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Re: First Firearm Thread.
I have a crossbreed for my 10mm Colt delta, not bad. But after also owning the Galco King Tuk for my Glock 17 I wouldn't by another Crossbreed. The king tuk is cut nicer (don't need the combat cut option) and its apox $40 cheaper and most Cabelas have them on the shelf. :2
Re: First Firearm Thread.
here's my Kahr in my new Pj Holster
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5443/7...063f8d58_c.jpg DSC_3785 by thestemens16, on Flickr |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Saiga 12 w/quad rail |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Picked up a sr1911
http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i2...2/IMAG0201.jpg |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
VERY nice. Those are hard to come by.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
You're telling me. I was lucky enough to get 2. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I'm saving up for a Beretta 686 White Onyx and a 687 Silver Pigeon II. I'm sure if I just cut cigar expenditures for a few months I can afford them.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/...dennis/002.jpg |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Do you shoot 10mm auto often? I'm curious because I've been very interested the last year or so in getting a 10mm, looking at Glocks.. I don't want to spend out the azz for ammo, but it looks like thats just how 10mm is.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
The G20 and 29 are great and hold more rds then the delta that only holds 8. Heck you can by both the G20 & 29 for the less then the price of one Delta!! |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I like the G29, and the price is more up my alley. I've shot my friend's G29 and it's a powerhouse of a gun, I was expecting more kick than what it delivered though. I also like the idea of 11 rounds of 10mm in that small package. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
5.11 Double Duty TDU Belt
I recently purchased a Kahr CM9 and PJ IWB Clip Holster. I've carried IWB on and off over the past few years with varying gun/holster combos. Up until now I've just been using a flimsy braided leather belt. Well the time came to buy something more EDC worthy.
Enter the 5.11 Double Duty TDU 1.5" belt. Swung by the local tactical supply store to see how it would do, or if I needed to go with the Trainer belt, which costs 2x as much. The DD TDU belt is plenty stiff for EDC. It's 2-ply nylon webbing, twice as thick and stiff as the regular TDU belt, and is "reversible" and has a plastic buckle. The belt also has 5 rows of stitching to help with the stiffness. I picked up the tan/black combo for $19.99. I'm thuroughly impressed with this belt. It holds the weapon sturdy and is a comfortable belt for EDC or just casual wear. Overall I'd say it's a great EDC belt and a bargain for the money. **One note to add, I wear 36: waist jeans but I had to step up to the 40-42: (XL) belt. I have about 4-6" of excess material with this fset up, which is fine. YMMV** Here's a picture of the 2 color options, black/olive black/coyote: http://www.qmuniforms.com/_productim...0/s53-3123.jpg |
Re: 5.11 Double Duty TDU Belt
:noon |
Re: 5.11 Double Duty TDU Belt
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Just picked up a Beretta Nano in 9mm this past tuesday. It is small enough to fit in my pocket, smooth sided for easy withdrawl from the pocket, and acurate enough to foul up anyone for life (if they need to be fouled up ) from 15yrds or less. I read they are decently accurate at 25yrds. But at that far way, there is no threat unless they have a gun pointed at me... So I only practice with it from 10-15 yards mainly and a few at 25yrds.
http://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg861/sca...=640&ysize=640 |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I've looked a little online for the gripframes that you can swap out with it, but still haven't found any yet. Next, I'd like to change out the sights for a set of night sights and do a little bit of dusk target practising with it. I had also looked at a Kimber Ultra Carry II, but couldn't really afford it at the time. That and looked for a S&W M&P Shield. But was told that S&W has about a 3month backlog on orders that the dealer wouldn't be getting any new S&W shipped to him til end of June or July. My Dad had a Kahr that I liked (a 40 i believe) and he got rid of it "because of who makes them" (the Moonies??). He didn't even give me a chance to get it off of him.... owell, he is odd like that. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Have any of you messed with the new Sig P938?
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Does anyone have any experience with the Taurus 24/7 G2 compact??? I am wanting to know if there is an extended magazine for this pistol. I have large hands and need the extra grab space.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Ogre, Why not just go Glock with the finger extension.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
9mm: 13 and 17 round extended magazine .40S&W: 11 and 15 round extended magazine .45acp: 10 and 12 round extended magazine I would go to a gun shop and get your hands on the pistol w/ extended mag. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
A big part of my problem is, I am left handed. There a vary few autos that are for lefties that dont cost an arm and a leg. May just go with my old off duty gun and get another Ruger SP101 in 357.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Bottom line is Glock is the top shelf when it comes to polymer hand guns. (period) Most every design try to be Glock but still never measure up. There are more PD's & military carrying Glocks then all the other models combined! There isn't a design currently that can handle the abuse a Glock will endure. You have the interchangeability - most all the internal parts interchange from the Glock 17 to 39 (and most parts are $4-5). All mags in the same caliber interchange (from full size down to sub compact = interchangeability) and sell for $10 for foreign surplus or $23-$24 for factory Glock mags All Glocks only contain 34 parts, 4 of the parts alone are in the magazines. Most appealing is they currently sell for $499 to aprox. $550 and come with up to 3 high cap mags (gen 4) Sorry Ogre - Taurus is the Gurkha of the firearms world if I had to trust my life on a handgun and you are surrounded by walkers it be a Glock. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I know guns are like cigars, shoot what you like. I will just say this, the local police dept here got rid of all their Glocks due to 2 serious malfunctions. To me, its the Ford, Chevy, Dodge debate. If I could afford one, I would love to have either a Kimber or Sig 220.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Eh, FWIW...and I've owned a Glock (long gone now) and my brother currently owns one. So I've shot a few different Glocks and rented them at the range as well.....I share Larry's thoughts, Glocks aren't for me.
They aren't that cheap...the $500 includes the plastic crap sights, they aren't accurate. Changing them out costs $150 or so to. That's $650-$700 total. Back in the day, and what I paid, was $850 for a Dan Wesson 1911, they are EONS apart in quality and accuracy. Glocks get used and carried by LEO's for reliability and durability alone. I would argue this is why you see so many shootings where dozens upon dozens of bullets are fired without hitting anything but that's another thread entirely and is solely based on my experience with Glocks being inaccurate. Stock Glocks have piss-poor accuracy. Upgrading the sights makes them tolerable but I still feel you are trading comfortability and accuracy for durability and reliability. Sure if you practice enough with any gun you'll get the hang of it, but IMHO Glocks have the most learning curve. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Just out of curiosity what malfunctions did they have with Glock? I also work part time as gunsmith and 9 tenths of the malfunctions I see are operator induced. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
First one, they had a trigger assembly come apart and the second looked like a stove pipe but found a cracked barrel on inspection. These were both 45acp.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Bill I will admit Glocks aren't for everyone - right of the shelf I can shoot any of my Browning Hi Powers better. Glocks are just as accurate as any other upper end pistol, what gives the appearance of lack of accuracy is if you aren't familiar with the trigger you will shoot very poor! I fire over a 1000 rounds a month for years and see it all the time at the range (a new guy with Glock) You must practice your trigger pull. (period) Most my family is or was PA State police and can tell you a 100 stories of really bad accuracy when they pull there pistols most of comes from just pulling hard and fast on the trigger, making it shoot low or the ground in front of themselves.(remember most police prolly fire less then 200 rds per year!!) If you master the Glock trigger you will shoot all other pistols better just not Glocks. Also night sights for Glocks can be had for $60-$70. I am not a Glock fan boy I am really a romantic and believe a real gun has a fine blue finish and nice walnut grips :tu. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I think I am going to go with the Ruger SP101 or the Taurus 605 in 357mag. Easy to conceal and enough stopping power. Can practice with cheaper 38 ammo and carry mag rounds for defense.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
That was more then likely a bullet set back issue (ammo) This is from officers continually chambering a round at the start of the shift and the clearing at the end of shift. When this happens it doubles chamber pressures and Kaboom - just last month a I saw Beretta 92 brake a slide and even blow the mag out!!! Also take notice that was a G37 which is the .45 gap round, this round is extremely short and stubby and has little space between the powder and the back of the round. If any caliber is prone to set back which doubles chamber pressures its .45 gap (I hate this rd) |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: First Firearm Thread.
My Conceal carry test with a 1940's-50's Browning Hi-Power. Second time shooting it at a new range. Kind of dimly lit but I believe the desired effect was achieved. This was ~6 months ago http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/y...6/IMG_0133.jpg Not bad for a crusty old gun. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
And a crusty old shooter!!!!!
Re: First Firearm Thread.
I really don't like them, I have been around them enough to make that decision for myself. There are way to many good gun makers out there to take the chance. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Larry, Have you looked at the sig 220 carry? Working at a shooting range that has piss poor maintenance for it's firearms, I will say that when everything, and I mean everything goes down (Sigs, HK's, Smith's, Beretta, Springfield's) Glocks are the only thing left running on the shelves. I am not a fanboy of Glock by any means, in fact I hate them, the look and feel aren't just for me. But After more practice with them I've become more fond of them and actually shoot them almost as well as my Sigs.
The one major problem I have is that I have sweaty hands and the gun tends to slip around in my hand during long shooting sessions, so I have to use a little grip tape. |
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Re: First Firearm Thread.
Its a Taurus 85 Ultra Light. Have it loaded with Remington Golden Sabers, 125g +P JHP for defensive rounds. http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/c...94F60-orig.jpg |
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