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Subvet642 05-12-2015 04:25 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 2034208)
I tried to be nice and let it slide, but if you really insist on :bdh

That Sir, is not the same thing. It would happen to anyone, any team that achieved as much. Had the, oh I don't know, Browns achieved as much, they would be the target and it would be just as slimy. My issue is the nebulous standard of "proof", not the Pats, as such. As I wrote, I don't really watch football much; I am a baseball fan. Someone once said that when society discovers just how much injustice we will take, that's just how much we're gonna get. As an aside, what does it say about the NFL's standard of justice when a batterer gets only a two game suspension? It says a lot.

And one more time: Why were the under-inflated Indy game balls seemingly ignored? Are they not subject to the same standards? That in itself points to extreme bias. Same day. Same rule. Same "infraction". Different results. One more thing: The Combined Gas Law precisely accounts for the pressure discrepancy as observed.

Blueface 05-12-2015 05:14 AM

Re: Tom Brady
I could be wrong and if I am, please correct me.
The Indy balls were not affected. The balls were presented to the officials to be used for the game and after inspected, NE deflated them. I am confused as to how Indy deflated balls keeps coming up in this discussion as theirs were not deflated.

Also, repeat offenders are punished more severely. That happens in our legal system all the time. There is no argument NE is a repeat offender. I think the punishment is a clear message to the Patriots and the league that these types of unethical repeated offenses will not be tolerated.

Subvet642 05-12-2015 06:44 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 2034213)
I could be wrong and if I am, please correct me.
The Indy balls were not affected. The balls were presented to the officials to be used for the game and after inspected, NE deflated them. I am confused as to how Indy deflated balls keeps coming up in this discussion as theirs were not deflated.

Also, repeat offenders are punished more severely. That happens in our legal system all the time. There is no argument NE is a repeat offender. I think the punishment is a clear message to the Patriots and the league that these types of unethical repeated offenses will not be tolerated.

12.5 psi is the minimum allowed pressure. Page 73 of the Wells report states that the 4 randomly selected Indy balls after the game measured out at:

12.5 psi
12.1 psi
12.45 psi
12.35 psi

Where the Patriots balls measured out at:

13.15 psi
12.95 psi
12.95 psi
13.25 psi


Blueface 05-12-2015 07:12 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 2034221)
12.5 psi is the minimum allowed pressure. Page 73 of the Wells report states that the 4 randomly selected Indy balls after the game measured out at:

12.5 psi
12.1 psi
12.45 psi
12.35 psi

Where the Patriots balls measured out at:

13.15 psi
12.95 psi
12.95 psi
13.25 psi



Fear not, while there may be disagreement on level of punishment, I think many if not all will agree it will be reduced.

mosesbotbol 05-12-2015 07:54 AM

Re: Tom Brady
On appeal, Brady will be suspended 0-2 games is my prediction.

14holestogie 05-12-2015 07:58 AM

Re: Tom Brady
Here's a thought that may help explain the punishment.

Bill Clinton was not impeached for the BJ.
He was impeached for lying about it.

Yup, poor Tom. :fp2

Subvet642 05-12-2015 08:11 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 2034235)
Here's a thought that may help explain the punishment.

Bill Clinton was not impeached for the BJ.
He was impeached for lying about it.

Yup, poor Tom. :fp2

The Starr Report outlined a case for impeaching Clinton on 11 grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness-tampering, and abuse of power.

Dave128 05-12-2015 08:14 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 2034221)
12.5 psi is the minimum allowed pressure. Page 73 of the Wells report states that the 4 randomly selected Indy balls after the game measured out at:

12.5 psi
12.1 psi
12.45 psi
12.35 psi

Where the Patriots balls measured out at:

13.15 psi
12.95 psi
12.95 psi
13.25 psi


What were they at half time for the Patriots? Isn't that what started this entire debacle?

AdamJoshua 05-12-2015 08:17 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 2034187)
I should have stipulated Boston.

Born in breed in Boston, well my mother family was from Lynn, but father's side all Boston. ;)

Oh course I was the only southerner in the bunch I was born in Miami Beach, like all good Jews should be. Oi! :lr

Dave128 05-12-2015 08:26 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2034241)
Born in breed in Boston, well my mother family was from Lynn, but father's side all Boston. ;)

Oh course I was the only southerner in the bunch I was born in Miami Beach, like all good Jews should be. Oi! :lr

We all knew you had issues......

icehog3 05-12-2015 08:43 AM

Re: Tom Brady
If only we could be so passionate about real issues.

AdamJoshua 05-12-2015 08:59 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 2034246)
We all knew you had issues......

I think my phone knows something I don't :lr

You know, Boston blue bloods and all. :banger

Subvet642 05-12-2015 09:23 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2034251)
If only we could be so passionate about real issues.

Justice is a real issue, Admiral. If we continue to accept lower and lower standards of it that's just what we'll get; that's why I'm so passionate about it. The news has been filled with reports of people convicted of murder being released because they've been exonerated by DNA evidence. Those people were convicted by a pretty high standard, "beyond a reasonable doubt" and that standard failed as well. Innocent people lost decades of their lives. If we expect justice for ourselves we must be scrupulous about defending it in all cases, no matter how small. Eternal vigilance, as Jefferson said. :salute:

massphatness 05-12-2015 09:40 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 2034235)
Bill Clinton was not impeached for the BJ.

BJ's! Now that's what I'm talking about!

AdamJoshua 05-12-2015 09:41 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 2034277)
BJ's! Now that's what I'm talking about!



mhailey 05-12-2015 09:47 AM

Re: Tom Brady
We need to start a movement to protest this blatant and pervasive corruption.


WE can make signs, camp out in parking lots of the stadiums, break out our grills and cook on our tailgates, put up shade canopies, entertain ourselves by throwing a football to each other, maybe paint team logos on our bodies. That will get the message out that we will not tolerate this injustice.

SD Beerman 05-12-2015 09:48 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 2034277)
BJ's! Now that's what I'm talking about!

Serious issues......

Dave128 05-12-2015 09:53 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 2034221)
12.5 psi is the minimum allowed pressure. Page 73 of the Wells report states that the 4 randomly selected Indy balls after the game measured out at:

12.5 psi
12.1 psi
12.45 psi
12.35 psi

Where the Patriots balls measured out at:

13.15 psi
12.95 psi
12.95 psi
13.25 psi



Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 2034238)
What were they at half time for the Patriots? Isn't that what started this entire debacle?


The Poet 05-12-2015 09:54 AM

Re: Tom Brady
You're half right there, Adam. This thread is worthless. I'm out.

14holestogie 05-12-2015 10:01 AM

Re: Tom Brady

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 2034277)
BJ's! Now that's what I'm talking about!

I talk about it a lot. That's as far as it goes. :gary

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