[EDIT: just looked it up, it's called the "Stack Effect" - :fp2]

Venturi is when you constrict a flow and the resulting pressure drop on the discharge side of the nozzle. You can pull a line off of that and use that suction to move another fluid, for example, a water eductor pump.

The Ventura effect, well, this is all I got...

Steve 06-14-2013 09:21 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1848628)
The Ventura effect, well, this is all I got...

That's what I'm sayin...:noon

T.G 06-14-2013 09:24 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

T.G 06-16-2013 10:50 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
A pair of fatties for the herf this afternoon.

Italian sausage stuffed with bacon, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, red bell pepper, red onion, Parmesan, Swiss & home made bechamel sauce.

Should be ready shortly to pull and wrap for finishing in Steve's oven at the herf.

MarkinAZ 06-16-2013 02:08 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1849612)
A pair of fatties for the herf this afternoon.

Italian sausage stuffed with bacon, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, red bell pepper, red onion, Parmesan, Swiss & home made bechamel sauce.

Should be ready shortly to pull and wrap for finishing in Steve's oven at the herf.


kydsid 06-16-2013 03:51 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
First smoke on the BGE. Got some ribs from the local butcher. These were some HUGE baby backs. Ended up having to fold them because they were about 20'' long each and given what I paid I didn't want to trim.

Turned out great with a homemade Asian spice rub and sauce from the BGE cookbook.
IMG_20130612_143002 by kydsid, on Flickr
IMG_20130612_172818 by kydsid, on Flickr
IMG_20130612_173349 by kydsid, on Flickr

MarkinAZ 06-16-2013 04:20 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Nice looking ribs Jason:tu About how long did the ribs take to cook in your BGE?

kydsid 06-16-2013 04:34 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
About four hours but I'm still getting a hang on temp control. Years of offset BBQ. I'm a newb all over again.

Steve 06-16-2013 08:01 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1849830)
First smoke on the BGE. Got some ribs from the local butcher. These were some HUGE baby backs. Ended up having to fold them because they were about 20'' long each and given what I paid I didn't want to trim.

Turned out great with a homemade Asian spice rub and sauce from the BGE cookbook.
IMG_20130612_143002 by kydsid, on Flickr
IMG_20130612_172818 by kydsid, on Flickr
IMG_20130612_173349 by kydsid, on Flickr

Another trick is to "roll" them into a circle and tie with butchers twine then sit them on the grate. Looks awesome though and I bet they tasted even better.

kydsid 06-16-2013 09:01 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1850000)
Another trick is to "roll" them into a circle and tie with butchers twine then sit them on the grate. Looks awesome though and I bet they tasted even better.

Thanks. I've been looking at getting the adjustable and stackable grate system from cgs for the egg. Looks very handy.

So the ribs above were a hit yesterday so did Korean ribs and bacon wrapped apple filled chicken breast. 1.5 hours under hickory smoke, then seared under high heat for half an hour.
IMG_20130616_191716 by kydsid, on Flickr

Doesn't the deck look a LOT cleaner! Boy was it dirty.
IMG_20130616_201647 by kydsid, on Flickr

T.G 06-16-2013 09:07 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Nice looking q, Jason.

Chainsaw13 06-17-2013 08:15 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Care to share your Korean BBQ recipe?

kydsid 06-17-2013 08:26 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1850132)
Care to share your Korean BBQ recipe?

The first ribs with the rub and sauce were from the egg cookbook. I can pm the recipe to ya.

The Korean ribs I just called them that because of how they were cut, just like ribs at a Korean restaraunt. Local butcher actually cuts and seasons them himself, but it isn't a Korean spice flavor, more Texas inspired. I'll ask next time if he has a recipe to share.

Chainsaw13 06-17-2013 08:44 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1850142)
The first ribs with the rub and sauce were from the egg cookbook. I can pm the recipe to ya.

The Korean ribs I just called them that because of how they were cut, just like ribs at a Korean restaraunt. Local butcher actually cuts and seasons them himself, but it isn't a Korean spice flavor, more Texas inspired. I'll ask next time if he has a recipe to share.

Sure, PM me the recipe. always looking for new ideas on how to prepare food.

OLS 06-17-2013 08:50 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
What's that green stuff on that plate? Next to the ribs??

kydsid 06-17-2013 10:44 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1850152)
What's that green stuff on that plate? Next to the ribs??

That's some of the algae I cleaned off my dirty deck. :p

Steve 06-17-2013 11:13 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1850221)
That's some of the algae I cleaned off my dirty deck. :p


kydsid 06-21-2013 10:02 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Here's hoping the half a bottle of rum drank prepping for an overnight cook doesn't mess things up.
IMG_20130621_224841 by kydsid, on Flickr

11lb Prime Packer Brisket
6 tb olive oil
Liberal Salt and Pepper, fresh and non of that iodized crap
Then rubbed with Plowboy's brand beef rub ---- Thanks to Smokin Gator who bombed me with the stuff a ways back, love it still

Thinking about 12 hours under hickory smoke and hopin for the best

Smokin Gator 06-22-2013 07:17 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Can't wait to see how this one turns out!:banger


Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1852812)
Here's hoping the half a bottle of rum drank prepping for an overnight cook doesn't mess things up.
IMG_20130621_224841 by kydsid, on Flickr

11lb Prime Packer Brisket
6 tb olive oil
Liberal Salt and Pepper, fresh and non of that iodized crap
Then rubbed with Plowboy's brand beef rub ---- Thanks to Smokin Gator who bombed me with the stuff a ways back, love it still

Thinking about 12 hours under hickory smoke and hopin for the best

kydsid 06-22-2013 07:37 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Smokin Gator (Post 1852897)
Can't wait to see how this one turns out!:banger

Me too. I have to admit, I broke a cardinal rule. I peeked. :r

It was gorgeous. Sitting at 187 10 hours in with my temp a little low so I bumped it over 250.

kydsid 06-22-2013 08:40 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
She went way faster than I expected. About 12 hours and hit 205. Fork tender all over except for the end of the flat, which wasn't too resistant. Heard grass feed prime, like this one, can go fast but this was a shock.

Taking the wisdom of a much older Texas cook though, "Boy don't second guess yerself, it hits 205 and is tender or tender nuff, pull that sum***** no matter how much time its had"
IMG_20130622_093103 by kydsid, on Flickr

In the cooler she goes. We will see what she's like in about 5 hours.

pektel 06-22-2013 09:31 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I'd say something, but I'd just end up slobbering all over, so I'll just say:

MrClean 06-22-2013 10:17 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1852933)
I'd say something, but I'd just end up slobbering all over, so I'll just say:


That looks good Jason!

OLS 06-22-2013 03:27 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Hi fellas, I'm new here, lol. Or it has been so long since I smoked some meat, I might as well be new.

Kroegur had their house brand chicken on sale, I guess the kind super-injected with salt water or whatever they
do to it. So I picked up a pack of drumstix and had a pack of beef ribs left over from when I swore off of em.

Set up the grill the only way I ever do, indirect smoking.....

actually forgot to put the hickory chunks on there...washed the car, and thought, man, that's some THIN smoke
I got working there. Rectified that and let everything go another hour while I put a polymer coat on the car.

Pulled up the lid and saw something much better the second time around.

Pulled em and let em pose for one more shot. Sad thing about the whole deal is, my smoked chicken
is usually almost purple it takes so much smoke. Letting it get half-cooked without any smoke really
hurt the patina, but the meat was good, JUST enough smoke to make it delicious, and at least it wasn't
over-smoky in flavor.

Ralph says "HELL, YEAH, cut that S*** up man, I ain't gettin no younger over here.

Actually, there was no way he could eat that right off the grill, and those big beef bones hold heat even longer,
so he had to wait awhile, but he's a hell of a smoker dog. He enjoyed the cool breezes of the back yard which
is a real oasis in the hot summer with all the tree canopy and the pond and the waterfalls. The backyard breeze
was actually COOL today, and believe me, it is HOT out there today. He eventually got his meat, I got my shower
then I got my long-awaited lunch. Dang that shizzle is gizzle.

I used a DSLR for the first time on these shots, testing out a 50mm 1.8 I picked up used for my sister,
so I apologize for the shallow depth of field. Looks cool enough, but I should've stopped down a bit.

Smokin Gator 06-23-2013 05:47 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Dang there was some good lookin' eats made yesterday!!

hammondc 06-23-2013 06:28 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Damn, Jason, that brisky looks good.

kydsid 06-23-2013 12:05 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

That's some good lookin Q. My dog had a smile on his face like that all day too.


Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1853194)
Damn, Jason, that brisky looks good.

Thanks. It was perfect. Only a little bit of the flat was dry. Was a super fatty brisket though. Pre cook weight was 11.5 lbs. Pulled 4.2 lbs of fat off and 4 lbs of meat. Guess the angels were hungry cause their share was over 3 lbs.

big a 06-23-2013 01:54 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Tried some pork loin today. Injected with apple juice and butter mix. One has a sweet and tangy dry rub, the other just went with sea salt. About 3 hours between 210-250.

OLS 06-23-2013 02:35 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
OH CRAP, that loin looks delicious

MarkinAZ 06-23-2013 05:37 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Great looking BBQ everyone:dr

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