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N2 GOLD 05-19-2011 12:23 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
"I'm having a birthday party, but you're not invited, but you can come if you want."

Whats eating Gilbert Grape...


" The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you make will shape your life forever. "

SvilleKid 05-28-2011 12:58 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1267947)
"I'm having a birthday party, but you're not invited, but you can come if you want."

Whats eating Gilbert Grape...


" The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you make will shape your life forever. "

No one?? OK It's from "A Bronx Tale"

How about:

"I'll chase him round the moons of Nibia, and round the Antares Maelstrom and round Predition's Flame before I give him up."

76GTFan 05-29-2011 04:38 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1277827)
"I'll chase him round the moons of Nibia, and round the Antares Maelstrom and round Predition's Flame before I give him up."

Star Trek II- Wrath of Kahn

"A buh?" "No not a buh. A bomb"

SvilleKid 06-10-2011 08:17 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by 76GTFan (Post 1278566)
Star Trek II- Wrath of Kahn

"A buh?" "No not a buh. A bomb"

Well, I've got a couple of guesses here. It is almost like a line in The Fifth Element, but I don't quite think that was the exact line. I actually believe this is a line from Airplane II. (Not near as many remember-able lines as the original Airplane!!)

To kick this back open, how about an easy one:

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious $hit"

Remo 06-10-2011 08:23 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1291773)
Well, I've got a couple of guesses here. It is almost like a line in The Fifth Element, but I don't quite think that was the exact line. I actually believe this is a line from Airplane II. (Not near as many remember-able lines as the original Airplane!!)

To kick this back open, how about an easy one:

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious $hit"

Back to the Future


"Check out the big brain on Brad"

Bill86 06-10-2011 08:27 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Remo_5_0 (Post 1291783)
Back to the Future


"Look at the big brain on Brad"

Pulp Fiction

"Actually I'm speaking English you f**king idiot!"

76GTFan 06-14-2011 09:08 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1291773)
Well, I've got a couple of guesses here. It is almost like a line in The Fifth Element, but I don't quite think that was the exact line. I actually believe this is a line from Airplane II. (Not near as many remember-able lines as the original Airplane!!)

To kick this back open, how about an easy one:

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious $hit"

It was from Airplane II.

76GTFan 06-14-2011 09:09 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Leave it with Bill86

"Actually I'm speaking English you f**king idiot!"

Sherlockholms 06-14-2011 09:29 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

"He left me his c-c-c... He left me his c-c-c... Oh, he ****ing gave me this. F*ck! A**!"

BigCat 06-14-2011 09:38 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Sherlockholms (Post 1296630)

"He left me his c-c-c... He left me his c-c-c... Oh, he ****ing gave me this. F*ck! A**!"

Boondock Saints

"Say what you want about the tenents of national least it's an ethos."

N2 GOLD 06-14-2011 10:20 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
"Say what you want about the tenents of national least it's an ethos."[/quote]

The Big Lebowski


" That is the last time you ever make me look bad in front of those kids, you hear me? I make $31,000 a year and I have a home and I'm not about to throw it all away on some punk like you. "

ASU Maduro 06-14-2011 11:32 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
The Breakfast Club

ASU Maduro 06-14-2011 11:37 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Sorry, here's the new 1

...It's a dream! Tommy! I'm praying
to you! I can't die! I can't die!
Out here in the woods! Like a dumb
animal! I can't die!

madwilliamflint 06-14-2011 12:06 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by ASU Maduro (Post 1296778)
Sorry, here's the new 1

...It's a dream! Tommy! I'm praying
to you! I can't die! I can't die!
Out here in the woods! Like a dumb
animal! I can't die!

Miller's Crossing (FTW!)

"Now who are these, friends of YOURS!?! Now this REALLY pisses me off to no end!"

76GTFan 07-06-2011 01:20 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by madwilliamflint (Post 1296804)
Miller's Crossing (FTW!)

"Now who are these, friends of YOURS!?! Now this REALLY pisses me off to no end!"

Big Trouble in Little Chin

Did you ask the judge about fixin the water fountain. You would think since I own the place, I could get a damn drink of water around here.

SvilleKid 08-02-2011 01:37 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by 76GTFan (Post 1325597)
Big Trouble in Little Chin

Did you ask the judge about fixin the water fountain. You would think since I own the place, I could get a damn drink of water around here.

This one has even me stumped. We may need to revisit the thread title, Famous Movie Quotes! When we put a quote in that is so unknown that it kills the thread for a month, maybe we need to be posting lines that are a little better circulated, or that stand out in people's minds a little longer. I'm not specifically knocking GTFan, because this is an on-going issue for the thread.

So, to get the thread back up and running, let's try the following line:

"We're not hosting an intergalactic kegger down here."

agctribefan 08-02-2011 01:47 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
"We're not hosting an intergalactic kegger down here."

Men in black

But for the first time in my life, I'm 18 and I can say "F#$%CK YOU!"

SvilleKid 08-09-2011 11:33 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by agctribefan (Post 1357854)
"We're not hosting an intergalactic kegger down here."

Men in black

But for the first time in my life, I'm 18 and I can say "F#$%CK YOU!"

Gotta say, this fits the definition of obscure (Box Office Gross of $299,200!!!). SLC Punk

An easy one:

"When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19-year-old, I'm about as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench. "

N2 GOLD 08-10-2011 12:29 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1368537)
Gotta say, this fits the definition of obscure (Box Office Gross of $299,200!!!). SLC Punk

An easy one:

"When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19-year-old, I'm about as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench. "

SinCity. GREAT movie... :2


" On my planet we don't say die we say HEY! NOT MY SHORTS "

agctribefan 08-10-2011 12:39 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1369135)
SinCity. GREAT movie... :2


" On my planet we don't say die we say HEY! NOT MY SHORTS "

Howard the Duck

new one

"The sound of your pee hitting the urinal, it sounds feminine."

ASU Maduro 08-10-2011 02:42 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by agctribefan (Post 1369147)
Howard the Duck

new one

"The sound of your pee hitting the urinal, it sounds feminine."

The Other Guys

new one

"Really? It took me like three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip. It's probably the best drawing I've ever done."

kugie 08-10-2011 05:22 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by ASU Maduro (Post 1369249)
The Other Guys

new one

"Really? It took me like three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip. It's probably the best drawing I've ever done."

Napoleon Dynomite

~new one~

"I woke up in the desert like I'd been dropped out of the sky."

kugie 08-15-2011 07:21 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
This one Died.
It was Cowboys and Aliens

~New One~

"Here's a seven-point suppository, Captain."

Bill86 08-16-2011 02:39 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
The Enforcer

"Cuz if you shoot a bullet, someone dies. When you drop a bomb, many die. You hit a woman, love dies. But... if you say the f-word, nothing actually happens."

ASU Maduro 08-26-2011 12:45 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Pirate Radio

New one:

I hate snakes, Jock! I hate 'em!

irratebass 08-26-2011 01:03 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by ASU Maduro (Post 1388510)
Pirate Radio

New one:

I hate snakes, Jock! I hate 'em!

Raiders Of The Lost Ark


Keep your hands off Clarissa dude.

76GTFan 09-05-2011 04:40 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1368537)
Gotta say, this fits the definition of obscure (Box Office Gross of $299,200!!!). SLC Punk

An easy one:

"When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19-year-old, I'm about as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench. "

It was from The Natural. Was famous movie, just not a famous quote I guess.

76GTFan 09-05-2011 04:42 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Back to irratebass.

Keep your hands off Clarissa dude

Mattso3000 09-05-2011 05:04 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by 76GTFan (Post 1398809)

Keep your hands off Clarissa dude

Rivers Edge

“You idiots! These are not them! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!”

pektel 09-06-2011 05:12 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Jay and silent bob strike back?

I'll wait for confirmation before posting a new quote.
Posted via Mobile Device

Mattso3000 09-06-2011 05:27 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Sorry Peter, not it. Thought this one would be easy.

pektel 09-06-2011 05:36 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Just a wild guess anyways. Made me think of the scene with James Van Der Beek and the pie f*cker (can't remember his name lol)

kugie 09-06-2011 05:40 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Mattso3000 (Post 1398823)
Rivers Edge

“You idiots! These are not them! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!”


-New one-

"Benjamin is nobody's friend. If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and d%@k. "

jonumberone 09-06-2011 05:40 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1399759)
-New one-

"Benjamin is nobody's friend. If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and d%@k. "

Waynes World


Doyle, I KNOW I gave him four THREES. He had to make a SWITCH. We can't let him get away with that.
What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?

Gophernut 09-06-2011 06:18 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1399760)

Doyle, I KNOW I gave him four THREES. He had to make a SWITCH. We can't let him get away with that.
What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?

The Sting. GREAT movie.

“I told you dad tomorrow I’m enrolling in ITT Technical Institute to fix computers for a living so I’m, ah”

SvilleKid 09-14-2011 09:32 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Gophernut (Post 1399806)
The Sting. GREAT movie.

“I told you dad tomorrow I’m enrolling in ITT Technical Institute to fix computers for a living so I’m, ah”

The Green Hornet

From a new movie, back in time a few decades (and an easy one to boot!):

"Hey look, mister. We serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast, and we don't need any characters around to give the joint "atmosphere"

icehog3 09-14-2011 10:41 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1408735)
The Green Hornet

From a new movie, back in time a few decades (and an easy one to boot!):

"Hey look, mister. We serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast, and we don't need any characters around to give the joint "atmosphere"

My Xmas favorite, It's a Wonderful Life. :)

"Hey kid, you got no class. Hit the bums, kid. Run like the devil. Get a tin can and take up mooching. Knock on back doors for a nickel. Tell them your story. Make 'em weep. You could have been a meat-eater, kid. But you didn't listen to me when I laid it down. Stay off the tracks. Forget it. Its a bum's world for a bum."

SvilleKid 09-19-2011 09:21 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1408802)
My Xmas favorite, It's a Wonderful Life. :)

"Hey kid, you got no class. Hit the bums, kid. Run like the devil. Get a tin can and take up mooching. Knock on back doors for a nickel. Tell them your story. Make 'em weep. You could have been a meat-eater, kid. But you didn't listen to me when I laid it down. Stay off the tracks. Forget it. Its a bum's world for a bum."

A brutal movie, for sure (at least Borgnine's character!). "Emperor of the North (Pole)"

An easy one:

" Put ze candle back"

icehog3 09-19-2011 10:33 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1414366)
A brutal movie, for sure (at least Borgnine's character!). "Emperor of the North (Pole)"

An easy one:

" Put ze candle back"

It was on tonight....Young Franenstein....."sank you doktor". :r


"When you hang a man, you better look at him."

SvilleKid 09-25-2011 06:15 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1414432)
It was on tonight....Young Franenstein....."sank you doktor". :r


"When you hang a man, you better look at him."


I guess this thread must be dead! Such an easy one, and no takers!!

Hang 'em High, I believe, is yours. I'm still interested in playing, so:

"Hell with them fellas. Buzzards got eat..... Same as worms"

kugie 09-25-2011 06:29 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1420612)

I guess this thread must be dead! Such an easy one, and no takers!!

Hang 'em High, I believe, is yours. I'm still interested in playing, so:

"Hell with them fellas. Buzzards got eat..... Same as worms"

The Outlaw Josey Wales

"Yes, this village is without the pestilence... but it is also without God. For this, they will suffer. "

N2 GOLD 09-26-2011 11:23 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1420631)
The Outlaw Josey Wales

"Yes, this village is without the pestilence... but it is also without God. For this, they will suffer. "

Black Death...


" Why do I want to be a real person when I'm already a myth? "

SvilleKid 09-26-2011 08:08 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1421182)
Black Death...


" Why do I want to be a real person when I'm already a myth? "

Machete. Wasn't terribly impressed by it, but wonder if it will end up as a cult classic 20 years down the road??

How about:

Man A: "Did you hear that?"
Man B: "Yeah. It's a dickfer."
Man A: "What's a dickfer?"
Man B: "To pee with"

irratebass 09-26-2011 08:40 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1421716)
Machete. Wasn't terribly impressed by it, but wonder if it will end up as a cult classic 20 years down the road??

How about:

Man A: "Did you hear that?"
Man B: "Yeah. It's a dickfer."
Man A: "What's a dickfer?"
Man B: "To pee with"


New one:

"Don't ever lose your sense of humor Dan...don't EVER lose your sense of humor."

Lonely Raven 10-05-2011 12:41 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1421787)

New one:

"Don't ever lose your sense of humor Dan...don't EVER lose your sense of humor."

OK, that's About Last Night with....was it Jim Belushi in that one?

Here's mine, I hope it's not too rough. Line comes from a woman.

"I'm free after school everyday, its in the constitution"

irratebass 10-05-2011 12:46 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Lonely Raven (Post 1430191)
OK, that's About Last Night with....was it Jim Belushi in that one?

Here's mine, I hope it's not too rough. Line comes from a woman.

"I'm free after school everyday, its in the constitution"

Yep you got it......that took awhile.

Is it Dazed & Confused?

Lonely Raven 10-05-2011 12:47 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1430193)
Yep you got it......that took awhile.

Is it Dazed & Confused?

Bzzzt, Try again.

SvilleKid 10-05-2011 05:37 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Lonely Raven (Post 1430191)
OK, that's About Last Night with....was it Jim Belushi in that one?

Here's mine, I hope it's not too rough. Line comes from a woman.

"I'm free after school everyday, its in the constitution"

Ahhhhhh! A "Big Hair" era flick! "Hiding Out".Wonder how many people actually enjoyed this movie? I don't even recall seeing it in the discount dvd bin at wallyworld!:r:r

An easy one (from the same era as the last one):

"If you don't help me, you're going to wind up with this miniaturized submersible pod floating around your insides with this teeny tiny human skeleton at the helm."

icehog3 10-05-2011 07:40 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1430588)
Ahhhhhh! A "Big Hair" era flick! "Hiding Out".Wonder how many people actually enjoyed this movie? I don't even recall seeing it in the discount dvd bin at wallyworld!:r:r

An easy one (from the same era as the last one):

"If you don't help me, you're going to wind up with this miniaturized submersible pod floating around your insides with this teeny tiny human skeleton at the helm."

Innerspace? I am pretty certain, Cliff.

"Crushed by Jefferson".

Lonely Raven 10-05-2011 08:23 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1430588)
Ahhhhhh! A "Big Hair" era flick! "Hiding Out".Wonder how many people actually enjoyed this movie? I don't even recall seeing it in the discount dvd bin at wallyworld!:r:r

An easy one (from the same era as the last one):

"If you don't help me, you're going to wind up with this miniaturized submersible pod floating around your insides with this teeny tiny human skeleton at the helm."

LOL, nice (incorrect) Google search. It's Grease II, where one of the guys asks if she's free after school (For a date), and she blows him off with that quote. But I'll let it slide this time.


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1430726)
Innerspace? I am pretty certain, Cliff.

"Crushed by Jefferson".

Easy! "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"

Here is one for you old farts - Hint they are brothers

"That's in every contract, that's what you call a sanity clause."

"You can't a fool a me there ain't no sanity clause"

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