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Cigar_Noob 10-16-2009 07:32 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Whats purging? and why would you need to do it?

Kreth 10-16-2009 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob (Post 603605)
Whats purging? and why would you need to do it?

Purging is blowing out through a cigar to purge stale smoke. It can help keep a cigar from tasting bitter.
Posted via Mobile Device

Chris. 10-16-2009 10:43 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
It also helps to remove tar buildup and ammonia flavors.

Cigar_Noob 10-17-2009 01:37 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
When I used to do Chew I learned that it isn't a good idea to do it if you have a sore in your mouth..or at least that is a open sore, is the same thing true for smoking Cigars?

longknocker 10-17-2009 02:09 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob (Post 604548)
When I used to do Chew I learned that it isn't a good idea to do it if you have a sore in your mouth..or at least that is a open sore, is the same thing true for smoking Cigars?

I Wouldn't Smoke If I Had One.:2

icehog3 10-17-2009 06:03 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob (Post 604548)
When I used to do Chew I learned that it isn't a good idea to do it if you have a sore in your mouth..or at least that is a open sore, is the same thing true for smoking Cigars?

Stay out of the puff-puff-passes, for sure. ;)

Cigar_Noob 10-17-2009 10:50 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Thanks for the answers guys. Anyone willing to tell me the differences between colors of the Cigar wrappers? I noticed there are lighter ones, medium ones, and much darker ones I heard that this kinda shows how strong a Cigar is...any truth to that?

NCRadioMan 10-17-2009 11:31 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob (Post 605237)
Thanks for the answers guys. Anyone willing to tell me the differences between colors of the Cigar wrappers? I noticed there are lighter ones, medium ones, and much darker ones I heard that this kinda shows how strong a Cigar is...any truth to that?

This will explain alot:

Just because a wrapper is dark doesn't mean it's strong and because a wrapper is light doesn't mean it's not strong. It's the blend of the filler and how much ligero it has in it that determines how strong the cigar is.

Chingo 10-18-2009 12:33 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Why won't my cigar stay lit?

I lit up a Taboo HSG tonight, had some trouble in the beginning but eventually got it burning. I then took a slow stroll and it all went downhill. Had to keep relighting and even then would go out, even when I was drawing 2-3 times per minute. I eventually gave up and ended up tossing a bit less than 1/2 because I got tired of relighting it for the 12th time.

What went wrong? Was it the cigar or me?

NCRadioMan 10-18-2009 12:43 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Chingo (Post 605367)
Why won't my cigar stay lit?

I lit up a Taboo HSG tonight, had some trouble in the beginning but eventually got it burning. I then took a slow stroll and it all went downhill. Had to keep relighting and even then would go out, even when I was drawing 2-3 times per minute. I eventually gave up and ended up tossing a bit less than 1/2 because I got tired of relighting it for the 12th time.

What went wrong? Was it the cigar or me?

Sounds like it may have been very wet. At what rh do you store your cigars and how long had it been in there?

Chingo 10-18-2009 12:54 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 605369)
Sounds like it may have been very wet. At what rh do you store your cigars and how long had it been in there?

67% according to the digital hygro for about a month now.

NCRadioMan 10-18-2009 01:05 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Chingo (Post 605372)
67% according to the digital hygro for about a month now.

hmmm....maybe a construction issue then.?.

Chingo 10-18-2009 01:27 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 605373)
hmmm....maybe a construction issue then.?.

I'm actually suspecting my hygro now since it did read funny when I tried to calibrate it. Thanks for the tip though, I didn't know this was how over-humid cigars behaved!

wavescrashing 10-18-2009 02:52 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Chingo (Post 605376)
I'm actually suspecting my hygro now since it did read funny when I tried to calibrate it. Thanks for the tip though, I didn't know this was how over-humid cigars behaved!

I'm not sure how you went about calibrating it, but might I recommend this tutorial regardless of the type of hygrometer(analog/digital):

The relative humidity, temp., and moisture in your humidor will definitely affect your cigars. If they're too dry, they'll have certain issues such as burning too hot, unraveling, etc. If they're too moist, you might experience a tight draw, having to relight, or even mold.
Your issue could be loosely compared to trying to keep coals hot while barbecuing in the rain. Hope this helps,

Cigar_Noob 10-19-2009 03:39 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
How do you get Tobacco Beatles? I read that if you have a bad temp in a humidor you can get Tobacco beatles..but how? I mean...we don't grow tobacco up here in how would I get Tobacco beatles? or is it like..pretty much come with the Cigar?

longknocker 10-19-2009 07:10 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob (Post 606676)
How do you get Tobacco Beatles? I read that if you have a bad temp in a humidor you can get Tobacco beatles..but how? I mean...we don't grow tobacco up here in how would I get Tobacco beatles? or is it like..pretty much come with the Cigar?

The Beetle Larvae are in many, if not all, cigars. They "Hatch" into live beetles when the temp and RH get above 75 degrees or so. That's a good reason to keep your RH & Temp. below 70. I've only had one problem with Beetles and that was when the temp. in my storage room got above 75. Some people "Freeze" all their cigars when they receive them just to be sure. Check the "Freezing Cigars" Thread.:tu

SilverFox 10-19-2009 08:16 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 606759)
The Beetle Larvae are in many, if not all, cigars. They "Hatch" into live beetles when the temp and RH get above 75 degrees or so. That's a good reason to keep your RH & Temp. below 70. I've only had one problem with Beetles and that was when the temp. in my storage room got above 75. Some people "Freeze" all their cigars when they receive them just to be sure. Check the "Freezing Cigars" Thread.:tu


If you want to know about freezing your cigars here is the thread.

T.G 10-19-2009 11:20 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob (Post 606676)
How do you get Tobacco Beatles? I read that if you have a bad temp in a humidor you can get Tobacco beatles..but how? I mean...we don't grow tobacco up here in how would I get Tobacco beatles? or is it like..pretty much come with the Cigar?

Here's an article from Cigar Magazine - Summer 2008 issue on beetles.

Cigar_Noob 10-19-2009 05:27 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Interesting...I wonder how my two Garcia Y Vega cigars are going!! I bought them like..4 days ago...meh...they shouldn't be eating my Cigar :p

lopro 10-21-2009 12:07 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
So, I finally got a humidor (used) and I tried calibrating the hygrometer.

I found a method online that had me fill a cup with salt and water and put that in with the hygro into a sealed ziploc bag for 8-12 hours.

So, it is now 12 hrs later and my hygro is only reading 65% opposed to the 75% expected. Now, I know that hygro's are generally off by a few percent, but is this large of a deficit normal?

(It IS an analog hygro -- the one that came with the Savoy humi...)

DPD6030 10-21-2009 12:12 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by lopro (Post 609947)
So, I finally got a humidor (used) and I tried calibrating the hygrometer.

I found a method online that had me fill a cup with salt and water and put that in with the hygro into a sealed ziploc bag for 8-12 hours.

So, it is now 12 hrs later and my hygro is only reading 65% opposed to the 75% expected. Now, I know that hygro's are generally off by a few percent, but is this large of a deficit normal?

(It IS an analog hygro -- the one that came with the Savoy humi...)

I'd ditch the analog and get a digital :2 I leave it in the bag (I actually use a tupperware dish for better seal) for 24-48 hours and if it does not read 75% then I adjust accordingly. I put a small piece of paper with +1 or -1 (or more depending how far it's off) so I know when I look at the hygro where it actually is reading

Chingo 10-21-2009 12:13 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by lopro (Post 609947)
So, I finally got a humidor (used) and I tried calibrating the hygrometer.

I found a method online that had me fill a cup with salt and water and put that in with the hygro into a sealed ziploc bag for 8-12 hours.

So, it is now 12 hrs later and my hygro is only reading 65% opposed to the 75% expected. Now, I know that hygro's are generally off by a few percent, but is this large of a deficit normal?

(It IS an analog hygro -- the one that came with the Savoy humi...)

I sealed my digital and analog hygro in a ziploc bag with a Boveda 75% humi bag. Hours later, my analog read about 60% and my digital 65%. I tried it over and over with different bags and different settings. Looks like both my hygros are way off :td

T.G 10-21-2009 12:16 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by lopro (Post 609947)
So, I finally got a humidor (used) and I tried calibrating the hygrometer.

I found a method online that had me fill a cup with salt and water and put that in with the hygro into a sealed ziploc bag for 8-12 hours.

So, it is now 12 hrs later and my hygro is only reading 65% opposed to the 75% expected. Now, I know that hygro's are generally off by a few percent, but is this large of a deficit normal?

(It IS an analog hygro -- the one that came with the Savoy humi...)

Normal? I dunno.

Possible? Definately.

Wait 24 to 48 hours and see what it reads.

Analog hygrometers get a bad rap. Why? Becuase there are more crappy ones sold as part of humidor sets than there are crappy digital ones sold as part of humidor sets. Are they inherently crap? No they aren't. There are plenty of good analog hygrometers out there., yours just might not be one of them.

DPD6030 10-21-2009 12:16 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Oh and another note I had Western Calibre III digital ones and then went with the oregon scientific wireless ones.

longknocker 10-21-2009 04:27 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I Have 10 of The HygroSet II Adjustable Digital Hygrometers That I've Used For Over 2 years. They Work Perfectly!:tu

cigarchief 10-21-2009 07:03 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
hello my fellow cigar enthusiast! I am a newbie in this website and I am just so happy to have a lot of cigar friends here.

add me up in my facebook account

RightAJ 10-21-2009 07:17 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by cigarchief (Post 610224)
hello my fellow cigar enthusiast! I am a newbie in this website and I am just so happy to have a lot of cigar friends here.

add me up in my facebook account

Go visit the New Inmate Processing area, introduce yourself!!

fyrftr 10-21-2009 09:16 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Geessh!...Noob's huh :tpd:

See ya ole timer:ss

lopro 10-23-2009 06:59 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
So, you don't inhale cigarillos either, correct?

Treat it just like a "short-lived" cigar...?

Chris. 10-23-2009 07:09 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I dont inhale anything. :tu

lopro 10-23-2009 07:10 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
that's what I thought...

sounds good.

You still stick them in the humi as well right?

Basically... they are full cigars just smaller... opposed to fancy cigarettes... right?

Chris. 10-23-2009 07:15 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
yes sir! i've got both Cuchillos Cubanos ~32~ and cabaiguan petites in my humidor. :tu

Cigar_Noob 10-24-2009 10:24 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
So I told a friend of mine about "purging" and he tried it and said it didn't seem to do anything..that and I saw no flame coming out of the tips like in the pictures...however..maybe that doesn't always happen? whats the proper way of purging?

T.G 10-24-2009 11:12 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob (Post 615967)
So I told a friend of mine about "purging" and he tried it and said it didn't seem to do anything..that and I saw no flame coming out of the tips like in the pictures...however..maybe that doesn't always happen? whats the proper way of purging?

Just blow back though the cigar lightly for about 15-25 seconds or so.

The torch flame is optional - it doesn't really make or break the purge, what it really does is give you a visual indicator of when all the crap has burned off. This is both gases and liquid/solids like tar that accumulate just forward of the coal (the burning leaf tips).

Basically, think of a hot stainless steel pan. Now pour oil in it. What happens? The oil skitters away from the actual hot spots and forms a ridge right next to the hot zone. Depending on which way you then move the pan, the oil will skitter either away or toward the heat source. This is what's happening with the tar and crap, between it's own capillary action and you sucking on the cigar, you're pulling this puddle of goop just forward of the coal. Now, it leaves a snail trail and burning this trail tastes like hell. The longer you smoke, the larger the collection of crap, the larger the deposit as it moves. By blowing through the cigar, you're forcing this crap into the coal to be incinerated. As it incinerates itself, it generates gasses that react with the torch flame and cause a glow.

In your friend's case, some cigars just taste like crap and no amount of purging will ever help them, it's possible that he had one of those cigars.

Cigar_Noob 10-25-2009 09:47 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
How do you tell you only sucked the smoke into your mouth and not your lungs? I smoked my first today..and sucked like a straw...but I couldn't help but feel like maybe I was inhaling are you suppose to tell between inhaling it..and it just feeling like it? or something? haha.

The EVP 10-25-2009 10:08 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
You will know if you are inhaling it.

Cigar_Noob 10-25-2009 10:09 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Let me guess...cough up a lung?

N2Advnture 10-25-2009 10:10 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by The EVP (Post 616265)
You will know if you are inhaling it.

Beat me to it :D

You will DEFINITELY know. Even cigarette smokers can't usually take inhaling a cigar (maybe a little but not as much as a cigar smoker typically draws into his mouth).

N2Advnture 10-25-2009 10:11 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Cigar_Noob (Post 616266)
Let me guess...cough up a lung?

To put it mildly :) (depends on the cigar though)

fyrftr 10-25-2009 10:26 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I inhaled... ONCE!! (by accident) I could 'Tell' right away.

You'll know.

If you can't didn't!

pnoon 10-25-2009 11:32 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

N2Advnture 10-25-2009 11:33 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by fyrftr (Post 616293)
I inhaled... ONCE!! (by accident)...

That's why you'll never be President :D

fyrftr 10-25-2009 11:36 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I'm president of my fan club. AND it's only member!

N2Advnture 10-25-2009 11:39 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by fyrftr (Post 616416)
I'm president of my fan club. AND it's only member!

LOL! What's the fee?

fyrftr 10-25-2009 12:03 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I pay you :2 PLUS a membership card in a shrink wrapped baggie. :r

Kreth 10-25-2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by N2Advnture (Post 616267)
Beat me to it :D

You will DEFINITELY know. Even cigarette smokers can't usually take inhaling a cigar (maybe a little but not as much as a cigar smoker typically draws into his mouth).

:tpd: I gifted a cigarette smoking friend an OWR. He regularly inhales White Owls. One hit off the OWR and I thought we were gonna be taking him to the hospital. :r
Posted via Mobile Device

msilbernagel 11-04-2009 07:14 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Anyone have experience with or information about the "Internet Smoke Shop"?

They're at

Primary concern is whether or not they're reputable.



icehog3 11-04-2009 10:08 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by msilbernagel (Post 631852)
Anyone have experience with or information about the "Internet Smoke Shop"?

They're at

Primary concern is whether or not they're reputable.



Never heard of them...but I have issues with an internet retailer who doesn't list an address or phone number under contacts, but merely a form to fill out to get a response. :2

msilbernagel 11-04-2009 11:02 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Yes - that's what made me a bit uneasy, so I thought I'd ask around.

I don't find anything regarding complaints with Google, which is good.

With as many people as a forum like this has - either bad or good news should be easy enough to find if it's out there..



Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 632098)
Never heard of them...but I have issues with an internet retailer who doesn't list an address or phone number under contacts, but merely a form to fill out to get a response. :2

coastietech 11-05-2009 07:14 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 632098)
Never heard of them...but I have issues with an internet retailer who doesn't list an address or phone number under contacts, but merely a form to fill out to get a response. :2


If you see prices that you can't find anywhere else on there than call Holts and tell them the site you found the price and email them proof and they will honor the price most of the time. Atleast the has been my experience with them. :tu

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