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Re: Photography Thread
Near Downtown Grand Rapids:
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3722/1...25635ce8_b.jpg Exposure 0.8 Aperture f/8.0 Focal Length 50 mm ISO Speed 400 Exposure Bias 0 EV |
Re: Photography Thread
Huge horse sculpture at Frederik Meijer Garden Park, Grand Rapids, MI |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Here kitty Kitty. My niece's cat over the holiday. Shot with the D90
I have for sale, coincidentally. http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3668/1...204d7a4a_c.jpg Emily's cat by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
Here comes more of that evil S-word! Got maybe 7 inches over New Years, now another 6-8 coming today....
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7307/1...a03af81d_b.jpg DSC_5752 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
Yeah that closeup of the horse statue was with my 70-210 telephoto. Although it seems finicky with metering (always seems to open the f-stop to the max in Program mode) all I have to do is shoot in aperture priority with it. And it does take nice, sharp pics. And, I was surprised at the lower light photos, too.
Re: Photography Thread
My crab apple tree in the winter.
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7295/1...b3306a17_b.jpg DSC_5755 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
i ALWAYS KNEW THOSE LENSES WE.....were sharp, I was telling anyone who would listen to pick one up for $40 from Ado,
but THAT shot is sharper than I even thought you could get with that combination. Nice work.....tripod? I ended up buying a total of three of em last year, gave two to family, kept the one I liked best. |
Re: Photography Thread
My daughter and her boyfriend have been dating for 6 months. He got her six red roses. :hm
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5503/1...d456f2f6_c.jpg Rose by Jeff Carroll01, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
No tripod, either.
Re: Photography Thread
Smashing! Must have been a lot of light out there that day.
Neat shot, Jeff. |
Re: Photography Thread
Well my Best Buy credit card made me do a bad thing....
Made me order a Sony RX100 |
Re: Photography Thread
That is bad.....because if there is one thing I know, YOU SIR, cain't be sassified.
The rabbit hole is dug just a little deeper. Takes one to know one, I guess. What I DON'T understand is how you could not want your other high-dollar compact and you want this one. By most accounts, your Canon did pretty well, even in lower light. My fear for you is that you are NOW going through what I DID and you WATCHED me do it. You are just going through it on the other end of the line. Careful what you wish for when what you really want is a DSLR. DAMN YOU 'newest and best', lol. |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
have the number one ILC camera, a pretty good DSLR, they make great TVs, they own Michael Jackson's BONES, and maybe the Elephant Man's, too. Sony ought to do you fine. Oh by the way, in this argument of you becoming me, did you notice I took a cat photo, lol? |
Re: Photography Thread
Lmao. It's very small. No bigger than my iPhone really. I'll be posting some film pix later today.
Re: Photography Thread
ahh, OK, you kept that gear, huh? I am getting the Credit Card itch again, but for the most part I am still SELLING rather
than buying. MANY of my nieces and nephews got Nikon DSLRs this Christmas, lol. I think I went from having 12 bodies on hand to having 6-7 of em. Selling the D90's will leave me with 4-5. |
Re: Photography Thread
Haha. Kept the minolta and the canon élan and the 40mm pancake
Re: Photography Thread
Ok here's a few of the film shots. Shot on Ilford XP2 Super 400 35mm
Gratuitous cat pic http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3684/1...346719f0_c.jpg img514 by emopunker2004, on Flickr These are a few from the Saint Mary's, GA Shrimp Festival a few months back http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3688/1...1a290a13_c.jpg img522 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3780/1...abeae63b_c.jpg img523 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3795/1...1c9ae9d8_c.jpg img526 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2822/1...c3c4f8a4_c.jpg img538 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3768/1...b5d7ed22_c.jpg img521 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7400/1...e953e3a1_c.jpg img508 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7451/1...60608366_c.jpg img537 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
Playing with the DOF. Puppy has a 1.8 aperture at the wide end.
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3783/1...b876aa49_c.jpg DSC00074 by emopunker2004, on Flickr http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2809/1...770ce4d1_c.jpg DSC00073 by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
You need a DSLR, lol. You know you want one....you are in my POWAH! You are getting sleepy.
Geezus, don't shoot me with one of those rounds. Talk about eviscerate a brutha. |
Re: Photography Thread
Comparison to my iPhone 4s
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5550/1...2e3d1cda_c.jpg Untitled by emopunker2004, on Flickr |
Re: Photography Thread
Sony makes the best compacts of any maker, I have always thought. Not sure if I am right or not, but I have
seen theresults on several great cameras from 5-6 years ago and further back, too, and they really look great. I realize this is a serious step up from those as well. |
Re: Photography Thread
Yeh I really like it. Focuses fast for a non dslr. Most importantly, it shoots RAW.
Re: Photography Thread
You know I have been doing this for a year, and lord knows I have shot a ton of pics, but I have yet to shoot a single
RAW frame. How is that for stodgy? |
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
HEY, I realize that this is QUITE a step back for most people, but I saw a really good deal today that I wanted to share.
http://www.adorama.com/US%20%20%20%20613059.html The D70s is KIND of a relic, but highly capable, to be sure. The reason this is a deal is that it is 90% off of it's release price but also about 50% off of it's current used list price. All for a power switch that won't turn the camera off. The reason this is a good deal is that the Nikon DSLR BATTERY does NOT discharge when you leave the camera turned on. You could turn it on, put the camera in a bag and leave it in a closet for a year and then pop it out and shoot some shots, you might not have the same battery level, but it will not drain in a week. The only thing that makes the power switch somewhat useful is that I do not like to change lenses with the power on, but I have certainly done it before, to no apparent harm done. You could pop out the battery, change the lens, and pop it back in. To be able to get a D70s for $75 and KNOW that the issue that has it discounted so deeply is so irrelevant is a pretty good deal. Need a cheap auto-focus zoom lens to go with it??? http://www.adorama.com/US%20%20%20%20542610.html In and out for about $100. Get a compact flash memory card, too while you are at it, 4GB is likely the ceiling on size. http://www.adorama.com/IDS4GBUC25R.html If you are asking why I DID NOT BUY IT, well, I can't keep buying close-outs forever. I just had to give away 4 of them at Christmas. |
Re: Photography Thread
brad's such a bad influence on people :r
Re: Photography Thread
Here is one of my favorites.
http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/j...e/DSC_0026.jpg Another "cool" one. http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/j.../DSC_00232.jpg My youngest boy and the moose. http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/j...e/100_1581.jpg Not as nice, but... http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/j...e/DSCF2023.jpg |
Re: Photography Thread
Ironically, the 'not as nice' one is the winner on sheer appeal. It would be great if we all managed to come home with
Ansel Adams quality pics of that 'too cool to believe' shot, but more often than not, we just manage to get a shot that proves we were there. I like all of em, but the moose one is hard to beat. |
Re: Photography Thread
But I think in the end, my OOOOooold Canon compact might do fine. But you of all people know how hard it is for me to leave that camera up there for someone else to pick up. |
Re: Photography Thread
Leave it be Brad. Some kid might be interested in photography and it might be all he can afford. Leave it there for him.
Re: Photography Thread
I'm trying to be good and not spend more money! Someone at work left a print catalog from B&H in the break room at work, and I saw that they had some used Nikon d7000 and d7100 listed, so I went online and found a used d7000 in number nine condition (probably similar to Adorma's E or E+ classification?) for about $570... Must resist!!!
Re: Photography Thread
Well for 659 u can get a NIB d7000
Re: Photography Thread
My first advice to you Ron is NEVER buy used gear from B&H. They may be to the penny the same as Adorama on new gear,
but on used they are 15-25% higher across the board. I don't know about YOU, but I NEED that extra money. I used to be a huge advocate for B&H, and I still love em, but on used, they can't TOUCH Adorama. SECOND, unless you need the low light capability that a D7000 brings, you don't need to upgrade. Image quality is close to the same, and yet noticeably better...but perhaps not worth 6oo bucks. I just picked up a D7000 for $569 because my spare NEEDS to be able to do 3200 standing on it's head and 6400 in a pinch. I don't like pushing a D90 past 1600 under any circumstances, and I am not a fan of images over 1200. They blow out the colors and bloom something fierce. And I tend to agree with Justin, a New unit is only a hundred bucks more, although I needed that hundred and went "E" grade. It has 1400 shutter actuations on it. IT IS A NICE CAMERA, but I use it for my small bidness. For pleasure, a D90 is still a great camera. Save up for that D700 when they break below $1000 this summer or $900 in the holiday season. I swear in 10 years that D700 is still going to be a camera to recon with. A true classic. |
Re: Photography Thread
leave a Nikon powered up without draining the battery. BUT I DID leave it be. Someone got it the same day, but the important thing is it WAS NOT ME! |
Re: Photography Thread
Eh. I'm over it. I got bills to pay too! I just bought a newer car; the payments plus insurance went up from my last ride (which, unfortunately, had been broadsided by someone last week) sooooo....No expensive camera gear for me for now!
Re: Photography Thread
Today while sitting with family in my grandfathers room at hospice, i was showing a couple pictures I had taken with my Canon Film SLR. My dad said he didnt even know film was still made. Turns out he has a nikon film slr and lenses that he said i could have. Score. Hopefully I'll get them tomorrow.
Re: Photography Thread
Re: Photography Thread
Dad couldn't find the body, just the lenses. He's gonna look for the body later. Busy day today, my grandfather passed at 0130
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this went about the only way it could have. He led a long life and died among those who loved him. Far too many people get neither of those things. |
Re: Photography Thread
this went about the only way it could have. He led a long life and died among those who loved him. Far too many people get neither of those things. As far as the camera body, you at least know if you do not get a body out of the offer, you can find a great old body for $40-50. Hope the lenses are great. Back in olden tymes, men tended to buy the fastest lens they could get so as to look cool among their peers. Hopefully your dad was a hopeless conformist, lol. |
Re: Photography Thread
Lol I know one of them was a pretty long telephoto. I'm sure it's MF since he said the gear is at least 20yrs old.
Re: Photography Thread
Sorry to hear about your loss, Justin.
Re: Photography Thread
Well, Auto focus began in earnest in 1985-6, so there is still a chance. But MF lenses are still pretty cool,
my bag is lousy with em. The long ones can be a real handful, though. Keep us informed. |
Re: Photography Thread
Argh, I am going through it again. I want to buy a N90s, but every time I go through the arguments for and against,
I keep coming back to the fact that I am printing at home with good results, and I can't get past the fact that just to PRINT a large copy of one of my film shots, I have to develop the film first. Takes all the fun out of it and puts a lot of expense into the equation. I know some people will say, Takes the FUN out of it? Are you SERIOUS? It puts the fun BACK IN!" But not to me. I used to have fun in the service, where we had access to a darkroom and enlarger, etc. But to even think of any of that now is just crazy to me. Being able to get an EXCELLENT film camera for under $50, and having all the lenses I need is a great feeling. But it just seems insane to spend a lot of money on film and processing after the investment I have in printer and paper stock. Sad, really. I think it would be cool. |
Re: Photography Thread
Ehhh, got a 50mm1.8 D Nikkor in today, and it had a grindy focus throw. It was 60 bucks, not cheap, but not bad
for this lens. It did not STATE that it was grindy, but I found it that way when I got it in. Generally, I would just box it back up, spec the problem for them and get my money back. But I have wanted to disassemble one of these for some time. So I did. Looks like it has been to Destin. Lots of bits of sugar white sand in there. It is in the helicoids, so if I want to really fix it I am going to need to COMPLETELY disassemble it. Rather than take a $60 lens and turn it into a pile of worthless bits and pieces, I went ahead and assembled it back to where I started. Got a lot of grit out of it, but now the spot JUST before infinity is almost a dead stop, so I am gonna have to work out whether or not I want to take it apart again later under better light with better eyeglasses. I have some lithium grease that I can use on the helicoids, but man, I am not sure I want to go ALL THE WAY on this one. |
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