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Whynot 12-14-2009 12:11 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by Cigary (Post 667642)
I'm all for technology and hell, I even use it pretty much everyday. When I first saw this kind of technology I'm scratching my head like,,,WTH! What happened to just taking a bood,,open it,,,and read? For what these things cost you could buy quite a few books on Amazon and read the old fashioned way like we did growing up. Now we have texting, tweeting, facebooking, and everything in between that actually keeps us from having to interract with other like human beings. I can hardly wait for cigar herfs over the internet,,oh wait, I do that now.

I love mine for deployments. I hate giving books back, so I don't do libraries usually, and the e-book beats shipping a box of books home after every deployment. It fits in a crago pocket so it is easy to haul dozens of books around with me.

shilala 01-20-2011 05:36 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 660679)
Well, after much research and comparisons between Kindle, Nook, and Sony, I pulled the trigger and bought a Kindle. I've been scouring the list of books and have pre-ordered a $hitload. Can't wait for it to arrive.

Thanks to everyone who offered feedback.

Peter, my daughter got one today. She hasn't put it down since it got here. It appears she's going to love it. She got the little one, no idea what it's called.
It made me wonder if you ever got one, so I came and looked this up.
How's it going with yours? Are you still using it? Any tips for my kid?

Whipper Snapper 01-20-2011 06:26 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I have a kindle myself.
I read a lot of pre 1900 literature and there's BUNDLES of it on various archive sites in the mobi/kindle format.

Free books!?
I couldn't be much happier.

Blueface 01-20-2011 06:30 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
Just found one recently.
Totally blank.
No way of knowing who it belongs to.
Turns on.
Anyone know any way of finding out who to get it to?
Would Amazon do that or would they junk it to sell more?
I have no use for it since I have an iPad and regardless prefer to get it back to it's rightful owner.

TheFool 01-20-2011 07:07 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1141556)
Just found one recently.
Totally blank.
No way of knowing who it belongs to.
Turns on.
Anyone know any way of finding out who to get it to?
Would Amazon do that or would they junk it to sell more?
I have no use for it since I have an iPad and regardless prefer to get it back to it's rightful owner.

Should be linked to their amazon account. might be somewhere under menu registration etc also contacting amazon should be worth a try.

markem 01-20-2011 07:16 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by TheFool (Post 1141645)
Should be linked to their amazon account. might be somewhere under menu registration etc also contacting amazon should be worth a try.

:tpd: yep, the settings menu is where you want to go to find the serial number which Amazon can use to contact the owner.

pnoon 01-20-2011 11:10 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1141480)
Peter, my daughter got one today. She hasn't put it down since it got here. It appears she's going to love it. She got the little one, no idea what it's called.
It made me wonder if you ever got one, so I came and looked this up.
How's it going with yours? Are you still using it? Any tips for my kid?

Yes I did, Scott. Got one for Xmas 2009.
13 months with it and I love it. I use it daily.

One comes to mind right off the bat. When searching for Kindle books from Amazon, skip using their search engine. is so much better.
About a month ago, I downloaded the Kindle app for my laptop. I prefer using the Kindle itself but the laptop app can come in handy.
There is also an online forum ( which I registered for but haven't really used.
I really haven't explored much beyond the books thru Amazon. I know there are other sources for books but I have found so much classic literature (free!) that along with a few purchases I have more to read than I know what to do with.

markem 01-20-2011 11:16 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I like as my kindle search engine

pnoon 01-20-2011 11:19 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1141974)
I like as my kindle search engine

Gonna have to give that one a try.

Thanks, Mark. :tu

cigarflip 01-20-2011 11:23 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I have one that I've been using for 18 months. Absolutely love it and you can adjust the font size depending on how bad your vision is. It reads .pdf materials, does audio books and looks like a regular book especially with the grayscale and lighting that makes it look like you're reading a book. If you don't turn the wifi on, battery really lasts.

Then I started seeing the IPADs and other ebook readers like Nook Color. I decided to give my kindle to a relative when I was in Manila. I bought a Nook and although it's colored and tochscreen with internet access, I miss the kindle.

pnoon 01-20-2011 11:25 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by cigarflip (Post 1141980)
I have one that I've been using for 18 months. Absolutely love it and you can adjust the font size depending on how bad your vision is. It reads .pdf materials, does audio books and looks like a regular book especially with the grayscale and lighting that makes it look like you're reading a book. If you don't turn the wifi on, battery really lasts.

Then I started seeing the IPADs and other ebook readers like Nook Color. I decided to give my kindle to a relative when I was in Manila. I bought a Nook and although it's colored and tochscreen with internet access, I miss the kindle.

I agree, Larry.
The e-ink technology is so much easier on the eyes than the iPad or any laptop computer. I only heard about the Nook Color for the first time yesterday so I can't comment on it.

I really like my Kindle.

shvictor 01-21-2011 05:26 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
My 11yr old daughter really loves her Kindle.

VTDragon 01-21-2011 07:52 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
I took a long look at the original Kindle when it first came out and decided to not be an early adopter for once. When the Kindle 2 arrived I was sorely tempted, but was also intrigued by the Ipad for the increased funcionality. Unfortunately the Ipad is still using an LCD screen and it becomes tiresome to read after a while. I took a long look at the Nook color in a Barnes & Noble store and feel that the LCD screen has the same inadequacies as the Ipad. The technology that really intrigues me in the Notion Ink Adam. It features a Pixel Qi screen that offers the best of e-paper and LCD in one. Notion Ink is an Indian startup that just started shipping the Adam this week. Their pre-orders are all sold out. I am awaiting some reviewers actualy getting production units in their hands to see an in-depth, hands-on review. If that goes as well as early quickie reviews indicate I will probably be getting one of these once they become more available.

jledou 01-21-2011 08:43 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
Interesting Gary. I had not heard of NotionInk before until you posted that. Thanks for the link.

Blueface 01-21-2011 09:28 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1141669)
:tpd: yep, the settings menu is where you want to go to find the serial number which Amazon can use to contact the owner.

Says "your battery is empty" and won't turn on.
Don't have a charger.
Has an ESN on the back though.
Anyone have a contact number for Kindle related matters?

Will try to Google later when I return home.

Blueface 01-21-2011 09:42 AM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
Called their main number off my iPad application.
They can look up serial number and will send me a return pre paid envelope and will return to rightful owner.
Clearly won't give me info for privacy reasons.

FYI for you Kindle users, if you lose it, the device is deactivated by them when you report it and no one else can ever use it. That is neat.

Good deed for day done. Now to get back to being evil.:D

markem 01-21-2011 12:40 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?
Are you too far away from the Apple Store to just drop it there?

6000 West Glades Road, Suite 1121, Boca Raton, FL (561) 338-0478

aich75013 01-21-2011 12:59 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1142789)
Are you too far away from the Apple Store to just drop it there?

6000 West Glades Road, Suite 1121, Boca Raton, FL (561) 338-0478

I don't think Apple wants you to bring a Kindle in.

357 01-21-2011 01:40 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1141981)
I agree, Larry.
The e-ink technology is so much easier on the eyes than the iPad or any laptop computer. I only heard about the Nook Color for the first time yesterday so I can't comment on it.

I really like my Kindle.

My mom got a Kindle for Christmas. I was blown away at that e-ink screen. Very cool. I know that CRT monitors/TVs cause eye strain for a number of reasons, low refresh rate, radiation, and due to a false focal point. Your eyes actually focus on a point well behind the screen. LCDs are much better, no radiation, better focal point but not perfect. I think this e-ink screen has no different focal point than paper with ink print on it, plus you don't have to worry about ambient light. Very cool stuff.

shilala 01-21-2011 03:01 PM

Re: Anyone Own A Kindle?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1141971)
Yes I did, Scott. Got one for Xmas 2009.
13 months with it and I love it. I use it daily.

One comes to mind right off the bat. When searching for Kindle books from Amazon, skip using their search engine. is so much better.
About a month ago, I downloaded the Kindle app for my laptop. I prefer using the Kindle itself but the laptop app can come in handy.
There is also an online forum ( which I registered for but haven't really used.
I really haven't explored much beyond the books thru Amazon. I know there are other sources for books but I have found so much classic literature (free!) that along with a few purchases I have more to read than I know what to do with.

Thanks for that, Peter. I showed it to Rebekah when she came home from school, and she asked me to print it out for her.
I think her exact response was "Sweet. Will you print it out for me?" :)

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