![]() |
Re: Fight my Brute!
It isn't nice now is it.:r Darn you clog wearin' boys and your bears. |
Re: Fight my Brute!
Not sure if the website has anything to do with it, but my virus detector detected something called swif.c when I just tried to go to the brute page.
Re: Fight my Brute!
I'm thinkin the website was hacked, because I just tried a different brute page and got the same message.
Re: Fight my Brute!
SmokeyNL - http://mr-tits.mybrute.com/
GTsetGO - http://gtsetgo.mybrute.com SmokeyJoe - http://smokeyjoe.mybrute.com gonesledn - http://gonesledn.mybrute.com Chippewastud - http://chippewastud.mybrute.com Hardcz - http://mesothelese.mybrute.com/ Volt - http://tatuaje.mybrute.com/ Tobii3 - http://cremosa-kid.mybrute.com Misha - http://mishamac.mybrute.com/ lostark374 - http://lancero1.mybrute.com wayner123 - http://gingerbread.mybrute.com/ Conch Republican - http://conch-republican.mybrute.com Wanger - http://cawanger.mybrute.com Stefan - http://ste87.mybrute.com Don Fernando - http://don-fernando.mybrute.com Bam Bam - http://bam-bam1723.mybrute.com Tabb - http://tabb.mybrute.com Dball - http://dball.mybrute.com kaisersozei - http://the-kaiser.mybrute.com Dooge - http://dooge.mybrute.com Ade06 - http://tatblack.mybrute.com Sergeant Smoky - http://sgt-smoky.mybrute.com Godofgravity - http://godofgravity.mybrute.com Perogee - http://perogee.mybrute.com AD720 - http://ad720.mybrute.com/ Livwire68 - http://livwire.mybrute.com HawkEye19 - http://hawkeye19.mybrute.com Silver Fox - http://silverfoxca.mybrute.com bonjing - http://bonjing.mybrute.com Savor the Stick - http://savor-the-stick.mybrute.com shvictor - http://shvictor.mybrute.com Smoke Naked - http://smoke-naked.mybrute.com SmokeyNL - http://smokeynl.mybrute.com renton20 - http://illusione.mybrute.com/cellule illinoishoosier - http://illinoishoosier.mybrute.com ggainey- http://greggainey.mybrute.com Waynegro1- http://waynegro1.mybrute.com jquirit - http://jquirit.mybrute.com DMK - http://dmk61.mybrute.com spooble - http://spooble.mybrute.com tech-ninja - http://techninja.mybrute.com foomanto - http://foomanto.mybrute.com AllOGistcs - http://allogistics.mybrute.com Bear - http://smokin-bear.mybrute.com Mikhail - http://mikhail47.mybrute.com Tw3nty - http://tw3nty.mybrute.com Darb85 - http://darb85.mybrute.com adampc22 http://arseface1234.mybrute.com DPD6030 http://dpd6030.mybrute.com Chompers - http://pimp3leet.mybrute.com WhoDeySchenk - http://schenk.mybrute.com Frisky Dingo - http://frisky1.mybrute.com Fissure - http://fissure30.mybrute.com ir1337 - http://ir1337.mybrute.com/ LookAtBigErn82 - http://lookatbigern.mybrute.com JimmyPeaches - http://jimmypeaches.mybrute.com -MG- - http://themg.mybrute.com Ashcan Bill - http://ashcan-bill.mybrute.com Jonharky - http://jonharky.mybrute.com bluegill - http://blugill.mybrute.com Joan - http://onlyjoan.mybrute.com TheRealBonger - http://therealbonger.mybrute.com Smokin Gator - http://smokingator.mybrute.com |
Re: Fight my Brute!
SmokeyNL - http://mr-tits.mybrute.com/
GTsetGO - http://gtsetgo.mybrute.com SmokeyJoe - http://smokeyjoe.mybrute.com gonesledn - http://gonesledn.mybrute.com Chippewastud - http://chippewastud.mybrute.com Hardcz - http://mesothelese.mybrute.com/ Volt - http://tatuaje.mybrute.com/ Tobii3 - http://cremosa-kid.mybrute.com Misha - http://mishamac.mybrute.com/ lostark374 - http://lancero1.mybrute.com wayner123 - http://gingerbread.mybrute.com/ Conch Republican - http://conch-republican.mybrute.com Wanger - http://cawanger.mybrute.com Stefan - http://ste87.mybrute.com Don Fernando - http://don-fernando.mybrute.com Bam Bam - http://bam-bam1723.mybrute.com Tabb - http://tabb.mybrute.com Dball - http://dball.mybrute.com kaisersozei - http://the-kaiser.mybrute.com Dooge - http://dooge.mybrute.com Ade06 - http://tatblack.mybrute.com Sergeant Smoky - http://sgt-smoky.mybrute.com Godofgravity - http://godofgravity.mybrute.com Perogee - http://perogee.mybrute.com AD720 - http://ad720.mybrute.com/ Livwire68 - http://livwire.mybrute.com HawkEye19 - http://hawkeye19.mybrute.com Silver Fox - http://silverfoxca.mybrute.com bonjing - http://bonjing.mybrute.com Savor the Stick - http://savor-the-stick.mybrute.com shvictor - http://shvictor.mybrute.com Smoke Naked - http://smoke-naked.mybrute.com SmokeyNL - http://smokeynl.mybrute.com renton20 - http://illusione.mybrute.com/cellule illinoishoosier - http://illinoishoosier.mybrute.com ggainey- http://greggainey.mybrute.com Waynegro1- http://waynegro1.mybrute.com jquirit - http://jquirit.mybrute.com DMK - http://dmk61.mybrute.com spooble - http://spooble.mybrute.com tech-ninja - http://techninja.mybrute.com foomanto - http://foomanto.mybrute.com AllOGistcs - http://allogistics.mybrute.com Bear - http://smokin-bear.mybrute.com Mikhail - http://mikhail47.mybrute.com Tw3nty - http://tw3nty.mybrute.com Darb85 - http://darb85.mybrute.com adampc22 http://arseface1234.mybrute.com DPD6030 http://dpd6030.mybrute.com Chompers - http://pimp3leet.mybrute.com WhoDeySchenk - http://schenk.mybrute.com Frisky Dingo - http://frisky1.mybrute.com Fissure - http://fissure30.mybrute.com ir1337 - http://ir1337.mybrute.com/ LookAtBigErn82 - http://lookatbigern.mybrute.com JimmyPeaches - http://jimmypeaches.mybrute.com -MG- - http://themg.mybrute.com Ashcan Bill - http://ashcan-bill.mybrute.com Jonharky - http://jonharky.mybrute.com bluegill - http://blugill.mybrute.com Joan - http://onlyjoan.mybrute.com TheRealBonger - http://therealbonger.mybrute.com Smokin Gator - http://smokingator.mybrute.com DPD6030 - http://asylumbiatch.mybrute.com |
Re: Fight my Brute!
Because I'm anal, I had to alphabetize this thing. Should make it easier to find people to pick on:
AD720 - http://ad720.mybrute.com/ adampc22 - http://arseface1234.mybrute.com Ade06 - http://tatblack.mybrute.com AllOGistcs - http://allogistics.mybrute.com Ashcan Bill - http://ashcan-bill.mybrute.com Bam Bam - http://bam-bam1723.mybrute.com Bear - http://smokin-bear.mybrute.com bluegill - http://blugill.mybrute.com bonjing - http://bonjing.mybrute.com Chippewastud - http://chippewastud.mybrute.com Chompers - http://pimp3leet.mybrute.com Conch Republican - http://conch-republican.mybrute.com Darb85 - http://darb85.mybrute.com Dball - http://dball.mybrute.com DMK - http://dmk61.mybrute.com Don Fernando - http://don-fernando.mybrute.com Dooge - http://dooge.mybrute.com DPD6030 - http://asylumbiatch.mybrute.com DPD6030 - http://dpd6030.mybrute.com Fissure - http://fissure30.mybrute.com foomanto - http://foomanto.mybrute.com Frisky Dingo - http://frisky1.mybrute.com ggainey- http://greggainey.mybrute.com Godofgravity - http://godofgravity.mybrute.com gonesledn - http://gonesledn.mybrute.com GTsetGO - http://gtsetgo.mybrute.com Hardcz - http://mesothelese.mybrute.com/ HawkEye19 - http://hawkeye19.mybrute.com illinoishoosier - http://illinoishoosier.mybrute.com ir1337 - http://ir1337.mybrute.com/ JimmyPeaches - http://jimmypeaches.mybrute.com Joan - http://onlyjoan.mybrute.com Jonharky - http://jonharky.mybrute.com jquirit - http://jquirit.mybrute.com kaisersozei - http://the-kaiser.mybrute.com Livwire68 - http://livwire.mybrute.com LookAtBigErn82 - http://lookatbigern.mybrute.com lostark374 - http://lancero1.mybrute.com -MG- - http://themg.mybrute.com Mikhail - http://mikhail47.mybrute.com Misha - http://mishamac.mybrute.com/ Perogee - http://perogee.mybrute.com renton20 - http://illusione.mybrute.com/cellule Savor the Stick - http://savor-the-stick.mybrute.com Sergeant Smoky - http://sgt-smoky.mybrute.com shvictor - http://shvictor.mybrute.com Silver Fox - http://silverfoxca.mybrute.com Smoke Naked - http://smoke-naked.mybrute.com SmokeyJoe - http://smokeyjoe.mybrute.com SmokeyNL - http://mr-tits.mybrute.com/ SmokeyNL - http://smokeynl.mybrute.com Smokin Gator - http://smokingator.mybrute.com spooble - http://spooble.mybrute.com Stefan - http://ste87.mybrute.com Tabb - http://tabb.mybrute.com tech-ninja - http://techninja.mybrute.com TheRealBonger - http://therealbonger.mybrute.com Tobii3 - http://cremosa-kid.mybrute.com Tw3nty - http://tw3nty.mybrute.com Volt - http://tatuaje.mybrute.com/ Wanger - http://cawanger.mybrute.com Waynegro1- http://waynegro1.mybrute.com wayner123 - http://gingerbread.mybrute.com/ WhoDeySchenk - http://schenk.mybrute.com |
Re: Fight my Brute!
Thank you, it does make it easier.
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
Finally had a day where I didn't get ran through. I had 19 victories for about 3 days.
Still lost the first one on a flawless victory. Two dogs are beasts, you have to kill them first and it is ridiculous. :bh |
Re: Fight my Brute!
dam throwing stars are a mudder fudder! technija tore me up wit them.
not a bad day other than that... Your Brute has crushed MishaMac. 2 experience points gained. Your Brute has crushed ste87. 2 experience points gained. techninja has flattened your Brute. 1 experience point gained.. |
Re: Fight my Brute!
i see ste87 is level 10.... time to start a clan?
Re: Fight my Brute!
I hit level 4 and got Cry of the Damned. It is supposed to get rid of opponents pets however does it automatically activate like the knife or do you have to make your brute use it?
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
Smokingator just kicked my arse! Freakin level 4 or 5 I am vs. a level 1, talk about a beating. :(
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
Today, my dude threw his club after using it once and missing... WTF?
My brute is mentally deficient at times... |
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
LOL! |
Re: Fight my Brute!
Technical maintenance
In order to keep receiving new Brutes in the best conditions, we have temporarily closed The Brute to carry out some technical improvements. The site will be available again within a few minutes. Why don't you try our other games?: :tt:tt:tt |
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
Here is my other brute http://landaho.mybrute.com.. Bring it suckers
Re: Fight my Brute!
level 9, close to making a clan
Re: Fight my Brute!
ste87 is lvl 10 allready, he could make one :tu
Re: Fight my Brute!
but I haven't seen him since the original post. Don't think he is reading.
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
I just attempted to log-on for some lunchtime ass whoopin' (actually, to get my ass whooped) and Symantec Auto-Protect popped up and started taking action against 6 instances of Downloader.Swif.C from the site. http://securityresponse.symantec.com...052714-3021-99 It cleaned & quarantined the file, which doesn't sound like it's very malicious, but I doubt I'll be doing any fighting from work again just to be safe. Just thought I'd pass that along. |
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
Sounds like a hack, gonna stay away for awhile, find some other game to keep my brain in a vegetative state.
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
I had to fight a guy who had a yeti, what the heck is that? I think I hold the record for the most losses where I didn't even score one blow :bh
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
AD720 - http://ad720.mybrute.com/
adampc22 - http://arseface1234.mybrute.com Ade06 - http://tatblack.mybrute.com AllOGistcs - http://allogistics.mybrute.com Ashcan Bill - http://ashcan-bill.mybrute.com Bam Bam - http://bam-bam1723.mybrute.com Bear - http://smokin-bear.mybrute.com bluegill - http://blugill.mybrute.com bonjing - http://bonjing.mybrute.com Chippewastud - http://chippewastud.mybrute.com Chompers - http://pimp3leet.mybrute.com Conch Republican - http://conch-republican.mybrute.com Darb85 - http://darb85.mybrute.com Dball - http://dball.mybrute.com DMK - http://dmk61.mybrute.com Don Fernando - http://don-fernando.mybrute.com Dooge - http://dooge.mybrute.com DPD6030 - http://asylumbiatch.mybrute.com DPD6030 - http://dpd6030.mybrute.com Fissure - http://fissure30.mybrute.com foomanto - http://foomanto.mybrute.com Frisky Dingo - http://frisky1.mybrute.com ggainey- http://greggainey.mybrute.com Godofgravity - http://godofgravity.mybrute.com gonesledn - http://gonesledn.mybrute.com GTsetGO - http://gtsetgo.mybrute.com Hardcz - http://mesothelese.mybrute.com/ HawkEye19 - http://hawkeye19.mybrute.com illinoishoosier - http://illinoishoosier.mybrute.com ir1337 - http://ir1337.mybrute.com/ JimmyPeaches - http://jimmypeaches.mybrute.com Joan - http://onlyjoan.mybrute.com Jonharky - http://jonharky.mybrute.com jledou - http://jledou.mybrute.com jquirit - http://jquirit.mybrute.com kaisersozei - http://the-kaiser.mybrute.com Livwire68 - http://livwire.mybrute.com LookAtBigErn82 - http://lookatbigern.mybrute.com Loosecard - http://loosecard.mybrute.com Loosecard- http://the-herfer.mybrute.com lostark374 - http://lancero1.mybrute.com -MG- - http://themg.mybrute.com Mikhail - http://mikhail47.mybrute.com Misha - http://mishamac.mybrute.com/ Perogee - http://perogee.mybrute.com renton20 - http://illusione.mybrute.com/cellule Rx2010 - http://rx2010.mybrute.com Savor the Stick - http://savor-the-stick.mybrute.com Sergeant Smoky - http://sgt-smoky.mybrute.com shvictor - http://shvictor.mybrute.com Silver Fox - http://silverfoxca.mybrute.com Smoke Naked - http://smoke-naked.mybrute.com SmokeyJoe - http://smokeyjoe.mybrute.com SmokeyNL - http://mr-tits.mybrute.com/ SmokeyNL - http://smokeynl.mybrute.com Smokin Gator - http://smokingator.mybrute.com spooble - http://spooble.mybrute.com Stefan - http://ste87.mybrute.com Tabb - http://tabb.mybrute.com tech-ninja - http://techninja.mybrute.com TheRealBonger - http://therealbonger.mybrute.com Tobii3 - http://cremosa-kid.mybrute.com Tw3nty - http://tw3nty.mybrute.com Volt - http://tatuaje.mybrute.com/ Wanger - http://cawanger.mybrute.com Waynegro1- http://waynegro1.mybrute.com wayner123 - http://gingerbread.mybrute.com/ WhoDeySchenk - http://schenk.mybrute.com |
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
I had a bear/yeti thing hit me once too.....that's almost all it took....
Re: Fight my Brute!
almost at level 10, but no more fights today. I need one or two inmates to become my pupil today, so I can make a clan.
Re: Fight my Brute!
Here is my new guy. He is your pupil Don. |
Re: Fight my Brute!
I noticed him, thnx Tabb. Think I need one or two more unique pupils (unique = from an ip addy that has not been used before to make a new pupil brute for me)
Re: Fight my Brute!
Watchout Livwire has a whip.
I just fought someone else that had a dog and a bear. Not even close. |
Re: Fight my Brute!
Shaggy, thank you, you're brute put me at level 10 :wo
I made a clan called Cigar Asylum, click here to join. |
Re: Fight my Brute!
haha, your a sword swallower
Re: Fight my Brute!
yes, that's what you become once your reached the 8th finals of a tournament.
Re: Fight my Brute!
If I were you I wouldn't want my wimpy arse Brute in your clan, but I requested membership anyway. You can make me sleep outside the tents if you want!
Re: Fight my Brute!
Just joined
Re: Fight my Brute!
Re: Fight my Brute!
Thanks for the accept, please don't kick me out. I meant haha, your a sword swallower in a good way.:r
Re: Fight my Brute!
I am pending now.
Re: Fight my Brute!
no you're not :)
there are a lot of strange and unfamiliar names that want to become a member, those are the first to be expelled when we reach the 50 members and a familiar name wants to become a clan member |
Re: Fight my Brute!
one of those "open the flood gates" things I presume
Re: Fight my Brute!
Or they are the adoring fans who have been following your meteoric rise to Brute Stardom. |
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