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stevieray 12-03-2015 06:02 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2064181)
Well I should have watched the videos of loading the bowl, the false light, the tamp ... didn't though, first bowl was kind of a fail, I used some Entertainer ribbon cut that I got at the local shop, kept going out of course and did not take long to burn through it, seems I put about 1/3 of what I should have put and it wasn't loaded down enough. Now I know though :tu :lr

Ok question, I got some tobacco at the B & M and it's at a certain moisture level, some of the samples that Steve blasted me with are all over the moisture spectrum, do you smoke different mixes at different humidity levels or is it like cigars you find a level that works for you and you smoke all of your tobaccos at that same humidity level?

As a general rule for me and personal preference, I like to dry out my pipe tobacco on a paper plate for 30 minutes or longer before filling the pipe. Aromatics and other baccy that have been topped or cased tend to be more wet. Higher moisture content leads to moisture in the bowl and "gurgle" when heated along with the need for several relights while smoking. Most of the tobacco I sent you has been resting in my cellar in mason jars for over 2 years. Some however, like the Balkan Sobranie and Germain's Special Latakia Flake, were fresh out of the tin. While they are not aro's, baccy right out of the tin tends to be wet and needs a little drying time. The Devil's Holiday aromatic has been in a mason jar for almost 2 years and was left open to dry for a while before cellaring and it's still wet. Pipe tobacco moisture content preference is just something you kind of figure out and get a feel for as you go along with trial and error. Good luck, and remember...don't pack the pipe...just fill it. :pi

P.S. Look up the "Frank Method" of filling a pipe on youtube. It helped me out when I first started off. :tu

AdamJoshua 12-03-2015 07:49 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Nope, thanks Seth!

mahtofire14 12-03-2015 03:33 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Guys last night I rehydrated my tobacco and just got home after working a 16 hr double, to find some nice soft, velvety tobacco. The wet towel method worked great! I let it sit out for a bit just in case they were too wet and have jarred it up. Feel like I almost know what I'm doing! Can't wait to pack a bowl later tonight.

AdamJoshua 12-04-2015 05:22 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Tobacco Q: So I'm probably being paranoid over what to smoke in what pipe, but I read that aromatics and briar don't mix well (at least some people's opinions) that they can take on too much of the flavoring. I am looking up some of the tobaccos on and one of the categories is "Flavoring" if it's not an aromatic then there would be no favoring listed correct?

Edit : Never mind I see the Blend Type parameter.

mahtofire14 12-31-2015 01:44 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
This may be a dumb question but I'm looking at ordering new stems for a couple of estate pipes that I can't seem to improve. How do you go about measuring these so you know that they will fit. Also I would like to get the same stems so would I go through the manufacturer of the pipe to get these?

Bax 01-13-2018 03:49 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
My old man just passed on a pipe that he received from my grandmother about 30 years ago. Thus begins my journey down the piping road. I would like to know any suggestions for some tobacco. I've been a cigar smoker for years but have never tried a pipe. Any places online you'd recommend for some samplers would be much appreciated.

Havanaaddict 09-20-2022 01:38 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Ok I am thinking about dipping my toe into the pipe smoking world. I am a CC only smoker and LOVE them but with the way prices are going I am thinking of adding in a pipe. I know I am going to have to slow way down, I smoke a Robusto in 30 min. The question I have is if I pick up a pipe if I start with trying Aromatics tobacco in the pipe do I need to stay with Aromatics in that pipe.?

I tend to have a sweet tooth, I like sweet & rich flavors.
I do like Punch and Cohiba cigars (the vanilla & citrus) CCs

I may end up realizing that I like Non - Aromatics

markem 09-20-2022 01:50 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
I suggest that you start with a straight virginia. Virginia is a sweeter tobacco and relatively mild. When you are thinking of buying one, check out the specs for it at

You can also look into samplers. Good sites to ask beginner questions are and Unfortunately, CA doesn't have a great depth with regards to pipes anymore.

Mind you, others will pop in. Adam recently fell down the slope big time and has a wealth of experience buying pipe tobacco he isn't really fond of. :noon

Havanaaddict 09-20-2022 01:56 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Thanks Mark:tu

MarkinAZ 09-20-2022 03:08 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Havanaaddict (Post 2238575)
I may end up realizing that I like Non - Aromatics

I was a bit outraged earlier in the year when Habano SA decided to use Hong Kong to set their benchmark on prices for Cohiba' and other CC'. Not sure who' going to be shelling out $1K plus for a box, but...

Welcome to the pipe world! This is my three cents when it comes to just starting out. You need to get one of these:

A Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cob:

Knowing you in the past and the cigars you smoke, I would recommend the following blends to start off with:

Amphora Virginia blend. I think you'll find the blend rewarding:

Sutliff 707 Sweet Virginia: or...

Sutliff 505C Virginia Flake:

The 707 is pretty much the rubbed-out version of the 505C.

Sutliff 515 RC-1 Red Virginia:

Sutliff 507-S Stoved Virginia:

I would probably take about 10g' of 515 and 507 and mix really well. Then place the mixture into a one pint wide mouth Kerr/Ball jar for about three months to marry. Burping the jar once every two weeks to age the mixture, and see what you think after the three month period.

One more I'd recommend would be...

Amphora Burley blend:

I forget where you reside in the SoCal area, but you may want to peruse a good B&M in your area that carries Sutliff Bulk and the Amphora blends (if they do) to maybe support them in the start of your pipe journey. They should also carry the Missouri Meerschaums too.

Good luck and we'll be here to support you and make sure you slide hard down this other slope :tu

PS - I forgot to mention that the Warped Cloud Hopper pipe tobacco blend in the 2oz tin is a darn good smoke too.

markem 09-20-2022 03:33 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
I agree with Mark's list. I tend more towards English and Balkan. A nice list, once you get your foot in the door is at

What the people at PSD consider the gold standard of each type. If you are interested in one, dump the name into google and then select the link to a place like to get more information.

physiognomy 09-20-2022 04:43 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Havanaaddict (Post 2238575)
… The question I have is if I pick up a pipe if I start with trying Aromatics tobacco in the pipe do I need to stay with Aromatics in that pipe.?

It depends on you and the Aro. Definitely maybe. Some ‘ghosting’ will occur, but can often fade with cleaning or smoking oher blends. If you are ok with that, it’s all good. Honestly, most common Aromatics won’t ring your bell, Mark. Plenty of good recommendations already. Try everything, but I recommend a simple over-the-counter burley (E.g. Carter Hall) to learn pipe smoking - fill/pack, light, tamp, puff, light, tamp, light, puff, light, etc :) Quickly becomes easy, but some help there is a good idea when starting. Also leave tobacco out to ‘dry’ for an hour or two before smoking (think ‘dry-boxing’).

I find a bowl or two of a Lakeland (medium-stout Virginia and or/burley base with floral topping - yes, think grandma powdery-floral - they are delicious!) will stick for good while and that’s all I taste. Some regular OTC sweet vanilla Aro may fade quickly after a couple bowls of a smoky English/Balkan blend.

As recommended, some folks start with a few cob pipes for this reason. I like them a lot, but find there’s a break in period (any new pipe, really) that can affect initial impressions. Stick with it and try to stop early bowls before the very bottom (burns raw shank inside bowl - normal, tastes ‘woody’) Still, a good way to try different things. Dye the outside black if you don’t want to look like a hillbilly ;)

MarkinAZ 09-20-2022 04:59 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by physiognomy (Post 2238581)
if you don’t want to look like a hillbilly ;)

Gotta go hillbilly sometimes;)

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