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Mr B 10-08-2014 11:51 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Kenya Nyeri Gaturiri AA
At C+ / FC. Very nice. Smooth, baking chocolate & spice. Lite citrus.

Mr B 10-09-2014 09:23 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Ethiopia Yirga Cheffe Gedeo at FC. Deep, Strong flavor profile. Some Berry Fruit and a floral aroma. Very complex.

cigarmarine 10-09-2014 10:59 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
best store bought brands for keurig

TXRebel 10-09-2014 11:05 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Cup of Killer Beans Brazilian Bombshell.

Mr B 10-10-2014 10:21 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Yemen Hanna Micro-Lot at FC+. Nice. I will probably only take this one to FC or less next time. The fruitiness got a little muted w/ the extended roast.

MarkinAZ 11-25-2014 09:28 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Colombia Viota Excelso FC - FC+. Silky smooth, a slight honey essence on the finish, and no hints of caramel as noticed after roasting the beans...:cf2

Conch Republican 11-26-2014 10:01 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Lately I have blended Celebese (Indonesian) and Costa Rican La Minita 50/50 - Both AWESOME in their own right....but together - it's even better!

MarkinAZ 12-02-2014 06:45 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Brazil Bobolink Brown. Following a 36hr rest after roasting, I had a cup earlier this morning while watching the rain, and now am enjoying another cup. This is really a good tasting coffee. However, maybe it is due to the fact that I'm also munching down some Krusteaz Honey Cornbread too:dr:cf1


Originally Posted by Conch Republican (Post 2001684)
Lately I have blended Celebese (Indonesian) and Costa Rican La Minita 50/50 - Both AWESOME in their own right....but together - it's even better!

Sounds like you have a nice blend Mark. What type of roast do you place on the beans?

Steve 12-03-2014 08:40 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Working from home today while waiting for my wife to finish up at the doc; a nice cortalito and appropriate sides.

MarkinAZ 12-03-2014 10:09 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
That pizza looks good Steve. Wish I could reach through the laptop monitor and snitch it away:D

More Brazil Bobolink Brown this morning on this end...

Probably get around to making up the last box of Krusteaz Honey Cornbread later on:dr

Steve...Hope Holly is doing well my friend:tu

Steve 12-03-2014 10:44 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 2002980)
That pizza looks good Steve. Wish I could reach through the laptop monitor and snitch it away:D

More Brazil Bobolink Brown this morning on this end...

Probably get around to making up the last box of Krusteaz Honey Cornbread later on:dr

Steve...Hope Holly is doing well my friend:tu

She is doing extremely well Mark. Pathology from her surgery a couple of weeks ago came back this morning, all clear and benign!

MarkinAZ 12-03-2014 10:55 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 2002993)
She is doing extremely well Mark. Pathology from her surgery a couple of weeks ago came back this morning, all clear and benign!

...excellent news:tu

emopunker2004 01-02-2015 04:24 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Just got a 1/2 lb each of Nicaraguan Knifefight and Tanzanian Peaberry from Killer Beans. Will give a try Tuesday night at work

Emjaysmash 01-05-2015 06:59 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Probably abhorrent to the coffee purists, but I am drinking Starbucks Cafe Verona.

MarkinAZ 01-05-2015 07:02 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 2010342)
Probably abhorrent to the coffee purists, but I am drinking Starbucks Cafe Verona.

Nothing wrong with that EJ. Just finished brewing a cup of Cost Plus (World Market) Peruvian coffee. Good flavor!

Cowboys at Packers this week. Goooooo Packers:tu

Conch Republican 01-06-2015 08:19 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Finished a freshly roasted pound of Columbian (roasted by our very own Ted), and this week, Kona Peaberry from the South side of the Island.

Dave128 01-06-2015 08:58 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
Green Mountain French Roast from my Keurig.

Conch Republican 01-06-2015 09:37 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 2002890)
Brazil Bobolink Brown. Following a 36hr rest after roasting, I had a cup earlier this morning while watching the rain, and now am enjoying another cup. This is really a good tasting coffee. However, maybe it is due to the fact that I'm also munching down some Krusteaz Honey Cornbread too:dr:cf1

Sounds like you have a nice blend Mark. What type of roast do you place on the beans?

I don't roast - they taste better green :r

I have a local place that has been roasting for years and so I get them from them - roasted and ready to go. They rarely last longer than 48 hrs post roast, so that helps...The Celebese is a darker roast and gets a nice oily sheen to them. The La Minita is a medium roast - I highly suggest trying them individually 1st - then together...:gary

emopunker2004 01-06-2015 11:20 PM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
My hand burr grinder came in so I brought it, my aero press and Tanzanian Peaberry from Killer Beans to work with me tonight. So far I'm really loving this stuff.

Chainsaw13 01-07-2015 06:38 AM

Re: COFFEE: What are you drinking?
SM's Monkey Blend, straight black thru a drip machine. Accidentally put one extra scoop of beans in the grinder. Hmm...I like it.

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