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tuxpuff 01-28-2010 08:26 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by AAlmeter (Post 739098)
Nothing federally mandated. Nothing in NY, and I sure as hell would assume there would be no waiting period in TX, but I've never lived there so I can't say for sure. You will be required to go through an instant background check (if yo buy from a dealer) though. Assuming you have a clean record, are a citizen, and there's no confusion (you aren't the 98378th Bob Smith in your town), its usually a 15 minute process from starting the paperwork to getting your approval.

Cool..thanks again for the info!

Diesel Kinevel 01-29-2010 08:43 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by tuxpuff (Post 739105)
Cool..thanks again for the info!

make sure you get a light source to go on that scattergun you pick up. You can't effectively engage what you cannot see. You need to identify your target before you engage anyway...


JE3146 01-29-2010 10:37 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by AAlmeter (Post 739033)
This makes me curious.....

I agree on the 870. Both the 870 and 500 are ultra reliable shotguns. I prefer the 870.

Consider the idea of a bad guy (from now on labeled as BG) running through your house with a gun. BG isn't going to stand still. 00 penetrates drywall quite well. If you live with a family or in close proximity to neighbors, it's not advisable to be taking crackshots at a BG when your consistently changing backdrop can leave people in danger considering the penetration of 00. Birdshot is enough to F a person up, but likely not kill them unless you hit them dead center from sub 10 yards with a cylinder choke. Either way, if you wing them, odds are they're going to drop like a brick. In the event they don't and continue to pose a threat. A near stationary and threat imposing target will be easily taken care of with a 00 followup.

That's my philosophy. Critique it as you feel necessary.

HK3- 01-30-2010 05:05 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
:D Good reading guys.

replicant_argent 01-30-2010 07:50 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by tuxpuff (Post 739105)
Cool..thanks again for the info!

Luke, a great resource is
You can select a firearm, shop the exact model you want, pump in your zipcode, and it will give you instant quotes for them to ship to your local FFL dealers, painless, and you will probably find a pretty good deal. Not only are you mostly supporting local mom and pops instead of big box stores, may help you find some great local shops you never heard of.

Oh yeah, they have a lifetime guarantee when you purchase from them.

"At Davidson's, your satisfaction is our commitment. In fact, our commitment is so strong, that we have put together the only GuaranteeDSM Lifetime Replacement Warranty available in the firearms industry.

It works like this......

If anything ever goes wrong with any gun you buy with the Davidson's GuaranteeDSM Lifetime Replacement Warranty, it will be replaced. If no replacement is available, it will be repaired at no charge to you. Simple, just return it to the GuaranteeDSM retailer where you purchased it, pay for the return shipping and upon receipt Davidson's will ship you * BRAND NEW GUN.

So make sure every firearm you purchase works for you.
Ask for the GuaranteeDSM Lifetime Replacement Warranty. "

That's a pretty strong commitment to your continued satisfaction, in my book.

AAlmeter 01-30-2010 10:35 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 740623)
Consider the idea of a bad guy (from now on labeled as BG) running through your house with a gun. BG isn't going to stand still. 00 penetrates drywall quite well. If you live with a family or in close proximity to neighbors, it's not advisable to be taking crackshots at a BG when your consistently changing backdrop can leave people in danger considering the penetration of 00. Birdshot is enough to F a person up, but likely not kill them unless you hit them dead center from sub 10 yards with a cylinder choke. Either way, if you wing them, odds are they're going to drop like a brick. In the event they don't and continue to pose a threat. A near stationary and threat imposing target will be easily taken care of with a 00 followup.

That's my philosophy. Critique it as you feel necessary.

Sounds reasonable.

In my particular situation, the prime places for a confrontation are confined, so there would be no lateral movement. If BG is running towards me, 00. If he's running away, no shot and hopefully the cops catch him.

0002S 01-30-2010 10:59 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
jm2c and not a reflection on anybody's plans or choices.

1. If a situation ever occurred (chances are it won't) one should have already thought out a plan and at the very minimum practiced it in his/her head.
2. One should have at a very minimum fired the weapon with the actual load they would use.

*if this ever really happens you are going to be disoriented, scared and on a adrenalin high.

I set a plan up where the weapon is handy and ready to go (this may not work with children around). I set zones at which point should an intruder come past that line I would react. If the intruder never crosses that line or doesn't threaten me, well....that's what the police and insurance are for.

For me that line is the door frame to the bed room. It is a white frame and easy to see in complete darkness. I have my wife grab a pistol and go into the bathroom (call police) and wait for me. I kneel with the bed as cover with a shotgun.

If somebody comes through the bedroom door (remember white frame), I shoot for center mass of white frame with 00 Buck. I shoot to put the threat completely down. I would not shoot to "wing".

If somebody is attempting to enter the main door and I happen to be able to wake up with time to react, I do the following. Have my wife grab a pistol, go in the bathroom and call police. I get the shotgun, load one round slug followed by 00 buck. I then position myself behind couch with clear shot at door. The slug will go through a metal security door and the 00 buck would take care of anything else.

Access threat and threat level, wash, rinse, repeat and/or wait for Police.

Reality....this will never happen as the odds are greatly in my favor of never being rob/assulted....but I like to know I have a plan.

Word to the wise. Dead people don't sue in civil court.

everybody has a plan until they get hit

replicant_argent 01-30-2010 11:41 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by 0002S (Post 741059)

Word to the wise. Dead people don't sue in civil court.

All good points... But remember, the BGs family, can, and do sue. And sometimes they win, even though their family member was threatening a life.
the justice system sometimes doesn't work. Still, better alive and broke, or in jail than the alternative.

floydpink 01-30-2010 11:45 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by 0002S (Post 741059)
jm2c and not a reflection on anybody's plans or choices.

1. If a situation ever occurred (chances are it won't) one should have already thought out a plan and at the very minimum practiced it in his/her head.
2. One should have at a very minimum fired the weapon with the actual load they would use.

*if this ever really happens you are going to be disoriented, scared and on a adrenalin high.

I set a plan up where the weapon is handy and ready to go (this may not work with children around). I set zones at which point should an intruder come past that line I would react. If the intruder never crosses that line or doesn't threaten me, well....that's what the police and insurance are for.

For me that line is the door frame to the bed room. It is a white frame and easy to see in complete darkness. I have my wife grab a pistol and go into the bathroom (call police) and wait for me. I kneel with the bed as cover with a shotgun.

If somebody comes through the bedroom door (remember white frame), I shoot for center mass of white frame with 00 Buck. I shoot to put the threat completely down. I would not shoot to "wing".

If somebody is attempting to enter the main door and I happen to be able to wake up with time to react, I do the following. Have my wife grab a pistol, go in the bathroom and call police. I get the shotgun, load one round slug followed by 00 buck. I then position myself behind couch with clear shot at door. The slug will go through a metal security door and the 00 buck would take care of anything else.

Access threat and threat level, wash, rinse, repeat and/or wait for Police.

Reality....this will never happen as the odds are greatly in my favor of never being rob/assulted....but I like to know I have a plan.

Word to the wise. Dead people don't sue in civil court.

everybody has a plan until they get hit

You must not live in the same part of Orlando as me then. I don't even walk my dog without a gun in my pants.

Come at me or my family and you aren't testifying in court. Guaranteed. (not YOU personally, just any scumbag that makes the front page headlines daily in my local newspaper.)

Main plan in my head is not to speak without a lawyer with the exception of, "I was scared for my life."

I'm not a vigilante or a toughguy, just a firm supporter of my second ammendment rights and tired of the crap I see every day and will never let my ccw expire.

Guy walked into the Kangaroo convenience store near my house a few weeks ago and tried to rob the pregnant girl working the register at gunpoint. A good samaritan blew the bg's brains out and deserves a medal for it.

As much as I'd like a few AR's and such, a gunvault on my nightstand holding a loaded 38 and a very well hidden Mossberg shotgun and motion sensors and 2 way alarms make me feel safer at night. With children in my house, that's as much as I feel comfortable with.

GreekGodX 01-30-2010 12:11 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 739096)
Anybody have any thoughts on a HK 45c?? My local store has a like new one for 889. They said it has been fired once. Good deal? I've only shot the full size 45.

Reposting this since I got caught in the middle of a gun fight (full pun intended :))

JE3146 01-30-2010 12:42 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by 0002S (Post 741059)
jm2c and not a reflection on anybody's plans or choices.

1. If a situation ever occurred (chances are it won't) one should have already thought out a plan and at the very minimum practiced it in his/her head.
2. One should have at a very minimum fired the weapon with the actual load they would use.

*if this ever really happens you are going to be disoriented, scared and on a adrenalin high.

I set a plan up where the weapon is handy and ready to go (this may not work with children around). I set zones at which point should an intruder come past that line I would react. If the intruder never crosses that line or doesn't threaten me, well....that's what the police and insurance are for.

For me that line is the door frame to the bed room. It is a white frame and easy to see in complete darkness. I have my wife grab a pistol and go into the bathroom (call police) and wait for me. I kneel with the bed as cover with a shotgun.

If somebody comes through the bedroom door (remember white frame), I shoot for center mass of white frame with 00 Buck. I shoot to put the threat completely down. I would not shoot to "wing".

If somebody is attempting to enter the main door and I happen to be able to wake up with time to react, I do the following. Have my wife grab a pistol, go in the bathroom and call police. I get the shotgun, load one round slug followed by 00 buck. I then position myself behind couch with clear shot at door. The slug will go through a metal security door and the 00 buck would take care of anything else.

Access threat and threat level, wash, rinse, repeat and/or wait for Police.

Reality....this will never happen as the odds are greatly in my favor of never being rob/assulted....but I like to know I have a plan.

Word to the wise. Dead people don't sue in civil court.

everybody has a plan until they get hit

Neither do I ;) I imposed the scenario as a hypothetical with a contingency in the event the shot didn't drop them.

I trust my shot placement enough to be comfortable with birdshot on the first shot. For the record, I'm not talking #7/8, I'm talking #3.

What I don't like the idea of is a lateral shot that I cannot take because of a backdrop. A situation that gives the BG the upper hand and leaves the shotgun in my hand useless unless I maneuver or he moves.

And while I'm completely confident in my shot placement. The probability of putting all 8-12 00 pellots completely on target... lets just say I've taken enough probability in college to know that's a bit of a stretch to assume you'll have maximum hits on target.

Regardless of any of this, if the BG turns tail and runs, good luck winning in court if you shoot him in the back. (This depends on state laws)

And for the record... your plan works unless you have kids. Food for thought.

tuxpuff 01-30-2010 01:51 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Great discussion guys! Back on the they not make the HD model anymore? On the Remington site I only see the Express models which look similar (and a ton of them at that!)

0002S 01-30-2010 02:45 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 741189)
Neither do I ;) I imposed the scenario as a hypothetical with a contingency in the event the shot didn't drop them.

I trust my shot placement enough to be comfortable with birdshot on the first shot. For the record, I'm not talking #7/8, I'm talking #3.

What I don't like the idea of is a lateral shot that I cannot take because of a backdrop. A situation that gives the BG the upper hand and leaves the shotgun in my hand useless unless I maneuver or he moves.

And while I'm completely confident in my shot placement. The probability of putting all 8-12 00 pellots completely on target... lets just say I've taken enough probability in college to know that's a bit of a stretch to assume you'll have maximum hits on target.

Regardless of any of this, if the BG turns tail and runs, good luck winning in court if you shoot him in the back. (This depends on state laws)

And for the record... your plan works unless you have kids. Food for thought.

The main reason I don't like bird shot is that will not penetrate through heavy clothing or leather at reasonable distances and has no real kinetic energy when it hits the target.

The real issue to have a weapon your comfortable with using, a plan of what you would do, and some reasonable amount of practice with the weapon.

0002S 01-30-2010 02:48 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 741124)
You must not live in the same part of Orlando as me then. I don't even walk my dog without a gun in my pants.

Come at me or my family and you aren't testifying in court. Guaranteed. (not YOU personally, just any scumbag that makes the front page headlines daily in my local newspaper.)

Main plan in my head is not to speak without a lawyer with the exception of, "I was scared for my life."

I'm not a vigilante or a toughguy, just a firm supporter of my second ammendment rights and tired of the crap I see every day and will never let my ccw expire.

Guy walked into the Kangaroo convenience store near my house a few weeks ago and tried to rob the pregnant girl working the register at gunpoint. A good samaritan blew the bg's brains out and deserves a medal for it.

As much as I'd like a few AR's and such, a gunvault on my nightstand holding a loaded 38 and a very well hidden Mossberg shotgun and motion sensors and 2 way alarms make me feel safer at night. With children in my house, that's as much as I feel comfortable with.

I live downtown and I carry at night. (although it's not that dangerous if you keep on the main streets, in well lit areas, & during party hours) I always carry a baton with me in a side pouch in a messenger bag during the day.

Considering the amount of bums that live around here, I've never seen a fight or altercation. Even on the crazy nights like Halloween, it's just plain drunken debauchery and nudity.

JE3146 01-30-2010 03:04 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by 0002S (Post 741327)
The real issue to have a weapon your comfortable with using, a plan of what you would do, and some reasonable amount of practice with the weapon.


JE3146 01-30-2010 03:10 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by tuxpuff (Post 741252)
Great discussion guys! Back on the they not make the HD model anymore? On the Remington site I only see the Express models which look similar (and a ton of them at that!)

Not sure to be honest... I bought my HD years ago.

I'm pretty sure this is it... just with a different name.

okieRob 01-30-2010 03:33 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Holy Cow! I think they have expanded the 870 line in recent years. There is like 50 options now.

I have the 870 Super Mag Synthetic. I love it. It is a hunting model - only holds 5 rounds "unplugged"

Mark C 01-30-2010 06:30 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 741189)
And while I'm completely confident in my shot placement. The probability of putting all 8-12 00 pellots completely on target... lets just say I've taken enough probability in college to know that's a bit of a stretch to assume you'll have maximum hits on target.

That's why I use 3" #4 buckshot. 41 pellets. From the ballistics research I've read, and the ranges in my home, that seems like a good compromise between stopping power, pattern, and penetration.

JE3146 01-30-2010 07:00 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Mark C (Post 741498)
That's why I use 3" #4 buckshot. 41 pellets. From the ballistics research I've read, and the ranges in my home, that seems like a good compromise between stopping power, pattern, and penetration.

Have you tested it to prove the research though?

floydpink 01-30-2010 07:46 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
wow, the Mexican drug lords are not only well armed, but also gold plating their Uzis...

guess when the money piles up, you gotta find some way to spend it...

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