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Ahbroody 03-11-2011 12:49 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
EJ is that an adult or jr stick with your girl?
The stick lie is different on jr and adult then youth so it may be wrong. Blade is longer so it might give false length setting. Not sure I cant tell from pic.

I still say longer stick at thos age. I dont care about stick handling. I want knees bent back straight head up.

Know a lot of families with kids in this organization.

E.J. 03-11-2011 01:07 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1202449)
EJ is that an adult or jr stick with your girl?

Youth....:tu Wouldn't spend any money on a nice Jr. stick until she can actually use it. It is easier to buy the youth stuff, because it doesn't cost any more(relatively). Paid $25ish more for that than the wood stick I just bought her.

I must have got cold feet when I was cutting and went long, because it is at her eyes without skates on right now. Will check this Sunday with the skates on.

Interesting stuff with that U16 game and the accusations. I am interested to see what is going to happen. If they already suspended the coaches, it appears that they are sure that the game was thrown. Must have been pretty obvious, as the other team just left the ice after the game... Bet this is a hornets nest for the league.

E.J. 03-11-2011 01:08 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Last House League game for the Little Man this weekend.... Summer hockey should start in May, so we don't have that long of break....but it sucks all the same.

Ahbroody 03-11-2011 01:37 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The kids admitted the coaches told them to throw the game.
I found it really interssting as some of the families I know who have kids in that program bash the jr. Sharks coaching. That program and the Jr. Sharks are the two high level travel programs in the area. A lot of politics involved.

The blackhawks start travel play at mite jr sharks are against mite travel. The blackhawks tend to be the better teams early on. Some of their kids have made the nhl and some minors.

Eleven 03-11-2011 02:10 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1202468)
Last House League game for the Little Man this weekend.... Summer hockey should start in May, so we don't have that long of break....but it sucks all the same.

My kid had his last regular games this past weekend, and Spring Hockey starts tomorrow!

He has Mid-Am tryouts in April I think, tryouts for next year also in April. We're sure he will make his team again, but he is trying out for another team as well, as encouraged by most of his coaches, past and present.

Assuming he makes his current team again, they start dry-land training immediately, and only take the month of July off.

In July, he has his regular hockey camp, and if he makes it through the Mid-Am tryouts, there is a camp for that in May in Pennsylvania.

We get less than 3 weeks in July of absolutely no hockey, that's it.


Ahbroody 03-11-2011 02:32 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Im actually looking forward to those days. I must be sick.

ahc4353 03-12-2011 05:32 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Mitch played his last game as a NJ Rocket on his home ice at Devils arena. Time to move on to college.

After the game ended he skated off and headed for the locker room. I stayed in the stands for a moment to think back on all the years of watching the both of them play. Next thing you know I see him show up on the ice, takes a skate and stops at the blue-line and just looks around. A moment by himself, on ice that he will never skate again. I wonder what was going through his head at that moment.

It's funny how some images will stay with you for the rest of your life.

That is one of those.

E.J. 03-12-2011 08:37 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
As I read the last few posts.....It makes me smile and remember how fortunate we all are. Regardless of age or level, watching your children grow up on the ice is pretty stinking rewarding.

Al, you have a way of writing that makes me feel like I am there....and at the same time, wanting the clock to slow down on the few years the LM has left...... I look forward to hearing about the progression to Fitchburg.

Ahbroody 03-12-2011 04:37 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1203140)
Mitch played his last game as a NJ Rocket on his home ice at Devils arena. Time to move on to college.

After the game ended he skated off and headed for the locker room. I stayed in the stands for a moment to think back on all the years of watching the both of them play. Next thing you know I see him show up on the ice, takes a skate and stops at the blue-line and just looks around. A moment by himself, on ice that he will never skate again. I wonder what was going through his head at that moment.

It's funny how some images will stay with you for the rest of your life.

That is one of those.

Way to go jerk. Made my eyes well up and got a little lump in the throat.

Agreed EJ I am happy at the lessons hes learning already.

Micah scored one today at ice from his office in front of the net. His coach made him number 5 which is our designated D man as hes good at shutting down breakways. He stopped some rushes. Next thing you know hes getting shuffled on the bench to the 5 spot over and over. In a way I was proud he was given the job the bigger older kids get, in a way I was frustrated he was being prevented from getting scoring chances. No one scored when he played d. :tu

Didnt have any issues with him hooking or tripping kids this week after we had a talk so thats good. Tomorrow he gets to play in the U10 house league again.

First Tball game today. Micah got the game ball. Played first and caught some throws to make legitimate outs which I guess is rare at this level. Boys a gamer.

Ahbroody 03-20-2011 06:37 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Micah is still playing. Game monday 2 goals. Game Saturday 1 goal. The only goal his team scored. Uggggly game. He had a few breakaways he didn't score on. Laughed after one he shot into the goalies pads he slammed his stick on the ice and was obviously talking to himself. We didn't have our two other kids who are pretty good so he was trying hard.

Today we did the U10 game. The guy who runs that rinks mite travel team was on the ice during the game. He started feeding micah pucks on breakouts. After the game he came over to talk and micah got recruited for their mite team next year. I explained he's only 5 now and wont be 6 till Oct next year and had no real interest in having him travel at 6. He explained there are only 3 weekends they travel all season and its usually not to far. Explained still not to excited about traveling. There's two mite travel teams local, both are losely following the usa hockey adm. This is the lower one. I did tell him I wanted him to practice with the mite team and would let him play locally with the team. Micah is getting to practice with the mite team for the last month of the season for free. I asked him if he wanted to skate with mite travel kids. He was excited to put it mildly.

icehog3 03-21-2011 07:41 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Congrats to Micah!! :wnr

Ahbroody 03-22-2011 08:33 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Micah played yesterday in the house league and got 2 more. He will hit 25 goals by years end. Should have him in the top five goal scorers for the year.

Today he practiced with the mite travel team.

Dad explained he was receiving a privilege on the way there and to not screw around and pay attention. Coach called them in and he got right up front. :r

He's right in his face. He skated well and did okay. He had issues on the more complex drills, but that's an age issue. Physically he was not out of place.

Funniest thing. As he steps off three ice and sits down on the bench his first words are do I have a game or practice tomorrow. Nope. What about the next day? Nope. Dejected look on the face. :r.
He loves the rink.

Ooooo. Tom he says thank you.

E.J. 03-22-2011 11:31 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
EXCELLENT Mike.... Excited for both of you!

Ahbroody 04-03-2011 06:29 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The fun continues. Very possible Micah will skate more this summer then he did all year. Today Micah was given the chance to skate with the SC Blackhawks in their Mite Summer Skate program. Its a 1 hour practice with a half hour scrimmage after practice. This was a test run as he is the youngest kid by 1.5 years and does not meet the minimum age requirements. A buddy of mine pulled some strings to get him in. The wife came and she was beyond impressed with the structure and tempo of the practice. The little man got gassed at one point and needed a little pep talk, it after that he did fine. He scored a goal in the scrimage at the end.
He's the little guy obviously.
He's on the boards at the red stripe in this one. He was proud and happy at the end and wanted to continue coming. Signed him up. :wo

He's also skating in the other clubs mite skate starting on Tuesdays soon.

We are debating a local hockey day camp this summer.

I was so damn proud of him. Many of the kids played mite travel this year and he held his own. I was not sure how he would do given the tempo and age difference.

E.J. 04-03-2011 07:06 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
YES!!!!!!!!!! So excited for Micah, Mike.... Not as much for the accomplishment(not that that is bad), but for the ability to skate with this competition regularly... That is going to be going to be the win here....

GOOD FOR Micah!!!! My hear aches for your wallet the next 13ish years....:r

Ahbroody 04-03-2011 08:19 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The pocketbook is already hurting. This is 300 for 13 sessions. The other mite skate will likely be close to the same cost. Then there is the decision on the camp, and if we let him do summer hockey just games. The cool thing was the wife is onboard after watching him today and was open to the day camp in the summer which she was not sure about before.

Only odd thing was we got some looks when we entered the locker room before the skate do to the obvious age differences. Didn't get those looks after.

Ooooo and answer your damn text messages

ahc4353 04-05-2011 10:15 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1225842)
The pocketbook is already hurting. This is 300 for 13 sessions. The other mite skate will likely be close to the same cost. Then there is the decision on the camp, and if we let him do summer hockey just games. The cool thing was the wife is onboard after watching him today and was open to the day camp in the summer which she was not sure about before.

Only odd thing was we got some looks when we entered the locker room before the skate do to the obvious age differences. Didn't get those looks after.

Ooooo and answer your damn text messages

Well Mike it's all over now. Just figure that all family vacations are hockey camps. Enjoy the car you have it's the last one for a long time. No more taking the wife out. Purchases like clothes are now done. And your headed for gas station cigars.

The time spent together and the memories it leaves are worth every sacrifice.

Enjoy the time my friend it will be gone before you know it.

Wanger 04-06-2011 06:33 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1214113)
Today he practiced with the mite travel team.

I see a SIOUX jersey! :D

In some respects, I'd have loved it if my kids were interested in playing hockey, but with the cost, and the level of competetiveness here (mostly by the parents) in MN, I'm kind of glad they aren't. I was a hoops guy back when I was younger, but do kind of wish I had played hockey (I'd have been a goon, though).

Good luck to everyone and your kids in all their endeavors on and off the ice. You all seem like the right kind of hockey parents, from what I see here. :) Well, except you, Al. :p

Ahbroody 04-06-2011 11:02 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1227049)
Well Mike it's all over now. Just figure that all family vacations are hockey camps. Enjoy the car you have it's the last one for a long time. No more taking the wife out. Purchases like clothes are now done. And your headed for gas station cigars.

The time spent together and the memories it leaves are worth every sacrifice.

Enjoy the time my friend it will be gone before you know it.

Thanks Al. My wife made a comment about just the other day I was teaching him to skate. Funny at the start of the season she was against him playing at this level and wondered why I would want him to play travel. After that practice she was so proud of him and his skill already. I had to shush her in the parents area. She went from unsure to really wanting him to practice and eventually hopefully play with the Hawks because of the tempo and quality of the practice. Then she blurts out in the car we should start looking at RVs for instate travel while he's young. I had this wtf moment, she just went full hockey mom from pride. She's normally the grounded one. :r

As to the budget, yup I am already getting ready for the hell/joy of cash poor memory rich. We dont vacation really anyway and are homebodies so that shouldn't be a big deal. I am really glad there will be almost 6 years between our two sons. The cost would be near impossible if the little one takes after the older one.

Ooo and yeah its a Sioux Jersey. He also wears a St. Cloud Jersey as his black Jersey for practices. He's wearing it in the Sunday pics. Dad is a Sweater whore and he's always got cool ones.

ahc4353 04-06-2011 12:56 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The RV is not a bad idea. Wished I would have done it. Thought about it years ago and never thought it would pay off. I just never had a clue how far they would take it. How wrong I was! I have never put a sharp pencil to what all the travel has cost (rooms - food from restaurants) us over the years (I don't really want to know :). ) but it would have paid for one friggin nice RV!

E.J. 04-08-2011 12:46 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Walked into the shop to get a sharpen and walked out with new skates for the Little One today.... They usually have almost no yth sized skates, but they just had a shipment and had her size. We we're close to, if not into, the market guess it all worked out for the best....


Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1228062)
Then she blurts out in the car we should start looking at RVs for instate travel while he's young. I had this wtf moment, she just went full hockey mom from pride. She's normally the grounded one. :r

That's awesome....:tu

Ahbroody 04-08-2011 01:58 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
How can you post that and not say what you got?
Talk about a tease. Do yourself a favor and have them radiused and given a forward profile. Micah is so fast and has a great stride and I swear this was a contributing factor. Kids need it more then adults to help prevent bad habits.

I keep looking at these for Micah

But I know his Graf 370s fit him awesome, he loves the color scheme and fit and it's kind of cool being the only kid with those skates in the area. Add in the fact that they are the best built skate for youth I have ever touched and its tough not to stick with them. Was playing with the adult 370s the other day and they are pretty much the same damn thing.
With lime green laces :r his signature touch

E.J. 04-08-2011 03:29 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Yea, I didn't even mean to do that.... In fact, I was going to post a picture...

I assumed we would order these....

But ended up with the One 60's, which is what they had in stock, in her size. IMO they are meh... But the Little One wanted them and price wise, I figured that even if she grows out of them by the start of the season, we're good.

I didn't know they made the Crazy Lights in YTH. When I picked up the Little Man's G5's, there was a guy at the shop who was all over those, saying he thought they were the best skate out there(they were just hitting the shelf at the time, if I remember correctly).

E.J. 04-08-2011 03:34 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Oh...and just off the ice. Decided that we'd kill a little time at free skate.... A little exercise before I go fire up a cigar and make myself a drink!

Ahbroody 04-08-2011 05:14 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Wow well if she can wear Bauer stay away from the ccm U+. Even in kids sizes it is more like the old tacks. Wide, deep, low to no arch. High volume boot. Exact opposite of Bauer. Micah can't even get his foot into a Bauer usually and lacing them doesn't happen. Between the arch and shallower depth his foot cramps at the bottom and goes numb on the top from lace bite.

I would definitely recommend radius and profile Bauer's are very neutral. I can't wear them, but have skated in them a few times and felt like I was going to fall backwards.

Side note I thought my G35s in wide were comfortable until I tried on a pair of 709s. Ooooooo baby. Me and my hobit feet were in heaven. Definitely my next boot. Of course its their biggest boot and apparently it was a wide also. May want to have Jackson try them out. Felt like sneakers no joke. Definitely not the lightest boot, but all I do is help coach now so what do I care.

E.J. 04-08-2011 05:21 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1230820)
Wow well if she can wear Bauer stay away from the ccm U+. Even in kids sizes it is more like the old tacks. Wide, deep, low to no arch. High volume boot. Exact opposite of Bauer. Micah can't even get his foot into a Bauer usually and lacing them doesn't happen. Between the arch and shallower depth his foot cramps at the bottom and goes numb on the top from lace bite.

I would definitely recommend radius and profile Bauer's are very neutral. I can't wear them, but have skated in them a few times and felt like I was going to fall backwards.

Side note I thought my G35s in wide were comfortable until I tried on a pair of 709s. Ooooooo baby. Me and my hobit feet were in heaven. Definitely my next boot. Of course its their biggest boot and apparently it was a wide also. May want to have Jackson try them out. Felt like sneakers no joke. Definitely not the lightest boot, but all I do is help coach now so what do I care.

We always get his G5's wide sized and he seems to be good as gold....

Ab's was compaining about the side of the boot on her L foot when we got off the ice today, though I am hoping that a few more times on the ice will push that out a bit....

They both have my feet.... Which are unfortunatly VERY long and VERY WIDE. My old 12E 1052 Tacks still cramp the sides of my feet a bit...:r

E.J. 04-17-2011 06:11 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Last day of Start Smart III. I was off to dog day with friends, but wanted to watch them scrimmage. They kept doing drills, so I finally got up to leave(mom was staying), but as I was leaving the rink, they split up and started. It took about 8 seconds for her to take the face off, skate down and put the puck in the net..... That was enough for me, I was off to smoke a H.Up#2.....

ahc4353 04-17-2011 07:04 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Keep the pics of the little ones coming!! It's awesome to follow along as they grow!

Ahbroody 04-17-2011 07:05 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Nice EJ!
micah got one at the hawks practice he got tripped infront of the net hes on the ice when a kid shoots puck off the stick, up and in.
Tomorrow is his last minimite house game. Going to get a picture of him screening the goalie.

Eleven 04-18-2011 06:22 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Love those pictures! Reminds me of the good ol days.

My kid went to USA Hockey Mid-Am tryouts in Columbus this weekend, my boy is an average size '98 but my goodness they grow them big in other areas. Kids from Cleveland and Pittsburgh were there too. There were '98 boys as tall as me.

Ahbroody 04-19-2011 01:32 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
So proud of the little man. His team is down a goal with a minute left. He gets moved up so he can skate the last shift. Right before the change I tell him I need him to skate as fast as he can and get a goal. He and his buddy come of the bench like two kids possesed. His buddy gets a shot through to the net he crashes getting the his buddies rebound his first shot is blocked he gets his own rebound and beats the goalie. 20 seconds left. they get the tie. He was jacked up after the goal as was his buddy. Last game of the season.

From the other day

Earlier in the game tonight crashing the net like usual.

E.J. 04-19-2011 08:33 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Ahbroody 04-19-2011 10:15 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
So pissed my wife let me take her slr. I had the settings all wrong so almost all the pics came out bad. Had some good ones to. Stupid autofocus thingy. Apparently I hit a button and screwed it all up. Forgot to mention. Yesterday hes skating up ice and one of the older boys comes over and says something to him. He didnt like what was said and puts his shoulder into the kid and gives him a good shot knocking the kid of balance. Too much NHL network. :r

On sunday at the Hawks skate was talking to a dad who was an assistant coach for another mite travel team in the area called the blackstars. They were restarted last year and beat everyone in the area but the Hawks. We got to talking about Micah. The Stars have a development program like the Hawks sunday skate. Micah will be trying it out this Thursday. :wo.

Kind of lame, but the boy got his first award the other day voted on by the parents.
There were two awards given MVP and Most improved player. He was given MIP. I think it was lame. Basically the other boy got MVP because he scored more. The parents wanted Micah to get an award so they gave him MIP. The kid scored a hat trick in the first game so not to sure how he improved. It was cool he got recognized though.

Gophernut 04-19-2011 10:27 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Very cool to be recoginzed! Congrats to Micah!

E.J. 04-19-2011 10:29 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Nice hardwear!

Ahbroody 04-21-2011 11:03 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Pretty sure you are not supposed to wear out the blades before the kid out grows the skate.

Toe is getting to small and seems finding new holders will be near impossible. Didnt want to buy new boots yet as he still has a few months left in these and I am a stickler for skating in proper sized skates. Dont want to buy another pair for a few months. Given all the skating he is doing this summer got to do something.

He has a mite clinic skate with a different team tonight. Was told I have a few more sharpenings and its already an issue as is.
Got an email in to graf and Brunos Hockey Shop to see if they can source me a new pair of holders. If anyone has any ideas lmk.

J0eybb 04-21-2011 11:14 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
EJ, I showed my 4 year, about to be 5 old daughter, your pics in the other thread. I asked her what she wanted to do, and she said softball, because she was wearing pink. LoL....

E.J. 04-22-2011 07:37 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Holy smokes Mike, are you sharpening after every skate...:r


Originally Posted by J0eybb (Post 1241637)
EJ, I showed my 4 year, about to be 5 old daughter, your pics in the other thread. I asked her what she wanted to do, and she said softball, because she was wearing pink. LoL....


Eleven 04-22-2011 09:31 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1242382)
Holy smokes Mike, are you sharpening after every skate...:r

I was gonna ask that as well.

I can't see how skates for such a small kid could be ground down like that, except for over-sharpening. You would think he would outgrow the skates faster than he would need them sharpened :)

There is a kid on my son's team, who thinks his skates need sharpened after every time on the ice. They go through a couple sets of blades a season. On the other hand, my son got his skates last October, and he has only had them sharpened about 4 or 5 times, IIRC.

ahc4353 04-22-2011 10:08 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Hell Mike Grafs won't even be broken in by the time he out grows um! :D

Mitch wore Grafs for years. I tried to get him into a lighter skate for years but what did I know. Then one day he says, " I gotta get a lighter skate". Who would of thought. Anyway get him out of those boat anchors and into something that will let him really show you how fast he is.

Al used Bauer 4000 series for years. Light, comfy and wore like iron.

Just a thought by a semi-retired hockey dad.

Ahbroody 04-22-2011 10:28 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
No but he was skating about 4 times a week and has had them for approaching a year. I accidentally bought them a touch big. Not realizing how big the 370s run. He could probably move to a bigger skate, but He skated in them all summer league and this season he was often averaging four days a week and I was averaging once a week.

Someone commented that the kids steel is really soft. He just seems to trash them after 4-5 skates. Not to mention the ice was really bad at the pond place we were skating at sundays. I know a lot of parents were getting done a lot when we were skating at the pond. I dont know 4 skates a week many times on bad ice once a week for almost a year. Guess I will try to get him to go longer between sharpenings. This summer though he will be on the ice most weeks 4 -5 days a week.

He does think the new ccm u+ crazy lights are "the hotness " imagine they are lighter. The issue is he cant wear bauer or easton the boot cut is wrong. That leaves the Grafs whos fit he loves or the CCM which may or may not fit. The boots seem to vary some years. No body around here has a decent kids selection either. Everything is mail order. Maybe I will grab him the new U+ CL from total hockey and see how it goes.

His feet match his Skates Al. Little boat anchors. Would be neat to see if a lighter skate made him faster.

Ahbroody 04-22-2011 12:30 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Just to kind of explain. Micah has a wide, tall foot, with no arch.
Look at how shallow the bauer is. It also has an arch which he doesnt means it cramps the bottom and bites the top.

Easton has a little less arch and a little more depth but not enough. Also the holder on these is $hit it really is as tall as it looks in the pic. Like skating on stilts id imagine

Graf 370

I actually think the CCM U+CL would work but my wife is wondering why I want to mess with his skates after we finally found a skate that he has zero issues with.

He did thar Black Stars development practice last night. Burned some older kids with his boat anchors. I do wonder if lighter skates would make him noticeably faster. That would be interesting.

E.J. 04-22-2011 01:01 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
IMHO, I don't think that there would be enough noticeable difference in weight in a YTH/JR sized skate to ever make that part of the conversation. I could be wrong???

I'd also take fit over weight all day long.... Though that is not to say that the CCM's are not going to fit great...

I still want to see weights of the highest end skates.... Total One, APX, CL, G Series, EQ50's, 11k's a Mens 9/10ish... I really wonder about how much weight we are talking.... Like I said before, I can hold a TO and G5 in my hand and tell the TO is lighter....

Ahbroody 04-22-2011 01:30 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
E.J. i think Al was poking me a bit. I agree that comfort is generally more important then weight. Having been through the pain of finding the right skate I can say when the kids feet hurt they cant focus on skating.

E.J. 04-22-2011 01:45 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
No, I'm also not discounting the weight difference. I am generally interested to see how much less the others weigh. It is apparent in some, which would be neat to see what that noticeable difference is...and then what the difference in the less noticeable is as well...

If that makes sense...

Hell, I don't get to make the choices for the Little Man anymore, he makes the gear decisions now. I actually went with the Bauers for the Little One, though that was because it is what they had in stock and once she put them on....I had a hard time getting her to take them off.

Ahbroody 04-23-2011 03:14 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Last night I didnt have work for once. I took l Micah to the Cupertino rink where they have the U10 league. Usually practice on friday nights. No practice because of the holiday. There was a private lesson on half the rink. The guy who runs the mite travel team let the boy and a few other boys out on the other half of the sheet for a little puck and stick time.

The schedule for the next few months will be
Sunday Hawks skate 1.5 hrs
Tuesday Cougars skate 1.5 hrs
Thursday Black Stars skate 1.5 hrs

These are all development practice/scrim sessions organized by the clubs for kids hoping to make the club. We have decided to not have him tryout for tge Hawks or Stars and just do the Cougars. The othee clubs generally wont take younger kids and I dont think hes quiet ready. He will gwt a lot of ice with the cougars and will help him develop a lot

He wants to play games only on Saturdays in the house league, my wife wants this also because its his fun time for him. The Thursday practice is the furthest and likely the one we will skip occasionally if he wants a break. He has a mini mite / mite cross ice tourney next sunday. His headcoach stacked his team. I laughed its a 5-7 & 8-9 year old divisions. He set up his team with Micah and his teamate who both score a lot then two kids that play D well and a kid who plays goal well. The other team formed from our team is much weaker. I offered to put micah on the weak team but he said no. Dad has learned to keep his mouth shut at the rink this year so I let it go.

E.J. 04-25-2011 06:04 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Had our first private lesson for the Little Man today(his request).... It was interesting to see him work on his stride and edging. Crazy how bad he looked....:r

We went during the last hour of school and the rink was empty, the instructor and Jackson had it to themselves.

I was kind of worried, watching, that when he was done, he may think it was too much work and not be interesting in continuing. When they were finished, he stayed on the ice by himself for 15ish minutes and worked on a drill that he struggled with. As soon as he came off, he was asking when he was doing it again.

I talked with the instructor and we will get a regular schedule for a bit.... This is going to take a bite out of my cigar budget.....;)

Also, got the message, have our first Summer Season hockey meeting on Thursday... Back at it!!!!!

E.J. 04-28-2011 09:53 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
So went tonight to the first HS Hockey Summer league kid/parent meeting.... It is so fun being part of this, I couldn't get the smile off my face watching the kids getting excited to get back on the ice after leaving with a loss February 27th.

Truth be told, I'm pretty excited myself....

Also got the Little One signed up for a Summer skills session that covers weekly ice time in May & then another weekly clinic that covers the rest of the Summer(June, July and August).

I am not 100% sure why, but I think Summer hockey may be my favorite as a parent in the stands.... There is something special about going to the rink in shorts and flip flops, possibly with the boat hooked to the the truck in the parking lot, waiting to hit the road for a weekend at the lake.... It is the best of everything....

Ahbroody 04-29-2011 04:39 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Summer hockey is love/hate here. I love how good he is getting at transitions, edges and backwards skating. My wallet is crying and I hate it. His hands are getting a little better.

Well there are 3 mite travel teams in the area (40 mile radius) and he has now been offered a spot on two. :r Its funny the coach of the Stars had him out for a practice and was positive. Then he went to the Hawks skate and watched him in a scrim. The next day we got an email asking if we were going to have him tryout as he could make the Stars. I advised we really only wanted him to redshirt as while physically read we dont believe him to be mentally ready. Yesterday after the Stars practice the assistant coach who invited us out talked with me saying extremely nice things about micahs abilities and that he was able to play up. I explained that I just dont think hes ready mentally for that. As long as he gets to practice with a club or two I think he will benefit greatly this season.

I think most would agree. There are only 5 tournaments they play in, but why rush him this early.

Eleven 04-29-2011 05:01 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1249782)
Yesterday after the Stars practice the assistant coach who invited us out talked with me saying extremely nice things about micahs abilities and that he was able to play up. I explained that I just dont think hes ready mentally for that. As long as he gets to practice with a club or two I think he will benefit greatly this season.

I think most would agree. There are only 5 tournaments they play in, but why rush him this early.

We were told this as well, about the same age. Our son played up from that point on, until his first peewee year, so he actually played 3 years at squirt. The last of those was Squirt Travel.

We believe that he benefited mentally by being around slightly older players for 4 years, so for that reason I would recommend Micah playing up.

We ran into his coach from his first year of squirt, he asked how Cam was doing, how big he was getting etc etc. I told him and he then said 'Ah good to hear, I think the only thing holding him back was his size'...later that night I was trying to figure out why he said that. Although my kid isn't huge, he is very average for his age. Then I remembered at that time, this coach had 2nd year Squirts (96's), and my son was technically a 2nd year Mite (98) playing with them. Most were 2 full calendar years older.

At age 6 or 7, playing with 8 and 9 year olds does make a difference. Good or bad, you do mature a little faster, even if you don't physically grow faster.

Not to mention how they are physically pushed harder, they have to skate faster and be smart playing with older kids. We truly believe that playing up was the best thing we could for Cameron, and it's paying off.

His team is registering Tier 1 this next year, they have always played high level teams, but played Tier 2 the last 2 years. Now that they are moving to Bantam, the coach felt it was time and that all the players were ready to take the step to Tier 1.

Just my :2


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