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amyelizabeth 09-18-2009 07:07 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 557351)
Nice pics Brad! It is great to have a significant other that lets you play with guns/knives, etc.

Let him play with guns, knives, et cetera? Hell, I join in on the fun!

elderboy02 09-18-2009 07:13 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by amyelizabeth (Post 557364)
Let him play with guns, knives, et cetera? Hell, I join in on the fun!

You are an outstainding woman! :tu

replicant_argent 09-18-2009 07:21 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 556451)
Im currently using a cheap uncle mikes IWB holster. It works well for the price with my G27. I ave also looked into the Ross holsters but I really dont want to have to buy bigger pants lol. Carrying w/oa holster just wont fly for me. I am a 21 year old male with long curly hair and a beard. If anyone so happens to catch a peek Im positive the police will be called. I have seen the Milt Sparks but IMO it just isnt i the budget I would rather pool my money and put it towards another gun. What i have now is very comfortable the only thing is the glock is on the heavy side. But im sure ill get used to it. :tu
lots of different options. I recommend the horsehide. Handles sweat better.

replicant_argent 09-18-2009 07:27 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
btw, Mark, I have seen this guys stuff. Local to my area. Nice guy. Very well done, and damn near giving it away.
this would work well for you and an LCP

Starchild 09-18-2009 07:39 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Though I generally carry my Keltec P3AT, when I do carry my G26, I've got a blackhawk IWB holster that's pretty comfortable at 1 or 4:00.

I do need to invest in a good belt.

gettysburgfreak 09-18-2009 08:29 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
has anyone fired the H & K P2000? I will be qualifying on this and was wondering if anyone has any feedback on it.

dogface_313 09-19-2009 07:44 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Nice brad. I want a Springfield very badly, but just can't seem to get myself to pull the trigger on it(wow bad pun).

coastietech 09-19-2009 07:52 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 557444)
has anyone fired the H & K P2000? I will be qualifying on this and was wondering if anyone has any feedback on it.

I've fired one on a couple of occasions... They are well made guns and will go bang every time you pull the trigger. That's about all that I can say about it.

IMHO I think the trigger leaves something to be desired. I guess I just expect more for a $650+ firearm.

They are good guns and I don't think you'll have any problems with it. It just may take some getting used to but that's the same with any firearm.

coastietech 09-19-2009 07:58 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Brad very nice EBR...

This was my EBR before it got sold to help pay for my divorce. :td

gettysburgfreak 09-19-2009 09:23 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by coastietech (Post 557899)
I've fired one on a couple of occasions... They are well made guns and will go bang every time you pull the trigger. That's about all that I can say about it.

IMHO I think the trigger leaves something to be desired. I guess I just expect more for a $650+ firearm.

They are good guns and I don't think you'll have any problems with it. It just may take some getting used to but that's the same with any firearm.

Ive only fired two guns in my life- a civil war musket and civil war sharps carbine. Hopefully the gun is smooth with little kick back and easy to operate.

elderboy02 09-19-2009 01:52 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 556471)
I don't like Americans owning AK-47's. Too many of my friends have died by that weapon, not to mention A LOT of other American Troops.

[/soap box]

Do you have the same feeling about SKS's? :confused:

BamBam 09-19-2009 02:50 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 556471)
I don't like Americans owning AK-47's. Too many of my friends have died by that weapon, not to mention A LOT of other American Troops.

[/soap box]

The person behind the gun did the killing, not the gun. :2

Wolfgang 09-19-2009 03:14 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. For instance i LOVE my glock while 1911 guys look down on them calling them Tupperware guns because the frame isnt milled out of a solid block of steel.

To each their own. Also if I bough a 1911 I would get a shadow box and put it display since that's all they are good for. ;) :lv

"Guns dont kill people. People kill people."

Poronico 09-19-2009 03:28 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
My Beretta 96G, My Carry, My Love! Trinium Night Sites, Hogue Tactical Grips.
This pistol shoots better than anything I have played around with. Only thing I am thinking about replacing it with is the Sig P220 Equinox

coastietech 09-19-2009 03:43 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 558390)

"Guns dont kill people. People kill people."

Guns kill people the same way that spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat... :r

replicant_argent 09-19-2009 06:58 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 558390)
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. For instance i LOVE my glock while 1911 guys look down on them calling them Tupperware guns because the frame isnt milled out of a solid block of steel.

To each their own. Also if I bough a 1911 I would get a shadow box and put it display since that's all they are good for. ;) :lv

"Guns dont kill people. People kill people."

Ask how many "upgrades" they have done to their beautiful pistol. Then ask "what ammo makes it malfunction" then ask them how fast they can clear a stovepipe or failure"

Then you can mostly say..... Huh... never had to do any of those to my Tupperware pistol.

That being said, I like 1911s. They are kind of retro-cool but the world has marched on in design and innovative styles and materials.

I still want one. But something to carry? I would take the G. Higher percentages of going bang, lighter... I don't care about ugly when I need to be a Sheepdog for real.

weak_link 09-19-2009 07:27 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Converted this former gun hating hippie to a gun lover in one afternoon. After a couple hours shooting both rifles and pistols she's now a fan and can't wait to go back. Score one for the team!

G G 09-19-2009 07:38 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 555882)
I guess its only fair to contribute a picture of my buddy. Glock 27 sporting some Winchester PDX1 180GR.

Love my 27.

G G 09-19-2009 07:41 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 556300)
OK, I don't know what your laws are in FL, but here in OH, you have to CCW with a holster.

Florida doesn't have that stipulation, but I am close to Georgia and they do. So when I carry in Georgia I make sure it's in a holster.:banger

bonjing 09-19-2009 08:48 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by coastietech (Post 557906)
Brad very nice EBR...

This was my EBR before it got sold to help pay for my divorce. :td

Cute kid and nice gun, sorry to hear about the divorce. was the rifle complete DPMS?

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