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The Poet 01-22-2014 10:51 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1926579)
Yankees back to trying to buy a WS.

In 2013, the median salary for the Yankees was $2.425 million. In 2013, the median salary for the Red Sox was $3.6 million, or over a million dollars more.

Yeah, the Yankees try to buy championships. :r

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-23-2014 08:35 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1926568)
Maybe the Tigers can use the money they saved by not signing Tanaka and get Prince back. ;) :r

Guess the WS aren't instant contenders, Nate. :)

nope, we probably are still a 70-75 win team next year. Tanaka would have been nice, but I'm glad we didn't offer what the Yanks did. 7 years is too long imo.

icehog3 01-24-2014 12:54 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1926950)
nope, we probably are still a 70-75 win team next year. Tanaka would have been nice, but I'm glad we didn't offer what the Yanks did. 7 years is too long imo.

7 years as instant contenders, Nate! :)

The Poet 01-24-2014 05:01 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1926950)
nope, we probably are still a 70-75 win team next year. Tanaka would have been nice, but I'm glad we didn't offer what the Yanks did. 7 years is too long imo.

Funny. There was a guy around here who looked a lot like you a while back, and he had no problem with a player 6 years older than Tanaka getting a 10-year contract, even to the point of scoffing when I suggested that a 7-year deal might have been better. Gee, I wish there was some way I could go back and re-read those posts to refresh my feeble memory.


ChicagoWhiteSox 01-24-2014 05:31 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1927014)
Funny. There was a guy around here who looked a lot like you a while back, and he had no problem with a player 6 years older than Tanaka getting a 10-year contract, even to the point of scoffing when I suggested that a 7-year deal might have been better. Gee, I wish there was some way I could go back and re-read those posts to refresh my feeble memory.


Was he a pitcher?:rolleyes:

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-24-2014 05:33 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1926999)
7 years as instant contenders, Nate! :)

Not on the Yanks, and 7 years is too long for a pitcher.

icehog3 01-24-2014 05:37 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1927279)
Not on the Yanks, and 7 years is too long for a pitcher.

Well, WS signed Ventura to a multiyear extension, that makes you instant what...mashed taters, maybe? :) ;s

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-24-2014 05:40 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1927280)
Well, WS signed Ventura to a multiyear extension, that makes you instant what...mashed taters, maybe? :) ;s

Don't like Ventura I see, shocking:r

icehog3 01-24-2014 08:07 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1927282)
Don't like Ventura I see, shocking:r

I liked Nolan Ryan giving him a noogie, Nate! :)

The Poet 01-24-2014 08:28 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1927279)
Not on the Yanks, and 7 years is too long for a pitcher.

I agree. By the same token, 10 years was too long for Cano. Thus the only beef we have stems from your Yankee-hating bias, not from baseball realities.

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-24-2014 08:31 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1927339)
I agree. By the same token, 10 years was too long for Cano. Thus the only beef we have stems from your Yankee-hating bias, not from baseball realities.

You didn't answer my question

The Poet 01-24-2014 08:58 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1927340)
You didn't answer my question

What question? Was Cano a pitcher? What the fark kind of question is that? Don't be obtuse in an attempt to avoid MY point. THAT is the question which is being ignored here, and it is starting to really piss me off. And avoiding my question by accusing me of avoiding your question REALLY pisses me off!

As I have said repeatedly, I have no problem with people having an opinion, but they need to pick one. For meaningful discussion it is best if said opinion is based upon facts, which in this case refers to baseball realities. Contradictory rants based upon prejudices do not constitute rational and logical discussion. I agreed with you that 7 years was too long for a pitcher, but it is no worse than committing $21 million to a 41-year-old infielder in 2024. You faulted the Yankees for being reluctant to do this, then turn around and fault them again for committing $22 million for a 32-year-old pitcher in 2021. And then you can't see any logical discrepancy in this attitude? Or are you just deliberately trying to get my goat, or simply have no valid thoughts to offer?

When I reported the signing of Tanaka, I made it plain I had no thoughts yet as to whether or not this was good for the Yankees. How could I . . . how could anyone . . . when the kid hasn't thrown a single pitch in the majors? This may turn out to be a disaster, but even if so it won't be the end of the world . . . not even for the Yankees, much less a literal end to all existence. I know this. I also know that, if he is anywhere near as good as people think he will be, he could very well earn that 7-year deal. One can hope, or, if one truly hates the Yanks that much, one can hope the opposite . . . as long as he admits it's out of hatred and poor sportsmanship. And THAT'S the question you keep dodging . . . namely, do you have any valid baseball thoughts to offer, or are you merely venting bilious spleen?

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-24-2014 09:21 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1927344)
What question? Was Cano a pitcher? What the fark kind of question is that? Don't be obtuse in an attempt to avoid MY point. THAT is the question which is being ignored here, and it is starting to really piss me off. And avoiding my question by accusing me of avoiding your question REALLY pisses me off!

As I have said repeatedly, I have no problem with people having an opinion, but they need to pick one. For meaningful discussion it is best if said opinion is based upon facts, which in this case refers to baseball realities. Contradictory rants based upon prejudices do not constitute rational and logical discussion. I agreed with you that 7 years was too long for a pitcher, but it is no worse than committing $21 million to a 41-year-old infielder in 2024. You faulted the Yankees for being reluctant to do this, then turn around and fault them again for committing $22 million for a 32-year-old pitcher in 2021. And then you can't see any logical discrepancy in this attitude? Or are you just deliberately trying to get my goat, or simply have no valid thoughts to offer?

When I reported the signing of Tanaka, I made it plain I had no thoughts yet as to whether or not this was good for the Yankees. How could I . . . how could anyone . . . when the kid hasn't thrown a single pitch in the majors? This may turn out to be a disaster, but even if so it won't be the end of the world . . . not even for the Yankees, much less a literal end to all existence. I know this. I also know that, if he is anywhere near as good as people think he will be, he could very well earn that 7-year deal. One can hope, or, if one truly hates the Yanks that much, one can hope the opposite . . . as long as he admits it's out of hatred and poor sportsmanship. And THAT'S the question you keep dodging . . . namely, do you have any valid baseball thoughts to offer, or are you merely venting bilious spleen?

Thomas, I don't have the time nor inclination to fully dispute you and your lousy attitude, but I will touch on a few points and hopefully be done. There is a significant difference between an infielder and a pitcher. Health and longevity are just 2 metrics one could use to place value on a particular contract. Just 2 but they are important. Maybe that's still "obtuse" for you.. Also, just a side note, but I can have any opinion I want about any contract I want, no matter what team it is. You seem to think you and your Yanks are sooo damn important that if anyone talks about them, you take it personally. You need to lighten up. Another point, you're immature comments about me merely venting or not offering any valid baseball thoughts are really cheap and simple minded, actually no, just plain asinine. Again, you really need to lighten up Thomas. I get the feeling you've been told that before too. I haven't personally attacked you so for you to do so was offensive and the easy way out. Grow up, lighten up, and be nice.

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-24-2014 10:54 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
I thought I remembered you having a similar attitude... my memory is gooood:D

for the record, MLB 2012 thread, post #443

Originally Posted by The Poet
Jesus Christ, you guys are absolutely hopeless! Of course I root for the Yankees, and want them to win! But make up you damn mind, if you have one to make up! Do you want me to be wrong, just because the Yanks are my team? What nonsense is that? In your eyes, if the Yanks win it all, I and my fellow NY fans are all @$$holes. If NY loses, we are @$$holes who got what they deserved. Get over your damn selves, stop worring about what happens in The Bronx, and concentrate on winning your own damn games, instead of trying not to lose as many as the next guy, and backing into the playoffs!


Sorry, but I can only take so much foolishness before I pop.

I'm logging off now, as I've had enough for one day. Bye.
__________________________________________________ ____________

My response, post #446:
I'm flattered you feel that I'm so concerned about your beloved Yanks.. not really.. Why don't you review what you've been posting recently in this thread? You are the one that is so damn worried about other teams like the Tigers and Sox... Take a chill pill, the Central is not taking any press away from the Yanks.. You're not going to lose any bandwagon fans because of the Central... Get over yourself and your team. For you to post such a crazy response is hard to understand, I mean, your team is making the postseason right?? Anyway, don't worry about what happens in the AL Central, Tom and I can take care of that for you Maybe you are just a bit worried about the Tigers walking on you guys again

__________________________________________________ ____________

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-24-2014 11:07 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
Garza news:

Not sure if the brew crew need him, I thought they were semi rebuilding?

icehog3 01-24-2014 11:50 PM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
Guys, please keep it on topic and not personal here on the Forum. If you guys feel the need to go for each other's jugulars, please head to PMs. :)

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-25-2014 12:17 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1927378)
I thought I remembered you having a similar attitude... my memory is gooood:D

for the record, MLB 2012 thread, post #443

Originally Posted by The Poet
Jesus Christ, you guys are absolutely hopeless! Of course I root for the Yankees, and want them to win! But make up you damn mind, if you have one to make up! Do you want me to be wrong, just because the Yanks are my team? What nonsense is that? In your eyes, if the Yanks win it all, I and my fellow NY fans are all @$$holes. If NY loses, we are @$$holes who got what they deserved. Get over your damn selves, stop worring about what happens in The Bronx, and concentrate on winning your own damn games, instead of trying not to lose as many as the next guy, and backing into the playoffs!


Sorry, but I can only take so much foolishness before I pop.

I'm logging off now, as I've had enough for one day. Bye.
__________________________________________________ ____________

My response, post #446:
I'm flattered you feel that I'm so concerned about your beloved Yanks.. not really.. Why don't you review what you've been posting recently in this thread? You are the one that is so damn worried about other teams like the Tigers and Sox... Take a chill pill, the Central is not taking any press away from the Yanks.. You're not going to lose any bandwagon fans because of the Central... Get over yourself and your team. For you to post such a crazy response is hard to understand, I mean, your team is making the postseason right?? Anyway, don't worry about what happens in the AL Central, Tom and I can take care of that for you Maybe you are just a bit worried about the Tigers walking on you guys again

__________________________________________________ ____________

I should add that I couldn't directly quote the 2012 thread, it's locked. It's probably best to just go back and read the posts.

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-25-2014 12:21 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1927391)
Guys, please keep it on topic and not personal here on the Forum. If you guys feel the need to go for each other's jugulars, please head to PMs. :)

Agreed:). I'm not after anyone's jugular though.

Mattso3000 01-25-2014 12:30 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1927329)
I liked Nolan Ryan giving him a noogie, Nate! :)

Nice. I just youtubed this at work tonight for one of my supervisors who had never seen it. Still love this...never gets old seeing Nolan put him in a headlock.:r

Bruins Fan 01-25-2014 04:42 AM

Re: 2014 MLB Thread
Pitchers and catchers report in two week.
The WORLD CHAMPION Boston Red Sox will be looking to repeat :D

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