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Mark C 02-26-2010 04:41 PM

Re: nice rums?
Looks good, crack 'em open and tell us how they taste!

bookman 02-26-2010 04:48 PM

Re: nice rums?
Pussers, baby!

SvilleKid 03-04-2010 07:34 PM

Re: nice rums?
My most recent purchase. Cracked the seal, haven't poured any yet. Probably this weekend.

rizzle 03-04-2010 08:19 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 762482)
Might pick up a bottle of Black Seal to try that with, from what I tasted last night the Old Rum is a sipping rum that I won't be mixing (especially considering how much it costs in BC). I tend to prefer neat spirits to mixed drinks anyways.

My're absolutely correct. I saw Gosling and automatically started thinking Black Seal. I haven't tried the Old Rum--yet. Have to add that one to the list to pick up.

icehog3 03-04-2010 09:48 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 782348)
My most recent purchase. Cracked the seal, haven't poured any yet. Probably this weekend.

Let us know what you think, Cliff.

Wanger 03-05-2010 06:55 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 782348)
My most recent purchase. Cracked the seal, haven't poured any yet. Probably this weekend.

Try it and form your own opinion, but for me, it would be nothing more than a mixer, since I've found some other true sipping rums. I went through a bottle and have tried it side by side with a good sipper. JMO, though.

Mark C 03-06-2010 07:32 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 782922)
Try it and form your own opinion, but for me, it would be nothing more than a mixer, since I've found some other true sipping rums. I went through a bottle and have tried it side by side with a good sipper. JMO, though.

I think HC 7 is a fine sipper, it's very similar in style to some of my other favorites (for what it's worth, Zaya/Zacapa aren't at the top of my list).

Chainsaw13 03-06-2010 09:28 PM

Re: nice rums?
Anyone else a fan of the Olde New Orleans rums? I had them a couple years ago when I was in NOLA. Fantastic stuff. Mix their spiced rum with some sweetened ice tea and you have a great beverage on a hot day. There 10 y/o is damn fine too, has a nice molasses flavor.

icehog3 03-06-2010 11:55 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Mark C (Post 784838)
I think HC 7 is a fine sipper, it's very similar in style to some of my other favorites (for what it's worth, Zaya/Zacapa aren't at the top of my list).

Just like cigars, it's just a matter of palate and personal taste. I did side by sides with HC7 and Centenario, and with HC7 and Zacapa, and preferred the Zacapa and Centenario for drinking straight. Just depends on the individual.

Drink what you like, like what you drink. :)

Mark C 03-07-2010 06:26 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 784909)
Anyone else a fan of the Olde New Orleans rums? I had them a couple years ago when I was in NOLA. Fantastic stuff. Mix their spiced rum with some sweetened ice tea and you have a great beverage on a hot day. There 10 y/o is damn fine too, has a nice molasses flavor.

Were you there before or after Katrina? If I remember right, they found themselves in a tough spot after the hurricane and I think a new owner came in, resulting in some changes.


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 785045)
Just like cigars, it's just a matter of palate and personal taste. I did side by sides with HC7 and Centenario, and with HC7 and Zacapa, and preferred the Zacapa and Centenario for drinking straight. Just depends on the individual.

Drink what you like, like what you drink. :)

That's why rum is such a great spirit, I think there's more variety here than any other spirit (Scotch is probably a close second). Every island/country has their own style, so there's something for everyone. Kinda like cigars :)

replicant_argent 03-13-2010 09:09 AM

Re: nice rums?
cracked a bottle of el Dorado 12 year Demerara last night....
very tasty, and at 23 bucks or so, one hell of a value. Smooth lingering finish, Sweet without being overly syrupy, just enough bite. Tons of flavor.

Simply put, it doesn't suck, I will probably keep a bottle or two of this on hand.
In my limited brand experience, one of my top 5 I think.

Chainsaw13 03-13-2010 05:08 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Mark C (Post 785147)
Were you there before or after Katrina? If I remember right, they found themselves in a tough spot after the hurricane and I think a new owner came in, resulting in some changes.

I've been there after Katrina. Not sure about the owner change, but true, they were in a tough spot. IIRC, they had 9-11 feet of water in distillery pretty much taking out the entire first floor. Luckily they stored their rum in the rafters and it was untouched. That brought about the special edition 10 year old rum, which was their 8 year that got a couple extra years of aging.

SNKBYT 04-01-2010 08:25 AM

Re: nice rums?
found this site while doing research.......hope its helpful

Mark C 04-01-2010 06:30 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by snkbyt (Post 813087)
found this site while doing research.......hope its helpful

I used to keep up with that but haven't seen it in awhile, thanks for putting it back in front of me! His reviews are great, but I really like the side-by-side comparisons.

kazzaca 04-01-2010 06:40 PM

Re: nice rums?
I'm also a big fan of El Dorado's great value for the quality.

Wanger 04-05-2010 07:01 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by kazzaca (Post 813867)
I'm also a big fan of El Dorado's great value for the quality.

Been through a few bottle of the 12 myself, and tried the 15. Good stuff, and especially at the price. Not too much more than what I prefer to have on hand for mixers. :D

nitropyro3 04-09-2010 02:39 PM

Re: nice rums?
I prefer Rum made with pure can rather than moleasses. Probably my favorite is 10 Cane from Trinidad and Tobago. I think it was around $40 for 1ltr but this was in Nassau, not sure what it is state side.

Chainsaw13 04-09-2010 02:50 PM

Re: nice rums?
I just tried bit of Ron Caney cuban rum. Not bad, but seems more for mixing.

RevSmoke 04-09-2010 05:38 PM

Re: nice rums?
Just got a bottle of Grande Reserve Plantation - Barbados - for $14.99.

I am very impressed!

Will be getting another one very quickly.

RGD. 04-13-2010 08:08 PM

Re: nice rums?
Just saw that you had posted this. I had a chance to taste the 12 year against the 15 - and thought the 12 was very good and the 15 even better in smoothness. I don't have a bottle of the 12 here - but I do have the 15. Add it to your list for your next bottle.



Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 792682)
cracked a bottle of el Dorado 12 year Demerara last night....
very tasty, and at 23 bucks or so, one hell of a value. Smooth lingering finish, Sweet without being overly syrupy, just enough bite. Tons of flavor.

Simply put, it doesn't suck, I will probably keep a bottle or two of this on hand.
In my limited brand experience, one of my top 5 I think.

Superbad 04-15-2010 09:02 PM

Re: nice rums?
I highly recommend El Dorado rums. I love the 12 and 15 year. They now have a 151 overproof for all those high octane Tiki drinks from years long gone by. You might want to check out my blog for a few recipes for rum drinks. I need to start updating it again, and I will likely add a cigar section.

nomadicwookie 04-23-2010 07:10 AM

Re: nice rums?
Man Marc C knows his rum. I'm gonna cast another vote for the El Dorado 15yr. Outstanding rum and a great value.

TheLostGringo 04-23-2010 08:28 AM

Re: nice rums?
Never been a huge fan of rum but do enjoy the:


Probably need to try a few more high-end rums

SNKBYT 04-23-2010 11:12 AM

Re: nice rums?
no more road trips for any of my rums:dr
found a small local MOM&POP store that carries all 3
ZAYA 12 ($170 per 6pk)

Wanger 04-25-2010 09:54 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by snkbyt (Post 837218)
no more road trips for any of my rums:dr
found a small local MOM&POP store that carries all 3
ZAYA 12 ($170 per 6pk)

Which Zaya, Alex? The GOOD stuff (Guat)?

replicant_argent 04-25-2010 10:08 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 839017)
Which Zaya, Alex? The GOOD stuff (Guat)?

Yeah... right.... I think we know what happened to the remaining stock on the planet of the Guat, Mike.


It's a bit like talking about sources, and holding them close to the vest, don't you think?

wolfandwhisky 04-25-2010 10:42 AM

Re: nice rums?
I'm a big fan of Zaya - I like the bananas/caramel spectrum of rum

What is Ron Zacapa like - more bananas/caramel or orange/spice?

What other rums are out there that are similar to Zaya, and if possible, better than Zaya?

SNKBYT 04-25-2010 11:47 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 839017)
Which Zaya, Alex? The GOOD stuff (Guat)?

unfortunately its the Trinidad ZAYA, but catfish Dave did bring me a bottle of Guatemalan ZAYA Rum his last visit

wayner123 04-26-2010 06:52 AM

Re: nice rums?
I went out and got a bottle of the El Dorado 15yr. I must say it's a smooth rum, but lacks the smokey flavor that I like. It had nice flavors, but they were muted.

All in all, it was a good rum, especially at the price point. But like Wanger stated, it's just above what I would choose for a mixer. Might make a very tasty mojito.

Wanger 04-26-2010 11:14 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by wolfandwhisky (Post 839083)
I'm a big fan of Zaya - I like the bananas/caramel spectrum of rum

What is Ron Zacapa like - more bananas/caramel or orange/spice?

What other rums are out there that are similar to Zaya, and if possible, better than Zaya?

Not good with describing flavors and all, but if you like the old (Guatemalan) Zaya, you'll likely like Zacapa. It has a very similar smoothness and taste profile. More refined than most sippers I've had. Definitely more than the "new" (Trini) Zaya, IMO.

The main thing for me about the Trini Zaya is that it's not worth the price to me any more. The old stuff was, but I can find stuff with similar bite at lower prices to the Trini version.

I've got some Diplomatico that I haven't cracked yet, as well as some Ron Pampero that I've been drinking. The Pampero is not bad, reasonably smooth, with a hint of bite to it. Haven't had any for a couple weeks, so I can't really describe the flavors to you. If you don't care for the orange flavors, I'd say to stay away from Pyrat Pistol...the stuff I've had tasted more like an ice cream topping than a sipping rum. Just not one for me, I guess.

I think I need to have a rum tasting here. At least to refresh my memory of some of them, and maybe try some new ones. :D

Superbad 04-26-2010 06:26 PM

Re: nice rums?
If you guys are looking for an overproof rum, El Dorado now makes a 151 proof demerara rum, that absolutely rocks!

Rich Yhlen 04-26-2010 06:53 PM

Re: nice rums?
Sailor Jerry was actually good but after New Years they changed the recipe and now it tastes like a cheap rum

Mark C 04-26-2010 07:48 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by wolfandwhisky (Post 839083)
I'm a big fan of Zaya - I like the bananas/caramel spectrum of rum

What is Ron Zacapa like - more bananas/caramel or orange/spice?

What other rums are out there that are similar to Zaya, and if possible, better than Zaya?

The only rum that tastes like oranges to me is Pyrat (both Pistol and XO). The Trinidad Zaya is heavy on the vanilla flavor, very similar to Angostura 1919 (same distillery). Zacapa is similar to Zaya in that it has a fair amount of 'sweetness', it's a full bodied rum, almost syrupy compared to Puerto Rican rums, with a darker color to match. The caramel is definitely there, but not much smoke/oak flavor.

I put Zacapa, Zaya, Centenario, and Diplomatico all in the same category. If you like one, you'll probably like the others. As far as the difference between 'new' and 'old' Zaya, I must say I've never tried the 'old', but must people who've only had the 'new' seem to enjoy it. Seems to be one of those 'you don't know what you missed' kind of deals, don't get hung up on the opinions from people still mourning the loss of the Guat Zaya.

Superbad 04-26-2010 09:09 PM

Re: nice rums?
The old Zaya was quite good, but I am sure the Trinidad Zaya is also very good, especially if it compares with Angostura.

wolfandwhisky 04-26-2010 11:03 PM

Re: nice rums?
I have only had the Trinidad but enjoyed it very much. Will probably buy a bottle of it and the Zacapa

Wanger 04-27-2010 10:44 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Mark C (Post 840796)
As far as the difference between 'new' and 'old' Zaya, I must say I've never tried the 'old', but must people who've only had the 'new' seem to enjoy it. Seems to be one of those 'you don't know what you missed' kind of deals, don't get hung up on the opinions from people still mourning the loss of the Guat Zaya.

Yes, I fully admit that I am mourning the loss of the old Zaya still.

I have tried them side by side (as has my wife, a non rum-drinker), and the difference was noticable to both of us. The main thing that I can say off the top of my head is that the Guat version is smoother and the vanilla is toned down in it, and it doesn't have the "heat" that I had noticed in the Trini version. However, as I said, the Trini version is not worth the pricepoint to me. While it is still a decent sipper, for the price I'd pay for it, I'd rather have something like the Zacapa (essentially the same price for both here in MN). Zacapa is closer to the Guat Zaya than the Trini Zaya is, IMO.

wolfandwhisky 04-27-2010 11:04 AM

Re: nice rums?
how much should I expect to pay for Guat Zaya assuming I find a bottle?

I'll probably just go with the zacapa for ease, but figured I'd check.

Wanger 04-27-2010 11:41 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by wolfandwhisky (Post 841650)
how much should I expect to pay for Guat Zaya assuming I find a bottle?

I'll probably just go with the zacapa for ease, but figured I'd check.

What I'd suggest is that you buy the Zacapa, and keep your eyes open for the Zaya (as you won't likely find it). I check every liquor store I go to (assuming I haven't been there before). The out of the way places are the ones more likely to carry it. But here in MN, the standard price for Zaya (either version, to my knowledge) is about $43, give or take a few $.

wolfandwhisky 04-27-2010 11:48 AM

Re: nice rums?
Trinidad Zaya here is $27, as a reference point. I've never looked for Guatemalan Zaya, but will keep an eye out.

Darrell 04-27-2010 11:50 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by wolfandwhisky (Post 841723)
Trinidad Zaya here is $27, as a reference point. I've never looked for Guatemalan Zaya, but will keep an eye out.

I looked for some Guatemalan Zaya and I found 5 bottles....

In my liquor cabinet. :D

BC-Axeman 04-27-2010 12:49 PM

Re: nice rums?
I like all the Z's and Ron Centinario XX Anjos. Wish they had one of them at Costco.

Mark C 04-27-2010 07:30 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 841629)
Zacapa is closer to the Guat Zaya than the Trini Zaya is, IMO.

I'm sure you're right, they were the same distiller. The Guat Zaya got killed to increase the production of Zacapa, if I remember right it was when a new distributor picked up Zacapa. That should give you an idea just how similar they were. Likewise I find the Angostura 1919 and Trini Zaya very similar, for the same reason.

For what it's worth, "Botran" is still made by the same company as Zacapa, and Montecristo rum used to be, but I think that one got killed off also.

I might just be a little bitter that I missed out on the Guat Zaya by a few months. Went to 5 stores a few years back just before news broke that the production was moving to Trinidad. Oh well, there's plenty more rum to drink!

Wanger 05-03-2010 07:26 AM

Re: nice rums?
At an annual memorial herf this past weekend, there were several types of rums available. We had Pampero, HC7, Diplomatico, Ron Botran, and someone had brought a bottle of HC Barrel Proof (very nice, with a "bright" flavor to it). Our friend was a rum drinker, and had introduced a lot of us to Guat Zaya before his untimely passing.

When I got home, I committed a true sin to rum...I had brought a bottle of Diplomatico with me, which didn't get opened, because there was an open one there already. I pulled it out of the trunk, but didn't realize I grabbed it by the bottom of the tin. Off popped the top and out came the bottle, landing with a crash. I wanted to cry. :( Alcohol abuse at its worst...a brand new bottle all over my garage floor, running out into the garage. GAH!!!!!

Superbad 05-03-2010 07:46 PM

Re: nice rums?
I picked up some Guat Zaya, not too long ago. Just check in the local liquor stores, you might get lucky.

Wanger 05-04-2010 11:22 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Superbad (Post 848121)
I picked up some Guat Zaya, not too long ago. Just check in the local liquor stores, you might get lucky.

Been doing that for over a year and a half. LOL

replicant_argent 05-04-2010 11:28 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 848611)
Been doing that for over a year and a half. LOL

so many I pretty much gave up.

rizzle 05-04-2010 11:48 AM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 841712)
What I'd suggest is that you buy the Zacapa, and keep your eyes open for the Zaya (as you won't likely find it). I check every liquor store I go to (assuming I haven't been there before). The out of the way places are the ones more likely to carry it. But here in MN, the standard price for Zaya (either version, to my knowledge) is about $43, give or take a few $.

Wha what? Dayum. They trying to keep a brother down up there, huh?

replicant_argent 05-04-2010 12:06 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 848634)
Wha what? Dayum. They trying to keep a brother down up there, huh?

Yes, the Man officially hates us.

DrDubzz 05-29-2010 02:56 PM

Re: nice rums?
Finally bought some Matulasem 15, it's pretty dang good. I'd put it 3rd just behind RZ23 (1st) and Zaya (2nd) as far as sipping rums go

icehog3 05-29-2010 05:27 PM

Re: nice rums?

Originally Posted by RX2010 (Post 872733)
Finally bought some Matulasem 15, it's pretty dang good. I'd put it 3rd just behind RZ23 (1st) and Zaya (2nd) as far as sipping rums go

Have you ever tried Ron Centenario XX, Tim?

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