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chippewastud79 02-06-2012 09:33 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1550986)
I don't really whine when I play and I don't mind the camping, I'll get them regardless =P


Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1550609)
Only people who lose games complain about campers.


357 02-06-2012 11:49 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Zeuceone (Post 1550382)
i dont see how "camping" is bad. people who suck are usually the ones who complain.

I do hate being sniped and I do complain about camping at times. I don't have a headset or a mic so, at least you can't actually hear me. :D I would argue that camping requires less skill. Moving, avoiding enemy fire, while keeping your aim on a moving target, and being faster at it than your opponent requires much more skill. Camping requires only knowledge of the map and 1 or 2 killzones that you can sit with your rifle pointed at.

Just my :2

That said, MW3 is setup fairly well to prevent the impenetrable camping locations. Most all points on the map can be attacked from 3 directions. However, there are exceptions.

Campers who work as a team with run-n-gunners who will keep them from being flanked are especially effective.

Starscream 02-06-2012 12:41 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by montecristo#2 (Post 1550355)
Alright, I have something to confuse.

I am a camper with a gold sniper rifle and I do not give a sh*t that it pisses people off. :D :r

I went out an bought the new Turtle Beach X32 headset and so far I am pretty happy. They are not surround sound, but the sound quality is good.

I finally have my kdr up to 0.6 and over the past two sessions I have been closer to 1.4-1.5. I had my best game today going 22-6 in Dome. I love Dome, it is a campers paradise. I know 0.6 is not impressive, but when you start at 0.2 and have 1000s of deaths it takes a while to improve on the ratio.

I think the headset is helping as I am more in tune with the game. I can hear footsteps but that does not really help all that much yet.

I am finally playing assault killstreaks and I am now addicted to care packages.

I also love it when you kill someone and their mic opens up so that you can hear them for a couple of seconds. Boy do people hate campers with sniper rifles. :D :r

Makes me smile even more when they start cursing me out.

Are you a true sniper in the game or have you just learned the art of quickscoping? You can pretty much run and gun with a sniper rifle if you've learned the art of quickscoping.

357 02-06-2012 01:53 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1551202)
Are you a true sniper in the game or have you just learned the art of quickscoping? You can pretty much run and gun with a sniper rifle if you've learned the art of quickscoping.

I thought quickscoping was done via a macro and a modified controller.

Starscream 02-06-2012 02:10 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1551298)
I thought quickscoping was done via a macro and a modified controller.

Not to my knowledge. There are plenty of youtube tutorials on how to quickscope. I'm not good enough to be good with it, but I can get a few kills on my son in a two-player match by quickscoping. Borderline cheating using aim assist. Technically it's not cheating, since the developers have been aware of this for some time in multiple COD games and have done nothing to fix this glitch, but a lot of people consider it cheap. I'm not judging those who do, was just curious. I'd love to get good at quickscoping.:)

357 02-06-2012 02:26 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1551318)
Not to my knowledge. There are plenty of youtube tutorials on how to quickscope. I'm not good enough to be good with it, but I can get a few kills on my son in a two-player match by quickscoping. Borderline cheating using aim assist. Technically it's not cheating, since the developers have been aware of this for some time in multiple COD games and have done nothing to fix this glitch, but a lot of people consider it cheap. I'm not judging those who do, was just curious. I'd love to get good at quickscoping.:)

Am I understanding this right? You use the zoom/scope function to auto-correct your aim, then pull the trigger a tenth of a second later?

If so, how can the developer's ignore this? After watching those videos it seems like there is no skill in quickscoping.

Starscream 02-06-2012 06:36 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1551329)
Am I understanding this right? You use the zoom/scope function to auto-correct your aim, then pull the trigger a tenth of a second later?

If so, how can the developer's ignore this? After watching those videos it seems like there is no skill in quickscoping.

It's been around for multiple COD games and the developers seems to see it as a legit strategy. And it takes some skill to get it down. Enemies still have to be inside your hipfire crosshairs when you press the scope function. I can't quickscope for shyte.:D

ucubed 02-06-2012 07:23 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1551329)
Am I understanding this right? You use the zoom/scope function to auto-correct your aim, then pull the trigger a tenth of a second later?

If so, how can the developer's ignore this? After watching those videos it seems like there is no skill in quickscoping.

Well you actually have to be on target, but it's easy to get used to. Just remember where the center of your screen is and try and keep your gun leveled so they are always a chest shot. You can place like a small piece of tape in the middle of your screen/tv or a small dot sticker or something to practice, then it's all about timing.

chippewastud79 02-06-2012 08:01 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Just reminded myself why I only play Hardcore. Regular is absolutely terrible, there is no strategy, just run around and shoot, hope you hit someone, snipers are worthless, grenades are worthless, claymores are worthless. :td

ucubed 02-06-2012 11:18 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I think Infected is my favorite game type now...just played it for the first's pretty freakin fun

hammondc 02-07-2012 06:42 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1551585)
Just reminded myself why I only play Hardcore. Regular is absolutely terrible, there is no strategy, just run around and shoot, hope you hit someone, snipers are worthless, grenades are worthless, claymores are worthless. :td

I agree. I played regular yesterday for a bit and wanted to thrown the controller through the TV. Plus, the above mention quickscopers absolutely drive me nuts.

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 06:50 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I don't like HC. I think it is too easy to kill. I don't have an issue with the snipers, even the great ones still don't win games. I was playing against some pretty good snipers yesterday and they lost. They just about broke even with KDR, snipers don't win games IMHO. I am not a sniper, QSing is hard to do, I tried and couldn't be consistent enough to use it in games I want to win. HC has always had more of an issue with nube toobs than nonHC has with snipers IMO. I have a member in my clan who is the best QSr I have seen and he still isn't as much of a threat as some of us other members with SMGs and ARs.

I have not played infected yet, is it like the Halo gametype?
One person is infected and he tries to infect all the other players?

chippewastud79 02-07-2012 07:05 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1551808)
I don't like HC. I think it is too easy to kill. I don't have an issue with the snipers, even the great ones still don't win games. I was playing against some pretty good snipers yesterday and they lost. They just about broke even with KDR, snipers don't win games IMHO. I am not a sniper, QSing is hard to do, I tried and couldn't be consistent enough to use it in games I want to win. HC has always had more of an issue with nube toobs than nonHC has with snipers IMO. I have a member in my clan who is the best QSr I have seen and he still isn't as much of a threat as some of us other members with SMGs and ARs.

Hardcore is more 'realistic', don't need an entire clip to kill someone, the assault rifles are more powerful than machine pistols, grenades kill when they land next to you, no constant radar, no seeing where you got shot from, no health regeneration. :2

Snipers can definitely win games if the team is working together. Finished last night on Seatown, went 26-1 with a sniper rifle and gave away my 3 care packages. Certain maps I will take 4-6 snipers on my team vs. runners and noob tubers and your team might not get to 2000 points. Had a few games last night like that, held one team to 1700 and one to 1800. Seatown, Fallen, Interchange, Bakaraa, put your snipers in the right spots and you can dominate. :tu

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 07:08 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1551816)
Snipers can definitely win games if the team is working together. Finished last night on Seatown, went 26-1 with a sniper rifle and gave away my 3 care packages. Certain maps I will take 4-6 snipers on my team vs. runners and noob tubers and your team might not get to 2000 points. Had a few games last night like that, held one team to 1700 and one to 1800. Seatown, Fallen, Interchange, Bakaraa, put your snipers in the right spots and you can dominate. :tu

I don't like HC for the reasons you mentioned. I don't want my video game to be that realistic, I want it to play well.
I feel skill is not as inportant in HC, anybody can finish a kill with any weapon very easily. These are just my preferences of course, I am not saying one is better than the other, just I don't prefer HC personally.
Are you on Xbox? I would love to play against you guys sometime.

And I was talking about snipers against my squad. Sorry for the confusion, I wasn't saying snipers never win games, they just don't seem to win against us. It sounds like you guys have some impressive wins there.

hammondc 02-07-2012 07:19 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1551816)
Hardcore is more 'realistic', don't need an entire clip to kill someone, the assault rifles are more powerful than machine pistols, grenades kill when they land next to you, no constant radar, no seeing where you got shot from, no health regeneration. :2

All of this. Except, the guns I equip use magazines :D. We should game up....


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1551808)

I have not played infected yet, is it like the Halo gametype?
One person is infected and he tries to infect all the other players?

Exactly. I am still on the fence about it.

LasciviousXXX 02-07-2012 07:22 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I pretty much only play HC for the same reasons that Larry mentioned.


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth
HC has always had more of an issue with nube toobs than nonHC has with snipers IMO. I have a member in my clan who is the best QSr I have seen and he still isn't as much of a threat as some of us other members with SMGs and ARs.

As far as this goes sniper class + trophy system seems to fix this problem. Also, I use my claymore and trophy system as diversions more than I use them to protect me. They draw a players gaze away from my potential sniping spot so they don't see me clip them from behind as they're too busy either avoiding my claymore or running 100ft away from me to destroy the trophy system. That's my strategy anyway.

hammondc 02-07-2012 07:25 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
+1. The group I play with always uses trophy. EVERYONE. We set them up all over.

I really have not encountered the noobtoob madness of the past though.

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 07:29 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I really like the trophys also, I have just begun using them and they have saved my ass many times. I use the MK14 & trophy when on defense but I love to RNG, I am a slayer when not doing a "team game". I can hard scope well but never got good at QSing.

357 02-07-2012 08:14 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1551547)
Well you actually have to be on target, but it's easy to get used to. Just remember where the center of your screen is and try and keep your gun leveled so they are always a chest shot. You can place like a small piece of tape in the middle of your screen/tv or a small dot sticker or something to practice, then it's all about timing.

Hmmmm. I am good at hipfiring.

I agree with you all about getting a game together. We need to set a date and geek out.

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 08:16 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1551888)
Hmmmm. I am good at hipfiring.

I agree with you all about getting a game together. We need to set a date and geek out.


Wish we were all on 360!

ucubed 02-07-2012 09:29 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I dislike Hardcore only because I think it's quite dumb to be able to kill someone with a USP if I shot them in the foot twice. Coupled with the fact that the registry is horrendous and the hit boxes lag behind the enemy, it makes hardcore just dumb.

Only played a HALO a handful of times, but I suppose so. There was 1 game with 18 juggernauts vs 2 with's quite insane

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 09:53 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Anybody on here a Elite Premium member? I just received an e-mail saying they are giving me a free prestige token, anybody else get this?

ucubed 02-07-2012 10:25 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1552027)
Anybody on here a Elite Premium member? I just received an e-mail saying they are giving me a free prestige token, anybody else get this?

I am a member, but on PS3 and because the deal from activision and microsoft we'll get everything later =/

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 10:26 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1552084)
I am a member, but on PS3 and because the deal from activision and microsoft we'll get everything later =/

The e-mail reads something like; because you are a member early on we would like to give you a token. Thanks for being with us from the beginning.

I think it went to everybody though.

ucubed 02-07-2012 11:38 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1552086)
The e-mail reads something like; because you are a member early on we would like to give you a token. Thanks for being with us from the beginning.

I think it went to everybody though.

That's probably for being a founder member...I got one a while ago I think

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 11:39 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1552141)
That's probably for being a founder member...I got one a while ago I think

I am not even a founder, thats the wierd thing.
I won't complain, I just prestiged and can now unlock another item.

chippewastud79 02-07-2012 11:51 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1552000)
I dislike Hardcore only because I think it's quite dumb to be able to kill someone with a USP if I shot them in the foot twice. Coupled with the fact that the registry is horrendous and the hit boxes lag behind the enemy, it makes hardcore just dumb.

The biggest reasons I dislike regular are, constant radar, you can see where you got shot from, no explosive damage. If they had a game mode where it took more bullets to kill, but got rid of the rest of the crap, I would be fine with it, but there is just no strategy in regular because you know right where you got shot from previously. :rolleyes:

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 11:56 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1552147)
The biggest reasons I dislike regular are, constant radar, you can see where you got shot from, no explosive damage. If they had a game mode where it took more bullets to kill, but got rid of the rest of the crap, I would be fine with it, but there is just no strategy in regular because you know right where you got shot from previously. :rolleyes:

I like those features, helps to keep people from sitting in the same spot all game. I love the hud too. I run UAV as my only perk and get it 5-10 times per game of TDM so I almost always have a UAV up. I know what you mean though. I think they should have a special game type designed for snipers and one designed without snipers, would settle alot of the complaints.


Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1552147)
but there is just no strategy in regular because you know right where you got shot from previously. :rolleyes:

This requires a different type of strategy, you have to be active and move. You can't sit there picking off approaching enemies. Playing HC and holding down a half of the map requires far less strategy INHO than having an aggresive plan of attack. It doesn't take much to say sit here and ADS that doorway and shoot whoever comes through it. Man we gotta play against each others squads, what is your GT?

Oh and this is very funny:
"If we weren't supposed to eat animals, then how come they're made of meat?"

chippewastud79 02-07-2012 02:54 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1552151)

This requires a different type of strategy, you have to be active and move. You can't sit there picking off approaching enemies. Playing HC and holding down a half of the map requires far less strategy INHO than having an aggresive plan of attack. It doesn't take much to say sit here and ADS that doorway and shoot whoever comes through it. Man we gotta play against each others squads, what is your GT?

Oh and this is very funny:
"If we weren't supposed to eat animals, then how come they're made of meat?"


I know plenty of guys who run and gun, some more successful than others. The two best players I have ever seen happen to be on my friends list, one only plays HC and has a K/D around 3.1 I believe, the other plays everything from Domination to Search to Capture the Flag, Regular or HC and his K/D overall is 2.97 and he screws around with only knives and hand guns, its crazy. Strictly on Domination his K/D ir probably near 9.0-10.0, just stupid good, like 60-0, 54-1 back to back games. :jd

I guess I am of the theory that the idea of the game is not to die, rather than running around and getting a few kills and then getting shot. I would much rather go 9-1 than 20-18. Dying is not fun, watching people run into my sniper bullets is fun. :2

mariogolbee 02-07-2012 03:06 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
If everyone just sat in one place waiting for others to come to them then nobody would get shot and it would be VERY BORING.

Snipers supporting their team = :tu

Snipers as a one-man-army just picking people off = :td

I do enjoy HD and regular games. I loved CTF HC. In CTF HC you can't just run around all of the time (unless you are the runner), but you can't constantly camp either. It reminds me of the older HD TDM where folks weren't really camping or running around, but moving slowly with caution, but they were MOVING.

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 03:07 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1552290)

I know plenty of guys who run and gun, some more successful than others. The two best players I have ever seen happen to be on my friends list, one only plays HC and has a K/D around 3.1 I believe, the other plays everything from Domination to Search to Capture the Flag, Regular or HC and his K/D overall is 2.97 and he screws around with only knives and hand guns, its crazy. Strictly on Domination his K/D ir probably near 9.0-10.0, just stupid good, like 60-0, 54-1 back to back games. :jd

I guess I am of the theory that the idea of the game is not to die, rather than running around and getting a few kills and then getting shot. I would much rather go 9-1 than 20-18. Dying is not fun, watching people run into my sniper bullets is fun. :2

Holy cow, those guys should be pro?!?
I used to be the same way about going 9-1 sniping but I just got bored and needed to satisfy my ADD by running around. Trust me I hate Run'n'gun type players because 95% don't do it well. My best KDR game so far was 37-1, the most fun I had on Dome was 44-10 run'n'gun on TDM. I only recently started playing well, took a long time for me to adjust from Black Ops. Not sure why. But now I am pretty much always top three on the board with a decent KDR. When BO first came out I had a squad many would have called campers but we did a good job holding down areas. I just get to bored waiting for the enemy to come to me. We won 65 straight CTF games in Black Ops. Unfotunatly a couple people I used to roll with play Gears3 now.
I have a couple friends in my clan well over 2.0 KDR and one around 3.0 but he is a KDR whore. I could easily have a high KDR if I worked on it, but like I said I get to impatient. Right now my favorite gametype is team tactical, I feel it is the best judge of skill and tactics due to a more one on one environment compared to guys running around from all directions in TDM.

Blak Smyth 02-07-2012 03:08 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1552302)
where folks weren't really camping or running around, but moving slowly with caution, but they were MOVING.

That is why I sometimes enjoy S&D! :tu

mariogolbee 02-07-2012 03:10 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1552306)
That is why I sometimes enjoy S&D! :tu

True that.

chippewastud79 02-07-2012 05:53 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1552304)
Holy cow, those guys should be pro?!?

The one guy who plays everything probably could, he has his sensitivity on 10, runs with the most made-up classes you have ever seen and just knifes people and tears other teams apart. On Modern Warfare 2 he would have AC 130's nearly every game. Now he rolls with the assault drones, AC 130's and Reapers. :gary

The other guy is probably the best HC Team Deathmatch player because he is patient and puts himself in great spots. Honestly, he puts his kill streaks way too low and could have much more devastating kill streaks as he usually goes thru them twice without dying. :2

Although, another member here spent a night drinking with a guy who does play pro and heard of some of his exploits. His K/D was well over 5.0 and his team played in a recent tournament and was something like 283-0 for the rounds or whatever tactical games they were playing. So the gap between really good online players and 'pro' players is a little steeper than we suspect. :jd

Starscream 02-07-2012 07:39 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
If anyone's on PS3, check out ucubed's game. I envy his KDR. He's at a 3+ and I'm at a .3...:r

ucubed 02-08-2012 12:19 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1552593)
If anyone's on PS3, check out ucubed's game. I envy his KDR. He's at a 3+ and I'm at a .3...:r

lol yea I play a lot =P

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 06:45 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I was onlin elast night and just played horid. Some nights I feel invincible and then some night about even. I prestiged again and am trying to use the MK14 like I did so much early on my first prestige, but I am not doing so hot this time around.

Mugen910 02-08-2012 08:07 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
A KDR with 3+ doesn't mean you play a means you are good.

I play a lot and don't even have half of that

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 08:48 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 1552971)
A KDR with 3+ doesn't mean you play a means you are good.

I play a lot and don't even have half of that

I always thought they should introduce a rating system into COD that would be more true. Something that would combine KDR & Score Per Minute for TDM? It is easy for me to sit back and get a few kills with little to no deaths but to have a high KDR and a high SPM combined would be a better gauge of how good a player is IMO.

The part of KDR that is confusing and misleading in TDM is it shouldn't be about KDR it should be about the KDS (Kill/Death Spread).
A person who goes 9-1 with a +8 KDS is less valuable than a player who goes 25-10 with a +15 KDS. Does this make sense or am I just crazy? I think they should have a stat that measures KDS! Thoughts? Obviously we are not changing anything here, just talking about things that may never happen.

macsauce13 02-08-2012 09:01 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Have you guys played infected yet? I am obsessed. It is such a cool gametype. It has been on Halo for awhile, but just made it to COD.

LasciviousXXX 02-08-2012 09:10 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1553026)
I always thought they should introduce a rating system into COD that would be more true. Something that would combine KDR & Score Per Minute for TDM? It is easy for me to sit back and get a few kills with little to no deaths but to have a high KDR and a high SPM combined would be a better gauge of how good a player is IMO.

You've never watched ucubed play then :lr

There's no "sitting back" about his playing style at all :D

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 09:10 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by macsauce13 (Post 1553035)
Have you guys played infected yet? I am obsessed. It is such a cool gametype. It has been on Halo for awhile, but just made it to COD.

I played two games and did well on the first one and had fun.
On the second game I was infected by a throwing knife right away and spent the rest of the game running into a corner of the map that the survivors held down and it was imposible to get to them. It was rediculous. Killed the game type for me.


Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1553047)
You've never watched ucubed play then :lr

There's no "sitting back" about his playing style at all :D

Yah sorry, I wasn't saying he isn't good. I wasn't trying to comment on him at all. I was talking about how KDR is perceived and that it isn't a realistic stat to determine somebodys skill. I wasn't trying to say he isn't good, sorry if it came off that way.
he would prolly score sky high on my suggested rating system then and it would be a better gauge I believe.

LasciviousXXX 02-08-2012 09:13 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I played a bit last night and did absolute sh*te. Usually I do fairly well but I was having an off night. Kept getting killed by a 3 man run-n-gun team that attacked simultaneously from different directions. Ugh

macsauce13 02-08-2012 09:13 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1553049)
I played two games and did well on the first one and had fun.
On the second game I was infected by a throwing knife right away and spent the rest of the game running into a corner of the map that the survivors held down and it was imposible to get to them. It was rediculous. Killed the game type for me.

Play again. They have eliminated the throwing knives, and have added different guns. LOT OF FUN!

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 09:14 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by macsauce13 (Post 1553053)
Play again. They have eliminated the throwing knives, and have added different guns. LOT OF FUN!

Yah but they can still just camp a corner and kill you before you can get into kill range so I don't think I would enjoy that.

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 09:16 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
My sig from a COD forum, thought I would share. I am never on there anymore though:

LasciviousXXX 02-08-2012 09:18 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Very cool :tu

I can't wait for the new maps to finally come out on PS3 :(

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 09:20 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1553058)
Very cool :tu

I can't wait for the new maps to finally come out on PS3 :(

Oh man that sucks, I forgot you don't have them yet.
I really like both maps. Alot of snipers in the central park one but many other routes to get to them so it plays well and is balanced. The one in Italy is a great CQC map, great for Run'n'gun style.

LasciviousXXX 02-08-2012 09:21 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
The one in Italy is the one I'm most looking forward to so far because of the multiple levels of the map. Having a 3-4 tiered map is something I really haven't experienced since I started playing COD when MW2 came out. I'm on my 2nd prestige in the 20's right now so hopefully I'll have unlocked my RSASS by the time the maps come out on PS3 :tu

Blak Smyth 02-08-2012 09:54 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1553063)
The one in Italy is the one I'm most looking forward to so far because of the multiple levels of the map. Having a 3-4 tiered map is something I really haven't experienced since I started playing COD when MW2 came out. I'm on my 2nd prestige in the 20's right now so hopefully I'll have unlocked my RSASS by the time the maps come out on PS3 :tu

Yah it is mt favorite out of the two. I love jump off a level while killing somebody below me.
I think we are at the same exact spot in prestige.

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