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newcigarz 06-23-2011 11:15 AM

Re: beer hauls
2 growlers of Tequesta Brewing Co's Imperial Red. Can't wait until I'm done with work so I can sample this today. :dr

OLS 06-23-2011 01:44 PM

Re: beer hauls
Up in the mountains of Western NC, and sorry Greg, I ate your ribs......

But I hit Peabody's in Boone, and I have to say it is reveiewd as being expensive, and it is relatively
so, but in case these reviewers haven't noticed, this stuff ain't cheap no matter where you find it.
And in this case, where you find it is at the top of a mountain, and has no competition to speak of,
so what r you gonna do? Two days worth of hauls. One beer, the one that looks like "tokyo" it is 18%
and as such he could not legally sell it to me so he gave it to me. I would also say it helps to have a
pocketfull of CCs when dragging this guy around the store, lol. I made out better than I would have at home,
and found things I couldn't necessarily find.

Bill86 06-23-2011 02:15 PM

Re: beer hauls
Damn fine haul Brad :tu

kaisersozei 06-23-2011 02:21 PM

Re: beer hauls
Good shopping, Brad! :tu The Dragon's Milk is a damn fine stout, and I really enjoy the Heavy Seas & Great Divide brews. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on the Brewdog stout--I've seen that around here for like $15/12oz, so I've always passed it up.

landhoney 06-23-2011 02:29 PM

Re: beer hauls
That Nogne O collaboration caught my eye, interested to hear what you think of that one. :tu

OLS 06-23-2011 04:18 PM

Re: beer hauls
hehe, Gerard, I got it free, so the price was awesome! The Beard is a really nice kat. Once he was properly greased
with CCs, I told my sister to grab a few bottles of wine while the iron was hot. ;) Great selection compared to my locals.

And Greg, I didn't eat your ribs, per se. I just knew you'd not be there Thursday, which seemed like my only free day.
Kind of a rain washout as you likely know. Then I found out my Brother-in-law was coming tomorrow, and I re-calculated
the rib count for a fifth mouth.

OLS 06-23-2011 04:54 PM

Re: beer hauls
Seth, whjich beer are you pointing out? I remember seeing the word collaboration while shopping, but I am having
trouble picking it out of a lineup. I can't see that I bought one of what you are talking about, lol.
derh, mean that Pumpkin deallie-0. The Beard said it was a really good pick. All the holiday beers he had
were 15% off, and once we got chummy, lol, he knocked em down to 30%. I am looking forward to that one, he laughed
at me when I said I was not sure about pumpkin beer. He said he assured me it was NOT a pumpkin beer.
Drinking that bad elf brew now....ehh.

Skywalker 06-23-2011 05:25 PM

Re: beer hauls
Superbad Hauls there Brothers!!!:tu:tu

Wanger 06-23-2011 06:40 PM

Re: beer hauls
I love my wife. Here's what she picked up on the way home. :D

The Nightstalker was bottled in March 2010. :)

Jbailey 06-23-2011 07:17 PM

Re: beer hauls
Very cool she was able to get some 2010 Nightstalker. I Haven't opened one in awhile.

Nice haul Mike!

ashtonlady 06-24-2011 04:56 PM

Re: beer hauls
Deschutes Black Butte Porter XXIII is out and I have my first 9. :)

Bill86 06-24-2011 06:16 PM

Re: beer hauls
Got a bottle of the new 2011 Russian Imperial Stout. I heard the belgo was no good? Opinions?

ashtonlady 06-24-2011 06:22 PM

Re: beer hauls
I am testing now, will let you know after test is done.

ashtonlady 06-24-2011 06:32 PM

Re: beer hauls
Ok, the initial test is done. If you like anise then you will be fine with this. If you dont then dont bother buying it.

Bill86 06-24-2011 08:15 PM

Re: beer hauls
That's what I heard, too much anise.....


I guess I'll stick with the regular Russian Imperial.

Thanks :tu

kaisersozei 06-25-2011 10:49 AM

Re: beer hauls

hammondc 06-25-2011 11:40 AM

Re: beer hauls

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1308671)
I love my wife. Here's what she picked up on the way home. :D

The Nightstalker was bottled in March 2010. :)

Very curious about the Pitch Black IPA......

Gerard- I firmly believe that Maximus IPA is one of the most grossly underrated IPAs on the market. Absolutely fantastic stuff.

Matt-N-Ga 06-25-2011 08:55 PM

Re: beer hauls

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1308369)
Up in the mountains of Western NC, and sorry Greg, I ate your ribs......

But I hit Peabody's in Boone, and I have to say it is reveiewd as being expensive, and it is relatively
so, but in case these reviewers haven't noticed, this stuff ain't cheap no matter where you find it.
And in this case, where you find it is at the top of a mountain, and has no competition to speak of,
so what r you gonna do? Two days worth of hauls. One beer, the one that looks like "tokyo" it is 18%
and as such he could not legally sell it to me so he gave it to me. I would also say it helps to have a
pocketfull of CCs when dragging this guy around the store, lol. I made out better than I would have at home,
and found things I couldn't necessarily find.

Great looking beers there, and that KBS is gold. They are here, and gone, in usually less than a day in my area. Enjoy! :tu

Matt-N-Ga 06-25-2011 08:55 PM

Re: beer hauls

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1308671)
I love my wife. Here's what she picked up on the way home. :D

The Nightstalker was bottled in March 2010. :)

Wish we had NightStalker here in GA, I've heard it's amazing. Awesome haul.

LostAbbott 06-25-2011 08:58 PM

Re: beer hauls

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1310922)
Very curious about the Pitch Black IPA......

Gerard- I firmly believe that Maximus IPA is one of the most grossly underrated IPAs on the market. Absolutely fantastic stuff.

What's up with the 4pack? Never seen that before is it related to some strange Texas law or something? It is funny to see some of this stuff on here, as much of it is the cheap beer they carry at the grocery store or 7-11... <G> Love the west coast!

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