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Virginia_Ghost 07-14-2010 09:05 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
Holy Crap! Been on this forum for weeks, and Just now found this thread! Cigars are new to me but bikes, My first love. <me rushes over to the hard drive to upload a few pics...>

Virginia_Ghost 07-14-2010 09:50 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

After a string of three Harleys (which look about like any other Harley) I got these two in the garage now...

That plus a 2003 1500 Intruder.

weak_link 07-14-2010 11:16 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
Took a ride on my supermoto this weekend and was a very naughty boy. There is an old wagon trail in the hills by my house and was paved over years ago and ignored for the most part. The road is super tight, rutted, loose gravel, rolling pavement that turns into jumps if you goose it at the right moment and no cars save for the occasional f250 playing 'hogs of the road' and trying to kill you. Pretty much horrible on anything other than a dual sport or supermoto. Anyway, I swear it's the best therapy known to man just getting out and misbehaving a little once in a while. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a maniac 90% of the time I ride but that 10% really keeps me sane.

Welcome to San Francisco: nsfw due to f-bomb

ridenlive 07-15-2010 12:06 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
Never really had interest in two wheels dont know why because all the post i've seen so far are some very wonderful looking machines. I have this banshee here i have had for 6 years now. I have just about done everything to it that i want done to it. I have bored out the cylinders,ported and polish as well. A different air intake with bored out carbs. I also have in frame drag pipes. I have the domes for running alcohol but choose not to because this is the second motor that i've been thru so i've chosen to just run aviation fuel which is a much nicer burning fuel then pump. All in all i have a blast everytime i go out and ride a few dunes i shouldn't have but hey thats the fun part of battle wounds and the stories.

HK3- 07-15-2010 05:36 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 916822)
Took a ride on my supermoto this weekend and was a very naughty boy. There is an old wagon trail in the hills by my house and was paved over years ago and ignored for the most part. The road is super tight, rutted, loose gravel, rolling pavement that turns into jumps if you goose it at the right moment and no cars save for the occasional f250 playing 'hogs of the road' and trying to kill you. Pretty much horrible on anything other than a dual sport or supermoto. Anyway, I swear it's the best therapy known to man just getting out and misbehaving a little once in a while. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a maniac 90% of the time I ride but that 10% really keeps me sane.

Welcome to San Francisco: nsfw due to f-bomb

:banger I know what you mean. I can act up on the Duke a little but not like on the KTM. Sold the supermoto less than two months ago and I still miss it everytime I go riding. Something about a dirtbike feel on the road just makes you want to twist the throttle and act like a fool. Not having a speedometer though was a little rough at times... especially going through speed traps.

Volt 07-15-2010 07:13 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 914824)
No kidding! A couple weeks back I almost had a cop run me over. When I flashed my brights at him (so he would see me) he gave me a dirty look? Bastage.

Rules don't apply to them.....

Sauer Grapes 07-18-2010 06:04 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 889215)
After 10 years of riding with no incidents, it all ended.


End of the story, much confusion, police, ambulances, back boad, neck brace, clothes being cut off, iv. drips, x rays, yada yada yada. I'm banged up, my shoulder and left thumb are screwed up, but they've sent me home and it could have been so much worse.

Guys, even if you don't have to wear it, wear your gear.

Hope you are doing ok res ipsa. I guess you wouldn't really have to prove negligence on that one, huh?

Resipsa 07-20-2010 06:02 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes (Post 920486)
Hope you are doing ok res ipsa. I guess you wouldn't really have to prove negligence on that one, huh?

Thanks for the good thoughts. Trying to heal up.

newcigarz 07-20-2010 07:02 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
I need to hit the powerball.


weak_link 07-20-2010 07:42 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
If you are gunna dream might as well go big and go for the 40k 1098R with tc. :D

newcigarz 07-20-2010 07:47 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 922667)
If you are gunna dream might as well go big and go for the 40k 1098R with tc. :D

I like black and the 848evo is enough for me. :)

72 lbs/ft of torque
steering damper
monobloc brakes
370lbs dry!

weak_link 07-20-2010 07:50 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by newcigarz (Post 922676)
I like black and the 848evo is enough for me. :)

True, they are a fantastic bikes. I just like the idea of factory tc.

Those specs are crazy. My old ass 996s with everything carbon fiber or magnesium only makes 112 rear wheel hp with a chip & pipe and is a big fat pig compared to that thing. :r :r

kgraybill 07-20-2010 07:55 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
1994HD FXR

Headed for Blood Mtn.

HK3- 07-21-2010 06:28 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 922680)
True, they are a fantastic bikes. I just like the idea of factory tc.

Those specs are crazy. My old ass 996s with everything carbon fiber or magnesium only makes 112 rear wheel hp with a chip & pipe and is a big fat pig compared to that thing. :r :r

The more I read about the 1198 S, the more I want it. Interesting to read the opinions of US magazines vs. UK. I have this feeling that Britain dislikes the Italians. :D

HK3- 07-21-2010 06:30 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by newcigarz (Post 922632)

That bike is dope. I wish they made this color option for all models. :tu

Resipsa 07-22-2010 07:24 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
my new ride:

weak_link 07-22-2010 10:12 PM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 922946)
That bike is dope. I wish they made this color option for all models. :tu

Someone on my local forum said it looked cheap because the windshield bolt heads were not blacked out. :facepalm

HK3- 07-23-2010 07:05 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 925260)
Someone on my local forum said it looked cheap because the windshield bolt heads were not blacked out. :facepalm

:lv Some people. :)

newcigarz 07-23-2010 07:51 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 925260)
Someone on my local forum said it looked cheap because the windshield bolt heads were not blacked out. :facepalm


weak_link 07-23-2010 11:03 AM

Re: Motorcycle Thread..
I should have also mentioned that some of the same people on said local forum bash any and all things Ducati so I guess it wasn't really a surprise.
According to them, all Ducati owners purchase them for posing at Starbucks and that's about it.

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