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BSB 01-20-2011 09:40 PM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by qwerty1500 (Post 1141841)
I've been reading a lot of economics lately and was in the mood for a historical fiction. So, I picked up Interretation of Murder by Jed Rubenfield. It's a turn of the 20th century novel about Sigmund Freud's only visit to America. Didn't know anything about the book or the author. It's nothing heavy and total fiction but I really like it.

Happened to see the author interviewed on television totay. He has just written a new book called The Death Instinct. It has some of the same main characters and is centered around the 1920 terrorist bombing of Wall Street. It too will probably be on my list sometime soon.

I really enjoy historical fiction. Jack Whyte is my favorite. Camulod Chronicles and The Templar trilogy are both excellent. Knights! Camelot, King Author and the Knights of the Templar, awesome reading.

E.J. 01-24-2011 02:29 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Slap Shot Original - Dave Hanson w/ Ross Bernstein

Bluetick 01-24-2011 03:02 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Just finished The Book Thief

This book should be required reading in public schools.

Re-reading the Sword of Truth series next.

Whipper Snapper 01-24-2011 03:19 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Some stuff by Octavious Winslow.
Bunch of literature in middle english (Beowulf, Gawain and the green knight)

massphatness 01-24-2011 03:25 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Greatness: Reagan, Churchill, and the Making of Extraordinary Leaders

BSB 01-24-2011 03:49 PM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1146635)
Greatness: Reagan, Churchill, and the Making of Extraordinary Leaders

That sounds good.
Just started "The Celebrated Cases of Sherlock Holmes" I'll be at this one a while.

mpd340 01-24-2011 04:19 PM

Re: What are you reading?
"God's Warriors: Crusaders, Saracens and the Battle for Jerusalem"

Good read very eye opening.

sikk50 01-24-2011 04:34 PM

Re: What are you reading?
"Paradise Lost"

12stones 01-24-2011 04:51 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Just finished "Brute: The Life of Victor Krulak, U.S. Marine"

Absolutely fantastic!! Oo-rah!

rebelknight 01-24-2011 05:09 PM

Re: What are you reading?
I'm currently reading two things. I have to read Fun Home for my English class. It's a graphic novel and not something I would typically read, being a student sucks. However in my free time I'm enjoying more Vonnegut, my favorite. This time I'm going with Deadeye Dick.

taltos 01-24-2011 05:49 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Rereading Process and Reality by Alfred North Whitehead. Haven't read this since my junior year in college. Brings back memories of a special professor and an exceptional honors seminar.:tu

Ranger_B 01-24-2011 06:26 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Just started: What color is your parachute. I feel like I am back in High School with the end of my time in the Army headed at me quickly. This book is helping me arrange my thoughts.

CigarNut 01-24-2011 09:53 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Seventh Son by Orson Scott Card

bscottskangum 01-25-2011 12:13 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Sisters of Glass

Just got a new Nook Color and this is my first book on it, free off of B&N :D
Good read, I would recommend it if you are into the dystopian/science fiction/drama type of book, which I am.

Anyone know of other free stuff along the same lines?

Gophernut 01-25-2011 12:28 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Arctic Drift by Clive and Dirk Cussler. My first book by Cussler. Not bad. My son bought it for me when I was in the hospital having some tests done.

Mugen910 01-25-2011 12:30 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Just finished Hunger Games and now on part two of the series.

Bunker 01-25-2011 12:39 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Moonlight Mile by Dennis Lehane

OHRD 01-25-2011 01:35 PM

Re: What are you reading?
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls...and it's tearing me apart!

bigpedunn 01-25-2011 01:43 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Keith Richards ( Life )

LasciviousXXX 01-25-2011 03:03 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Just Genes: The Ethics of Genetic Technologies by Carol Barash

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