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Remo 12-12-2015 04:13 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 2065867)

I am not that good :tu

Remo 12-12-2015 04:15 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 16356

Think I'll get this.

Steve 12-12-2015 05:53 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2065869)
I am not that good :tu

Practice my young Padiwan Learner...practice!

Remo 01-06-2016 04:40 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 16424

I love a deal and some Myerco knives were on sale at my part time, grabbed this little flipper to throw in my bug out bag, flips like an auto, sharp as hell and has a built in flint...about $2 :wo

Remo 01-06-2016 04:41 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 16425

Remo 01-06-2016 04:44 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 16426

Got this larger Myerco Mossberg branded knife for my camping gear so I am not banging on my $200 Hogue :)...again flips like an auto, nice and sharp and at $5....score!!

Remo 01-06-2016 04:44 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 16427

Steve 01-08-2016 07:37 AM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2069474)
Attachment 16424

I love a deal and some Myerco knives were on sale at my part time, grabbed this little flipper to throw in my bug out bag, flips like an auto, sharp as hell and has a built in flint...about $2 :wo


Remo 01-08-2016 07:54 AM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 2069650)

Want one? I will check tomorrow and see if they still have them.

Steve 01-08-2016 08:11 AM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2069654)
Want one? I will check tomorrow and see if they still have them.


spectrrr 01-17-2016 01:26 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
I grew up carrying mid to large sized folders. (benchmade mini griptillian, SOG Vulcan). It just seemed natural to have a full sized tool. But I moved to Venezuela 3 years ago, and legal blade size is limited to 5cm / 1.95". *DOH*! Many Europeans are in a similar situation, and further limited legally to only carry folders without locking mechanisms.

So I thought I'd contribute an enthusiastic plug for my current EDC, a Boker Plus Subcom Titan. If you're in any situation where you need a smaller knife due to work/legal/whatever, this is the "small" knife that replaced my big one!

I won't go into detailed reviews, plenty of those to be found. I'll just share what it is to me. It's a sharp blade for the price, short but very tall. The wide, square geometry of the blade and the handle makes it feel very full and VERY secure in the hand. I'd handled full size folders that felt less secure in the hand than this one. The overall knife is not very thick, so it sits flat and unobtrusively in the pocket. The solid, perfectly designed geometry means that I can deploy it one handed very quickly without much thought, and likewise close it one handeded without too much effort. Yeah, not as quick as my Benchmade, but not slow either! This also happens to be one of the few liner/frame lock style knives I like.

Boker makes two versions (and a plethora of sub-variants). A regular plastic handled version, and a titanium handled. I picked up both, because I usually go for functionality over looks. To my surprise, I discovered the plastic thumb stud design was my deciding factor between the two. The plastic version is very popular, with plenty of good reviews... but dang it all, I just couldn’t open and close it comfortably with one hand! I really DISliked the regular subcom, which surprised me.

The Titan seems to come in two variants now. A becoming harder to find $33 version with 440C steel (mine), and a $67 version with VG-10 steel. I'm perfectly happy with the 440C on mine, given the size and pricing. I don't feel any urge to upgrade.

If you're in the market for physically smallest knife possible that still feels like 90% of a full size knife, THIS. IS. THE. ONE.
If you don't care about physical size dimensions, only legality, Boker makes a "Boker Plus Nano" knife now that may be worth checking out. It's much bigger, but the same legal sized sub-2" blade.

IF you're in a country or municipality that does not allow lockback folders, then any folder in the boker line with the "42" designation is what you want. They make them for the Subcom and the Nano. Once again, be warned, if you pick up a boker knife with "42" in the name, IT IS NOT LOCKING. I'm planning on purchasing a Subcom 42 sometime this year for use in future European travel.

Subcom F
Thumb stud doesn’t feel right in the hand, can’t comfortably open one handed.

Subcom Titan (440C)

Subcom Titan (VG-10)

Subcom Titan 42 (440C)
Appears to be dissapearing fast from markets, not even around on ebay, just the plastic versions.


Nano 42

spectrrr 01-17-2016 01:34 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
the requisite pics :)

Compared to a AA battery

spectrrr 01-17-2016 01:42 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
3-finger grip, but because the body is so wide, it's a SOLID grip.
I have SMALL hands, wear size S gloves usually.

Compared to my SOG Mini Vulcan (3" blade). You can see how the frame of the boker is thinner and sits flatter in a pocket, YET is wider than the full-size SOG, giving it a great full feeling in the hand.

CRKT Minimalist thrown in for pic comparison as well.

Remo 01-17-2016 01:54 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
Nice write up Francis :tu

Steve 01-17-2016 06:10 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread

Preacher 02-10-2016 08:58 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
I carry a Zero Tolerance ZT300 daily

macsauce13 02-11-2016 09:57 AM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
I have a nice collection of Case knives my dad, grandfather and I have been working on. Love they way they look and feel, and its nice to know they've been in great men's hands.

I'll try to grab a couple pics tonight.

issues 02-11-2016 01:34 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
Here's one I haven't posted yet. It is a button lock flipper by Rod Olson out of Canada.

longknocker 02-12-2016 03:33 AM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by issues (Post 2074716)
Here's one I haven't posted yet. It is a button lock flipper by Rod Olson out of Canada.

Now That's A Knife!:D:tu

issues 11-22-2016 02:59 PM

Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread
Thought I would dust this old thread off and add a few new pics. :)

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