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chippewastud79 06-26-2012 09:21 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1667639)

I loved the 2 front rolls after he got the save. :) Apparently, Dusty did not and I see his point. I think Votto gets drilled tomorrow.

Completely Bush League. Act like you have been there before. :td

elderboy02 06-26-2012 09:52 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1667659)
Completely Bush League. Act like you have been there before. :td

Yep. My initial reaction was laughter, but then I realized that it was completely bush league. I agree 100% with you Adam on this.

Brian D. 06-27-2012 09:34 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1667639)
Reds win! Reds win! :banger :tu :banger :tu

I loved the 2 front rolls after he got the save. :) Apparently, Dusty did not and I see his point. I think Votto gets drilled tomorrow.

So a guy on one team does something childish and the response from the other team is potentially career or life ending? Just once after a bean ball takes place I'd like to see the detail cop come from the dugout and arrest the pitcher for assault or attempted murder.

Don't like seeing people attempt to deliberately injure others in any level of sports. Do something like that at my workplace I'm fired and maybe prosecuted. But, sports are "special" in this stupidly prioritized and distracted nation we live in.

Brian D. 06-27-2012 09:34 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Yeah, that rant made me feel better...

chippewastud79 06-27-2012 09:50 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1667696)
Yep. My initial reaction was laughter, but then I realized that it was completely bush league. I agree 100% with you Adam on this.

Its slightly funny in a Little League way, but to show up a guy just because you had been struggling is simply asinine. A lot of Reds fans throw a fit when Nyjer Morgan does some stupid stuff, Brandon Phillips does the same and Reds fans think its fine, but this was too far over-the-top. :td

I wish everyone would conduct themselves like Votto, it would lead to a lot less 'fueds' between players and teams. Just go out and do what you are paid to do and keep your mouth and antics to yourself. :2

And everyone in the Reds lineup today should be expecting to get hit, and it wouldn't suprise me if it gets out of hand with retaliations and people get the gate. Personally, I would have Votto on the bench until a few plunks have been dealt. :bh

chippewastud79 06-27-2012 09:53 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1668043)
So a guy on one team does something childish and the response from the other team is potentially career or life ending? Just once after a bean ball takes place I'd like to see the detail cop come from the dugout and arrest the pitcher for assault or attempted murder.

Don't like seeing people attempt to deliberately injure others in any level of sports. Do something like that at my workplace I'm fired and maybe prosecuted. But, sports are "special" in this stupidly prioritized and distracted nation we live in.

Unfortunately, its been a part of baseball for so long, it not going away. You act like an idiot or play too well, someone is getting plunked. And then the other team beans someone back. Its a vicious cycle. Tensions can get high over a nice long season, might as well mix it up with a benches clearing brawl. Its like targeting the star on a hockey team, you better be ready for a fight with the other team's enforcer. :rolleyes:

elderboy02 06-27-2012 10:45 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1668057)
Unfortunately, its been a part of baseball for so long, it not going away. You act like an idiot or play too well, someone is getting plunked. And then the other team beans someone back. ...

Yep, I agree it is stupid. I hate the "unwritten" rules of baseball.

chippewastud79 06-27-2012 12:28 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Watching the game today, they dropped a very interesting stat:

Joey Votto has batted with the bases empty 175 times out of 319 plate appearances and only had RISP in 75 AB's. :hm

As I suspected it is near the bottom of the MLB, this is 4th worst in the MLB. :td

688sonarmen 06-27-2012 12:50 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Watching this game as well, Votto and Phillips have my vote for the ASG (all 25 of them, lol!)

elderboy02 06-27-2012 12:56 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1668193)
Watching the game today, they dropped a very interesting stat:

Joey Votto has batted with the bases empty 175 times out of 319 plate appearances and only had RISP in 75 AB's. :hm

As I suspected it is near the bottom of the MLB, this is 4th worst in the MLB. :td

That is great news considering we are in 1st place. That means if we can improve on this stat, we should be unstoppable.

chippewastud79 06-27-2012 01:10 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1668199)
Watching this game as well, Votto and Phillips have my vote for the ASG (all 25 of them, lol!)

Phillips left in the 6th, so hopefully it isn't anything serious. :hm

chippewastud79 06-27-2012 01:13 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1668203)
That is great news considering we are in 1st place. That means if we can improve on this stat, we should be unstoppable.

It means that Votto's stats are just plain gaudy considering the OBP of the #1 & #2 hitters is .289, not average, OBP. 15th out of 16th in the NL. The 3 with less people on base than Votto: Bautista, Dunn and Pujols. :hm

Starscream 06-27-2012 01:58 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1668199)
Watching this game as well, Votto and Phillips have my vote for the ASG (all 25 of them, lol!)

If you have a second e-mail addy, you can have 50 votes!:r

Starscream 06-27-2012 02:20 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
No talk about the flips last night? I thought it was an awesome show by Chapman to say that he's back (although with the help of a poor strike zone by the home plate ump). I don't see any difference between this and the Ozzie backflips in the infield (except that Ozzie was a helluva lot more acrobatic).

chippewastud79 06-27-2012 02:26 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1668267)
No talk about the flips last night? I thought it was an awesome show by Chapman to say that he's back (although with the help of a poor strike zone by the home plate ump). I don't see any difference between this and the Ozzie backflips in the infield (except that Ozzie was a helluva lot more acrobatic).


Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1667659)
Completely Bush League. Act like you have been there before. :td

Not even comparable to Ozzie, who flipped before games and had a much better career than Chapman likely will. It was childish, bush league, embarassing and luckily was handled internally so there was no retaliation today. :td

Starscream 06-27-2012 02:32 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1668272)
Not even comparable to Ozzie, who flipped before games and had a much better career than Chapman likely will. It was childish, bush league, embarassing and luckily was handled internally so there was no retaliation today. :td

Why was it Busch league to you, Adam? Not knocking your opinion, just wanting to know why? Baseball seems to have an unwritten rule where you can't show emotion. I get it to a degree b/c the showboating in the NBA/NFL has gotten out of hand, but some celebration is warranted at times. Not much difference to me between the half-assed flips by Chapman and Phillips' show off moves at second. Or the Heath Bell slide during last year's all star game. And Ozzie did some flips after making some stellar plays as well, not just before games.

Starscream 06-27-2012 02:38 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1668043)
So a guy on one team does something childish and the response from the other team is potentially career or life ending? Just once after a bean ball takes place I'd like to see the detail cop come from the dugout and arrest the pitcher for assault or attempted murder.

Don't like seeing people attempt to deliberately injure others in any level of sports. Do something like that at my workplace I'm fired and maybe prosecuted. But, sports are "special" in this stupidly prioritized and distracted nation we live in.

I respectfully disagree. It's part of baseball and has always been a part of it. Retaliation is there to protect players on your own team. Retaliation after showboating is one thing, but retaliation after one of your own players gets knocked down is just an "eye for an eye, tooth for tooth" imho. I realize that we don't live in Old Testament days anymore, but hey, if you f*** up, then expect to pay for it. I haven't seen any life threatening situations in baseball that were intentional since the days of Ty Cobb (correct me if my facts are wrong there).

chippewastud79 06-27-2012 02:41 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1668275)
Why was it Busch league to you, Adam? Not knocking your opinion, just wanting to know why? Baseball seems to have an unwritten rule where you can't show emotion. I get it to a degree b/c the showboating in the NBA/NFL has gotten out of hand, but some celebration is warranted at times. Not much difference to me between the half-assed flips by Chapman and Phillips' show off moves at second. Or the Heath Bell slide during last year's all star game. And Ozzie did some flips after making some stellar plays as well, not just before games.

First, Chapman hassn't earned the right to showboat anything, he is still a developing player.
B) It was selfish because he has pitched like **** in his last few outings, languishing in his 9th (ninth? Yes, only 9) save of the season.
3. It directly shows up an opponent when you did nothing special, he saved a game against a team 10 games below .500.
IV. Emotion is one thing, but go celebrate with your teammates who help you out every night. You cost them 4 games, go celebrate with the guys you owe a few.
Five. Its a sommersault, really? A sommersault, like you learn to do in 2nd grade PE class.

Baseball is a team sport, you can't do anything alone, although Votto seems to do a lot by himself (see above). ;)

For the record, I hate the antics by Phillips too, he shows off all the time over routine stuff. Congratulations, he made a play in the hole that most guys should make, no need to bang your chest and scream like a moron. Just take you $30 million, do you job and keep your mouth shut :2

Starscream 06-27-2012 03:21 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1668282)
First, Chapman hassn't earned the right to showboat anything, he is still a developing player.
B) It was selfish because he has pitched like **** in his last few outings, languishing in his 9th (ninth? Yes, only 9) save of the season.
3. It directly shows up an opponent when you did nothing special, he saved a game against a team 10 games below .500.
IV. Emotion is one thing, but go celebrate with your teammates who help you out every night. You cost them 4 games, go celebrate with the guys you owe a few.
Five. Its a sommersault, really? A sommersault, like you learn to do in 2nd grade PE class.

Baseball is a team sport, you can't do anything alone, although Votto seems to do a lot by himself (see above). ;)

For the record, I hate the antics by Phillips too, he shows off all the time over routine stuff. Congratulations, he made a play in the hole that most guys should make, no need to bang your chest and scream like a moron. Just take you $30 million, do you job and keep your mouth shut :2[

Agreed, but it put him out of his funk and he was ecstatic, he's young, and it displayed energy, his passion to win, and maybe that he was past his woes.

Only 9 saves this season b/c he didn't take over the closer role until approximately May 21st

He did do something special to him. In his opinion, he's back to norm after an extended period of shitty performances. I doubted him last night, and I'm sure a lot of guys on his team and ppl in the stands doubted him as well. The Brewers didn't seem to take offense to it (at least not by any indication in today's game) except maybe it gave them the motivation to win.

Agreed. It would have meant more if he went and celebrated with his team vs. on the field, but the language gap may have prevented that to a degree. Still, on the field was his first reaction and he chose to celebrate there. It might not have been the correct thing to do, but he's young, dumb, and stupid (Weird Al reference there, not calling Chappy stupid by any means).

The somersaults were very non-acrobatic, but it was the best he could do. He's no Ozzie Smith by any means. I agree that the somersaults were crappy looking on field, but if that was the best he could do, then so be it. Not as showboaty as the NBA or NFL showboaters.

Agreed 100%. A closer can't even enter a game if his team doesn't perform offensively/defensively.

I'm not talking about the chest beating, I'm talking about the plays through the legs Harlem Globetrotters style that he makes to get outs or to start double plays. As long as BP gets it done, then he can do it anyway he chooses.

At the end of the night, he celebrated b/c he "is back" to the norm, which may or not be the case, but it was a big mental challenge that he overcame and I hope he truly is back.

Starscream 06-27-2012 03:26 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
I think we're seeing things from two different perspectives. From what I gather, you seem to say that Chapman's celebration meant that he is better than the game and is a cocky SOB (same reason that I hate A-Rod, David Justice, and other players with the same type of egotistical personality). I hate those types of players, I just don't think Chappy is one of them.

I see it as Chapman celebrating the beginning of a comeback out of a funk that has really hurt this team the past two weeks.

Brian D. 06-27-2012 04:25 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1668278)
I respectfully disagree. It's part of baseball and has always been a part of it. Retaliation is there to protect players on your own team. Retaliation after showboating is one thing, but retaliation after one of your own players gets knocked down is just an "eye for an eye, tooth for tooth" imho. I realize that we don't live in Old Testament days anymore, but hey, if you f*** up, then expect to pay for it. I haven't seen any life threatening situations in baseball that were intentional since the days of Ty Cobb (correct me if my facts are wrong there).

When a pitcher throws at somebody's head it could kill them. No not the likeliest thing to happen, but even with the helmet a possibility.

To me the better thing to do rather than dangerous behavior by these millionaires playing a kid's game being is to punish anybody who gets physical with another player. But that won't happen, fans want that crap.

Starscream 06-27-2012 04:35 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1668411)
When a pitcher throws at somebody's head it could kill them. No not the likeliest thing to happen, but even with the helmet a possibility.

To me the better thing to do rather than dangerous behavior by these millionaires playing a kid's game being is to punish anybody who gets physical with another player. But that won't happen, fans want that crap.

I see your point, but still disagree. With all the safety equipment in place nowadays, it's hard for a batter to get a lifethreatening injury. First and third base coaches are the most susceptible to being injured by a foul ball. Batters used to be trained to turn in to prevent injury. Nowadays it seems like batters turn out toward the ball to get hit intentionally. The injuries are a part of baseball, but can be easily prevented with proper mechanics.

I'm only 33, but maybe that's the old school in me that makes me feel this way.:)

chippewastud79 06-28-2012 09:09 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1668316)

At the end of the night, he celebrated b/c he "is back" to the norm, which may or not be the case, but it was a big mental challenge that he overcame and I hope he truly is back.

Here's the problem, if you are the closer, which he is far from with his number of appearances, then act like you've done it. You come in to get a save, you get it. The Brewers are a mediocre team, at best, and all you did was your job, not win a playoff game, not a come from behind win, not striking out the side with the bases loaded, not an amazing snag on a comebacker, his job.

Is he back? I don't even know what 'being back' means when he pitches 10 games out of 30. If he was pitching in every save situation or in every game, then maybe he could be 'back', but he still isn't a regular pitcher. :2

Starscream 06-28-2012 05:37 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1669089)
Here's the problem, if you are the closer, which he is far from with his number of appearances, then act like you've done it. You come in to get a save, you get it. The Brewers are a mediocre team, at best, and all you did was your job, not win a playoff game, not a come from behind win, not striking out the side with the bases loaded, not an amazing snag on a comebacker, his job.

Is he back? I don't even know what 'being back' means when he pitches 10 games out of 30. If he was pitching in every save situation or in every game, then maybe he could be 'back', but he still isn't a regular pitcher. :2

I still disagree on the overall issue, but I see your point here.

hotreds 06-28-2012 05:54 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
I doubt he'll do it again. It was actually good to see some emotion from him. But, as I said earlier- just keep you bat on your shoulder when you face him and chances are he'll walk you and the rest of the stadium.

chippewastud79 06-29-2012 01:07 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1669469)
I doubt he'll do it again. It was actually good to see some emotion from him. But, as I said earlier- just keep you bat on your shoulder when you face him and chances are he'll walk you and the rest of the stadium.

From the sounds of it, I wouldn't count on seeing him sommersault again. Sounds like the clubhouse talk to him was pretty stern. At least stern enough that the Brewers were satisfied enough not to throw at anyone the next day. ;)

hotreds 06-29-2012 02:22 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Brian D. 06-30-2012 05:42 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Heck I don't stay up that late when I gotta work the next morning. Did Leake and the boys hang onto the lead?

elderboy02 06-30-2012 06:13 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1670367)

Heck I don't stay up that late when I gotta work the next morning. Did Leake and the boys hang onto the lead?

Complete game for Leake.

Reds win! Reds win! :banger :banger :banger :tu :tu

elderboy02 06-30-2012 05:00 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Complete game for Latos!

Reds win! Reds win! :banger :banger :banger :tu :tu

hotreds 07-01-2012 05:35 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
That one HURT!

elderboy02 07-01-2012 05:37 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Jay Bruce.... Wow..... :(

chippewastud79 07-01-2012 07:40 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Here is one thing I still don't understand about baseball, How is that not an error? :bh

hotreds 07-01-2012 08:08 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
should be!

elderboy02 07-01-2012 08:32 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1671313)
Here is one thing I still don't understand about baseball, How is that not an error? :bh

I don't understand it either. It was obviously an error. Dude thought he was at the wall and he wasn't.

chippewastud79 07-01-2012 09:59 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1671344)
I don't understand it either. It was obviously an error. Dude thought he was at the wall and he wasn't.

By rule, it has to touch their glove to be an error, but when you are camped under it and you just straight miss it, that should always be an error in my book. :bh

Its like an infielder having the ball go between his legs but missing his glove, error. :td

elderboy02 07-02-2012 04:53 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1671390)
By rule, it has to touch their glove to be an error, but when you are camped under it and you just straight miss it, that should always be an error in my book. :bh

Its like an infielder having the ball go between his legs but missing his glove, error. :td

Yep. Dumbest thing I have heard in a while.

kelmac07 07-02-2012 05:22 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Need your Reds to take out the Braves in this series. :D

hotreds 07-02-2012 08:40 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
What schedule you looking at?

elderboy02 07-02-2012 08:44 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1671524)
What schedule you looking at?

Yeah, that is what I am wondering too. I think Mac has been drinking too much of his Apple Pie Shine :al :r

Brian D. 07-02-2012 10:26 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
My mom played fast pitch softball for years and used to say "There should be such a thing as a mental error, and it should show up on the scoresheet as an 'E' just like the regular kind."

Starscream 07-02-2012 08:49 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
We don't play the Braves again until next year, correct?

hotreds 07-02-2012 08:53 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Depends whose schedule you look at.

Starscream 07-02-2012 08:55 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1672004)
Depends whose schedule you look at.

Not again this year, unless we're looking at Dan's already predetermined playoff schedule.:banger

elderboy02 07-03-2012 06:19 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Reds win! Reds win! :banger :banger :banger :banger :banger

WhoDeySchenk 07-03-2012 06:31 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1672144)
Reds win! Reds win! :banger :banger :banger :banger :banger

with all that headbanging your neck is gonna be sore!

chippewastud79 07-04-2012 11:23 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
Is Stubbs .218 really making up for an extra 3 feet of range in the outfield? :bh

Honestly, How come he is an automatic in the lineup like Votto and Phillips, even when he struggles so bad and can't contribute? :hm

Starscream 07-04-2012 11:41 PM

Re: Red's Fans Check in
And now introducing...

Your second place Reds!

elderboy02 07-05-2012 04:59 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

chippewastud79 07-05-2012 08:08 AM

Re: Red's Fans Check in

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1673010)
Is Stubbs .214 really making up for an extra 3 feet of range in the outfield? :bh

Honestly, How come he is an automatic in the lineup like Votto and Phillips, even when he struggles so bad and can't contribute? :hm

Fixed :confused:

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