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hammondc 09-23-2012 08:02 AM

Re: iPhone 5
If you are on the fence, here is a video that clarifies the new features of the iPhone5.


King James 09-23-2012 09:17 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1721195)
I just got the Galaxy S 3 and this thing is just absolutely amazing. In fact, I posted this entire response with just my voice. You really should go check it out. It seems to me that the new iPhone 5 give you a whole extra row for icons, but the android operating system seems to give you so much more control and functionality.

Based on your riveting and informative review, I'll go put this crappy iPhone 5 up on eBay today. Thank you! I'm so glad you felt compelled to post your recommendation for an android phone in a thread discussing the new iPhone. If you hadn't, I never would have figured out how I've been wrong for so long. :rolleyes:

mhailey 09-23-2012 10:10 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by King James (Post 1721316)
Based on your riveting and informative review, I'll go put this crappy iPhone 5 up on eBay today. Thank you! I'm so glad you felt compelled to post your recommendation for an android phone in a thread discussing the new iPhone. If you hadn't, I never would have figured out how I've been wrong for so long. :rolleyes:

Seeing as though I was responding to Big Bert, who was wondering about the Iphone 5 vs the Galaxy S3, and I was giving him encouragement to check it out before making a decision, your snide and belittling response was rather uncalled for.

poriggity 09-23-2012 10:30 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1721286)
If you are on the fence, here is a video that clarifies the new features of the iPhone5.




King James 09-23-2012 10:34 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1721353)
Seeing as though I was responding to Big Bert, who was wondering about the Iphone 5 vs the Galaxy S3, and I was giving him encouragement to check it out before making a decision, your snide and belittling response was rather uncalled for.

Snide? Maybe. Belittling? That's being a bit dramatic. But okay, my apologies. I'm sure Big Bert benefited from your objective comparison of the two phones.

pnoon 09-23-2012 10:39 AM

Re: iPhone 5

CigarNut 09-23-2012 10:42 AM

Re: iPhone 5
Did I say that I love my new iPhone 5??


pnoon 09-23-2012 10:42 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1721371)
You just can't help yourself, can you? Apologize and then provide a backhanded comment.

The lack of gentlemanly conduct should surprise me, but, for some reason, it does not.

Carry on.

In case you missed it.

King James 09-23-2012 10:43 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1721286)
If you are on the fence, here is a video that clarifies the new features of the iPhone5.


Some of these are actually pretty funny. Saw this one the other day. (Don't think it was posted in here yet :confused:)

mhailey 09-23-2012 11:57 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1721203)
I've had my iPhone 4S for a long time and it's amazing too. In fact I've posted this all with Siri. Just saying :-). Yeah she really just did the :-) for me too.


Big Bert 09-23-2012 12:36 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Again thanks for all the input guys... No need to get offensive though .... Come on we don't want pnoon watching anyone :D

CigarNut 09-23-2012 12:44 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Who is PNOON?

BHalbrooks 09-23-2012 02:00 PM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1721392)

:-). Yeah I had her type that out too.


Ender 09-24-2012 07:35 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Got the phone Friday. So far I love it. Had a 4. I love Siri. My wife and has the 4s And I've been jeleous. I live how fast it is too. As a side note the new iOS really sped up the camera. It's lightening fast. Anyone else notice this?

TJarv 09-24-2012 08:02 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Ordered mine today

BHalbrooks 09-24-2012 10:47 PM

Re: iPhone 5
My Wife and I were at the Mall today, so we stopped at the Apple Store. No thank you. Feels way too tall to be comfortable for me. Not a fan at all, especially with how happy I am with my 4s.

Glad you that ordered it are enjoying them, though.

longknocker 09-25-2012 03:43 AM

Re: iPhone 5
Mine Should Be Here Monday, October1!:banger:D:tu

hammondc 09-25-2012 08:27 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by King James (Post 1721375)
Some of these are actually pretty funny. Saw this one the other day. (Don't think it was posted in here yet :confused:)

That tape measure was awesome

MurphysLaw 09-25-2012 09:06 AM

Re: iPhone 5
Mine is on the truck for delivery today :tu

MurphysLaw 09-25-2012 06:36 PM

Re: iPhone 5
I'm really liking the iPhone 5 so far, it feels much lighter in hand and the bigger screen is really nice.

Adriftpanda 09-26-2012 02:41 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Got my phone in yesterday, played with it for about 10 minutes and then the home button is going whacko on me, Siri popping up, pictures randomly taken, voice control turning on and off. Getting it replaced shortly, but for the first 10 minutes of playing with it, this phone is badass. Amazing how LTE is faster than my wifi at home!

php007 09-26-2012 02:59 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Ordered mine from AT&T in the 14th and still no word on when it's going to ship. Should have waited in line

Thrak 09-26-2012 03:27 PM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1723223)
Amazing how LTE is faster than my wifi at home!

Its funny iphone people keep saying this... I guess the samsung commercial hits home when they say "yeah.. we've had 4G for a while" lol... :r

Shoot even on my TMO G2 I get 4-5x the speed of my home DSL and its a 2+ year old phone!

King James 09-26-2012 04:06 PM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1723223)
Amazing how LTE is faster than my wifi at home!

I was pleasantly surprised as well. Even more so that LTE has been added and so far there hasn't been a negative impact on my battery life. I'm still able to go an entire day without charging my phone.

Adriftpanda 09-26-2012 06:08 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Okay, got my swap phone... Badass phone

irratebass 09-27-2012 04:28 AM

Re: iPhone 5
Still no pics???:np

Blak Smyth 09-27-2012 05:17 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by MurphysLaw (Post 1722695)
I'm really liking the iPhone 5 so far, it feels much lighter in hand and the bigger screen is really nice.

I like to call it a "Taller" screen, haha. Does it feel larger? I can't wrap my head around a taller screen without widening it. Taki's should land soon and I intend to break it before making up my mind.

MurphysLaw 09-27-2012 06:55 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1723422)
I like to call it a "Taller" screen, haha. Does it feel larger? I can't wrap my head around a taller screen without widening it. Taki's should land soon and I intend to break it before making up my mind.

I think it still feels very nice in hand, the screen is "taller" but the overall size of the phone is still comfortable in hand and in the pocket.

King James 09-27-2012 08:04 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1723422)
I like to call it a "Taller" screen, haha. Does it feel larger? I can't wrap my head around a taller screen without widening it. Taki's should land soon and I intend to break it before making up my mind.

Because they decreased the size of the bezel, the screen got larger but the phone is not that much taller. I personally don't even notice the size different that often except on apps that require more scrolling (facebook, mail, safari, twitter), and the only reason I notice it there is because I was used to how much of the content was visible in my iPhone 4. It, so far, has actually been a nice improvement of being able to see more messages, emails, posts, tweets, etc. I was not a fan of increasing the screen size, so though how Apple increased the size of the phone was a good compromise. However, people that want a big screen will still likely not be satisfied if they didn't like the size of the iPhone 4

Blak Smyth 09-27-2012 08:11 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by King James (Post 1723458)
Because they decreased the size of the bezel, the screen got larger but the phone is not that much taller. I personally don't even notice the size different that often except on apps that require more scrolling (facebook, mail, safari, twitter), and the only reason I notice it there is because I was used to how much of the content was visible in my iPhone 4. It, so far, has actually been a nice improvement of being able to see more messages, emails, posts, tweets, etc. I was not a fan of increasing the screen size, so though how Apple increased the size of the phone was a good compromise. However, people that want a big screen will still likely not be satisfied if they didn't like the size of the iPhone 4

Really good feedback there, thank you. :tu

Justinphilly 09-30-2012 11:02 AM

Re: iPhone 5
Is there a way to post pictures from the iPhone/iPad to the forum? I'm sure I'm setting myself up for some anti-Apple people to poke fun if we can't.

mithrilG60 09-30-2012 11:42 AM

Re: iPhone 5
You can upload a photo as an attachment using either an existing photo or taking a new one.

Justinphilly 09-30-2012 11:44 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1725105)
You can upload a photo as an attachment using either an existing photo or taking a new one.


Digs 09-30-2012 11:46 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Justinphilly (Post 1725072)
Is there a way to post pictures from the iPhone/iPad to the forum? I'm sure I'm setting myself up for some anti-Apple people to poke fun if we can't.

The only way I know is photo bucket.

Justinphilly 09-30-2012 11:46 AM

Re: iPhone 5
1 Attachment(s)
Like this?

Justinphilly 09-30-2012 11:47 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Justinphilly (Post 1725110)
Like this?

Almost. Lol

Justinphilly 09-30-2012 11:48 AM

Re: iPhone 5
1 Attachment(s)
Try again.

Justinphilly 09-30-2012 11:49 AM

Re: iPhone 5
Success. I'm post-whoring here. Sorry.

DPD6030 09-30-2012 02:37 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Mine is tentatively to be delivered 10/1 between 12:15-4:15 pm.

longknocker 09-30-2012 05:42 PM

Re: iPhone 5
AT&T Rep Originally Told Me Delivery Was 10/1. Called Them Last Week & They Said Shipment 10/6 Or 10/12. :sh:fl:bh

Digs 09-30-2012 06:35 PM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1725105)
You can upload a photo as an attachment using either an existing photo or taking a new one.

Humm this must have been part of the IOS 6 update. I was never able to access my pictures in my albums. :noon

Steelerfanatic 09-30-2012 06:36 PM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by Digs (Post 1725289)
Humm this must have been part of the IOS 6 update. I was never able to access my pictures in my albums. :noon

Me neither. A very cool feature!

Digs 09-30-2012 06:41 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Good bye photo bucket :r

DPD6030 10-01-2012 11:27 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 1725252)
AT&T Rep Originally Told Me Delivery Was 10/1. Called Them Last Week & They Said Shipment 10/6 Or 10/12. :sh:fl:bh


longknocker 10-02-2012 04:39 AM

Re: iPhone 5

Originally Posted by DPD6030 (Post 1725567)

:tf Mine Should Be Here, Today!:noon:hf

floydpink 10-02-2012 02:00 PM

Re: iPhone 5
I had an intersting experience today.

I am due for an upgrade on Nov 20 and stopped by the ATT store to see if there was any flexibility on early upgrade and how long they anticipate stock to be in store.

The ATT store in my area is doing a sales blitz on the new ATT U-Verse home internet and apparantly they are motivated.

I had no intention of subscribing, but the guy explained that if I did, he would order my iPhone 5 TODAY and I should have it in 2-3 weeks.

They didn't hold any payment for the U-Verse and it was in the contract that I can cancel any time before installation with no fee and the phone will still be shipped.

After looking at the fiber optic cable speeds and savings over my bundled Brighthouse package, I may actually go with the U-Verse, but at least have a phone on the way.

I am in sales and extremely skeptical, but went over the contract with a microscope and it was definitely legitimate in the cancellation policy.

floydpink 10-02-2012 03:17 PM

Re: iPhone 5
After a couple hours, I decided to cancel the Uverse but have a confirmation that my phone is processing and will ship in 14-21 days, so I'm not sure how much time I knocked off my Nov 21 upgrade date besides the obvious 30 or so.

If history is a guide, they will be easy to find in stock by then.

Not an intentionally sleazy move, I just want to wait until they bundle cable into the package

Thrak 10-02-2012 04:58 PM

Re: iPhone 5
In the spirit of the questions about pictures, I thought you guys would like this...


King James 10-02-2012 06:03 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Verizon users, Apple rolled out an update for Verizon-specific iPhone 5's. Apparently there was something going on with data being used when it should not be. Take a peak and get it fixed.


DPD6030 10-02-2012 06:43 PM

Re: iPhone 5
Got my phone yesterday. So far no complaints here. What a world of difference from the 3GS.

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