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taltos 01-21-2011 05:36 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by cigarflip (Post 1141980)
I have one that I've been using for 18 months. Absolutely love it and you can adjust the font size depending on how bad your vision is. It reads .pdf materials, does audio books and looks like a regular book especially with the grayscale and lighting that makes it look like you're reading a book. If you don't turn the wifi on, battery really lasts.

Then I started seeing the IPADs and other ebook readers like Nook Color. I decided to give my kindle to a relative when I was in Manila. I bought a Nook and although it's colored and tochscreen with internet access, I miss the kindle.

My wife gave me a Nook Color as an early Christmas present when I was in the rehab hospital. I have never had a Kindle but I love the Nook. The only problem that I have is that the software for anything but reading is very touchy and buggy but as a book replacement it is excellent.

pnoon 03-08-2011 11:00 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1141971)
Yes I did, Scott. Got one for Xmas 2009.
13 months with it and I love it. I use it daily.

One comes to mind right off the bat. When searching for Kindle books from Amazon, skip using their search engine. is so much better.
About a month ago, I downloaded the Kindle app for my laptop. I prefer using the Kindle itself but the laptop app can come in handy.
There is also an online forum ( which I registered for but haven't really used.
I really haven't explored much beyond the books thru Amazon. I know there are other sources for books but I have found so much classic literature (free!) that along with a few purchases I have more to read than I know what to do with.

I've learned a lot in the last few weeks. Found other search engines and a couple of sites that have a lot of books (many are free).
But the real sweet "tip" is the hack for the screensavers. Now I can look at pictures of family and friends instead of Virginia Woolf and other dead authors.
I will post details soon.

VTDragon 03-23-2011 08:47 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I did a lot of research and was intrigued by the Notion Ink Adam, but have cooled on it because of software, shipping and quality issues that have been reported.
My big hangup with the Kindle has been the propriatory format that they use for their books, I prefer a more open approach. Yesterday I got an e-mail notification for a refurbished original Nook for $89.99 from and pulled the trigger. Figured I couldn't go wrong at that price and I already had a Nook account that I have used to download books onto my Android phone. Looking forward to less trips to the library.

markem 03-23-2011 09:04 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1199359)
I will post details soon.


pnoon 03-23-2011 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by markem (Post 1214487)

So this undoubtedly slipped thru the cracks. I will post details later today/tonight.

And Mark . . .

Posted via Mobile Device

pnoon 03-23-2011 07:57 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
Here are the two links to create your own Kindle screen savers.
You will need two zip files from the attachment in the first post
1) is to install the jailbreak
2) is to install the screen saver hack.

This link has detailed instructions on how to make it happen.

pnoon 03-23-2011 08:09 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
Here is some great resources that were given to me by Ron (RGD.)

I have registered for and am using Smashwords. :tu
I have not yet looked into the others.

First up is a web site called Smashwords that has a short and painless registration that you will want to do. They have a ton of free books with new ones added almost daily in addition to ones to pay for. They have best sellers and original author books as I call them. Now the good thing about Smashwords is that you can download them to your computer and then transfer to Kindle. So if you are so inclined - you could give a copy to someone else, especially the free ones. The site is on the honor system in that they ask if you plan on giving a copy to others (paid for books) that you pay for the extra copy.

Next up is Ereader News Today. What works best for me is this: sign up on the EreaderNewsToday Facebook page. Click on the "Like" button. Now each day, sometimes three or four times, they will post in the feed about free books and/or really cheap books. At times you can get $10 to $25 books for under $2 to about 89 cents. They also post links on their website.
Now these books are either linked to Amazon which will download as usual to your Kindle. Or - there are links to the Smashwords site listed above - hence the reason to sign up there. There will be a code on the Ereader site with the link. Use that code to make the books free. Just click and follow, add to cart, insert the code, click update, and then check out. Follow the link, select Mobi and download.

Good for about 20 to 25 free books each week.

ManyBooks. This site has about 29,000 books - and they are all free. Nothing to sign up for. These books are cached actually on Amazon's S3 service. Short version is that sometimes you may request a book that takes a while to download - because it is being encoded - but will be really quick for everyone else. One cool thing on this site is that they have an RSS feed.

And lastly- They have a store, public domain and original books that are free. Honestly I have been there, looked around, bookmarked it but with the above sites and my newsgroup feeds - I will be saving it for when I get the time. Good looking site though.

MacsWife 03-23-2011 08:25 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
i own a Kindle loved it as first..but only for day reading. No Back lighting for reading at night. i did not care for the light attachment thing.. my husband and i bought like 10 of them.

I have an Ipad now. i read mostly from that day or nigt. I am not restricted where i get my books from with the apps available.. plus extras, games, email and so much more.

blugill 03-23-2011 08:37 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I got my wife a Kindle 3 and she loved it so much that I got one for my mom and myself. I find I read much faster on my kindle than I do on a normal book. In fact the first ten days I read three novels.

I use the iPhone app a lot at work so I don't have to tote my Kindle to work and sync the last page so I can pick it up again at home. It's a great device!

I love the zombie fiction genre and there's quite a lot of zombie fic stories available for 2.99 or less:)

pnoon 03-23-2011 10:32 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by MacsWife (Post 1215229)
i own a Kindle loved it as first..but only for day reading. No Back lighting for reading at night. i did not care for the light attachment thing.. my husband and i bought like 10 of them.

I have an Ipad now. i read mostly from that day or nigt. I am not restricted where i get my books from with the apps available.. plus extras, games, email and so much more.

Kellie - Many people find the lack of it being backlit as a problem or fault. But the whole purpose of the e-ink technology is to be less of a strain on the eyes than a laptop/iPad/computer. Also, it is no different than reading a regular book at night. One needs light to read.
Also, I find the e-ink much easier to read outdoors during the day than a backlit computer screen.

My :2 and worth as much.

Ratters 03-23-2011 11:38 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
If you woulda gone with the nook you coulda hacked it into a full android tablet. :tu

pnoon 03-24-2011 06:39 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by Ratters (Post 1215361)
If you woulda gone with the nook you coulda hacked it into a full android tablet. :tu

What if all I want is an eReader?
Besides, the Nook Color was not around when I bought my Kindle in December of 2009.

I'm not saying it is not a good thing, Steve. I'm perfectly happy with the Kindle.

Matt-N-Ga 03-24-2011 07:10 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1215472)
What if all I want is an eReader?
Besides, the Nook Color was not around when I bought my Kindle in December of 2009.

I'm not saying it is not a good thing, Steve. I'm perfectly happy with the Kindle.

I'm with you, I love my Kindle and don't want it to do anything but give me great books to read. I appreciate the links you posted, I just got mine this past Christmas and have not had much time to play with it.

Just a suggestion to read, if you haven't already..."The Cigar MAker" I'm reading it now, it's a great book.

pnoon 03-24-2011 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Matt-N-Ga (Post 1215486)
I'm with you, I love my Kindle and don't want it to do anything but give me great books to read. I appreciate the links you posted, I just got mine this past Christmas and have not had much time to play with it.

Just a suggestion to read, if you haven't already..."The Cigar MAker" I'm reading it now, it's a great book.

Could you PM me a link?
Posted via Mobile Device

Mugen910 03-24-2011 07:55 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1215344)
Kellie - Many people find the lack of it being backlit as a problem or fault. But the whole purpose of the e-ink technology is to be less of a strain on the eyes than a laptop/iPad/computer. Also, it is no different than reading a regular book at night. One needs light to read.
Also, I find the e-ink much easier to read outdoors during the day than a backlit computer screen.

My :2 and worth as much.


Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1215472)
What if all I want is an eReader?
Besides, the Nook Color was not around when I bought my Kindle in December of 2009.

I'm not saying it is not a good thing, Steve. I'm perfectly happy with the Kindle.

The other great thing is that we don't need to worry about glare as much with e-ink :D I bought a KoBo for $70 and it's exactly what I needed for reading books and nothing else. I've got an android phone that I upgrade every 2 years that can do everything else. I would love the back lighting option but I can live with having a $10 book light and $70 eReader.

RevSmoke 03-24-2011 08:01 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I love my Nook. M wife had to use a Kindle for class, and liked my Nook better.

Mine is not the color one, and it isn't a replacement for my computer. It is for portable books to take with me instead of a huge library in a briefcase. As a pastor, that is huge.

I wouldn't mind an IPad, but for different purposes.

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