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kugie 12-20-2010 02:42 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1100865)
It's not quitting that is hard, it's never coming back to it. You can put them down for a good bit and say you quit. But how long is it going to last? A few months, year...maybe a few years.

If you have that attitude why bother quitting.

Before this I quit many times before. Once it was for a year and a half.
It sucked when I went back to it.
But with this time it was different, I didn't feel the need to have one when I put them down. That feeling of when was I going to have my next one was not as strong. And I was able to put it behind me.
There are times when I do want one and I don't think that feeling will ever go away but it doesn't stay around like it used to.

Stick with it.

htown 12-20-2010 03:07 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1100865)
It's not quitting that is hard, it's never coming back to it. You can put them down for a good bit and say you quit. But how long is it going to last? A few months, year...maybe a few years.

Are you speaking from personal experience or just being negative for the hell of it? And the answer is hopefully I will quit for good this time.

Bill86 12-20-2010 03:10 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Damn guys, not being negative it was more towards derricks comment of it being easy. I just meant it is easy to quickly drop them. I was just saying it's much harder to STAY AWAY from them over a long period. Most people go back it's hard to quit.

I seriously think you guys misunderstood me.

htown 12-20-2010 03:16 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Maybe I'm just pissy because I just quit.-(P

htown 12-30-2010 09:34 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Three weeks now. I did want to smoke last night though.

kugie 12-30-2010 09:40 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by htown (Post 1112469)
Three weeks now. I did want to smoke last night though.

Three weeks, That's Awesome.

Even after a year every once in a while i will want one. But that feeling leaves much quicker as time goes on.

Stick with it.

babybob2k 12-30-2010 10:12 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Don't know why I didn't see this post before, but I'm going to throw in my :2

Warning -this is long, there's no TLDR version, and it may sound like I'm getting a little preachy at times. ;s

First, congrats to all who have successfully put them down, and good luck to those that are trying.

I'm commenting on this because of the recent posts about it being hard or easy to quit. Not saying either way, I just wanted to share my story, and maybe give a word of encouragement.

At 8pm on 5/18/10 I smoked the last cigarette I will ever smoke. I did this with the help of a book called "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" by Allan Carr. A year ago, I would have flat out called someone a liar if they told me that reading a book would help me quit. Now, I recommend this to anyone that I hear wants to quit, just as it was recommended to me. I have no affiliation other than I read it and it works.

It helps you look at the addiction as more of a brainwashing cycle than an actual addiction, and gives you tools so that you can fight off cravings, negative emotions associated with quitting, and social pressure. It really does make you feel happy about stopping, rather than feel like you're being deprived of something.

It's less than $15, so if you stay off for just a couple days it pays for itself.

Ok, enough of the sales pitch on that, and on to the part that was the "nail in the coffin" for me.

You always think of cigarettes in 1's. "I'm going to smoke *A* cigarette." "I'm going to buy *A* pack", or "*A* carton". I got one of those smoking calculators that tells you how long it's been and how much money you've saved and stuff like that. That's fine, but this particular one shows you how many you've NOT smoked since you quit.

When it rolled over 1000 so quickly I was a little shocked. 1000 cigarettes. That's alot. When it rolled over 5000, just WOW. That's around half a year, and I've done this for 20 years. I was a little disgusted at myself.

It still runs in the upper corner of my computer desktop so I can see it every day.

Again, congrats to yall that have successfully put them down, and more power to the ones trying. It's the best decision any cigarette smoker can ever make. Don't give up, and DEFINITELY don't think you're being deprived or punished. You've just given yourself a second chance! Celebrate that!

floydpink 01-01-2011 11:44 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Lost count on my attempts to quit, but am getting better each time.

New Years Day seems to be a good day as I am goal oriented by nature.

Had it kicked for 7 months last year before slipping back.

This time I have a work paid for program including a coach as well as a 5 year old daughter really pushing me so I believe I am now an ex cigarretee smoker.

Found this cool calculator to show how pathetic my habit has been.

htown 01-07-2011 05:45 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Still no death sticks!

jesseboston81 01-07-2011 05:47 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Congrats--almost a month! :tu

kugie 01-07-2011 06:42 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by htown (Post 1122696)
Still no death sticks!

That's awesome. Stick with it.

kugie 01-07-2011 06:43 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 1114829)
Lost count on my attempts to quit, but am getting better each time.

New Years Day seems to be a good day as I am goal oriented by nature.

Had it kicked for 7 months last year before slipping back.

This time I have a work paid for program including a coach as well as a 5 year old daughter really pushing me so I believe I am now an ex cigarretee smoker.

Found this cool calculator to show how pathetic my habit has been.

How's it going.
You haven't killed the coach yet have you?

htown 01-11-2011 09:39 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Still going strong!

Kreth 01-11-2011 04:19 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Bunch of friggin' quitters... :rolleyes:
Posted via Mobile Device

justonemorestick 01-11-2011 04:57 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Doing a little thread necrophilia are we Jeff?

Been about 4 years now been good.

Kreth 01-11-2011 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by justonemorestick (Post 1128774)
Doing a little thread necrophilia are we Jeff?

Been about 4 years now been good.

Ha ha! Actually, this thread has seen some life recently. Just trying to encourage the guys who are where I was a year ago. :tu
Posted via Mobile Device

68TriShield 01-11-2011 06:43 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by htown (Post 1128189)
Still going strong!

Great job Mike,keep it up!

floydpink 01-11-2011 06:48 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Proud to report I haven't had one cigarette in 2011.

This is after 30 years of smoking them.

floydpink 01-11-2011 06:50 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1122730)
How's it going.
You haven't killed the coach yet have you?

Doing well.

The coach was supposed to call on my target quit date, 1-1-11, but never did.

At least he followed through with the free nicotine gum and sent enough for a small army.

He sounded like he was young and reading from a script anyway.

floydpink 01-21-2011 10:05 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
21 days without a cig! Been smoking a few minutos a day to take the edge off.

Haven't even touched the free nicotine gum my quit coach sent.

Speaking of quit coach, I asked him to not call me anymore as he was supposed to call on my quit day, which was January1, but didn't get back until the 14th, after the tough part was over.

In my heart, I believe I have smoked my last cigarette.

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