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Ahbroody 01-22-2011 11:40 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Hell no. He got a hug and a kiss on the head after the game same as always brother. :tu Went to the net as usual, skated with his head up all game, set up shop infront of the net looking for the feeds. Love watching him use his brain out there and not be a mindless puck chaser. The only time I ever talk to him if he isnt moving his feet. Even then I always try to put it in positive terms.

End of game was classic he stayed back as they were winning by one. I was proud to see him do that without anyone saying anything. When I asked him, he said the goalie needed help. One of their kids gets a mini break and starts skating towards him. coach is yelling clear the puck. Micah decides to be a human bowling ball and takes out the kid. Hit him pretty good. :r Puck goes to the wall game ends. I love that he loves to hit already, but pretty soon I think he may take a penalty. I think he gets away with a little more cause the kids that ref the game seem to like him.

Al I was watching a PSU game on last night while at work. I think they stream most the games. I could only watch for a few minutes then got some calls for service.

E.J. 01-23-2011 09:33 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Few pics from the County Rec game last night... Had a goal and an assist. The team actually played really well and had a shot at taking out the #1 team in the league. In the end, it was not to be. Fun game all the same.

He breaks down the ice in this, takes it into the corner and sends a really nice pass to a kid going to the net, who puts it in. Then the celebratory hugs at the end....

Camped in front, kid in the back threw him the puck and he had the wide open net as you can see....then a thank you.

J0eybb 01-25-2011 06:37 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1135435)
Yes, Utah Grizzlies:tu

83 penalty minutes last night for the Grizz last night....66 for the Thunder. Everyone in the starting line-up for both teams dropped the gloves 2 seconds into the game last night....and it didn't end there.

Still have 1 point on the Wranglers, but not for long if they don't start playing better.

Totally forgot, my daughters favorite player, Hugo Carpentier, now plays for Utah. When they came to Vegas he picked a few PIM, and we got to chant "Hugo Sucks". My daughter just about cried. I laughed at her.

Ahbroody 01-26-2011 05:26 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
New rig for the little man. Dont even know why I grabbed ot as its discontinued. He tried it at lax yesterday and liked it.

E.J. 01-27-2011 11:06 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Looking good, Mike!

E.J. 01-28-2011 10:21 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Tough loss to a BAD team.... Not so sure it will actually go down as a loss, as the game was called with 2.5 minutes to go with us done 2-1. We had a 3 on 5 w/ 2:30(1:45 to go in the penalty), but there was a throwdown, with kids coming out of the box(not off the bench) and they called the game.

What do you do....??? Gave the LM a hug(he was REALLY upset about his shifts in the 3rd) and gave him the drink he ask for before the game.... He is still disappointed about his shifts in the 3rd.......

Ahbroody 01-29-2011 09:09 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
So I am guessing the kids that fought will be suspended?
Guessing it was a pretty big fight for them to call the game.

Micah got a goal today, but more importantly played super hard. Buzzed around the ice, involved in everything. Had some good scoring chances. Was glad to see because this on monday at practice I had to talk to him about being disruptive during drills and half aszing everything. Mainly the disruptive thing pissed me off. Its my job on the ice to wrangle the $hitheads during practice. I was definitely upset I had to talk to him on more than one occasion about being a $hit disturber. Something I never have to do. He definitely seemed to respond to what I said.

He wants to skate and shoot everyday. I am in discussion with my wife on how to address this. I dont want to burn him out. As it is we take some of the boys to a little 25x50 sheet for a private little kid gretzky hour on Sunday for an hour, Monday he has practice, every other thursday I take him to a 1/2hour small group skating class and Saturday he plays games. He skates atleast 3 days a week. Sometimes he rollerblades in the garage. He asks to everyday, but I tell him no somedays. I know up North many kids skate everyday. His favorite thing to do is play games. There is a small rink 15 minutes from our house that has a little 9 and under inhouse league, very informal. They practice friday nights and play sunday mornings. You can join anytime. I think if given the choice this would be his first option. I would pull him out of the pond skate on sundays and his skate class every other thursday if I did this. Its cheap. The ice isnt great, but he would like it. Guess I am looking for some feedback from some older dads who have already been here. I dont know that he should be skating more than 4 days a week at this age.

ahc4353 01-30-2011 07:16 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
If he wants to be on the ice I say give him all he wants as long as it's fun and he wants to be there.

BTW Mike, the fish bowl is going to cause mental problems down the road. All the churping he's going to have to deal with is going to cause some serious issues. :D

E.J. 01-30-2011 08:58 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1154509)
If he wants to be on the ice I say give him all he wants as long as it's fun and he wants to be there.

X 2


Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1154247)
So I am guessing the kids that fought will be suspended?
Guessing it was a pretty big fight for them to call the game.

Yes, we lost 4 kids....

3 games in 24 hours... 1-1-1

Going through the pics now...

E.J. 01-30-2011 12:21 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Few from the first game yesterday.

Ahbroody 01-30-2011 03:47 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1154509)
If he wants to be on the ice I say give him all he wants as long as it's fun and he wants to be there.

BTW Mike, the fish bowl is going to cause mental problems down the road. All the churping he's going to have to deal with is going to cause some serious issues. :D

Took him to the little rink today and watched it for a little while. The head coach of his team also brought his son. I think I understand what your saying though as he mentioned today that his son said he didnt want to skate as much and had complained about skating so much. This came up when I was talking to him about my concearns regarding skating too much. Then we went to the pond skate. On the way home I asked micah what he wanted to do. He chose the game option. No Al I have never once forced the boy on the ice. Just to give you an idea. "Do I have hockey today" is usually the first ghing out of his mouth every morning. If yes the next words are "is it game or practice". Hes a very competitive child. I think we will try it out for a few weeks and see how it goes.

As to the fish bowl. I been watching a little college hockey lately. Seen plenty of boys rocking the bowl. Seems Cali boys often rock the fish bowl.

E.J. 02-01-2011 07:28 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Thought I shot my last HS game of the LM's season on Saturday(JV Squad is done), but guess who got called up to skate with the Varsity Wednesday night....:chr

He is really downplaying it("I'm skating 3rd line, I'll be lucky to get 2-3 shifts"), but I am pretty excited. I don't care if he gets one shift, I think it will be a good experience for him.

Coach told him last night before team dinner.:tu

E.J. 02-03-2011 11:44 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1157002)
Thought I shot my last HS game of the LM's season on Saturday(JV Squad is done), but guess who got called up to skate with the Varsity Wednesday night....:chr

He is really downplaying it("I'm skating 3rd line, I'll be lucky to get 2-3 shifts"), but I am pretty excited. I don't care if he gets one shift, I think it will be a good experience for him.

Coach told him last night before team dinner.:tu

Played GREAT...and A LOT. They rolled three lines all game long. He played every other shift(switching in with another FR who was brought up) at RW on the 3rd line for the first 2 periods and then the same rotation at RW with the first line in the 3rd.

It was apparently in the 3rd that the coach and the kids on that first line were trying to get him a goal, but it was not to be. Best chance, he was sliding in from the right, was sent a great pass and whiffed on what was as open of net as you will see....:r I thought he played REALLY WELL, better than I would have hoped going in.

Long story short, it was a fun night. He had a great time, from the locker room before, to the game, to the locker room after.... I am sure it will be a nice confidence boost going into the Summer season and next year.

I am filled with pride.

Ahbroody 02-03-2011 02:02 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Awesome brother.
As Al would say, there is more to hockey then scoring goals, but we know puck bunnies love the goal scorers. :r
Tell him Micah and I are pulling for him.

E.J. 02-03-2011 06:38 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Thanks, Mike....and I will!

Going through the pics last night and I really like this one.... I shot from the penalty box, so I had a little different view. Have to say that it is more difficult to catch stuff down there, but some stuff turns out way better...

Ahbroody 02-03-2011 07:15 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Just grabbed this for Micah.
The Sioux Jersey is probably my favorite College Jersey. Kind of sad they have to change it after yhis year.

Ahbroody 02-05-2011 02:16 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Not the best day. He skated okay at ice, but just didnt play that well. He had fun though. :tu cannot really complain at his age.

He had been excited all morning because I told him he could play roller hockey at rollinice after hockey this morning. He played his first roller hockey game and scored three goals all breakaways and had a atleast 7 other breakaways where the goalie made saves. They have older kids play goal for.the games. After the game the coaches were talking to me about him as they had not seen him before. I explained he played ice hockey primarily. There is definitely a difference in style of play from ice to roller. He also played a little more physical then is the norm out there. He had a lot of fun and deeked some kids pretty bad. :r Good times.

E.J. 02-05-2011 03:34 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1162724)
Not the best day. He skated okay at ice, but just didnt play that well. He had fun though. :tu cannot really complain at his age.

He had been excited all morning because I told him he could play roller hockey at rollinice after hockey this morning. He played his first roller hockey game and scored three goals all breakaways and had a atleast 7 other breakaways where the goalie made saves. They have older kids play goal for.the games. After the game the coaches were talking to me about him as they had not seen him before. I explained he played ice hockey primarily. There is definitely a difference in style of play from ice to roller. He also played a little more physical then is the norm out there. He had a lot of fun and deeked some kids pretty bad. :r Good times.

Good on Micah, he'll sleep well tonight!

Today is hockey free @ our house..... Been tinkering around, taking care of stuff around the house and whatnot, feel like I need to be going to a rink somewhere.....:confused:

Ahbroody 02-08-2011 02:28 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I guess the wife was right. I have always focused on him having the right gear for him. He has gotten so accustomed to his Graf boots, he asked me if Graf makes roller boots as he doesnt like his reeboks. Says they are a little tight and cramp his feet a little on the sides. I dont like where this is headed. The idea of buying 2 pairs of Graf skates and converting one will be sticker shock for sure.

E.J. 02-12-2011 06:14 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Found the back of an empty net today.....

Ahbroody 02-17-2011 02:40 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Forgot to post a pic of this.
Most sundays we let a small group of kids go out to a place called "the hockey pond" we try to let the kids play with minimal guidance for an hour. We dont say anything unless sticks get up or it gets to physical. Small sheet, but the boys get the pond enviornment without worrying about a larger kid smoking them with a slap shot.

E.J. 02-17-2011 02:52 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Is that synthetic ice, Mike?

Ahbroody 02-17-2011 03:48 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Nope its real. About as bad as a pond or synthetic on the edges though. The kids friggin love the pond though. They skate for an hour straight only taking breaks to hydrate. We have to drag them off at the end of their hour. $60.00 for the hour usually 6 -8 boys. Micah likes his skates sharp. With doing the pond, a practice and a game we are sharpening his skates atleast every other week. Throw in the occasional skate lesson and yeah.

The kid in the Crosby Jersey is our resident bender/duster. The boys make up their own games. That was Micah and Ryan battle on the boards while Alex and Daniel wait for the feed and battle infront of the net. Not bad for three 6 year olds and a 5 year old. The kid playing goal is one of the better kids in our league. Normally we actually have a kid who plays goal with full gear. Then it got all fugged up by crosby. :r still though they really work hard out there and have a lot of fun.

Ahbroody 02-19-2011 05:49 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Rape is not a strong enough word to describe what happened. :r

Boys played two games. Most of our good players went on vacation for school holiday. The other teams good players all stayed home or decided to leave after the games. Not our kids parents :td

. We had the worst kid on our team playing goalie and 8 skaters. I honestly dont believe he stopped a single shot on net in the first game. Micah was double shifted all game. First game they lost 9-2 micah scored one and another boy scored early and then they just started slowing down and the beat down was on. Game two they lost 6-0. The coach tells micah to play defense game two. The end result was no offensive production. Had to have a pep talk after the games as he started slamming his stick on the ice and got into an argument with one of the kids on the other team.

With all that he wanted to go play roller after. I guess he was pissed. In a fourty minute roller game he scored 10 goals. 8 of his teams first 10. :r. They stopped counting goals at 10 but he kept scoring.

Eleven 02-20-2011 10:09 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I'm getting a little better at taking decent hockey pics, but this one was through glass, above the ice. What a strange rink, there was no seating in the rink, only an upper level to look down on the action, and it was enclosed. You couldn't hear anything going on in the rink.

Look above the goalies head, near the white support bar, the puck is in the air. My kid had a gimme on that goal :)

E.J. 02-21-2011 09:46 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Mike, nice bounce back for Micah!

Scott, good capture. Pics are getting better!

Ahbroody 02-21-2011 11:33 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Nice pick Scott.
I got to get a good camera. My wife doesnt like me touching her slr.

E.J. 02-25-2011 11:18 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Well, the boys lost in the final four of the State Tourney tonight.... It is sure tough to watch those final minutes for the seniors....

I have 3 more years, but don't mind saying that I was watching and thinking.... "This is happening too fast." I just remember the trustee contacting me last Jan/Feb asking if the Little Man was going to play in the Summer with them....

Ahbroody 02-26-2011 08:01 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Thats why I am living it up now EJ. Not looking forward to the day he plays his last jr game.

Micah had a great game today scoring 2 and had a nice little assist. He had his wheels today and was flying around the ice. A teamates parent taped the game and I want the footage. He had a scoring chance where he was on the left wing got past two kids came across the front of the net with the puck on his stick and then.............. aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh couldnt pull the trigger in time and hit the post on his shot. I just stood there though thinking HSh!t he almost went epic for his age. I guess him wakjng up at 6am and turning on nhl network really is "where I get my moves from"

He got got a talking to from a ref today. A kid was going to the net with the puck and he was chasing the kid. As the kid was about to shot he used his stick and pushed the kids right skate and the kid went wobbly and never shot the puck. I have not had time to sit and talk with him, but looks like I neex to. On one hand its crazy and a little cool to me he has figured out some of these things, on the other hand its just not okay at this age group. Guess tomorrow we will have a talk.

Al if you read this what do you think?

E.J. 02-26-2011 09:54 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1186181)
He got got a talking to from a ref today. A kid was going to the net with the puck and he was chasing the kid. As the kid was about to shot he used his stick and pushed the kids right skate and the kid went wobbly and never shot the puck. I have not had time to sit and talk with him, but looks like I neex to. On one hand its crazy and a little cool to me he has figured out some of these things, on the other hand its just not okay at this age group. Guess tomorrow we will have a talk.

Not sure how Al will respond, but I wouldn't say a thing, Mike.... If he gets sent to the be it... He's not putting someones health at risk, just pushing the envelope a bit....

Little Man played his first Rec game in forever today.... Dominated the ice....was being a little too physical and spent a bit of time in the box because of that. But it was a good day.

Also spent some time out on the ice with some special needs kids with the HS team. This is the second time they have done this, whoever has set it up needs some kudos. I think it is as important for the HS kids, as it is for the special needs kids.

E.J. 02-27-2011 05:21 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The Little One was out there again today, started level III of Start Smart. She kicked tail and I am convinced that she will be the best skater in the family when it is done.... She has an internal drive that is unexplainable.... I am very much enjoying watching her progression....

Found out that they do have some women only teams locally. I have no interest in them at this time, but at some point, assume she will do both.

E.J. 02-27-2011 05:25 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent I type, I hear something in the backgroung....what????....she is banging the chit out of a door downstairs with a ball.....

Nobody tells you that it isn't just equipment, it is household fixtures that figure into the costs....:r

Eleven 02-27-2011 06:19 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
My son's team hosted a round-robin get together this weekend, with the TPH Thunder (Huntsville) and Affton Americans (St. Louis) coming to Cincy.

Our boys didn't do too well, but other than the first loss they hung in with the other teams for the rest of the games. TPH is a great team. Affton is tough and getting better every time we see them.

Our boys are on the left, TPH in the middle and Affton on the right.

E.J. 02-27-2011 06:33 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Good stuff Scott!

What lens is that shot with?

E.J. 02-27-2011 07:25 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1185440)
Well, the boys lost in the final four of the State Tourney tonight.... It is sure tough to watch those final minutes for the seniors....

Finally started going through the photos from Friday night.... Tough to go through and just a reminder of how rough it is for those seniors.... Man we are going to miss some of those kids...

Eleven 02-27-2011 09:31 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1187043)
Good stuff Scott!

What lens is that shot with?

I have the Canon Rebel XS, that was the EF-S 18-55mm that came with the camera. Another hockey parent tried to get the same shot, and for some reason she used her telephoto lens and couldn't get far enough back on the ice for the shot.

Eleven 02-28-2011 04:46 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Here is my pic with graphics added by our team mom to make it look official:

Ahbroody 02-28-2011 11:51 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Good stuff.

Anyone got a cure for ripped pants on the front thigh pad. Micahs right thigh has a rip. I took it to a shop that does stitching, but they said buy a new pair. They are not selling these anymore and I want to use these as long as he can. The pads have great oversized tailbone pads and he loves the fit and they are broken in.

BTW total hockey has some good deals on sticks right now.

ahc4353 03-01-2011 05:14 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Mitch is headed to Fitchburg MA (D3) next year. Coach really wanted him and said he would get a lot of ice as a freshmen. Nice to be wanted. He's happy and that's all that matters to me.

Ahbroody 03-01-2011 09:00 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Al no Arizona?
Figured sunshine and pretty girls with hockey would win the day.

ahc4353 03-01-2011 09:12 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1188909)
Al no Arizona?
Figured sunshine and pretty girls with hockey would win the day.

No guarantee of a spot. Coach said he would more than likely make the team but Mitch didn't want to move that far away on a maybe.

Ok by me as he'll only be 4 hours away. :D

E.J. 03-01-2011 09:41 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1188615)
BTW total hockey has some good deals on sticks right now.

Man, I am late on this... Would have picked up 1-2 of those Louisville X-Lite Composite Stick just because. Though I am still fired up with TotalHockey for the skate fiasco back a few months...

Did some weekend shopping at The Monkey due to Jackson needing (ie wanting) some socks. Long story short, that ended up costing me a few items for Abby(stick and helmet).... Came VERY close to picking up those youth Bauer X60 12.5EE's as well....:r


Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1188707)
Mitch is headed to Fitchburg MA (D3) next year. Coach really wanted him and said he would get a lot of ice as a freshmen. Nice to be wanted. He's happy and that's all that matters to me.

Good for Mitch....and ultimately, good for Al and the Misses...

Ahbroody 03-02-2011 12:10 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Discussion on another board about this I know the great stick handlers run short sticks. Micah has been using a long stick because at his age I believe it has allowed him to keep his back straight and as a result head up. He has great awareness on the ice and moves around kids with little effort. I think its because his stick is a little longer and hes never bent over. That said his elbow is bent when hw stick handles and this goes against classic logic. His style of play is strong on boards and camps the net and digs so I thought longer would be better. That said he is very fast and getting faster. One of fastest in the league. When hes flying his back is down like in the pic, but when skating in the open his knees are bent, but back is straight. Im worried about a shorter stick leading to bend while skating in the open at this age. This is a trait I want to avoid. I always want him to have his head up.

When there is a scrum for the puck I see all the kids get tied up bunch togeether. Many times he will skate in reach in with the stick pop it out and skate away as he has reach and space. As I said at this age I am more concerned about his skating and his understanding how important keeping his head up to see as much of the ice as possible.

Anyone have a take. Im far froma good player and dont have sick dangles

Ahbroody 03-04-2011 08:31 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
So I cut down Micahs old stick that he uses in the garage and didnt tell him.
I retaped it and we went into the garage to screw around. As soon as he picked it up and startex to skate he said something was wrong. I then took a photo of him and sure enough he was more bent over when stick handling and his head was more facing the ground. I took a photo with his othee stick and his back was straighter and head was up.

I know the many of the great stick handlers have shorter sticks, but Kids at 5&6 atleast mine cant remember to many steps. So some of us are just keeping the sticks longer. I guess I care more about him skating with his knees bent back straighter and head up then being a dangler. He also prefers this skating position.

Of course this goes against this webpage and proven stars as someone pointed out on another board.

E.J. 03-05-2011 03:27 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I've always just gone with the nose without skates on.... Just did it again today....

Where are you cutting it for Micah(skates off)?

Ahbroody 03-05-2011 05:29 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
eyes with skates on. Kind of between average and long.

He got 1 at ice today and 5 at roller. The roller goalie was 10 though, not a regular goalie, but kid was like wall against the little kids :r When we came home he wanted to shot pucks. Wife commented he has the sickness bad.

Hes really excited after weeks of him asking we are skipping the pond skate and letting him play in that small U9 house league at a different rink. He wont stop asking and as we are considering moving him up to the mite league 7-8 league next year so he can stay with his friends hes been playing with for the past 2 years we figured its a good way to gauge if he will be intimidated playing with some bigger kids.

Ahbroody 03-06-2011 01:31 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
End of the bench
Behind the kid in white with the puck.

:r kid has no damn fear and got rubbed out a few times by big kids on the wall. He got so much ice time. Fifty minute game no breaks. 2 lines per bench, 2 minute shifts. The big kids make the little guys skate their butts off. He had a lot of fun and said he wanted to do this instead of the pond skate. Fees are pretty cheap for here. 10 for the game. Place is very lacks, we didnt have to sign or pay anything. They said just go out and try it.

E.J. 03-06-2011 06:14 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1195801)
kid has no damn fear and got rubbed out a few times by big kids on the wall. He got so much ice time. Fifty minute game no breaks. 2 lines per bench, 2 minute shifts. The big kids make the little guys skate their butts off. He had a lot of fun and said he wanted to do this instead of the pond skate. Fees are pretty cheap for here. 10 for the game. Place is very lacks, we didnt have to sign or pay anything. They said just go out and try it.

:tu:tu:tu...SWEET Mike!

Good Job Micah!

Eleven 03-06-2011 10:02 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The boy had his last Peewee game today. The coach rewarded him with playing Center the last 2 games. We couldn't have been more proud, and he didn't disappoint. He was literally like some unstoppable freight train on the ice today. I love this age!

E.J. 03-07-2011 06:57 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Your pictures are getting better every time Scott....

A few from my weekend....

The Little One is really loving being out there.... I may end up getting her some private lessons to work on her stride... As long as she is pushing to be at the rink as much as I will take her, might as well get the fundamentals dialed in.

The Little Man had his second to last house game of the season Saturday. They got crushed, but he did a little crushing of his own....(just missed this hit)

Little semi-breakaway that he didn't finish... A few nice chances, but couldn't convert.

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