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Bunker 06-17-2011 03:52 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

who cares? anyone going to go and watch the games next year? geriatric ward recchi and thomas proved the stanley cup is a rigged game, those two physical specimens never got touched once- obviously bettman et all warned everyone they risked a lifetime ban from hockey if either of those 2 were hurt- and obviously the refs also had the same directive and threat for all the on ice violence in boston----i want my money back for all the games i attended this was a big sham-scam
I have heard the local green was good, but I didn't know it was THAT good. :tf

357 06-17-2011 06:32 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1300102)
FlashBang to the groin

I laughed as hard the 10th time I watched as I did the 1st.

That is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. The look on his face is priceless. Thank you.

Ahbroody 06-17-2011 10:48 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Just because I like looking at these pictures everytime I check the thread.
I like how now they are saying it was organized anarchists who orchestrated it all. I guess 94 was orchestrated also. Or maybe not.

Bruins Fan 06-17-2011 11:38 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Nothing like a riot to get you in the mood :noon
Damn cops are a buzz kill :r
The 40 dramatic photos are really good ,if it weren't so sad.

Ahbroody 06-17-2011 01:20 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Uhhh John the article implies she was injured. Its still not clear if he wasnt just protecting her as the photos are inconclusive as to a kiss it seems.

As much as I am all for bagging on the degenerate alleged hockey fans of Vancouver for destroying the town, lets not jump to conclusions on a girl who may have been unconscious.

Bruins Fan 06-17-2011 01:31 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
My Bad, I just look at the pictures ;)

icehog3 06-17-2011 02:48 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1300914)
I like how now they are saying it was organized anarchists who orchestrated it all. I guess 94 was orchestrated also. Or maybe not.

You go, Vancouver.

Bruins Fan 06-17-2011 05:48 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
This is some funny :r
Vancouver Canucks

By Greg Wyshynski

Eulogy: Remembering the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks

(Ed. Note: As the Stanley Cup Playoffs continue, we're bound to lose some friends along the journey. We've asked for these losers, gone but not forgotten, to be eulogized by the people who knew the teams best: The fans who hated them the most. Here is Sam Fels of the Chicago Blackhawks blog Second City Hockey, fondly recalling the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks. Again, this was not written by us. Also: This is a roast and you will be offended by it, so don't take it so seriously.)

By Sam Fels

I think there was a part of all of us that wanted to see how much trash the Rogers Arena crowd could throw into the Cup from the top deck. Instead, Canucks fans, you saved it for Gary Bettman, which has to be the hardest target ever. Not only is it classless, but far too challenging. You work your way up to that, people. Maybe start with that latest car you set on fire.

Anyway, we've come here today to kick dirt, dance gleefully, avoid the fires witness the burial of the Vancouver Canucks.

Oh how they told us it would be different this year. What was it you said after the Hawks were defeated? "They've slayed the dragon?" Well, it doesn't really help if you slay the dragon but the town is still destroyed. It helps less if you destroy the town yourself.

Eulogy: Remembering the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks

Ryan Kesler(notes) doing his "how do you like me now" celebration over a smoldering rubble just isn't the same.

But little did we know that barely escaping the first round against a beat-up and exhausted eighth-seed in OT wasn't the Prestige, but merely the Turn. As we all know, making what is known suddenly disappear isn't enough — you have to bring it back. Well, unless you're named Sedin. And thankfully, you did bring back the Canucks we all knew and…well, knew, just in time.

That's OK, maybe you can hang yet another meaningless banner that you seem to love so much to commemorate your first-round victory. Right there next to that one applauding yourselves. After all, you gave one to Markus Naslund(notes). What, was Gerald Diduck busy that day?

Hey, you there, lighting the car on fire. We know how you in B.C. like to medicate yourselves in times of stress, but you can't hotbox an entire province. Save that for your car or bathroom. Oh? What? Oh is that Canucks fans acting without any class? Sorry, I should have guessed. Anyway, let's move on.

Fear not Nucks fans, this can be a time of learning. You….what? I'm sorry, what did you say? "Learning"? It means to acquire knowledge for future use. You're not familiar with that? Well, stick with us here, you might be. I know, it's going to be rough, but I promise you'll get through it. And put that Molotov cocktail down, you still look like a wanker.

Eulogy: Remembering the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks

Right, first thing you can learn? Don't trumpet your offseason acquisitions as strokes of utter genius in July. That tends to turn people off.

Yes, Dan Hamhuis(notes) is a fine D-man. Chris Pronger(notes) he ain't. If he were, he wouldn't have been so ably replaced by one Cody Franson(notes) in Nashville, who then proceeded to go farther than they ever have. But it must be something in the water up there that turns players into lamentable characters. Even after Hamhuis waxed so lyrical about how frightened he was of what concussions meant long term, there he was trying to combine his elbow with Dave Bolland's(notes) cerebellum after he had just returned from the same affliction. Must be what you make legal over there.

Keith Ballard(notes)? Ah, he was going to really add to things too, wasn't he? And I'll bet he did. No one attacks the press box spread like Keith Ballard. Everyone knows this.

What else can you learn? Your midseason acquisitions won't redefine the sport either. Oh you Canadian media, you try so hard. It's kind of adorable. Picking up Maxim Lapierre(notes), you made it seem like Guy Carbonneau was cloned and brought back to his younger years. And yet when the Ducks acquired him, it was considered a case of Anaheim just wanting yet another piece of trash. Hmmm. Chris Higgins(notes)? The man with a picture in the post office in New York and Montreal? He was the difference? God, that is some really good stuff you have in the bong, isn't it?

But there's so much more you can glean from this year, Nucks fans. The biggest lesson is that there is something as using up all your "Hockey Magic" too soon.

Eulogy: Remembering the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks

Every Cup winner has it. Those moments where you know it's destined to be yours. You have to spread them out. But you couldn't do that, could you? Blew your wad too excitedly? We've heard you have that problem. After all the dives, and non-calls against, and the goals that went in off someone's body, and the non-suspensions, there was a moment when you should have known the well went dry.

You were too busy celebrating, but you could hear it: It was when Alex Burrows scored in OT in Game 2 of the Final. Because he shouldn't have been on the ice, and you knew it. You ignored it, but you knew. And when he scored, you could hear the savings account of karma or magic run dry. You were out. There was nothing left. And then the overage charges started when Aaron Rome(notes) hit Nathan Horton(notes) late enough to fit four Rene Rancourt fist-pumps in.

But there are other lessons to be learned. I know, you're getting dizzy now, but this could help. You can learn that your coach is an utter dunderhead.

Yes, he got you this far, but don't you think there's a reason that for the past three years your team has been wound so tight their collective colon is up around their eyeballs?

Your GM, slightly less of a dunderhead but far more of an air-raid siren, did his best to make this team Vigneault-proof. Almost pulled it off. While we're on the subject of Mike "I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for these meddling refs" Gillis, you can't really complain about officiating when you have Raffi Torres(notes), Lapierre, Burrows and Bieksa roaming around. That's truly a case of the pot calling the kettle a cheat and a cheap-shot artist, and then punching him in the back of the head. The latter maneuver will be heretofore known as "The Canuck Handshake."

Hang on tight, we're almost done. All that caterwauling you did about Ryan Kesler's underperformance? Kesler was hurt you say? Then what does it say when he was the only Canuck during Game 7 who looked like he wasn't skating through birthsauce? And yet he could still only manage to fire it off the glass again. So excitable that one, must be contagious in B.C.

Which brings us to the Sedins.

Eulogy: Remembering the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks

Have two players ever rung up a Hart Trophy and Hart Trophy nomination that are so hollow? They can have their own percussion section now, though they'd actually have to make contact with something to make that work.

But remember, if you absolutely need someone to dominate in the playoffs when you have a two-man advantage, the Sedins are….well, a candidate. Anything else, they can't help you. But hey, you're only paying them for three more seasons while they're on the wrong side of 30.

So where to now, Canucks? I imagine it involves overpaying Kevin Bieksa(notes) and watching him return to the yappy douchebag ways while he does the Dougie over to the penalty box repeatedly. It probably involves moving Christian Ehrhoff(notes) along while keeping Alex Edler, both of whom leave their feet on a check so much one wonders if Quinn The Eskimo just arrived. If he did, you'd only hurl debris at him anyway.

It probably involves a lot of wailing about if only Manny Malhotra(notes) had been around the whole playoffs, even though he was there the whole Final. Sharks fans can tell you with striking clarity what a difference he might have made. A healthy Hamhuis? Yes, assuredly one player could make up the minus-16 goal-difference you racked up in the Final. Except you'd have to pay that player $45 million a year plus virgins.

But what it should be is a realization that your best opportunity to bring the Cup home is gone, and isn't coming back. Both the Wings and Hawks have cap space to improve. The Sharks might finally figure out that tossing out the same nine forwards every year and expecting different results is what lands people in rubber rooms. Maybe Dean Lombardi in LA grows a pair and brings in another premier forward (sit down, Penner!) to complement the overworked Anze Kopitar(notes).

You'll still gather your points against what is a sitcom of a division, but elsewhere everyone is coming for you.

Eulogy: Remembering the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks

In the first draft of this, I surmised that you should be happy you lost. Because winning would have given you an identity, and that's not what you are. You're Western Canada's faceless team. No history, no tradition, you're basically the Pacific Time Zone Senators.

Your other neighbors there in the West have Cups and Hall of Famers and classic uniforms. You? You have a statue of a guy *****ing about the refs immortalized. Oh, and Trevor Linden got a gate named after him. All your so-called rituals are stolen. Your Green Men? Taken from "It's Always Sunny." Your towels? Preceded in Pittsburgh by a decade. Your PA announcer's "Woo!" after goal announcements? Taken from your most recent conquerors. Your colors? Whaler-colors. Your original logo is the most perfect, non-descript in every way, giving no indication as to what you are or what you do.

And based on the damage around the city, apparently you've decided to adapt the Montreal method for dealing with loss. You couldn't even be original in your pathetic-ness. Maybe the problem is hitting the ice to U2. Are all your fans single women over 30? Apt that it's "Where The Streets Have No Name." They don't now, you burned all the signs.

But in the clear of the morning, I and all of us have come to realize that these playoffs did give you an identity. You are clearly marked out as a classless organization and fanbase, and a gutless team. That will go down in history.

Think about what you've accomplished. You couldn't rally the country of Canada around you in the least, and they'd get behind 13 hobos and a sloth if they thought it might bring back the Cup across the border for the first time since 1993.

Eulogy: Remembering the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks

Moreover, you turned a giant swath of people into rooting for a Boston team. You know how hard that is? Most outside New England consider Boston sports to be the athletic world's shingles. Singularly unpleasant. And we all became fervent fans of theirs these past two weeks. Brad Marchand(notes) is a human nut-punch, and yet we were all leaping through the air like he was when he scored (no, not leaping like that, Alex and Christian).

I doubt there's been a team and fans that the rest of the hockey world took such glee in watching them fail. Now you can stop wondering why everyone hates you, like the kid in high school who ratted out the biggest party of the year to the faculty and wonders why he isn't a hero. You can stop invading our blogs to look for love, like your goalie who needed it from the opposing stopper.

(Hey Roberto, allow me to borrow a line from Tallahassee to chide you for your wanted affirmation from Timbo. Didn't you ever read "He's just not that into you"? You can't make yourself too available.)

When we're all done shaking our heads at your shameful, pathetic, and simply abhorrent displays after Game 7, everyone not in blue and green is going to be laughing at you. Laughing at your now-empty smugness. Laughing at your sense of entitlement. Laughing at your complaints. Laughing at your tears.

Laughter, laughter. All you will ever hear or see is laughter.

Laughter, laughter. Laughing at all your cries!

Eulogy: Remembering the 2010-11 Vancouver Canucks

This Eulogy was written by Sam Fels of Second City Hockey. Images by John S. aka Chicago Native Son.

icehog3 06-17-2011 09:35 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Jaromir Jagr confirmed to Friday that he's considering a return to the NHL if there's a team willing to take him.

Jagr's new agent, former NHL player Petr Svoboda, told Friday morning from Europe that a decision could be made this weekend.

"I've talked to Montreal, I've talked to Detroit, a few other teams called once they found out he was ready to go to [the] NHL," Svoboda told "Hopefully we should have a better idea by tomorrow. There's quite a few teams that have interest. Jaromir feels he's NHL-ready again. I believe this might happen."

Red Wings general manager Ken Holland confirmed his team was in the mix.

"We have been contacted and we have interest. We're exploring our interest," Holland told Friday.

Holland did not elaborate, but salary-cap implications are at play here. With the retirement of Brian Rafalski and the cap going up again for next season, the Red Wings could have as much as $10 million to play with.


Eleven 06-17-2011 09:46 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I swear I will blow detroit up if he goes there. ANYWHERE but detroit jaromir, hear me? ANYWHERE but detroit.

Ahbroody 06-17-2011 10:58 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
You know I was going to take a poke at Detroit, but now is not the time. We need to stay focused here. We need to all remember that Vancouver has proved itself to be full of bad fans and a team of biting crying divers. Come on boys stay focused.

taltos 06-18-2011 04:25 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Tom, next year a finals rematch of the two latest Cup winners?:D

icehog3 06-18-2011 07:44 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by taltos (Post 1302281)
Tom, next year a finals rematch of the two latest Cup winners?:D

You know that would work for me, Paul! :wnr V. :wnr

Bruins Fan 06-18-2011 09:28 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Live feed of the Rolling Rally :banger

gpugliese 06-18-2011 04:21 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 1298904)
No idea but I kept flipping between local news and vs in hopes of seeing Neely with the cup but no such luck. If anyone finds a picture please let me know!

Ran across this earlier, the only one I've seen so far.

icehog3 06-18-2011 04:55 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Any Inmates able to go to the parade?

Bruins Fan 06-18-2011 05:09 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Not me a little to far, watched it on TV estimated three million people and not one car flipped or burned:tu

icehog3 06-18-2011 05:27 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1302704)
Not me a little to far, watched it on TV estimated three million people and not one car flipped or burned:tu

Very cool, I remember how great last year's was as well.

Bunker 06-18-2011 05:36 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
My daughter had a softball tournament today. We were able to find a convenience store with a flat screen in between games and watched about 30 minutes of it.

Ahbroody 06-18-2011 05:54 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
So much video on youtube of the riot focking crazy. Saw some clips of people getting in fights trying to stop people. I will say some of the videos do seem to contain people who were just there to riot and loot.
Thought this was funny. People focking themselves on facebook.

Some of you Boston guys may like this. Not my style but its ....

Bruins Fan 06-18-2011 06:24 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I'm done with all the Vancouver stuff, rumor mill says the B's might try to sign Zach Parise and Shea Weber?
The Bruins will have a ton of money with a lot coming off the books, I doubt Ryder,Kaberle, and Savard will be back, plus the cap is going up.

gpugliese 06-18-2011 08:54 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1302785)
I'm done with all the Vancouver stuff, rumor mill says the B's might try to sign Zach Parise and Shea Weber?
The Bruins will have a ton of money with a lot coming off the books, I doubt Ryder,Kaberle, and Savard will be back, plus the cap is going up.

Both Parise and Weber were taken to arbitration and can't receive offer sheets because of that. However, if their teams walk from the arbitrator's award, they become UFA's.

icehog3 06-18-2011 11:53 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by gpugliese (Post 1302896)
Both Parise and Weber were taken to arbitration and can't receive offer sheets because of that. However, if their teams walk from the arbitrator's award, they become UFA's.

Not certain about Parise, but I would bet a month's pay the Preds ain't letting Weber go anywhere. ;)

GreekGodX 06-19-2011 07:27 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1303072)
Not certain about Parise, but I would bet a month's pay the Preds ain't letting Weber go anywhere. ;)

Yea I completely agree. Although I'm still holding onto the 1% chance he ends up in Detroit :)

icehog3 06-19-2011 09:07 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 1303256)
Yea I completely agree. Although I'm still holding onto the 1% chance he ends up in Detroit :)

Nah, you get Jaromir. :r

Ahbroody 06-19-2011 01:10 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1303301)
Nah, you get Jaromir. :r

Lol Weber isnt nearly old enough to be a Redwing. :r

No way the Preds let Weber go. Hes the franchise. Lot of teams looking for high caliber defense men. Someones going to overpay.

jmsremax 06-19-2011 08:45 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1302693)
Any Inmates able to go to the parade?

I was there but I don't remember much. It came and went so fast.

icehog3 06-20-2011 05:02 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

DETROIT -- Nicklas Lidstrom proved to himself he is still one of the NHL's best defensemen last season and that is good news for Detroit fans.

The 41-year-old Lidstrom will return for a 20th season with the Red Wings.
Glad to hear it, the NHL is better (and classier) with Lidstrom in it.

ahc4353 06-20-2011 06:49 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1304809)
Glad to hear it, the NHL is better (and classier) with Lidstrom in it.

X 2

taltos 06-20-2011 08:51 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1304917)
X 2


Bruins Fan 06-21-2011 03:26 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Man,can the Bruins party :r

icehog3 06-21-2011 07:54 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1305451)

Whoa! :r

kugie 06-21-2011 08:06 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1305451)

I love it.

Shawn Thornton, was asked what are your plans when you have the Stanley Cup
"I don't know, the last few days have just been a blur"

Drinking that big a bottle of Champagne will do that to you :tu:banger

Bruins Fan 06-21-2011 08:24 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Funny thing was it was only six guys splitting that bill plus a twenty five grand tip:r
Must have gotten a pretty nice playoff check :D

GreekGodX 06-22-2011 06:05 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1304809)
Glad to hear it, the NHL is better (and classier) with Lidstrom in it.

Lidstrom wins his 7th Norris trophy :)


LAS VEGAS — Detroit Red Wings captain Nicklas Lidstrom tonight won his seventh Norris Trophy as the NHL's best defenseman, putting him within one of Bobby Orr’s record.

Lidstrom edged Shea Weber of the Nashville Predators, 736-727, in the closest race for first place since 1996, when Chicago's Chris Chelios finished five points ahead of Boston's Ray Bourque, 408-403. With Lidstrom, Weber and third-place Zdeno Chara of the Boston Bruins receiving similar first-place vote totals (Lidstrom 35, Weber 32, Chara 33) and the trio separated by just 48 points, this marks the tightest three-way race for the Norris Trophy since its introduction in 1954.

Bruins Fan 06-22-2011 07:03 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Thomas wins the Vezina Trophy, Chara the Mark Messier Award :tu

mosesbotbol 06-22-2011 09:13 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1305594)
Funny thing was it was only six guys splitting that bill plus a twenty five grand tip:r
Must have gotten a pretty nice playoff check :D

I heard the club fronted them the bottle for free.

icehog3 06-22-2011 11:19 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1307609)
I heard the club fronted them the bottle for free.

Someone posted the receipt, and it had the $100K charge on it. Doesn't mean the club didn't pick it up, but it was on there.

taltos 06-23-2011 11:39 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1307734)
Someone posted the receipt, and it had the $100K charge on it. Doesn't mean the club didn't pick it up, but it was on there.

According to the Boston Globe a couple of days ago, the bottle was bought for them.

Ahbroody 06-23-2011 12:17 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Okay I think the main point is a 100k bottle was bought by somebody and drank by some Boston Bruins.

gpugliese 06-23-2011 02:31 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Flyers just uh, well, let's just say Holmgren fell off his rocker?

Bruins Fan 06-23-2011 04:02 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Bruins will open the season against the Flyers,to bad would love to have been Montreal having to watch them raise the banner:r

taltos 06-23-2011 05:00 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1308514)
Bruins will open the season against the Flyers,to bad would love to have been Montreal having to watch them raise the banner:r

Or Vancouver.:D

icehog3 06-23-2011 06:16 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by gpugliese (Post 1308409)
Flyers just uh, well, let's just say Holmgren fell off his rocker?

That was some crazy chit today.

icehog3 06-23-2011 06:38 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1308630)
That was some crazy chit today.

Clearing space for Bryz, $51 over 9 years.

He may be a good goalie, but I think Philly gave away way too much to clear the space. :2

mosesbotbol 06-23-2011 06:47 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I heard the Bruins are 8-1 odds on winning the Cup next year.

Bunker 06-23-2011 07:40 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1308514)
Bruins will open the season against the Flyers,to bad would love to have been Montreal having to watch them raise the banner:r

I was hoping for the Habs too, but Philly isn't a bad replacement and TB is game #2 :D

GreekGodX 06-24-2011 03:51 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1308667)
Clearing space for Bryz, $51 over 9 years.

He may be a good goalie, but I think Philly gave away way too much to clear the space. :2

I completely agree, Carter and Richards gone and they don't get much in return leaves me scratching my head. Bryzgolav is a good goalie but I thought they had their goalie of the future in Boborovsky. He played awful in the playoffs but give the guy a break he is 23 and was a rookie. I don't see how they improved overall in the deal.

Bruins Fan 06-24-2011 06:37 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Flyers not only give up two pretty good players,but also leadership,it will be interesting how this plays out :sh

Eleven 06-24-2011 08:37 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I blame Chris Pronger.

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