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WWhermit 02-11-2009 05:22 PM

Re: The picture thread
I just use plain old masking tape and a Sharpie for mine. Ain't pretty, but neither am I.


Requiem 02-11-2009 06:26 PM

Re: The picture thread
Wow, Big D, have you calculated how much time will that tobacco last you?

Big D KC 02-11-2009 08:18 PM

Re: The picture thread
Nope haven't figured that yet. I smoke about probably 2 bowls a day. I don't smoke everyday of the week either but atleast 5 out of 7 days. On the weekends I might sneak in an additional bowl each day if I'm lucky. I guess 2bowls a day is a fair for an average. I am guessin at that rate, the 15 or so pounds I currently have on hand would last a good long while!!

JaKaacH 02-12-2009 06:39 PM

Re: The picture thread
Last week I was driving north on I-29 to a job in Council Bluffs IA. While driving I had couple cups of coffee, of course the urge hit and there was no rest stop immediately available. The next exit on the road was Hamburg IA, so I get off the interstate and drive into town to find a gas station. Not seeing one I find a nice antique store so I go in there to use the facilities and figure while there I look around.
I came across a nice pipe rack and 5 nice pipes. Nothing special but for the price I had to get them.
A couple Dr. Grabow Grand Duke's, a Medico Cavalier, and a "Dr Medico" Cavalier??:D. The top left pipe is marked Medico Cavalier on the bowl but has a Dr. Grabow spade trademark on the stem. But it fits great. I will give a test smoke in a couple days after it dries out from the salt and rum treatment.
The fifth pipe is a Savinelli Punto Oro, 802. The bit is oxidized and has a chip but worth the $7.00 price tag, I think. Savinelli's web site has a price of $25.00 for a new mouthpiece.

MarkinAZ 02-12-2009 07:14 PM

Re: The picture thread

Originally Posted by JaKaacH (Post 232375)
Last week I was driving north on I-29 to a job in Council Bluffs IA.

Thats a very nice looking score Jeff. Re the mouthpiece, does it have to be a Savinelli or can you use any old mouthpiece for the replacement?

Curly Cut 02-12-2009 08:04 PM

Re: The picture thread

Originally Posted by JaKaacH (Post 232375)
The fifth pipe is a Savinelli Punto Oro, 802. The bit is oxidized and has a chip but worth the $7.00 price tag, I think. Savinelli's web site has a price of $25.00 for a new mouthpiece.

jeff, if you are close by Cigar & Tobac on Metcalf Ave, you can swing in there and drop off your pipe to have a new stem put on. i dropped off one of my Nordings, need to call them back to see if it's done. they say the turnaround time is about 3 weeks (which is actually pretty quick). you can also select which type of material you want your stem to be made from: ebonite or acrylic (i believe).
prices are $15-25, depending on type of stem. also, it'll be FIT to your pipe.
just an FYI.

that'll be a great lookin pipe once the bit is fixed.

TheJ 02-19-2009 02:16 PM

Re: The picture thread
A very late father's day gift. My girlfriend took our 2 yo to the B&M to pick out a pipe.

The boy

This is what he picked. A Savinelli Alligator 673 KS.

Tuxguy 02-19-2009 05:25 PM

Re: The picture thread
Thats sweet, and so is your kids hair!!

TheJ 02-19-2009 10:12 PM

Re: The picture thread
Thanks. The hair is now a birthday tradition according to mom.

MarkinAZ 02-19-2009 10:30 PM

Re: The picture thread
A very nice looking pipe Jason:ss

JaKaacH 02-21-2009 07:25 PM

Re: The picture thread

Originally Posted by Curly Cut (Post 232548)
jeff, if you are close by Cigar & Tobac on Metcalf Ave, you can swing in there and drop off your pipe to have a new stem put on. i dropped off one of my Nordings, need to call them back to see if it's done. they say the turnaround time is about 3 weeks (which is actually pretty quick). you can also select which type of material you want your stem to be made from: ebonite or acrylic (i believe).
prices are $15-25, depending on type of stem. also, it'll be FIT to your pipe.
just an FYI.

that'll be a great lookin pipe once the bit is fixed.

Thanks for the info. I dropped it off today, should be done in about three weeks...They had pretty nice selection of estate pipes in there that I gave the once over too. Dang Pipe slope..:fl

Nick 03-04-2009 05:38 PM

Re: The picture thread
Got some new pipe **** for ya. It's pretty stubby Big D, you may want to add one to your collection. It's a Stanwell Majestic 191

DrDubzz 03-04-2009 07:33 PM

Re: The picture thread
the current state of my stuff

Big D KC 03-04-2009 08:40 PM

Re: The picture thread

Originally Posted by Nick (Post 270998)
Got some new pipe **** for ya. It's pretty stubby Big D, you may want to add one to your collection. It's a Stanwell Majestic 191

ooo I Like! I don't have a stanwell or a proper bulldog in my group either! Looks like a win/win! I have added it to the list!

nate560 03-12-2009 07:57 PM

Re: The picture thread
3 Attachment(s)
Part of the cellar the rest is in boxes in the closet sorry about the pic not very good. I have a album with some pipe photosAttachment 1976

Attachment 1977

Attachment 1978

Requiem 03-12-2009 09:24 PM

Re: The picture thread
my modest pipes: (3 Hilson and 2 Big Ben)

Requiem 03-12-2009 09:26 PM

Re: The picture thread
plus a Peterson and a Savinelli:

Nick 03-12-2009 10:04 PM

Re: The picture thread
I have a Savinelli 320EX in the Tundra version. It's a fantastic smoke.

Requiem 03-12-2009 10:12 PM

Re: The picture thread
I think I saw pictures of yours and love it. Already tried to find one in Europe, but the one I found was pretty inflationated... I will be patient.

Mine's a wonderfull smooth smoker (favorite so far). Always gurgles slightly in the beginning, but after inserting a cleaner all goes well.

Jay Hemingway 03-13-2009 10:40 AM

Re: The picture thread

Originally Posted by RX2010 (Post 271242)

you love you some tobaccos! :tu

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