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Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Brewed a dunkel today! Hope it comes out good.
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Brewing up a SMaSH pale ale with Marris otter and HBC-438 hops tonight. First brew in quite a while. My poor keferator hasnt gotten much use lately.
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
First brew in a while. A standard Wit (50% flaked wheat/50% pale 2 row), some EKG hops and orange peel/coriander near the end of the boil. Plan is to add a hibiscus tea at bottling. Per brewers friend, I hit 82%+ efficiency.
Drank the last of my cranberry wheat from last thanksgiving. Wow, the tartness of the cranberries comes right thru. Got better with some age. :tu I'll be making this one again soon. |
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Bottled the hibiscus wit. Hope I didn't create bottle bombs. Underestimated the amount in the secondary by about 1/4 gallon for a 1.7 gallon batch. Was shooting for 2.7 vols of carbonation. Closer to 3.0. :D
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Hoping for no broken glass :tu
Dry hopped my two hearted clone last weekend, I used a recipe I had used before but swapped in a couple pounds of honey malt, I don't know if it will make much of a difference but I was curious what effect it might have. It didn't really look like it was fermenting, we still dry hopped but I'm hoping it ends up being more booze than iced tea I also brewed up what I am going to refer to as an "Oat Brown APA," I was planning on it being a black IPA but we switched up the specialty grains when we were at the store and it ended up being more on the brown side, with what looks to be a pretty chewy body. I'm really curious about this one, the girlfriend wanted to do one to celebrate finishing grad school, and just told me to make it an IPA with oats and Jade/Mosaic hops. I finagled a recipe up and things looked good, I tried a makeshift starter that hopefully didn't screw anything up. |
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
1 Attachment(s)
Went by the local HBS to get a few things for my next brew. Was going to get a 3gal carboy, but that has this. It'll hold 2.5gal. Perfect for what I do.
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Brewed a Deschutes Black Butte Porter clone today. Hydrometer sample is tasty. :tu
Sampled my first bottle of my hibiscus wit. Needs more hibiscus. But still a good beer, more like a typical wit. Finally got a good carbonation level. |
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Question about using alcohol soaked oak cubes in a secondary. How long do you soak for, before adding?
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
I haven't done it myself, but I did do some research on it when I was planning an oak brew a few months back and I believe it was something like 2-7 days, and add the cubes as well as the alcohol to the secondary (I was planning on using evan Williams for the alcohol, but that could just be because I'm cheap, other recipes called for Makers and other similar whiskeys)
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Brewed a White Russian Imperial Stout today. Calling it, "The Dude Abides". It's a blonde stout that'll be flavored with Kaluha soaked oak blocks and coffee beans. Missed my efficiency by about 5%, but still a big beer. OG was 1.092. Pitched two packs of Denny's 1450 and have airlock activity in about three hours. :D
Plan is to add the Kaluha, oak blocks and whole coffee beans into secondary and age for four weeks. |
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Just bottled an American Pale Ale brewed with a bit of warrior hops for extra bittering.
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Went to bottle the first of a 5 gallon batch of a Scottish ale my friend and I brewed. My half of a 10 gallon batch which he got half of. I split into thirds, flavoring one with Scotch soaked oak blocks, one with heather tips and the last plain. Today was the plan one. When I opened the bucket, there was a film across the top. Something infected it, most likely some type of lacto bacteria. Well crap. Still bottled anyway. I'll see what it tastes like after conditioning. Checked the others, looks like they have it too. Not sure where it came from, but likely I didn't do a good enough job sanitizing something during the transfer.
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
That sucks Bob, nothing worst than waiting weeks/months to find out something went wrong. I unfortunately am done brewing for a while, my friend with the space and equipment moved to a new house without space, and with my move coming up to a place that also has no space (and no equipment) it'll probably be a while before I get back up with it. Gotta brew vicariously through you :al
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Ive got a bourbon vanilla Porter ready to bottle. I've made it before, it's excellent. I'll get it bottled in the next few days, and should be ready to drink for Thanksgiving.
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Brewed up v2.0 of my Thanksgiving Cranberry Wheat. It's more a NEIPA hybrid. Used Magnum hops for bittering, with Citra, Calypso and Galaxy for aroma. Plan to rack into secondary on top of the cranberries and dry hop with more of the aroma hops. Should be interesting.
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Brewing a pecan porter today.
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?
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