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WhiteMamba 03-08-2017 01:08 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
It looks pretty sweet to just have a duck head there looking you in the eye while you're smoking your pipe.

jsnake 03-08-2017 09:24 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Got a little something else today. 3 Denny Souers, a Bari Wiking and a Nording. Plus my P&C order showed up after 15 days.

nutcracker 03-09-2017 04:15 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Woah - on a roll!
The pipe at the top is super!

Alpedhuez55 03-09-2017 11:04 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I snagged a 14 oz tub of Carter Hall for $8.50 last night at the grocery Store. It was on the clearance table that they have. The tub was cracked, but the contents are fine. Tough not to take advantage of that deal!!!

MarkinAZ 03-09-2017 09:17 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Alpedhuez55 (Post 2118668)
I snagged a 14 oz tub of Carter Hall for $8.50 last night at the grocery Store. It was on the clearance table that they have. The tub was cracked, but the contents are fine. Tough not to take advantage of that deal!!!

That's an awesome snag Michael:tu

ksknnr 03-10-2017 06:57 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Alpedhuez55 (Post 2118668)
I snagged a 14 oz tub of Carter Hall for $8.50 last night at the grocery Store. It was on the clearance table that they have. The tub was cracked, but the contents are fine. Tough not to take advantage of that deal!!!

I am still in awe they sell Tobacco in the grocery store? On a clearance table no less, they barely sell cigarettes in grocery stores around me. :r

MarkinAZ 03-10-2017 07:15 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by ksknnr (Post 2118730)
I am still in awe they sell Tobacco in the grocery store? On a clearance table no less, they barely sell cigarettes in grocery stores around me. :r

Michael just lives in one of those cool states. Gotta love the Palmetto state:D

jsnake 03-11-2017 04:09 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
We have a Brass Armadillo Antique Mall in our small town. For the last 10 years we visit sporadically and in all that time I've never found any pipes to take home. My wife has found me a nice pipe rack with a German ceramic jar and a second German pipe jar. On occasion there have been pipes that were overpriced junk or just plain overpriced. One vendor always has a few but his prices are beyond insane. Yesterday for the first time I found not one but 3 pipes to take home and restore. A Ben Wade Danish Pride with a clear stem. A Savinelli and a GBD. All in fantastic shape. I feel like I stole them and I got 15% off on top of that.

nutcracker 03-12-2017 05:14 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
A pair of Shotshell Pipes from Neely pipes (our own BamBam)
One 12 gauge and a 16 gauge for duck blind and pheasant shoot respectively.
Nice work Dustin!

Mr.Maduro 03-14-2017 03:22 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
My recent acquisitions from the NY/NJ pipe show this past Saturday.

From top down 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, & 2011.
A gently smoked Rad Davis

A surprisingly lightweight pipe by pipemker
Mike Thomas from PA

And the Savinelli Miele #510

WhiteMamba 03-14-2017 03:56 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Nice pick up's all around. I may have to finally pull the trigger on my cart at smoking pipes

jsnake 03-14-2017 09:46 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Those are sweet Mr.Maduro. Can't wait for the KC Pipe Show in September.

CoffeeWaterBeer 03-15-2017 06:13 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Patrick, Mike T is a great guy and does spectacular work. Glad you had a chance to meet him. The stem on that Sav is pretty sweet too.

nutcracker 03-15-2017 06:41 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
The Rad Davis and Mike Thomas are gorgeous! Nice work.

jsnake 03-18-2017 01:31 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Messed up my pics but here is a Preben Holm Private Collection that I scored in a lot. I also got a lot with mostly bowls but a couple pipes had stems including a Dunhill Root Briar. I'll have to take another pic of that. Second pic is my haul from an estate sale yesterday. Another Preben Holm Hand Cut and a couple Savinelli, Stanwell, GBD, Custombilt, and Jobey.

nutcracker 03-18-2017 03:41 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
You're grabbing some nice stuff! Good luck restoring these!

jsnake 03-18-2017 05:15 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2119393)
You're grabbing some nice stuff! Good luck restoring these!

Thanks buddy. Learning everyday and enjoying it. Another thing is I am learning what to look for. You know the Dunhill Shell Briar I have I completely overlooked when I went through the estate lot I bought from. Luckily I reconnected with the lady and was able to buy the rest. I couldn't believe I had missed that. Now I have two Dunhills. Today I snagged my 4th Denny Souers dirt cheap because I knew what it was when others skipped over it. I'll have more pics in a couple days. I have plenty to keep me busy for awhile.

Hippi3Slay3r 03-22-2017 07:27 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Picked up a bunch of Three Oaks Syrian and some Frog Mortons atp since its about to go the way of the Dodo, sad days.

jsnake 03-23-2017 08:29 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Snagged my fourth Denny Souers and a pretty cool no name Freehand. Plus a buffer for my estates. Missing a ring so waiting for that and a buff package I ordered.

nutcracker 03-24-2017 05:27 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Bingo! Great buy on a buffer - time to step up the output !

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