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Gonesledn 10-17-2009 11:22 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
hate to be the poor kid in the middle

Sauer Grapes 10-17-2009 11:23 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
Crap, I didn't even notice there was a little kid between those two. See, I'm already an outlaw, that kid is showing a blatant disregard for helmet laws.

goalie204 10-18-2009 06:06 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
i joined as well. Gunna go visit chibbs

icehog3 10-18-2009 08:05 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by goalie204 (Post 605429)
i joined as well. Gunna go visit chibbs

Or Chubbs.... :r

goalie204 10-18-2009 08:08 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 605548)
Or Chubbs.... :r


gvarsity 10-19-2009 09:48 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by Gonesledn (Post 605311)
hate to be the poor kid in the middle

I missed the kid the first time. ROFL

goalie204 10-20-2009 02:54 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
tonight's episode is called Gilead. I have no idea what this means but can't wait to watch this!

_ Whoever had that link of where one can watch the show live if we don't have FX please PM ME the link <3

dogface_313 10-20-2009 03:14 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Doesn't really shed any light on what could be in store though.

goalie204 10-20-2009 07:22 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
live stream of ep, anyone?

dogface_313 10-20-2009 09:05 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
Great episode!

Sauer Grapes 10-20-2009 10:28 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I thought it was a pretty darn good episode.

I can't believe Jax tipped the ATF chick about what may have happened to the agent from Chicago.

icehog3 10-21-2009 12:18 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes (Post 609882)
I thought it was a pretty darn good episode.

I can't believe Jax tipped the ATF chick about what may have happened to the agent from Chicago.

Yeah, that didn't seem to be real smart. About at smart as posting $300K for bail for a gang of outlaw bikers. :r

goalie204 10-21-2009 06:10 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I woke up early to dl/watch - great ep! Jax is smart

Nabinger16 10-21-2009 06:27 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 609966)
gang of outlaw bikers. :r

Come on now..... Harley Davidson enthusiasts!!!

itsme_timd 10-21-2009 06:39 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
Looks like a couple pieces of last night's episode referred to things in Season 1... guess I better get it downloaded and catch up.

goalie204 10-21-2009 06:40 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
omg, you _HAVE_ to watch season 1 !!!

itsme_timd 10-21-2009 06:42 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by goalie204 (Post 610198)
omg, you _HAVE_ to watch season 1 !!!

I know... I hate not understanding what's going on!

goalie204 10-21-2009 06:47 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by itsme_timd (Post 610200)
I know... I hate not understanding what's going on!

Well for that too, but also cuz it was just awesome!

Scothew 10-21-2009 07:41 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
great episode!! Jax and Clay went at it!

And I heard the reference to the fbi chick, but i didnt get it i guess since i havent seen season 1 either. Im guessing she was a big part of it too?

SmokeyJoe 10-21-2009 09:30 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I don't think it was a tip... it was a straight up threat.

She was trying to play him as "the good guy" to give up the Irish. Jax was having none of it. He wanted her to realize that she could disappear, just like Kohn. Chilling, really, to see that side of Jax. Up to this point, his violence has been quick-tempered and heat-of-the-moment.

This time? That was straight up cold-blooded. Wow...

Also, noticed how everybody else went into the club house after they made bail, and Jax went the other way. Looks like Jax is losing all of his support.

This show always leaves me wanting more! Can't wait for next week. :tu


Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes (Post 609882)
I thought it was a pretty darn good episode.

I can't believe Jax tipped the ATF chick about what may have happened to the agent from Chicago.

Darrell 10-21-2009 12:46 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I have to echo what Joe said, it was a straight up threat. She thinks that she is untouchable and Jax wanted to bring her back down to reality.

I don't know that Jax lost his support, I think maybe he made the choice to go the other way. I think he is telling Clay that he is fed up with his reckless attitude and his misuse of power.

This show is just WOW this season. WOW.

Starchild 10-21-2009 12:56 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I about $hit when the tranny shot the cop! :jd

"I guess he didn't want to be set up"

gorob23 10-21-2009 01:38 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 609966)
Yeah, that didn't seem to be real smart. About at smart as posting $300K for bail for a gang of outlaw bikers. :r

Come on he just mentioned it....casual like! Kinda like saying "oh really you wonder why you haven't ever seen The Deck" you get their attetion, but they alway's have that look like on their face like " do they know something I don't or did they catch me acting like a back stabbing fool??
Good to have them think ;s

Here is the question Gamma or The doc? No you can't say the Po*n girl!:tpd:


goalie204 10-21-2009 01:40 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by Starchild (Post 610724)
I about $hit when the tranny shot the cop! :jd

"I guess he didn't want to be set up"

Saw that one coming a mile away! How? cuz of where they shot that scene from :P

icehog3 10-21-2009 02:50 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by gorob23 (Post 610774)
Come on he just mentioned it....casual like! Kinda like saying "oh really you wonder why you haven't ever seen The Deck" you get their attetion, but they alway's have that look like on their face like " do they know something I don't or did they catch me acting like a back stabbing fool??
Good to have them think ;s

Here is the question Gamma or The doc? No you can't say the Po*n girl!:tpd:


If I was a young buck I would say Gemma, I bet she could teach a thing or two...but my current state of mind would have me seeking a "check-up".

;s :ss

Scothew 10-21-2009 03:25 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by gorob23 (Post 610774)
Come on he just mentioned it....casual like! Kinda like saying "oh really you wonder why you haven't ever seen The Deck" you get their attetion, but they alway's have that look like on their face like " do they know something I don't or did they catch me acting like a back stabbing fool??
Good to have them think ;s

Here is the question Gamma or The doc? No you can't say the Po*n girl!:tpd:


Peggy Bundy?!? Seriously???? :D

Im still shocked thats her. I totally did not recognize her when i first watched.

I gotta say Dr chick in this case.

Im with you guys, I dont think Jax is loosing control, i think he choose to sit this meeting out or whatever. Maybe Bobby and the rest will man up and tell clay how they fell.

Also any idea when we will see the injured crew back?

GKitty 10-21-2009 03:51 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
Alright, so I'm late chiming in this week.

I've got to admit I grow fonder of Tara each week. Gemma's still my hero, but Tara might make an alright MC Princess before it's all said and done. I was really proud of them for not turning over Opi's kids to that **** chick. Not that I have anything against ****stars per se, but you don't just let any person take anyone's kids without talking to that person first. I like how the episode ended with Gemma and Tara standing alone in the parking lot. It's kinda how it's coming down. Keeping secrets, taking care of the "abandoned" children... I have a feeling the girls are going to play a big part in the upcoming power struggle.

I was so excited when that ATF agent showed up again. I freaking hate her!!! Can't even remember her name. She goes by "crazy b!+ch" in my head. Playing dirty, trying to turn people against each other, and just generally stirring the pot. She reminds me of this girl I knew in HS. Come to think of it, that girl got her nose broke too. :D Can't stand her, but she brings that spark to the powder keg.

Finally got to see some hardcore fireworks from Jax and Clay. And while there's a part of me that's all "About freaking time!", there's this other piece that wonders "why then?". Clay didn't know they were getting out. Why would he risk throwing gasoline on Jax's fire before sending him into a room alone with that sneaky good for nothing pot stirring slag?? Something's off/up/going on there. Just not sure what.

OK, one more thing and then I'll shut the hell up. Does anyone else think Opi has lost his freaking mind?! I mean I understand he needed the drugs to set up the tranny, but is robbing a drug dealer at gunpoint at the **** studio which is supposed to be their legitimate cover the best option?!?!? I think he may have hit his head too hard when he ran into the back of that car last week. Not that he hasn't got cause, but that guy is headed for a breakdown of nuclear proportions.

Ok, I lied. One more thing: THANK YOU, TRISTAN!!!! :D

Scothew 10-21-2009 03:57 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
remember a few weeks ago when Clay told Jax sitting outside the club that if he mentioned opi's wife again, he'd kill him. The fed agent saying that (even though hale told her) to Clay is what set him off I think.

Darrell 10-21-2009 05:27 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by gorob23 (Post 610774)
Here is the question Gamma or The doc? No you can't say the Po*n girl!:tpd:

Gemma, I'd like a few lessons of whatever she is teaching. :r

itsme_timd 10-21-2009 05:31 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by gorob23 (Post 610774)
Here is the question Gamma or The doc? No you can't say the Po*n girl!:tpd:

OK, I can't say the **** girl.. but she did have a nice butt. :banger

Is YES an acceptable answer? :ss

gorob23 10-21-2009 06:40 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by GKitty (Post 610989)
I was so excited when that ATF agent showed up again.

Mee too I thought She was hot, You now in a slutty kinda a way ;s

Rob :tpd:

Sauer Grapes 10-21-2009 06:52 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by Starchild (Post 610724)
I about $hit when the tranny shot the cop! :jd

"I guess he didn't want to be set up"

I was actually disappointed with that scene. I thought it was totally predictable. The way they had the camera zoomed out so it was easier to do the special effects, I actually said as he was walking towards the car, "He's going to get shot by the tranny."

GKitty 10-21-2009 07:22 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by gorob23 (Post 611239)
Mee too I thought She was hot, You know in a slutty kinda a way ;s

No apologies necessary, Rob. I know what you mean.

Perv. :D

I've got my fingers crossed for a major cat fight between her and Gemma.

gorob23 10-22-2009 10:19 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by GKitty (Post 611312)
I've got my fingers crossed for a major cat fight between her and Gemma.

In mud :tu

Rob :D

icehog3 10-22-2009 01:25 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by gorob23 (Post 612318)
In mud :tu

Rob :D

Tapioca pudding.

RichardW 10-24-2009 10:51 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
After catching up on the first season and unable to find the first two episode of season two, I finally decided "Screw it" -- I watched episodes 3 through 6 (On Demand) and have 7 set to record. I should be up-to-date by Tuesday!!:ss

Darrell 10-26-2009 11:51 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
Is it......SHOWTIME yet? :D

gorob23 10-26-2009 12:47 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 612575)
Tapioca pudding.

AT THE DECK!!! Now that's COOKING :tu

Rob :tpd:

icehog3 10-26-2009 01:14 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by gorob23 (Post 618043)
AT THE DECK!!! Now that's COOKING :tu

Rob :tpd:

A seat with a view, por favor. :)

GKitty 10-27-2009 09:08 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
OK... WTF!? So not only is Zobelle in bed with the Mayans, he's giving them FREE guns?!?!

This whole CaraCara thing is getting out of control. It shouldn't have gone on as long as it has and because they tried to be nice, look what happen to Luanne. What happen to "Next time Canseco Does Georgie"?

I'm intrigued with the whole Irish son and Zobelle's lil princess sideline. It seems trivial, which I've come to learn with these writers means it's a possible twist down the line. Can anyone tell me who "Jimmy O" is?

And why the hell is Chucky back?! That guy creeps me out.

Sauer Grapes 10-27-2009 10:08 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
The first 5/6ths of the episode was, meh, IMO. Just didn't like it as much as the others this season. It got REAL at the end though. Man. Everything thing is hitting the fan on all fronts. I know Georgie is a minor threat compared to everything else SAMCRO is facing, but I think they should take care of him first.

Sr Mike 10-28-2009 06:52 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I enjoyed this last episode, it really set things up, the breaking down of the club is rather saddening to watch, especially since they have so much gathering against them.

Scothew 10-28-2009 07:01 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I was getting dissappointed at how the club is imploding on itself. I am hopeing what happende to luanne is the wakening point to the club and they come back together as one.

icehog3 10-28-2009 09:36 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I just can't believe we have to wait another 6 days to find out what happens next!

Mark C 10-28-2009 10:20 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by GKitty (Post 620435)
OK... WTF!? So not only is Zobelle in bed with the Mayans, he's giving them FREE guns?!?!

Business investment right? He's using them to drive out other clubs. First the 9ers, now SAMCRO. My guess at least. Then Zobelle will have a close relationship with the only game left in town.


I'm intrigued with the whole Irish son and Zobelle's lil princess sideline. It seems trivial, which I've come to learn with these writers means it's a possible twist down the line. Can anyone tell me who "Jimmy O" is?
I think there's a twist. She seemed awful interested in the phone call between the irish kid and his Dad. Maybe they want to push in on the Irish turf? Cut out a middle man?


Originally Posted by Scothew (Post 620764)
I was getting dissappointed at how the club is imploding on itself. I am hopeing what happende to luanne is the wakening point to the club and they come back together as one.

Previews make it look like the other way around. Looked like Clay was pinning it on Jax and Jax pulled the Donna card again...

Starchild 10-28-2009 11:30 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by Mark C (Post 621000)
Previews make it look like the other way around. Looked like Clay was pinning it on Jax and Jax pulled the Donna card again...

Clay did say the next time Jax brought it up, he would kill him :rolleyes:

GKitty 10-28-2009 12:28 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
Ok... here's my theory.

The whole Donna thing is going to come out, most likely because Tara is going to ask Jax about his comment about "killing women" and they have this whole "full disclosure" thing going. Tara can't keep a secret and Gemma will get it out of her. Then when Gemma confronts Clay about it, he pins it on trigger happy ultra-paranoid, sad and twisted Tig. I even think Clay's lil bit this week about Donna's shooting "flipping a switch" to Tig was setup work. So not only will Clay make it all out to be Tig's fault, Tig will step up and do the "right thing" by protecting his president and taking the blame.

I hope I'm wrong.

SmokeyJoe 10-28-2009 12:36 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
Remember... Gemma already knows. She may not know the details, but she knew to ask the day after, "was that our mistake?"

I also thought the comment to Tig was curious and could really affect his character. Does he become even more rabidly devoted to Clay to prove his loyalty, or did it tweak him enough to begin thinking more for himself?

Thought Tig's attack on Opie about Trammel's shooting was surreal! What in the world?! And to see Clay's two lieutenants, Tig and Bobby, going at each other? Wow.

This show is never boring to me. I did not see the Luanne killing coming. Big Otto will not be much of a player anymore, I would assume. Hate to see those two roles gone from the show.

C'mon next Tuesday! :tu


Originally Posted by GKitty (Post 621223)
Ok... here's my theory.

The whole Donna thing is going to come out, most likely because Tara is going to ask Jax about his comment about "killing women" and they have this whole "full disclosure" thing going. Tara can't keep a secret and Gemma will get it out of her. Then when Gemma confronts Clay about it, he pins it on trigger happy ultra-paranoid, sad and twisted Tig. I even think Clay's lil bit this week about Donna's shooting "flipping a switch" to Tig was setup work. So not only will Clay make it all out to be Tig's fault, Tig will step up and do the "right thing" by protecting his president and taking the blame.

I hope I'm wrong.

Sauer Grapes 10-28-2009 01:05 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
Don't forget that Tig chickened out when it was time to protect Clay and the pledge stepped up. That's going to cause more of a rift later also.

BarneyBandMan 10-28-2009 01:09 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy Season 2 - DISCUSSION THREAD
I was waiting to see Bobby freak out that Chucky was going to help with the books at the studio since he was hiding the two sets of books from the club in exchange for some Luanne ..uhh..uhmm...professionalism.;)

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