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ir13 11-05-2012 07:36 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
I personally want to see a KState v Bama NC game, bc i think that would yield the best game, but we will see in the coming weeks.

oooo35980 11-05-2012 07:43 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
I can't say much about K-State or Oregon, I only watch them on Saturdays if there aren't any games on that matter. But there is much more hype concerning Oregon's offense and their new shiny helmets, this irritates me and for that reason I'd like to see them play for the NC against an SEC team.

OLS 11-06-2012 08:28 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Its a shame but its true....The best game, or the best chance to see some hype come crumbling down?
I hate to say it, but I'd rather see the team that stands to look the worst for losing to the galactic empire,
er, bama. That means me anyway. Imagine the blowup that would occur if it is not KState, though.
Although it is far too early to annoint anyone, and this ain't the I hate the BCS thread..

hammondc 11-06-2012 08:59 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by oooo35980 (Post 1745282)
I can't say much about K-State or Oregon, I only watch them on Saturdays if there aren't any games on that matter. But there is much more hype concerning Oregon's offense and their new shiny helmets, this irritates me and for that reason I'd like to see them play for the NC against an SEC team.


Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1745523)
Its a shame but its true....The best game, or the best chance to see some hype come crumbling down?
I hate to say it, but I'd rather see the team that stands to look the worst for losing to the galactic empire,
er, bama. That means me anyway. Imagine the blowup that would occur if it is not KState, though.
Although it is far too early to annoint anyone, and this ain't the I hate the BCS thread..

This is how I feel about Oregon. Nothing really against them for any good reason other than the fact that I hate their nose up swagger. Almost like the stuck up jerks in high school that think they are better than everyone else. It is just fun to watch them fail and fail hard. Plus the fans are alway jibber jabbering about SEC bias. is your chance. I feel the same about ND. Just do not care about K-State. Actually, on of my co-workers played QB for them a million years ago so that could be fun.

oooo35980 11-06-2012 11:00 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
So I'm confused, maybe someone can help me out. I keep hearing how Oregon pulled off a big win and scored more points on USC than anyone, ever. Nobody is talking about how USC scored more points against Oregon than they had scored against anyone all season.

How are the Oregon folks not considering that game a colossal defensive failure that they could have easily lost? If anything that game should send them down in the BCS rankings and prove that they would get killed by a team with a good defense as well as a good offense.

OLS 11-06-2012 12:19 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by oooo35980 (Post 1745604)
If anything that game should send them down in the BCS rankings and prove that they would get killed by a team with a good defense as well as a good offense.

This is the real point, one I didn't even consider....I am just too busy chuckling at the wider picture.
There are likely better teams down below that are better on the whole.

I think the metric that emerges is the fact that neither of them can stop 5hi+ from happening.
(was this OT by the way?? that often drives up a score)---edit---OUCH, regulation.
Teams always assume, or their fans do anyway, that hanging 60 on someone is a real indicator of
how they would whip team x's a55. To me it only speaks to the defense of the team they played.
But you know homers, they extrapolate that into hanging 50 on bama and off we go. Homers are
fine, I are one, but sometimes the crimson-colored glasses or the purple contacts can get in the
way of hard facts and cold reality. Or even common sense. But I do know one thing, and that is
that it makes a championship game impossible to ignore, at least for me. I'd like to boycott the
galactic empire in their coronation ceremony, but I know I will have to watch it just to see the

OLS 11-06-2012 12:24 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Poor Mississippi State.
Jeezus, I almost can't watch this weekend.

oooo35980 11-06-2012 12:59 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
My wife summed it up very well while we were watching A&M dismantle Mississippi state, she said "Poor Mississippi State they thought they could play with big people."

I'll be watching this weekend, I knew Mississippi state was overrated because of a schedule that turned out to be very easy, but I didn't realize how badly they'd get destroyed by quality teams.

OLS 11-06-2012 01:04 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
What shocked me was HOW they get destroyed. Look at a few of the runs from the A&M game, they are standing
around and people are running by them. It reminds me of my nephew playing soccer as a kid, he could not grasp
the concept of running to where the ball would BE, he would run towards the kicker, and I am screaming on the
sideline. My sister was not happy. But hell they didn't take angles either, they just stood there as if to say
'that guy is too fast for me to run after." They are not a BAD team, not sure if they quit trying after the empire
got in their heads a few weeks ago.

oooo35980 11-06-2012 01:21 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Well their fans did hang an "I believe" sign on the statue in Tuscaloosa. Maybe the Bama game was a little too much reality for them and they gave up. If so I'd say they are a worse team than I thought they were.

I don't think that's the case though. If they had just given up against A&M I think the game would have been even worse. Truth is they didn't really have the talent from the get-go, and were lucky enough to play the bottom of the barrel in the SEC.

They were fun to root for (until they played Bama of course). But in the end just not a great team this year. If they stop getting obliterated they could end up a 2 loss team. As it stands I think they'll be a 4 loss team, possibly 5 but Arkansas is a bit closer to teams they've already beaten, so that one could go either way. I could be way off base though, after the Tennessee and the USC game I more or less wrote Georgia off, and look at them.

OLS 11-07-2012 11:11 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
This whole SEC season has been nothing BUT "well, I didn't see THAT coming..."
I can rattle of a dozen instances. I GUESS that's good, but three of em are LSU, lol.

oooo35980 11-07-2012 12:25 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
It's been pretty much business as usual for Bama, that LSU game was a major hiccup but I think it's going to have beneficial effects overall. We'll see against A&M.

I'm surprised frankly at the level of inconsistency in the SEC this year, the major players are all sort of hit or miss (The rest are just miss), and a few games have been surprising because one of the teams didn't show up to play. I mean who could have imagined Florida vs Georgia would have 9 turnovers and 24 penalties, it was embarrassing.

Powers 11-07-2012 12:54 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by oooo35980 (Post 1746241)
It's been pretty much business as usual for Bama, that LSU game was a major hiccup but I think it's going to have beneficial effects overall. We'll see against A&M.

I'm surprised frankly at the level of inconsistency in the SEC this year, the major players are all sort of hit or miss (The rest are just miss), and a few games have been surprising because one of the teams didn't show up to play. I mean who could have imagined Florida vs Georgia would have 9 turnovers and 24 penalties, it was embarrassing.

No coincidence that both of those were huge rivalry games w/SEC division titles on the line. Crazy sh*t always happens

Definitely agree w/your sentiment that a close, come from behind win is gonna help Bama in the long run. Now there more confident and battle-tested if another game goes down to the wire

Powers 11-07-2012 03:24 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
From Fake David Bazzel on Twitter:

BREAKING NEWS: Tyrann Mathieu looking to transfer to University of Colorado. Stated needed to be closer to family. Mainly his Aunt Mary Jane


SvilleKid 11-07-2012 04:28 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1746333)
From Fake David Bazzel on Twitter:

BREAKING NEWS: Tyrann Mathieu looking to transfer to University of Colorado. Stated needed to be closer to family. Mainly his Aunt Mary Jane



OLS 11-08-2012 04:48 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1746252)
Definitely agree w/your sentiment that a close, come from behind win is gonna help Bama in the long run. Now there more confident and battle-tested if another game goes down to the wire

What I would be more worried about if I was a bama fan would be the perennial "We know how to beat them now"
routine out of A&M...they are hot enough to hang with bama for a time, could they also now be informed enough to
pull the upset? Too hard for me to say, I am well outside the universe of the Capstone, but it does give me hope
that they can be beaten, and in fact, I look forward to the possibility. That said, if anything it will be another squeaker.

I can also confirm the Mathieu story, in fact I already put the deposit down on our apartment. I just gotta move my plants.

oooo35980 11-08-2012 05:23 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1746917)
What I would be more worried about if I was a bama fan would be the perennial "We know how to beat them now"
routine out of A&M...they are hot enough to hang with bama for a time, could they also now be informed enough to
pull the upset? Too hard for me to say, I am well outside the universe of the Capstone, but it does give me hope
that they can be beaten, and in fact, I look forward to the possibility. That said, if anything it will be another squeaker.

I can also confirm the Mathieu story, in fact I already put the deposit down on our apartment. I just gotta move my plants.

I doubt it, A&M is good but I don't think Saban will sit back and let our defense get shredded while blitzing on 3rd the whole second half again. Thing about information is it goes both ways, A&M might have seen a chink in the Bama defense, but so did our guys, and you can bet it'll be addressed. At least I hope so.

Remember LSU had a whole week to prepare for Bama and basically changed their entire offensive strategy, they were playing their arch-rivals at home which happens to be one of the most hostile environments in football, and Mettenberger had some sort of epiphany and played his best game ever. Bama was caught off guard to put it mildly, I don't think A&M will be able to pull off the same trick. If they do manage to catch us off guard they aren't as talented as LSU, they don't have hearts full of hate and bile giving them the strength of 10 men, and THEY are going to be the ones in the hostile environment. It would take a minor miracle for them to pull off the upset, but who knows, strange things happens on Saturdays in November.

OLS 11-09-2012 11:47 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
I am not saying it is gonna happen, I am just saying that there is no one left who CAN do it, this is the last,
best chance. If it DID happen, that's the WAY it would happen, something they saw, something they
whink they can get away with. But that's for still gotta defend, something they have not
shown great aptitude for.

And I hate to bring this up, I already wore out my welcome with Rizzle with it, lol, but bama had two weeks
to prepare for LSU in 2011 and still lost, so sometimes it matters, sometimes its just a stat. Either way I will
be watching tomorrow. It's like a car wreck in slo-mo, you just gotta watch. Will I drive to a bar to see LSU
and State?...Ehh, maybe not. I'm too cheap to have cable, So it's me and Verne & Gary or nothing.

oooo35980 11-09-2012 12:46 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
A week of rest and prep always matters, it's always an opportunity, in this case you can see that LSU changed their whole offensive strategy for the Bama game and caught us by surprise. Thanks in no small part to Mettenberger, but you have to give the coaches credit too. What I'm trying to say is the fact that Bama had a week last year and didn't utilize it effectively enough (Obviously last year they should have practiced kicking haha) isn't relevant to what happened this year, after all lots of teams lose coming off a Bye week.

OLS 11-09-2012 05:25 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by oooo35980 (Post 1747355)
in this case you can see that LSU changed their whole offensive strategy for the Bama game and caught us by surprise.

You've said that twice and I am still not sure I follow you. We ran the same running plays we always run
and did it pretty effectively. The only thing I saw different was a little more faith in Mettenberger passing
intelligently and maybe there were a few more pass patterns as a result, i.e. more than twin hitch patterns
on either side. We kept so many guys in to block it was hardly possible. We always take 2-3 shots at the
long ball and hope for the best. I am getting the impression you think of this as Rocky coming at Ivan Drago
as a southpaw or something. The only surprise to me was how able we were to run on bama and how hard
it was for you to move the ball for 3 quarters. THAT was a surprise.

G G 11-09-2012 06:37 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Go Bulldogs. If they can get past Auburn that is, and then only til they get slain in Atlanta.

Bleez 11-10-2012 08:36 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Johnny Football meets reality today aka Bama's D. Roll Tide!

hammondc 11-10-2012 08:54 AM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Bleez (Post 1747623)
Johnny Football meets reality today aka Bama's D. Roll Tide!

VERY curious to see what happens today.

OLS 11-10-2012 12:08 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
My game of the week this morning is USC versus Arkansas.....very even so far.
Detailed my buggy this morning, smoked three racks o ribs, delivered five frozen squirrels
to the raptor center and a rack of ribs to the poor suckers working today over at the job...
I guess its a good thing I kept the deliveries straight, lol.........Come on Gamecocks.

OLS 11-10-2012 12:21 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
ARGH, not gonna do play be play or anything, but I have TWO pet peeves in football....
NEVER EVER is there an excuse for a block in the back, and yet they do it ALL the time.

The other one is to WASTE a blitz by FAILING TO MAINTAIN CONTROL of your momentum.
I just saw an Arkansas player not only miss the QB when he had him dead to rights, but could
have also knocked himself out colliding with an opposing player trying to SAVE the hit after
totally losing control on a corner blitz. I am so proud of a player that maintains control in
pursuit because its ALL about discipline and listening to what coaches try to teach you.

icehog3 11-10-2012 01:49 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Gators pulled that out their arses. Down 20-13 with 1:50 left, a 46 yeard pass play to the 3 to set up one TD, then a punt return TD after 3 and out for LA. Whew.

Remo 11-10-2012 02:08 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1747718)
Gators pulled that out their arses. Down 20-13 with 1:50 left, a 46 yeard pass play to the 3 to set up one TD, then a punt return TD after 3 and out for LA. Whew.

Lucky!!! Let's go A&M!!!!! 14-0!!

Bleez 11-10-2012 02:37 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
So far, it's Bama's D meeting Johnny Manziel. Wow. Bama really needs to come to life! Roll Tide!!!

Bleez 11-10-2012 02:46 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
20-7. Play some D and Bama's back in this!

Rolllll Tide Roll!!!

Bleez 11-10-2012 03:14 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
20-14 at the half. Sabah will eat their brains at halftime and Bama will stop playing like they're dead on defense...

Remo 11-10-2012 03:17 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Gonna be a great 2nd half.....1st Bama' loss :tu

Bleez 11-10-2012 03:47 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1747751)
Gonna be a great 2nd half.....1st Bama' loss :tu


OLS 11-10-2012 04:35 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
I am glad the refs finally gave the "contact above the neck" penalty....I saw it at 10:38 mark and said "WHERE the
hell is the FLAG??? Oh yeah, Tuscaloosa..." and then it came in. That made me feel a little better.

Careful how you roll those eyes Bleez...bama is getting away with a lot of contact on pass plays, they are eventually
gonna get one called on em at a bad time....OUCH, but that field goal would have made it a little better from my perspective.

Bleez 11-10-2012 04:42 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Rolling my eyes at the loss part. I have to be confident, I'm a fan...It's what I do.

As for penalties, let the players play. I respect the "safety of players" but it's almost killed smash mouth football.

Yeldon...C'mon MAN!!!

OLS 11-10-2012 04:47 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by Bleez (Post 1747773)
Rolling my eyes at the loss part. I have to be confident, I'm a fan...It's what I do.

As for penalties, let the players play. I respect the "safety of players" but it's almost killed smash mouth football.

Yeldon...C'mon MAN!!!

Oh yeah, I am not telling you how to fan, I was merely pointing out the possibilities and how
it will look when your team loses. I called it earlier in the week and was bombarded with all
the ways it couldn't happen. I chalk it up to me not having a grasp on football.

As for the penalties, you can't have disorder, you can whine about the death of football after the tide loses, lol.

I WISH THAT HORN BLOWING A55HOLE would stop blowing that vuvuzela. I keep thinking my phone
is vibrating, lol.

But yes, you HAVE to root for you team, man, I get it....don't sweat it, haha.

TOUCHDOWN, Gig em AGGIES. I have to say one thing above all, however the
chips fall, I couldn't be prouder of A&M on their entry to the SEC. They have
PLAYED like a SEC team. Still waiting on Mizzou to show me something. Maybe
there is no more room for Tigers in the conference?

OLS 11-10-2012 04:52 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Did LACY not just get tagged above the pads??? OH, 5hi+, he sure did.....Come on, that's
messed up. Shame about that is maybe they though his head was higher up when the guy
left his feet to hit him? Shame. That Lacy kid is a home boy from Dutchtown.

Damn, does bama not have the HOTTEST baton chicks on the planet?? Sure seems like it to me.
they don't evven look real, each one in line hotter than the last.

Bleez 11-10-2012 04:53 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1747777)
Did LACY not just get tagged above the pads??? OH, 5hi+, he sure did.....Come on, that's
messed up.

He got nailed the head. Still not over. C'mon Tide...

Bleez 11-10-2012 04:54 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
You have no idea how bad I wanna get to Miami. The Cigarnscene there dwarfs the scene here in Dawgtown...

OLS 11-10-2012 05:00 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
OH crap, is AJ gonna get to cry again?? I hope A&M learned from LSU not to suddenly STOP doing what got you
where you were late in the 4th quarter. Prevent defense, haha...we'll see.

If NOTHING else, this game will teach johnny how to throw away a football.

Touchdown, bama, HAHA, same way they got LSU.
At least A&M has some time to counterpunch.

never_enough 11-10-2012 05:04 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
This is a great game. Don't care who wins, but I like watching a good comeback.

A&M looking good in the SEC. Mizzou looks more like one step above UK :r:r

Bleez 11-10-2012 05:08 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Wow. Worst play call and execution ever.

OLS 11-10-2012 05:20 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
A LOT easier to watch that kind of game when its A&M....I had stomach pains all night when it was LSU.
That was the last team that had any kind of chance to beat bama. I said it last week and all my hopes
were pinned on it. I am glad they were able to get it done. Hell of a showing for your first year in the SEC,

Let the explanations begin.

Remo 11-10-2012 05:22 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Looks like Oregon and K-State.

oooo35980 11-10-2012 05:23 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Hmm Yeldon fumbles as Bama is trying to march down field and take the lead, when has that happened before? Oh yeah last week.

All things considered it was a great game, Bama played well from behind and just couldn't pull it out. The defense was banged up from last week and couldn't contain Manziel. 2 games to the SEC championship now haha. SEC won't be going to the NC unless a couple people lose.

OLS 11-10-2012 05:27 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Couldn't have happened to a better team, the VOLS. Is there a worse football color than freaking ORANGE??

As for the BCS NCG, ehhh, things will happen, NO ONE has the magic this year, its gonna be a fight and a war.
I highly doubt anyone is heading for a coronation this weekend. Bet there are some bama fans that wish it was a
4-team playoff in 2012, though.

Bleez 11-10-2012 05:33 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
Well, Roll Cal, Roll Horned Frogs and Roll Trojans!!!

Also, who'd have thought thenSEC Championship would run through Auburn? (If my calculations are correct)

oooo35980 11-10-2012 05:47 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
I don't know about correct but your calculations match mine. If auburn beats GA or Bama there will be turmoil.

Bleez 11-10-2012 06:19 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012

Originally Posted by oooo35980 (Post 1747810)
I don't know about correct but your calculations match mine. If auburn beats GA or Bama there will be turmoil.

Burned couches and such...

oooo35980 11-10-2012 06:35 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
judging from the past hour or so I don't think GA has to worry about it much.

OLS 11-10-2012 06:41 PM

Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2012
haha, I think you guys in Tuscaloosa are safe....Auburn has beaten bama before, but I don't see it.

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