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RevSmoke 12-02-2016 05:02 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Weelok (Post 2109246)
I will add just a little to what has already been stated which is don't worry about the cold for transport as it's short but here is my addition.

Many on this board will deep freeze cigars to ensure no tobacco beetle eggs survive and the cigars taste and smoke just fine. Consider sub-zero transport helping ensure your cigars are beetle free. I jest a bit on beetle free but I'm sure you can see that deep freezing has not harmed the avid collectors supply or they would be the first to complain.

What he said.

In fact, just got an order and put it in the freezer where it will stay for a couple days. Then into the humidor in the box as they came.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

HailTheBrownLeaf 12-02-2016 11:24 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by HailTheBrownLeaf (Post 2107933)
Update: Well I haven't switched out my now melted refreezable ice blocks (they are a few inches away from my tupperdor and not touching it, as my cooler) for my other frozen ones as I'm at like 69.5F right now.

My RH is now at 61% according to my hygrometer right now.


Extra Update: The other day I switched out my two 65% Bovedas for two 69% Bovedas that I have and now even with my refreezable ice blocks in my cooler (sitting stacked beside and not touching my tupperdor) being completely melted right now, I'm hovering between 62-64% RH.

So it looks like I'll just use 69% Bovedas if I'm gonna be dropping a few percentages of RH due to my ice blocks (which I need) anyways.

luther 04-01-2017 10:24 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Any of you know of a way to get a cigar store Indian? Does not need to be an antique.

AdamJoshua 04-02-2017 12:26 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by luther (Post 2120454)
Any of you know of a way to get a cigar store Indian? Does not need to be an antique.

Practice? Oh wait that's how you get to Carnegie Hall.

icehog3 04-02-2017 09:43 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Lots of them on eBay. ;)

G-Rex42 06-06-2017 09:11 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Anyone have any tips for dealing with dry mouth?

Thank you everyone.

icehog3 06-06-2017 10:08 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by G-Rex42 (Post 2125957)
Anyone have any tips for dealing with dry mouth?

Thank you everyone.

As simple as it sounds, I just try to have some water or other beverage with mr when I smoke.

N2Advnture 11-28-2017 04:20 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by HailTheBrownLeaf (Post 2101426)
Well last week I placed my first ever online order with CP and today it arrived:


The sticks are now in my Tupperdor. But how do I use the travel humi??

I assume I can remove the cardboard inserts on top of the cedar linings (that tell you what each cigar in the sampler is) inside the humi right??? But then do I need to season it or anything???

Yes to removing the cardboard inserts and no seasoning required.

Typically, you don't need to add a humidification device if. Your cigars are humidifier properly unless your traveling for more than a few days.

I hope this helps


LemonJimmy 02-04-2018 09:24 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I'm pretty new myself, try the Macanudo Hyde park , the AVO classic, Baccarat Rothschild and/or Griffins

Billydolphin33 03-07-2018 04:02 AM

Sauza tequila tres generaciones cigars by drew estate ???
Can you please help me out with some information

Billydolphin33 03-07-2018 04:04 AM

Re: Sauza tequila tres generaciones cigars by drew estate ???

CigarNut 03-07-2018 10:36 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
What are you looking for?

T.G 03-07-2018 11:09 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 2146466)
What are you looking for?

A buyer.

Porch Dweller 03-07-2018 01:21 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 2146474)
A buyer.

I hear this guy buys older stuff.

AdamJoshua 03-07-2018 01:38 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Yah but he's going to have to have a friend of his come in and look at it.

icehog3 03-07-2018 01:47 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2146494)

My, he has a gigantic clock......-(P

Porch Dweller 03-07-2018 03:10 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2146497)
Yah but he's going to have to have a friend of his come in and look at it.

Dick Hacker? :D

pnoon 03-07-2018 06:49 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Hack Dicker?

Luke1486 04-05-2018 06:17 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I am looking for recomendation for electric humidor that holds 150 or less cigars not looking to go to big

AdamJoshua 04-05-2018 06:37 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Luke1486 (Post 2148925)
I am looking for recomendation for electric humidor that holds 150 or less cigars not looking to go to big

Can’t say I’ve seen one that small with an electric humidifier, usually a desktop humidor is just fine with beads or a humidity pack, any reason you want it to be electric? Not to mention the fact that even a small cigar oasis would probably be too much for a 150 count box.

T.G 04-05-2018 07:04 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Maybe he means a temperature controlled humidor?

This is about the smallest one I can think of offhand.
Back in August of last year they could be had for $125 (free shipping) with a coupon code at

I steered a friend who was looking for his first humidor towards that deal back then along with some HCM beads and he is super pleased with everything. No problems so far and rock solid humidity levels.

Lukas, keep in mind that the capacity estimates are just that, estimates. Based on the size of the cigar and the boxes, a 150 count might only hold 80. The above "250 count" is probably much closer to 150 actual storage.

Luke1486 04-07-2018 02:55 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Yes thats what i was looking to get the tempatures in my place vary a lot so i want something that will be set to certain temps and keep the cigars fresher longer. Thanks

Wharf Rat 04-07-2018 01:55 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Luke1486 (Post 2149111)
Yes thats what i was looking to get the tempatures in my place vary a lot so i want something that will be set to certain temps and keep the cigars fresher longer. Thanks

I think most of us would worry about maintaining the humidity first and worry about the temperature second. The cigars were rolled in a tropical climate and survived a sea voyage in a shipping container before you started to worry about them.

CigarNut 04-07-2018 05:24 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 2149154)
I think most of us would worry about maintaining the humidity first and worry about the temperature second. The cigars were rolled in a tropical climate and survived a sea voyage in a shipping container before you started to worry about them.

:tu :tu

pnoon 04-07-2018 05:54 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 2149154)
I think most of us would worry about maintaining the humidity first and worry about the temperature second. The cigars were rolled in a tropical climate and survived a sea voyage in a shipping container before you started to worry about them.


hwgoesit 04-08-2018 09:07 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Luke1486 (Post 2149111)
Yes thats what i was looking to get the tempatures in my place vary a lot so i want something that will be set to certain temps and keep the cigars fresher longer. Thanks

Fresher longer?
Low temp is ok for cigars, high temp (actually just above 63 degrees or so) can hatch beetle eggs.
Freshness is generally not a desirable quality. Properly aged is.

markem 04-08-2018 09:17 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Luke1486 (Post 2149111)
Yes thats what i was looking to get the tempatures in my place vary a lot so i want something that will be set to certain temps and keep the cigars fresher longer. Thanks

Keeping both the humidity and the temperature in a desirable range will keep the cigars smoking great for years. I think that is what you meant by 'fresher'.

Many of us keep our cigars around 64% humidity but up to 70% seems fine for a whole lot of people as well. I keep the temperature of my cigars below about 76 degrees, although it only gets that warm in August and September. Most of the time, my cigars are around 66 degrees. Beetles are a real problem for both Cuban and Non-Cuban (NC) cigars. Above about 70 degrees can cause some issues. See the sticky on the science of freezing cigars for more information.

If you get a system that is electronically cooled, ask about it on this board before you buy. There are several vendors that make great systems but also make systems that can destroy the cigars, since most of the systems are designed for wine. It's a buyer beware world when it comes to buying temperature control for cigars, unless you want to spend serious money.

As for humidity control, beads are the way to go. Look up cigarnut on this board as be manufactures the best of the best, in my opinion.

Beklage 05-17-2018 02:09 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Is there a for sale forum here? I have a bunch of stuff I need to unload to make room

CigarNut 05-17-2018 02:23 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Beklage (Post 2152061)
Is there a for sale forum here? I have a bunch of stuff I need to unload to make room

Time and participation will grant you access to the WTS/WTB threads.

If you have not already done so, please introduce yourself here:

icehog3 05-17-2018 02:45 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 2152064)
Time and participation will grant you access to the WTS/WTB threads.

If you have not already done so, please introduce yourself here:

I think he's got the time, member since 2010 and an old CS gorilla.

Razorhog 01-03-2019 09:42 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I'm not a beginner but have been away from the hobby long enough that I've forgotten some things. Made my way over here from the Jungle but then life happened (twins).

I have a winador and it holds humidity like a champ. Over the years I just made sure to wet the beads once or twice a year to keep RH in the 60's.

Smoked a few here and there and it's getting sparse in there so I'm organizing. I've noticed that the humidity is higher at the bottom, which doesn't make sense. 72 on bottom and 68 on top after a re-wetting a few days ago. I have about 3 lbs of 65% beads spread throughout - some on bottom, middle and top. Both hygrometers are Caliber III. I just swapped them to see if they read the same after a while.

So some questions -

1) Should I have the wine fridge plugged in and set to 66 (highest it goes) for some air movement, or just leave it off? I'm not sure how the thermoelectric cooling works but I'm afraid of drying things out.

2) Won a box of Legends by Pepin Garcia from cbid (super stoked about those) and was wondering if I should store the box in the humidor with the lid open or closed? Does it really matter?

Razorhog 01-03-2019 10:41 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Well now both are reading 70% so I guess it's balanced itself out. Beads will bring it back down to 65% after a few openings so all is good.

AdamJoshua 01-03-2019 11:25 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Unless it gets extremely hot where the winador is most people don’t bother plugging them in, just make sure it’s sealed at drain hole.

Boxes closed are fine!

Razorhog 01-03-2019 02:12 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2166781)
Unless it gets extremely hot where the winador is most people don’t bother plugging them in, just make sure it’s sealed at drain hole.

Boxes closed are fine!

Thanks! Feels like I'm getting into the hobby for the first time.

icehog3 01-03-2019 04:27 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Glad it seems to have worked out, Beau. :tu

I store all my boxes closed, but it's personal preference.

scudda 02-26-2019 05:31 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Ok I am Newbie. I started with Infused Cigars like Nub , Acid and Java and still like them.

Recently I purchased 5 pack of Gurkha Doble Maduro and really like them.

Based on this , can someone make a few suggestions for my next purchase?

CigarNut 02-26-2019 06:03 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
The best thing I can recommend is to go to your local cigar shop, tell them what you have tried and liked, and ask them for recommendations -- they usually have some samplers can make recommendations based on what you like. If you don't have a local shop, then pick up some sampler packs from one of the online sites.

I am not a huge fan of the Acid and Java, but I do love Maduro's. My favorites are the Padron x000 series -- a little spendy but I think that they are the best non-Cuban cigars out there.

For an inexpensive smoke, I like the Oba Oba Robusto Maduro by Perdomo. The Surrogates by L’Atelier are good. I like the Cracker Crumbs (Petitle Corona) and Animal Crackers (Robusto).

Try as many different marcas, vitolas and wrappers as you can and you will be able to hone in on what you like.

Wharf Rat 02-26-2019 08:41 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by scudda (Post 2170220)
Ok I am Newbie. I started with Infused Cigars like Nub , Acid and Java and still like them.

Recently I purchased 5 pack of Gurkha Doble Maduro and really like them.

Based on this , can someone make a few suggestions for my next purchase?

(Please excuse the broad generalities)

Skipping the forbidden island, there are 3 main countries that produce cigars and they tend to have distinctive tastes. So, you might want to try some cigars from each and that’ll help you develop your personal preferences. Below are a few manufacturers from each.

Dominican Republic

La Aurora


El Rey del Mundo
Rocky Patel


A J Fernandez
Don Pepin Garcia.

Roger T 03-11-2019 01:02 PM

Cigars going bad - Polyglycol Propolene in humid solution
I buy cigars on line, and I've found some great deals (JR cigar, CI Cigars etc) and these were really great tasting smokes. But after about 6 mo. (I've got quite a few in my humidor) the great tasting ones become pretty vial tasting and unsmokable. I use a mixture of Propoline Glycol and distled water (1 to 5 parts water) in the humidification bars, to prevent mold, and wonder if that has anything to do with it. I also have left the celophane sleeves on them, and am told that isn't a good idea either. Is there just a time limit on how long you can keep your sticks in limbo even if the humidity is maintained before they develop this vial tasting charictaristic? After a while does the oil just turn bad or dry out etc...I'm at a total loss here.

My humidor is the kind with 8 pull-out drawers and a plastic window type front opening door on hinges that doesn't really have a tight sealing door. I'm told that this is not a good type humidor for maintaining a proper level of humidificaiton, but the digintal humidity meeter says it's alwyas about 60 - 65%.

THEN...I have gone for periods of a week without lighting up, so I wonder if it's just my taste buds have gotten too sensitive without smoking.

T.G 03-11-2019 02:07 PM

Re: Cigars going bad - Polyglycol Propolene in humid solution

Originally Posted by Roger T (Post 2171125)
I buy cigars on line, and I've found some great deals (JR cigar, CI Cigars etc) and these were really great tasting smokes. But after about 6 mo. (I've got quite a few in my humidor) the great tasting ones become pretty vial tasting and unsmokable. I use a mixture of Propoline Glycol and distled water (1 to 5 parts water) in the humidification bars, to prevent mold, and wonder if that has anything to do with it. I also have left the celophane sleeves on them, and am told that isn't a good idea either. Is there just a time limit on how long you can keep your sticks in limbo even if the humidity is maintained before they develop this vial tasting charictaristic? After a while does the oil just turn bad or dry out etc...I'm at a total loss here.

My humidor is the kind with 8 pull-out drawers and a plastic window type front opening door on hinges that doesn't really have a tight sealing door. I'm told that this is not a good type humidor for maintaining a proper level of humidificaiton, but the digintal humidity meeter says it's alwyas about 60 - 65%.

THEN...I have gone for periods of a week without lighting up, so I wonder if it's just my taste buds have gotten too sensitive without smoking.

Let me guess, by vile, you mean bitter and tar like?

I'm thinking that you might be dealing with over humidification. The timeline is about right and water/pg combo likes to sit around 70% when you mix it 50%/50%. You are mixing 80% water, 20% PG, so it's basically unregulated water which will go to in the 80's or 90's for humidity.

You can take a few cigars and put them in an old wooden cigar box and leave it on the counter for a few days or more, or even just leave them on the counter and let them dry out a bit, see if the flavor comes back. If they are really wet, it could take a week, or longer if you live in a higher humidity area.

I would look into beads from, and check the calibration on your hygrometer. Also, your humidor might just leak like a sieve, so it appears to be 65% where the hygro is, but the cigars are soaking up a lot of moisture.

Lastly, cello doesn't really harm the cigars. If anything it affords them protection from being damaged by handling, moving around, mold spores, can serve as a buffer against humidity changes etc.

Wharf Rat 03-11-2019 05:06 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
T.G. has about covered the humidity issue. I've used both PG and HCM beads over the years. They both work OK, but beads give you the option to store slightly drier.

The other possibility is that the cigars you bought were very young and are just going through a bad period in their aging process. So, I would let a few dry out a few days in the room and see if that helps. If not, you can wait a few months and try again.

If neither of those options work, you can always grind them up and make an insecticide tea... (hope not!)

markem 03-11-2019 07:26 PM

Re: Cigars going bad - Polyglycol Propolene in humid solution

Originally Posted by Roger T (Post 2171125)
I buy cigars on line, and I've found some great deals (JR cigar, CI Cigars etc) and these were really great tasting smokes. But after about 6 mo. (I've got quite a few in my humidor) the great tasting ones become pretty vial tasting and unsmokable.

I love this post! What a great question for this group. Many, many years of solving humidor issues here at CA.

Welcome to the board, Roger. I didn't want to interrupt your question being answered but wanted to point out that you can post over in the New Inmate Processing Area to let us know a bit more about yourself. Also, there is a wealth of information in the "stickies" at the top of the forum.

Welcome and I hope that you are able to get the flavor profile for those cigars back soonest.

gomeitsmybday 04-15-2019 04:24 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Hey everyone!

So I've recently made the transition from wooden humidors to coolidors (the heavens parted and harp playing cherubs serenaded me when I finally came to this revelation.)
The coolidors are for longer term storage and I move cigars to smaller, more portable lock & lock boxes (air tight tubs, in other words...) to sit for at least a week @ 62 before smoking, works PERFECT for humidity!
However, I've noticed that some of the cigars are loose enough to move & bunp around when being handled and/or transported...
So what I'm wondering is, can anyone recommend any kind of material I can safely pack/stuff in to the tubs that will prevent the cigars from moving freely, but at the same time, also allow the air & humidity to be able to continue moving freely throughout the tub, as well as being neutral in smell/taste? I'm pretty sure they use glassine in some cigar boxes but that appears to be pretty expensive so I'm hoping you guys can suggest something else...thanks to anyone who provides any suggestions and/or info! :D

Wharf Rat 04-15-2019 05:33 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by gomeitsmybday (Post 2173419)
Hey everyone!

So I've recently made the transition from wooden humidors to coolidors (the heavens parted and harp playing cherubs serenaded me when I finally came to this revelation.)
The coolidors are for longer term storage and I move cigars to smaller, more portable lock & lock boxes (air tight tubs, in other words...) to sit for at least a week @ 62 before smoking, works PERFECT for humidity!
However, I've noticed that some of the cigars are loose enough to move & bunp around when being handled and/or transported...
So what I'm wondering is, can anyone recommend any kind of material I can safely pack/stuff in to the tubs that will prevent the cigars from moving freely, but at the same time, also allow the air & humidity to be able to continue moving freely throughout the tub, as well as being neutral in smell/taste? I'm pretty sure they use glassine in some cigar boxes but that appears to be pretty expensive so I'm hoping you guys can suggest something else...thanks to anyone who provides any suggestions and/or info! :D

Air popped popcorn? And, if you get the munchies...

gomeitsmybday 04-15-2019 07:01 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 2173427)
Air popped popcorn? And, if you get the munchies...

Haha I like where your head is at! I prefer legit movie theater though, particularly with extra heart attack butter on top! :su

bonjing 04-15-2019 09:43 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Can you describe your cigar lock boxes, otter box style?

You can check out the foam cigar trays or I just use the 5 finger bags from Michael, cigarnut, and just leave the ends open. With the bags at least, they are protected and you can stuff more cigars in the container without the loss of room from the foam.

gomeitsmybday 04-16-2019 04:11 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 2173443)
Can you describe your cigar lock boxes, otter box style?

You can check out the foam cigar trays or I just use the 5 finger bags from Michael, cigarnut, and just leave the ends open. With the bags at least, they are protected and you can stuff more cigars in the container without the loss of room from the foam.

Lock & Lock boxes, basically seal at the top with 4 locks on each side to clamp the top down...the finger bags aren't a bad idea! I'll be sure to check the price on them, because they might just work....still open to suggestions though! :)

bonjing 04-16-2019 04:00 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Lazy to link from my phone, google foam cigar trays.

AdamJoshua 04-16-2019 05:20 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I have a question, what's a "bonjing" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

bonjing 04-16-2019 05:54 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2173488)
I have a question, what's a "bonjing" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That’s not cigar related :gary

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